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There have been 41 items by Neane (Search limited from 13-June 23)

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#514652 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 09:21 PM in Dragon Age Series

Good news everyone, it seems Dragon Age 3 will have Multiplayer!

#514023 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Neane on 27 April 2011 - 02:14 PM in Dragon Age Series

Is it me, or does the mage look like Darth Malak combined with Richard of Looking for Group? :blink:

Also, when I did the Business Math Formulas on EA Games' company profile, I came to the conclusion that they only have 4 HPs out of 12. They are making the same mistakes as 96% of Small Businesses. Even Alon Holdings in Israel that is being milked dry by money-sharks and being sued for saying that butter is fake-butter is doing 60% better than EA games. So it's EA Games' fault for everything terrible in Bioware's games because EA needs cash now or else they will die.

#514385 SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

Posted by Neane on 03 May 2011 - 03:16 PM in Directives from the Director

Jarno Mikkola wrote:

I would suggest that you would disallow the unsigned users/quests from making new topics in most of the forums(Classic Adventures, Megamod Help currently has those)... to remove some of the ad spam. This is getting unpleasant to see 4 ads in the "Active content in the last 24 hours" search.

I say that we should do what T.C Dale of the Imoen Romance Site has does for her forums for one year. And there is no spam there on the Imoen Romance Forum.

Before you sign on or post anything, you have to answer some Baldur's Gate questions.

I say that we should adapt what T.C DALE has done so that people who post spam cannot post anything in the Baldur's Gate Mod Forums.

Posted Image

Edit 1:

The reason I want this is because a spambot was able to become a member of Spellhold Studios today, so they have evolved so much that they are now people! :o ( So now it is like the Terminator movies! 8) )
So we must do this if we are to save SpellHold.

Plus, a couple of years ago: 4chan members joined the Chosen of Mystra and filled the forum posts with stuff and images that makes me sick to this day and caused one of the modders there to have a nervous breakdown and he then went crazy and blasted all the other members with curse words and banned them all because they had one question. :(

So we must plan ahead of the Spambots and the evils of 4chan before they attack us! :clap:

#514648 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 08:56 PM in Mass Effect Series

Here is a good list of what Mass Effect 3 will have. This list I found is from last month.

#515045 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 13 May 2011 - 05:11 PM in Mass Effect Series

The squad members will be "more intimate".

#514651 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 09:13 PM in Mass Effect Series

Mass Effect 3 will do away with role-playing elements that don't "have a real impact in the battle", senior designer Christina Norman told Official Xbox Magazine today.

#515152 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 15 May 2011 - 11:21 AM in Mass Effect Series

HelloEveryone. There will be Same-Sex Romances and there will even be a Male Shepard Same-Sex Romance.

#515180 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 15 May 2011 - 11:49 PM in Mass Effect Series

Mass Effect 3 wil use Tactical Targeting.

P.S: The Minsc Romance Plot is only talked about on Reference.com nowadays. All my knowledge about cut content is based upon what Baldur's Gate Gamers from the Old Days of early 2000's talked about when they spent days going through the Coding Files and talking about the characters. One Romance that got cut that I know for sure is the cut Haer'dalis Romance that got cut out before they released the game, and the evidence for the Minsc Romance Plot that was talked about is nothing more than some loose code in the game files. And I do not have the time now to go look for the code.It would be best if we just talk about Mass Effect now. I do not want this thread to get out of hand like the BG2 Kari Romance Thread.

#515159 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 15 May 2011 - 01:17 PM in Mass Effect Series

the bigg said:

Wow, talk about another misinformed article.

My Answer:

At some point in the game's development, it was also possible for a female Shepard to romance Ashley Williams or a male Shepard to romance Kaidan Alenko. This was later removed, although the voiced conversations for them remain in the game.

It was designed in the game so that Ashley will romance you if you were a female, but Bioware cut it out.

( Remember, these are the same guys that cut out the Minsc romance from Baldur's Gate, even though the game Coding files are still there.)

