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#569790 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 17 June 2014 - 07:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

I've notice something strange,though I am playing a female character,Jaheira and Aerie still fighting over my PC and speak to each other as if she is male (you trying to get HIS attention / attempt to help HIM on HIS quest /you think HE will be impress etc etc ) and my replying options are as if i have to choose between the two (Jaheira you know i like Aerie or Aerie you know i don't have that kind of feelings for you etc).

I have play as a male and as female many times in the past (BGT,BWP,BP and of course vanilla w or w/o various mods) but I think that is first time I have this problem.

Any ideas about?It is normal?I don't know what to reply to those lunatics and game doesn't give me a neutral kind of reply, I'm forced to take sides as if I am going to start a romance with either of those two..I romance both in the past as a male PC and now i m planning to wait for solaufein ;)

Perhaps I can change any global with shadow keeper,but I don't dare to do anything without the advice of someone who really knows what to do.

thanks in advance :)

#569655 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 14 June 2014 - 06:39 AM in Mega Mod Help

hello i just enter the second part of bg and i notice something strange in Irenicus dungeon.It is almost impossible to loot a body or open a container cause it closes in a second,i don't have time to move my cursor to get the loot,i can stand on the loot in the floor and get(which is annoying if there are many bodies)but there is serious problem with containers.I try to pause the same moment the container open-close in a millisecond so the container stays open but it is not always successful. I will appreciate any help.
It's likely that your character script flat out does this, as it orders the character that does nothing to do nothing. Try to set the character script to NONE, and you do this by going to the character sheet, click the CUSTOMIZE, and in there the SCRIPT, and that open up the selection where you can select the script of choice. Or you can extinguish the lantern that is the AI on/off switch. The last option is to use the SPACE to pause the game, but the AI can actually get through that too.

Just want to tell in case anybody else have same problems everything is back to normal after exit Irenicus dungeon. 

#569601 Konva's In game issues

Posted by veecou on 13 June 2014 - 01:55 PM in Mega Mod Help

Konva,I am in Irenicus 2nd level saw cut-scenes entreri -jarlaxle,fights etc and after finish game running ok,if you need to send you any file from my installation (since it is similar) to compare with yours or try and replace to see if it works let me know .I dont know much but sometimes CTD problems when enter to a new area solved by replacing the area file from a working installation..You have nothing to lose,if that doesn't work you put back your own file.


EDIT:I saw you ask about tobex log ,I'm not sure if I understand what you ask but anyway if you want to see everything in detail go to TobExCore.ini (in tobex folder,but first copy and keep it somewhere as backup),then open and under [debug] change all 0 values to 1,then go to your game and recreate the CTD.So your tobex.log will be more complete about the incident and then you can post it here.And dont forget to restore your old ini. :) If you have already done this sorry ..

Good luck :)

btw i have problem too in Irenicus but not serious like yours just very annoying ..http://www.shsforums...ogram/?p=569582 and http://www.shsforums...ogram/?p=569570

You notice anything like this or it is just me?

#569582 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 13 June 2014 - 05:32 AM in Mega Mod Help

It's likely that your character script flat out does this, as it orders the character that does nothing to do nothing. Try to set the character script to NONE, and you do this by going to the character sheet, click the CUSTOMIZE, and in there the SCRIPT, and that open up the selection where you can select the script of choice. Or you can extinguish the lantern that is the AI on/off switch. The last option is to use the SPACE to pause the game, but the AI can actually get through that too.

Thanks :) ,I'll try this and let you know..

I have the various Big Picture AI scripts to my characters (BPmulti,BPpureF,etc etc) and I had not any issue during first part of BGT.


EDIT: OK I tried now and it is still the same problem.I changed AI to none,i tried to grab a loot from dead body, but before i move my mouse it was closed,then I tried to disable the AI again with no success.Pause seems to work but not always, sometimes i have to try again and again,it is really irritating :(

 I don't know if that is a local problem to Irenicus dungeon or it will go on through my game.

.Ah one other thing I notice is that some characters, mostly Imoen,don't respond to my orders to move from one place to another,especially in long distances they stay behind and stop in one place..i have to click again and again to force them come next to other party members,i even change pathfinding from 32000 to 64000 ,i tried with AI on/off,and nothing..

