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#137745 Under-used Ideas in BG-series

Posted by wavingdragon on 30 July 2004 - 11:34 PM in IE Mod Ideas

How about a pickpocket who basically robbed the PC and his/her party blind.

I suggested an idea like this quite some time ago in a different forum - I was considering writing one.. BUT it would just be irritating the way you have it described.

Think three different theives... if you catch him you get to kill him.

They would have to rob NPCs as well as the party.

One 'good' (cautious) theif, one 'bad' theif that will steal from everyone in range, and the third I never decided on.

Stealing items is iffy - what if you steal a quest item.

Leaving the map's no good unless you reloacte them to the next map and let the PCs chase them around the city.

How about making them as city encounters, you may meet some shadow thieves, and some boys and girls (you can't kill the kids of course) on street, and they will pick you, your party members, and practically everyone in the area blind. You can try back-pickpocketing them before they run off. And they are especially abundant in the Docks & Bridge Districts.

Everything you lost to them, you must buy back at Renal's Shadow Thief Headquarter, or one of the Black Market thieves.

And if you join Bodhi's Spellhold route, you get to clear the Shadow Thieves for good and receive an extra reputation point.

#132892 My evil NPC killed both Lehtian & Hendak

Posted by wavingdragon on 16 July 2004 - 11:21 PM in IE Mod Ideas

There's already a mod which plans to do exactly this (I'm not saying which one though)... :)

I'm glad to hear someone is already planning to do this since I'm no modder myself. I've been thinking of the changes, and apart from making Bernard and Joluv working for the PC, the PC can let Hendak:

1) take over the place (as it is originally);

2) manage the inn on behalf of the PC;

3) go his own way;

4) continue fighting in the pit (u'r an evil one, rn't u); or

5) join the PC on the quest (as a new NPC!).

#131969 My evil NPC killed both Lehtian & Hendak

Posted by wavingdragon on 13 July 2004 - 10:30 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Who wants Copper Coronet as a stronghold for all classes? Anyone?

#134677 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 23 July 2004 - 12:02 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Bhaal's Revival - After u kill Melisan, u bid Sarevok, who has done previous research as he claims, to carry out the ritual to return all Bhaalspawn essence to the bucketkicked god. Upon its resurrection, it insults ur intelligence then murders ur bunch. U even get to see the old blood-forms-skull movie with a very big nasty grin.

#135081 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 24 July 2004 - 08:25 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The Jon Irenicus Romance mod.

A Joneleth-Jaheira Romance

From the banters, we observe every member in the party is their secret love child.

So is born the Redemption - The Even Longer Road (just don't go after me dorotea  :P )

#139745 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 06 August 2004 - 04:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

another NPC mod of a high-dexterity warrior (stinks even more than high Str)

#137722 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 30 July 2004 - 10:39 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Almost to the End -

A mod which has a chance of clearing the "Save" folder each time the PC is killed:

Chance = # of chapter x 10%

make sure u don't get killed by Melissan!

Along the same vein, the "Always Make It To the End" mod, which backs up all your saved games around the hard drive and if the "Almost to the End" mod deletes your game, it restores it from the backup.

another: Almost To The End Which You Always Made

yet another: Always Make It To The End Which You Previously Almost To

yet yet another: Almost To The End Which You Always Made Which You Previously Almost To But More Previously You Always Made It

yet yet yet...

My HD seems to have run out of space.  :bash:

#134867 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 24 July 2004 - 12:48 AM in IE Mod Ideas

a mod packed with a virus...

#137237 Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

Posted by wavingdragon on 30 July 2004 - 02:50 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Almost to the End -

A mod which has a chance of clearing the "Save" folder each time the PC is killed:

Chance = # of chapter x 10%

make sure u don't get killed by Melissan!

#173591 Mod ideas

Posted by wavingdragon on 06 December 2004 - 03:58 AM in IE Mod Ideas

1. The Kid Saved by Aerie

Remember, Aerie is really OLD!!!
(I'm thinking one of the Radiant Heart paladins, probably the one outside the RH stronghold, whatever his name, watching Garrick and the gnome courting Lady Whoever, or Sir Ryan; or any one evil bastard in the game, woe be Aerie!)

2. Viconia's Brother

Again I don't remember his name. Let's say he got saved by the drow thief god ________ (name missing) from Lolth's drider curse, to some extent, and became a half-drider - day a drow and night a drider when Lolth's power reigns. The PC can join him and save him from Lolth's curse. And the Epilogue can mention that he beats Lolth's assassination attempt on Viconia. A happy ending for a romancing-Viconia Charname.

3. The Ultimate Copper Coronet

After you defeat Lehtian, you take over Copper Coronet as your own base, and work to overthrow both the Shadow Thieves and Bodhi's Assassination Guild. And find a third option to reach Brynnlaw by hiring your own ship (but probably with the very same Captain Saemon). Hendak becomes a joinable PC.

That's all for now...

#214678 armored orc part 2

Posted by wavingdragon on 11 July 2005 - 12:56 AM in Layers of Reality

His armor seems a bit oversized...

#147737 Angelina Jolie - Kensai Mage

Posted by wavingdragon on 31 August 2004 - 02:14 AM in Layers of Reality

How the hell does she carry the swords at her back if shes naked? Glue? :huh:

remember Bruce Willis in Die Hard? Duck Tapes!