The Game Files exist on the CD-ROM for the Same-Sex Romance, all you have to do is use a Game-Save Editor and you can have the Female Shepard Ashley Romance.

It is the same with Tali, if you try hard enough you can unlock the Same-Sex Romance. Bioware is a master at cutting out stuff. That is why Spellhold Studios is here.

My experience working with numerous sites with games is that the code files are Game Canon, unless the game tells us that the Game Code Files are false. There are hundreds of Mass Effect Forum Posts that deal with this topic.

So the website was using all the sources made by the Super-Super-Die-Hard fans fo Mass Effect.

#514647 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 08:53 PM in Mass Effect Series

Good News everyone, Mass Effect 3 will be mobile or handheld by March of 2012. This is due to the statment that, "[d]uring a conference call today, EA mentioned the company would be revealing some new details about Mass Effect 3 at E3 including something about 'some new ways to play.'"
So either that means it is going to be handheld or mobile, or they are secertly making another way.

#514649 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 09:00 PM in Mass Effect Series

Good News Everyone.

#514641 ME3 News

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 05:03 PM in Mass Effect Series

And the CEO said that be it will be "equivalent to shooter-meets-RPG".
And it will also have the best shooter game graphics ever!


It seems that they are going to make it so that all the Video Game Controllers will work fine with it."Plus the Nintendo announcement came just a week before BioWare confirmed Mass Effect 3 was getting delayed. Coincidence?"

#514553 Overall Progress: Questions & Feedback

Posted by Neane on 06 May 2011 - 02:03 PM in Valen Expansion

In order to keep this Thread alive:

Is it done yet?
Need help in any way?

#514631 Overall Progress: Questions & Feedback

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 03:45 PM in Valen Expansion

In order to keep this Thread alive:

Is it done yet?
Need help in any way?

I will reach out for help when I need it. First I need to finish my creative part of the project. I'm currently in the tail end of my degree program and I've actually taken some classes that would help in this project including a project management class. And I am now in a software development class. Both of these have given me some valuable skills that I can apply to the Valen Expansion. One of the big pitfalls in software development is something known as "feature creep", which basically means that the developers keep adding stuff into the project because they think it would be cool and this causes delays. The mitigation for this problem includes "setting boundaries", which specifies what the product will not do. In retrospect, I should have done this from the project outset and had a defined project that was small, develop and produce it, then add features on in subsequent versions. Instead I took the opposite approach and built up a massive feature list before the production. I've made every mistake in project planning and management possible. But at least I know where I went wrong and can now work to fix it.

I think that the first thing I will do once I complete this class is create a project management/software development plan for Valen Expansion and post it to the board for other developers to use as a template. Others may find it useful, assuming such a product has not already been released somewhere else on the board.

Excellent plan, and may you excel in your degree. ( Still in middle of mine.)

One thing I have noticed with BG modders is that they all keep all their stuff to theirselves. And that is why some great mods never get done if the author stops working on it. That is what Fallout Modders do, they always post everything they have done on at least 4 different websites so that others can use as a template. The Mirira Mod is now dead but becuase the modder posted everything on the Fallout Modding Wiki the work is being used as a template by anyone with a simple understanding how modding works. But yes, "feature creep" is a huge problem, and the best way to deal with that is to get the first verison done and then add cool features once everything is done in another verison.
Do not worry, BG still has a huge fanbase, and people will still love to play the Valen mod.
Mistakes are not mistakes if we learn from them.
Keep up the Great Work! :cheers:

#514636 Overall Progress: Questions & Feedback

Posted by Neane on 07 May 2011 - 04:40 PM in Valen Expansion

In order to keep this Thread alive:

Is it done yet?
Need help in any way?