Those issues are minor,not game breaking, but still very very disturbing..And I wonder why on earth they started after second half of the game?


#569571 Konva's In game issues

Posted by veecou on 13 June 2014 - 02:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

:) but imo, its hard to play when your chars are level 7 ;)

I will cheat then ;)

What happened with your issue?you got any solution?I'm very close to go to Irenicus second level and i have ROT too.I'll let you know if i pass that point,since our setup is similar perhaps we can help each other.

#569570 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 13 June 2014 - 02:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

hello i just enter the second part of bg and i notice something strange in Irenicus dungeon.It is almost impossible to loot a body or open a container cause it closes in a second,i don't have time to move my cursor to get the loot,i can stand on the loot in the floor and get(which is annoying if there are many bodies)but there is serious problem with containers.I try to pause the same moment the container open-close in a millisecond so the container stays open but it is not always successful. I will appreciate any help.

#569524 Konva's In game issues

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 01:17 PM in Mega Mod Help

thank you I will start new game after i finish Big world just to play nej ;)

#569520 Konva's In game issues

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 10:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

Oh ..I skipped Never ending journey from my standard BWS setup cause i was getting messages from installer that this was expert and perhaps it will give problems,though i had not changed anything,it was in bws standard setup :) ,then i removed it and few other mods but i would like to play,you know if there is a way to play nej without to have to go through the whole bg1 again?Its one of the mods i have never try.

#569515 Konva's In game issues

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 07:18 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi again :) I have started Drizzt Saga, but I have problem. When Drizzt dies and when I ressurect him again, then game crashes. When I save game and load after that, game crashes.

here is Screen:


PS: Cannot use direct IMG tag :)

look my reply to http://www.shsforums...-28#entry569514 I don't know if you tried that already.

#569514 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 07:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

ok i tried something simple and seems to work. I notice that defender scimitar was not able to remove from shield hand so i open the save with shadow keeper and just clear defender,i add a couple other scimitars to inventory so i can try.The game loads normally no CTD,i dont know if that was the issue,I think so yes.

You can try this to your old save and see if the defender was the culprit. :)

#569513 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 07:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi veecou, i had almost the same error. Here: 

Unfortunately, my only solution to fix this is to remove him from party using IESE, then after load, pause quick and kill him via ctrl + y . That's unfortunately not the best solution, but it worked. Other NPC's joined sucesfully. However, you need wulfgar in party, and have access to icewind dale.

omg!!! LOL i have to kill drizzt?Then my 13 years old daughter will kill me :D She is is waiting patiently for the point that Drizzt joins my party and she wants to play the drizzt saga, she already make her own save before i enter the inn yesterday night...hahahahaa.

I hope there is another solution I remember i played two times the saga few years ago once in BGT once in BWS without any problem.

Now i 'm trying to finish NToSC while looking for solution.Thanks a lot for reply...I will try this if there is not anything else.. :)

#569510 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 11 June 2014 - 02:58 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hello again,my BWS game was running smoothly up to now, but i have a problem again :( I play Drizzt saga and i have CTD when i have drizzt in my party,i guess it is from his avatar,which is not visible when he joins ,it is empty,and only if i remove and add again armor or try to change armor it appears.then either i have CTD after exit inventory ,or game continues fine ,i go to hell and if i save at any point it still ok but i cannot reload any of the save games :) I mean I cannot load anyway with drizzt in my party ..It CTD and there is message:

"An Assertion failed in ChVidImage.cpp at line number 1921

Programmer says: .BAM is corrupted (GetFrame() failed" 

I search and saw this error again but not in drizzt saga so i thought to ask once again the experts for help.

Anyway i tried to change drizzt appearance with shadow keeper to drow,elf male fighter ,elf male fighter low,L elf male fighter etc with no success so far.

I have same CTD upon loading game with same message,except low elf male fighter and L male elf ,where the game crashes but i received the window message "a problem stop program from working correctly ..etc.."

Any suggestions?

As i told before i use standard BWS with few changes,i have post my logs before i can post again if needed.

