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#501687 Alternative Throne of Bhaal expansion

Posted by Fury945 on 28 November 2010 - 08:37 PM in IE Mod Ideas

when you take on Yaga-Shura you're up against a whole army that doesn't stop coming until Yaga-Shura's dead.
unlike a dungeon, it gets really annoying it's almost as if you are in a giant battle arena and the only way out is guarded so heavily you don't want to leave an army is one thing but a continuous flood of enemies is just downright impossible to win against. and unlike when you cut the head off a creatures body an army usually doesn't stop fighting, sure theres a lack in morale but they keep fighting until there is more of the enemy than them. which is another thing that annoys me about Yaga-Shura's army, they just disappear, even their bodies. Cykuta is correct though there are too many dungeons there should only be one, maybe two if you include Watchers Keep. sorry if I'm not making any sense

#500156 Alternative Throne of Bhaal expansion

Posted by Fury945 on 31 October 2010 - 10:38 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Explaining exactly what I thought was just too hard to describe, sorry if I was repeating what was already said.
I did forget about Illasera but that may be because she's the first one of the five to be killed and it only takes 2 minutes (if you do it right) so she only has a small part in ToB.
as for what it requires to do it it would probably require the whole Bioware team to do properly.
I wasn't asking for it to be made I was just commenting on how good the could be if it was made and done properly.

#500075 Valen Redemption

Posted by Fury945 on 30 October 2010 - 05:03 PM in Valen Expansion

So if she is redeemed she is no longer a vampire? <_<

I thought that by being redeemed she was no longer evil? Then again I think you did mention previously that you where trying to stay away from good and evil.

Does vampires always have to be evil?

Vampires are a lot like drow....99.99% of them are evil.....but hey look at drizzt

Actually most of a vampire's evil comes from it's control over its instincts (or lack of control), for some their hunger overcomes them, for others it has little or no effect on them, which of these is Valen? and was she evil before she was turned?
just a little something to think about. :D
and who's to say a cure is out of the question? watch the movie Daybreakers, all those vampire had been vampires for years upon end and in the end several were cured. Valen just wont be able to be cured by Bodhi's heart and the altar of Amaunator.
it adds in the chance for a long quest to make her lifeless heart beat again and return the soul that fled long ago. :vbat:

#500072 Infinity Animations Readme

Posted by Fury945 on 30 October 2010 - 03:22 PM in Infinity Animations

there is a creature file for the Yellow Dragon but it uses the red dragon avatar

So it does. Not even a colouring effect on it :blink:.

Can't DLTCEP change the colour of an animation in its BAM editor? 8)

#500070 Alternative Throne of Bhaal expansion

Posted by Fury945 on 30 October 2010 - 03:13 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Sendai was a woman so that would be 4 brothers and a sister.
How about changing the the main quest and adding a lot of new side quests (ToB should be about the same size as SoA afterall it is an expansion) there should also be a better story surrounding it.

#499585 Appreciation and HELP!?

Posted by Fury945 on 24 October 2010 - 12:05 AM in Fade

Finally someone has presented a solution to that quest. I gave up looking and just went to suldanessular.

#499584 Summonable thief?

Posted by Fury945 on 23 October 2010 - 11:52 PM in IE Mod Ideas

or you could just install Tortured Souls it has a ring somewhere in it that can summon a shadow thief (I have never found it I just used Shadowkeeper to get it it also has Black Knight and White Bishop chess pieces I can find those, the black knight summons a lvl 15 beserk warrior and the white bishop a priest about the same lvl as the knight).

#499583 Infinity Animations Readme

Posted by Fury945 on 23 October 2010 - 11:41 PM in Infinity Animations

there is a creature file for the Yellow Dragon but it uses the red dragon avatar (I used the CLUAConsole: CreateCreature command to find out :whistling: ).

#499357 Infinity Animations Readme

Posted by Fury945 on 19 October 2010 - 10:24 PM in Infinity Animations

an abishai avatar might work a little better though I'd prefer it recoloured. the normal wyvern avatar is just a little too big (it needs to be able to walk through doors). It doesn't matter if it glows I'd expect a small (I suppose you can call it a runt being the smallest of the litter) dragon to glow a little. I'd also like to make a large dragon gold as well.
How do you recolour an animation like the dragon and abishai?

#499256 Infinity Animations Readme

Posted by Fury945 on 18 October 2010 - 09:56 PM in Infinity Animations

Looks like my idea will have to use a normal baby wyvern avatar (the avatar needs to be small for what I was thinking of doing). :D

#499249 1ppv3: Thieves Galore

Posted by Fury945 on 18 October 2010 - 04:37 PM in 1PP

Thanks. :D

#499110 1ppv3: Thieves Galore

Posted by Fury945 on 15 October 2010 - 07:27 PM in 1PP

If you have this installed and have tiefling Npcs (like Fade or Amber) installed do they still have the elven avatar or do they change to a different avatar? :unsure:

#499109 Infinity Animations Readme

Posted by Fury945 on 15 October 2010 - 07:03 PM in Infinity Animations

IA includes both the young white dragon and the big white wyvern, as displayed in the readme animations section.