I will reach out for help when I need it. First I need to finish my creative part of the project. I'm currently in the tail end of my degree program and I've actually taken some classes that would help in this project including a project management class. And I am now in a software development class. Both of these have given me some valuable skills that I can apply to the Valen Expansion. One of the big pitfalls in software development is something known as "feature creep", which basically means that the developers keep adding stuff into the project because they think it would be cool and this causes delays. The mitigation for this problem includes "setting boundaries", which specifies what the product will not do. In retrospect, I should have done this from the project outset and had a defined project that was small, develop and produce it, then add features on in subsequent versions. Instead I took the opposite approach and built up a massive feature list before the production. I've made every mistake in project planning and management possible. But at least I know where I went wrong and can now work to fix it.

I think that the first thing I will do once I complete this class is create a project management/software development plan for Valen Expansion and post it to the board for other developers to use as a template. Others may find it useful, assuming such a product has not already been released somewhere else on the board.

Excellent plan, and may you excel in your degree. ( Still in middle of mine.)

One thing I have noticed with BG modders is that they all keep all their stuff to theirselves. And that is why some great mods never get done if the author stops working on it. That is what Fallout Modders do, they always post everything they have done on at least 4 different websites so that others can use as a template. The Mirira Mod is now dead but becuase the modder posted everything on the Fallout Modding Wiki the work is being used as a template by anyone with a simple understanding how modding works. But yes, "feature creep" is a huge problem, and the best way to deal with that is to get the first verison done and then add cool features once everything is done in another verison.
Do not worry, BG still has a huge fanbase, and people will still love to play the Valen mod.
Mistakes are not mistakes if we learn from them.
Keep up the Great Work! :cheers:

When I joined the board, it was stated that it was poor developer etiquette to say "I've written this mod, would someone please code it for me?". I agree with this sentiment, so I won't do this. Let's face it, writing is fun and coding can be tedious. It isn't fair to just offload the coding to someone else without trying to take a stab at it. Skilled coders would like to do their own creative stuff. I think that as developers we should learn to code skillfully to free us up to work on the creative element rather than dump it on those who put in the time and headaches of learning this skill. As it stands now, the Valen Expansion is a pile of disjointed dialog connected by flowcharts and developer notes. If I just dumped it on someone and said "finish this", it would make no sense anyway. What I need to do, is apply project management principles to the Valen Expansion, which is to divide the work up into logical stages, define the deliverables for each stage, set a schedule of tasks, then start going through them. Until I do this, no amount of help from anyone else will work. I need to be able to lead my own efforts before I can lead anyone else who is kind enough to offer their time to help me.

Then you are a person that sticks to your principles even during times of trouble. Excellent! :cheers:
Keep up the great work and have an excellent week! :cheers:

#515877 Fade ToB Progress Report.

Posted by Neane on 30 May 2011 - 04:05 PM in Fade

If she doesn't want to finish it, I wish she'd just say so and let everyone read over the ToB beta, or attempt to turn it over to someone else . . . Hearing nothing is kinda discouraging.

That would be good. This reminds me of Lord Mirrabbo's progress on the TOB part of the Immy Romance back in 2010. It would be best with we check on it, but the only way someone can work on it entirely is if someone adopts this Mod. The good thing is that she sent the Alpha Mod to people over the internet. So it is still around. Unlike the Kari Romance Mod.

But this is her last post she made on May 7th 2009:

" life on the net is taking somewhat of a backseat right now!"

So if someone else were to take charge, then they would have to be Fans of Fade in order to do her some justice and not destroy what is already here.

#515343 Fade ToB Progress Report.

Posted by Neane on 18 May 2011 - 10:21 PM in Fade

It also seems that there are no new posts on her website since 2009. It could be because of her taking care of Lucy. Having a 3 year old child is kind of tough.

#511687 Haer'Dalis Bird Names

Posted by Neane on 25 March 2011 - 08:34 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Haer'Dalis calls Moongaze's Kari the Half-Kobold a Fennec in Throne of Bhaal.
(Currently Beta Version only.)


And Haer'Dalis calls Kim the Pirate "my phoenix".

"Alas, alas.. so much beauty and so little time..."

And then calls her his nightingale.