Thanks in advance

#569150 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 31 May 2014 - 03:29 AM in Mega Mod Help

And it worked like a charm.. :) thanks AGAIN  :clap:  

#569146 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 31 May 2014 - 02:57 AM in Mega Mod Help

Actually, it's already attached here. )

I saw before but being totally ignorant i was not sure if that was the right one ,so i was waiting for the experts to confirm :) thank you 

#569141 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 31 May 2014 - 01:11 AM in Mega Mod Help

From the sound of it, it's the BGGO mod doing it's barbequing the areas files like here. A kinda fix should be in the mods backup folders... but I'll leave the fixing it to someone that actually has the mods installed.

i bypassed the area(its only a fragment of the map that causing CTD),and i am inside the tower or in this case citadel ;) But still I don't remember if i meet someone or doing something in this area that is important..If that is just a passing i am fine,i already cleared to top levels and going down now..

Perhaps Quiet can provide me with a file like last time :D 

#569132 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 30 May 2014 - 02:48 PM in Mega Mod Help

hello again, i have another CTD after i enter the citadel map outside (from DSoSC mod),actually it is not crashing immediately but in the place i meet the battle horrors,left side and up.i try clua consple explore area and teleport my party to the other side of the map or near the tower entrance and it seems OK ,problem is to the left side of the map,only by looking there without move my party there is crash to desktop.Any ideas?

THNX in advance

#569016 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 28 May 2014 - 08:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

Copy this file to override directory and try again.

hello,is this for me or for konva?cause I look to this post and seems like you talk with konva there so i 'm confuse.


edit: i guess it was for me cause it worked!!!A million thanks :)

#569009 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 28 May 2014 - 05:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hello again.

i use BWS standard setup,minus few mods,I had problem before (crash to desktop upon entering friendly arms) so i re-install and start over and so far it was fine, but now I have a crash to desktop when entering Large Tent in Bandits Camp area, where i supposed to meet the prisoner and Taugosz.

Problem is that i cannot skip the tent cause there is no next area available in my map, no area South of larswood, no Cloakwood so i can go on with bandits quest.

I thought perhaps i can teleport to next area but cannot find the codes from big world ,I tried in internet but the area codes i found are not valid so far,so i would really appreciate if someone gives me the codes or the way to extract them from my game.Same with characters, what is the clua command for prisoner and Taugosz?perhaps i can summon them outside large tent.

And is there a way to find this info in my game so i don't have to ask everytime?

BTW I have done some cheating with clua(potions,gold etc) and some minor alteration in characters with shodowkeeper,more experience to my party ,and thieving abilities to Imoen, but nothing that interferes with the game in any way(i m doing this everytime ;) )

If anybody has any other idea please let me know as I am really upset to stuck here :( .

I include weidu log and tobex.log after i change from 0 to 1 (under debug) and recreate the CTD.

I'm totally inexperienced in modding so i cannot "read" the logs and understand whats wrong.

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciate.. thanks in advance :)


Attached Files

#568919 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 26 May 2014 - 03:01 PM in Mega Mod Help

Jetlaya is at Friendly Arm Inn when chapter 6 starts.

Ohh..thanks a lot!!! my bad,I am still in chapter 4..So  I'll definitely wait,i didnt remember when exactly jetlaya will join me,and thought it was something i did wrong :)

#568890 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 26 May 2014 - 09:26 AM in Mega Mod Help

Sergio, that's the reason i hate Norton and some other AV ,they are like a mad man in the corner who predicts all kind of disasters and plagues..And yes my country Greece already became third world :)

Anyway,i'm playing BWP now standard setup,and I cannot find the beginning of dark side of sword coast (is it the jet'laya npc?).. I played big world again 3 years ago but cannot remember,she is supposed to be somewhere in friendly arms inn?Cause i've search the whole place with no success..Perhaps i can clua-console her or it will mess-up the game?

If yes can someone give me the proper clua command? thanx in advance.

#568878 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 26 May 2014 - 06:39 AM in Mega Mod Help

 And usually it's recommended that you turn off the anti-virus program even before you start moding the game at all, as you can then turn it on again after you have finished the mod installations and scan your entire hard drive.

oh yes i always disable the AV during installation , especially real-time protection ,but this happened during extract or download...

Funny thing is i scan weidu.exe separately ,few minutes ago, from same folder using same AV and it's clean(of course ;)

Thanks for your reply!