Is this smaller than the normal dargon avatars, about the size of a baby wyvern maybe? :unsure:
pity it isn't gold, then it would fit an idea of mine perfectly. :(

#497206 Orphan Characters

Posted by Fury945 on 19 September 2010 - 06:20 PM in IE Mod Ideas

To quote someone on the board, just click the "reply" button under their post. That will automatically add the name and other data to your post.

If you want to quote multiple people, hit "multiquote" under all the posts you want to quote, then "add reply" at the bottom of the page.

Otherwise, you can insert the name manually.

[quote name='Some Person']
results in


Thanks vilkacis

#497027 New BG Item: Skeleton Key

Posted by Fury945 on 16 September 2010 - 11:37 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Is this based on The Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion's skeleton key?

it is an interesting idea but if you have a thief with 75 points in open locks do you really need it?
you'd miss out on the experience points for unlocking stuff with a thief as well.

but aside from those small things it sounds alright. :D

#497018 Orphan Characters

Posted by Fury945 on 16 September 2010 - 06:30 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Name: Asamora
Race: Half-elf (Her mother is an elf but was raised by humans)
Class: Cleric of Lathander
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str: 15
Dex: 13
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 13

Personality: She's very shy at first preferring to keep to herself until she learns of the pc's heritage and inquires about their nature. She has an interest in her elven heritage and oftens asks elf characters questions(elven pc, Elhan, etc.)
. She isn't a terribly funny person but has her moments and can make light of certain situations even her home life like saying her mother must be part drow as it's the only explanation for her nature.

Biography more genral ideas then a real one: Her birth mother was a cleric of Talos and her father a Fallen cleric of lathander. Her father wallowed in self-pity for a long time after his fall(because of her mother) becoming a drunk and spending time at the copper coronet. . Her mother had mixed feeling about her "family" sometimes she was in love with Asamora's father sometimes she hated him and their 3 children. Eventually she abandoned them and Asamora became mother to her siblings. They were eventually taken in by her aunt A priestess of Lathander where she "found" religion. She rarely sees her brother who ran off to become a mercenary and her sickly sister lives in the slums but frequents the Temple district. She has a volatile relationship with her mother and

Romance: For either male or female PC, She likes it if the PC is outgoing but is aware of the risks surrounding his or her heritage. She is wary at first unsure of what to make of a Bhaal spawn. The PC can be kind of distant and even cold but he or she must not be incredibly rude or she will not romance them. She will initially take an interest with good pcs questioning them about their conflicting nature. With Neutral PC's she will question their purpose in the realms. With evil PCs she will remain distant for awhile but shows hints of becoming infatuated, by the time she does say she's in love with evil him/her she will suffer a crisis of faith. She does become distant when the pc becomes the slayer but when confronted says she does not want to lose him/her to the "dark fire inside" then vows to protect them even if it mean dying. When she is turned by Bodhi she hesitates a moment before bodhi yells at her and she attacks. She us incrediby thankful she is revived and swears her love to the pc.

NPC relations:
Generally she gets along with all the npcs except:
Viconia: Because of her attitude
Keldorn:Because of his home life.
Haer'Dalis: Because he bugs her with his aloof attitude.

Anomen: She chastises him for his arrogance in a manner that makes him feel more ashamed than angry. They often have similar views but she does not try to push hers on people which leads Anomen to question her conviction. This leads to a rather large argument in which the pc can intervene . They come to grow on each other and if there is no active romance they do fall in love. She mellows him down a bit but he is still ,pardon my french, an ass and accepts it.

Imoen:She likes Imoen but she can be too cheery for her tastes sometimes. She try's to put some discipline into Imoen but for the most part fails.

Jaheira: She respects her views and they "often" talk about "the Balance" of things. They often have a kind of simple philosophical debate

Jan: Simply put he reminds her of her uncle Jayne who saved a small town called Canton only to be eaten by a wyvern She has a certain fondness for him that most characters do not.

Quests She meets a corrupt and possibly insane cleric of Lathander after spellhold who yells at her for traveling with a bhaalspawn(and drow if any are in the party). He will than leave saying Lathander's wrath will fall upon her. Later when the player is traveling they will be attacked by the same priest and a band of fighters. It gives her doubts particularly if the party has a low reputation or if the pc is evil.

She receives news that her father is missing and Talosians are suspected as the reason why. She must go to her mother.

Her Brother is in trouble and his companions are being held against their will somewhere in Windspear hills because he failed to follow through when working for a mage

I like this one.

I'm surprised no one made a comment on the reference to Firefly. :D

But anyway even though I like the concept of Asamora I can't really ask if I can do it, after all I have 28-30 NPCs of my own on my plate and the number is increasing each day. :(  

Oh and is there a NPC in production or finished with the name Luna, because while reading through this I noticed an NPC idea with that as same first name as one of my ideas that I do intend on developing, I ask this because if there is I'll have to change the name of my NPC which would be annoying. :(

I fixed the quote (I think)

#496880 Still Interested

Posted by Fury945 on 14 September 2010 - 06:09 PM in Chrysta

Is this mod dead? It sounds really interesting. Hope it gets finished eventually. :D