And then, when Kim wants to put her foot in Haer'Dalis' butt:

He says "Let's fly away, my swallow, before this nasty crow picks our eyes."

Kim and Haer'Dalis then talk and He says:

"This swallow is hurt. You will have your play, I promise you!" :coolthumb:

#518889 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Neane on 14 July 2011 - 10:14 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Why the focus on making a new game?
They have the best game made in the history of gaming. So in my opinion they should make a "remake". The entire baldurs gate-saga in an enhanced infinty engine. Adding minor graphical enhancements, subraces, classpackages or kits, possibly alternate backgrounds(like how the tiefling fighter grew up in candlekeep or the elven mage etc), customizing the paperdoll, new portraits(npcs should look the "same" but illustrated to match the style, adding sidemission and depth to the main mission, resolution and so on. No new game but enhancing the old.
How about that?

Brilliant. I believe that Baldur's Gate should be remastered professionally and yet keep the best of the Infinity Engine. And it always puzzled me about how I could be  evil at the start of the game with Gorion as my pop. And while we are on the subject of Baldur's Gate getting modern day enhancements, a small group of people are currently working on creating a mod for Dragon Age in which you get to be in Baldur's Gate 2.

So I get the feeling that if no company/corporation updates Baldur's Gate 1&2 soon: Some fans are going to do it for free.

#514196 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Neane on 30 April 2011 - 01:39 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Hmm.. I believe that Neverwinter Nights does nod towards thr Baldur's Gate series with a member of the Jansen family.
And yes, I have found that great RPG games come from small-time companies, however they must try to keep on the cost and time even more than big companies. ( A lot of missing stuff from Black Isle studios.) And yes, a sandbox approach would work greatly in a new "Baldur's Gate" game. But every company wants their self-interests first, so they will do anything that makes the most cash.
A RPG sandbox in the past always gives you the chance to do the long way or the short way. And a non-linear RPG is being shouted for by the HARDCORE RPG gamers on the Internet.

That said, I have been to every crack in the Internet and 40% of gaming forums there is. And based upon that, a new "Baldur's Gate" would make a lot of money, becasue the public's interests in the old school RPGs are very high right now. But you must make it so that people who played the first games and new gamers can both enjoy it. What Bethsaida did with the Fallout series proves this point.

And Hasbro owns the Wizards of the Coast , and Atari owns Baldur's Gate now.
Side-note: BG2:TOB does say that the adventure continues into Neverwinter Nights, but I see no signs of Immy having a huge Guild.

#514091 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Neane on 28 April 2011 - 04:32 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Would love to see a BG3 though with today's market they would probably ruin it.

I've always wanted a BG3 since a 'After the end' mod was in the works like 7 years ago but the poor girl who was working on it lost everything during a power surge.

Had a portrait similar to princesspurpleblob actually, lol!

Though ideally with the 4th edition setting it would no longer work, they should just start a new franchise and return to the roots of roleplay, dungeons and dragons and maybe do something with Bhaal or completely remove his essence from the river beneath that bridge :D

Hmmmm.... I agree with you on this statement. And I do not believe that 4th Edition rules would work with a world and setting that uses the 2nd Edition rule set. (<CHARNAME>: I thought that Kobolds were little yapping cat-dogs that bark? Martin: They changed it for the next generation because dinosaurs and lizards rock.)

But the largest problem would be what is game canon and what is not game canon. For example: In Fallout: New Vegas, the people that made F3:NV put into the game that the Chosen One had a child with either Mrs. Bishop or her daughter. But that is not what my Chosen One did. And Baldur's Gate 2 assumes that you had Minsc and Jaheria and that you did not finish the game with Shar-Teel or Brawin. The best sequel product that dealt with game canon was KOTOR2 which had you answer some questions about what Revan was like, and if Revan was a female or male. So if it is a sequel of the children of Bhaal, then the role of Canon is very tricky. And most games assume that you were a good person in the game, that you saved the world and did nothing bad. ( See Fallout and BG2:SOA) And Baldur's Gate TOB had you become a good god even if you were murdering Halflings and wanted to become the new lord of Murder. just because you said something wrong.
And the largest problem would be who got romanced.