#568874 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by veecou on 26 May 2014 - 05:33 AM in Mega Mod Help

OK,Microsoft essentials (my antivirus) gone completely nuts?or what?

I was trying to install BWS and i noticed 2-3 times a popup from essentials..I look the history and see what i found!!!!

The weidu.exe is a pass stealer according to Microsoft?

Needless to say i order it to restore the file from Quarantine..But I wonder what was the problem.Anyone has similar issues?i include image of the AV.weduexe.jpg

#568709 Friendly Arms Inn crash to desktop BWP (big world setup)

Posted by veecou on 20 May 2014 - 10:44 AM in Mega Mod Help

I noticed in the tobex console the following lines: (it is running along with the game and i saw after i minimized the game)


TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Tue 20 May 2014 21:36:54)
InitUserPatches(): FindFirstFile() failed (error code 183)
AREA-TRANSITION: CInfGame::SetVisibleArea
---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------
---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------
Assertion warning. Return Address: 0x975299 File: UIControlButtons.cpp Line: 563
7 Expression: FALSE Message: CreateUIControl: nCtrlIdx out of bounds in GUICG pa
nel 7 (mage book)
Assertion warning. Return Address: 0x97783D File: UIControlButtons.cpp Line: 622
3 Expression: FALSE Message: CreateUIControl: nCtrlIdx out of bounds in GUICG pa
nel 22 (class kit)
Assertion warning. Return Address: 0x97783D File: UIControlButtons.cpp Line: 622
3 Expression: FALSE Message: CreateUIControl: nCtrlIdx out of bounds in GUICG pa
nel 22 (class kit)
Could Not Find Resource: BISLOGO.2DA
Assertion warning. Return Address: 0x796F6E File: InfScreenStart.cpp Line: 2014
Expression: FALSE Message: CScreenStart::UpdatePanel: nPanelIdx == 6, 7, or out
of bounds
Could Not Find Resource: BWDRAGON.2DA
Could Not Find Resource: WOTC.2DA


the second line "InitUserPatches(): FindFirstFile() failed (error code 183)" exist before even game loads and now it is there everytime i start the game,that was not happen from the beginning of the game .. only "TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Tue 20 May 2014 21:36:54)" was there.

#568707 Friendly Arms Inn crash to desktop BWP (big world setup)

Posted by veecou on 20 May 2014 - 07:19 AM in Mega Mod Help


this is my second attempt to play Big World Project, i finish first time 3 years ago(with minor problems i was able to fix with the help of members and posts here) and decide to give another try.

Anyway  when i try to enter Friendly arms inn area the game crashes to desktop few seconds after the video.

I tried to cluaconsole the area code with no success, again crash to desktop upon landing to area.

I tried to go to High hedge first,since it was available in my world map,just to check if i have the same problem,so i just enter briefly high hedges and then immediately i tried to go to friendly arms but I had a random encounter with a demon ,a balor (!!!!) I dont know how is that possible so early in the game ,it slashed my party in 2 seconds,i tried to run with PC to the edge to friendly arm (just for testing purposes) and i had the same crash upon entering..

OK I use GOG tos and bg2 complete,start the 3 games before BW install, save etc..I think i did everything by the book :)

 i used BW setup latest version ,the standard setup,without any changes,installation were smooth without serious issues,some mods didn't download but removed by setup, and though i didn't select/unselect or change anything,i didn't even open the mods selection, the setup inform me that i have select two mods that were expert, tortured souls and never ending journey, again i let setup continue and finish normally.

I start the game,same like last time,the only differences are:

1.  Haiass the wolf follows me (i dont remember this back in 2011),

2. I bought from Winthrop the blue bag of holding,(after i sold the loot from Gatewarden's training in the cellar)

3. i choose a subrace,Aasimarm

4. I have amulet of Sigil in my inventory

the rest were same as the first time i played BWP,so perhaps any of the above is the problem? 


I include Weidu log ,dont know what else to do..

Thanks in advance and sorry if i post in a wrong forum,i am not sure which is the proper for this problem.


I set the values of TobExCore.ini (under debug) from 0 to 1 (i saw this to a similar post) and after i reproduced the crash i include the tobex.log

Attached Files