Because if you are a male <CHARNAME>, you have the choice of Jaheria, Aerie, or Viconia based only on the Vanilla game. And females: You know, tis the reason Chloe was made. :lol:

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance just has Edwina because he always turns into a girl. :lol: So the biggest problem is the Canon.

But when I finished the Baldur's Gate Bhaal sage, I saw some things and some characters that could go into the third one, but if Baldur's Gate III will only destroy everything: then let it rest in peace and in our computers.

So the only question is what is Game Canon and what is not Game Canon. And KOTOR2:The Sith lords was a good example of a game sequel when it dealt with possible romance canon even if it does not talk about one person that could have be romanceable.

But it would be interesting if the <CHARNAME> in Baldur's Gate III is a child of <CHARNAME>, Imoen, Veikang, Savorak?, or some other Bhaal Child. And Imoen only did not become a god because she gave up her Bhaal Essence, and Veikang could have had a family after being cured of his strange illness that caused him to jump to other parts of the map.

#514276 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Neane on 01 May 2011 - 01:37 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Well, you would give the player 6 starting possibilities as their back grounds, adjust the d20 ruleset a bit, a call the game Age of Dragon :unsure: ... ups, but they did that already. :doh:
Yes, the Dragon Age Origins is very open for mods, and the producers even gave a tool to use to make the mods... now they just got to give the modders the same kind of tool to the DAII, and the eventual DAIII... and I am pretty sure they'll have the same kind of following like the BG2 has around the 2022, if they'll play their cards right.

I agree, and one super Die-Hard BG fan told me that Dragon Age is the nearest game to the BG saga without infringing on Copyright laws. (I always thought that Leliana was the love-child between Chole and Imoen.) But the problem is that Dragon Age is a VERY MATURE game along the levels of Fallout 1&2 and most of the mods for the PC version are 70% non-mature and 30% super-mature. BG was a kind of game that kids around 6 to 9 could play, and BGII was the kind for kids 11 - 14 to play. (I wonder if it was so for a reason?)And the only recent game like that is Mass Effect, which is not Mature in nature and in line with the SW EU.And I  have found out that kids around 9 to 16 playing it based upon checking with the local Game Store. And there will always be a super group of fans for DA, just look at Europe with F1 and F2 and the JA saga modding sites. And I have checked with the deepest bowels of the DA2 fanbase and checked with the Producers at Bioware, and the first Game-long Mod I think will be made by fans for DA2 will be a super mature mod that I am not going to talk about. Also, 6 starting Possibilities? What about a love-child between an Orc and an Elf? Orcs need love too! And that will be in line with the City Elves.

#518672 DA2 vs BG2

Posted by Neane on 12 July 2011 - 02:13 AM in Dragon Age Series

And to think that Laidaw said that it would be as good as Baldur's Gate 2. :whistling:

#517630 Fo' shizzle, 6th SHS Anniversary!

Posted by Neane on 28 June 2011 - 12:15 PM in Directives from the Director

:cheers: Congratulations on being six years old SpellHold Studios! :cheers:
Before this site, you had to search for a long time to get any Mods for these games supported here. (Namely Baldur's Gate 2.) But thank you for connecting all the other IE Modding Community Sites together! And I hope that this site will last for at least 30 years. Because all the games hosted here are still going to be popular even after 45 years! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: And may even more Modders join this wonderful site!

But special thanks must be to Bioware. For without Bioware, this site would not be here. So thank you Bioware and Thank you Black Isle Studios for causing CRPGs to be so popular and now they are in other Video Game Formats! :hug:

#518670 New Staff Members!

Posted by Neane on 12 July 2011 - 02:06 AM in Directives from the Director

You could not have made a better choice for new Staff Members.
Well done! :cheers: