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#128589 Just some ideas

Posted by yakosparks on 02 July 2004 - 04:02 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Playing the game so many times makes sometimes a bit boring or "by memory", I mean, you know what will happen everytime, no matter what, with the excellent work made by the people who created many excellent mods the game always has that "I want to play it again to see what happen with this or that kind of party" thing. There are some mods around that are very nice ones, peculiarly Unfinished business and Tactics, (of course, the others that I have installed, are great also) so, following the line of this particular mods I've come up with some ideas. To make it short, I just put the name of some guys that appear in the game and maybe who is interested can make whatever think is best or nothing, I know that make a mod takes a lot of work, so, I just give some ideas.

- The fallen palladins. They are a joke, no much trouble to kill them. Maybe can you side them?
- Church fights. One of the last mission for any of the churchs is to kill the other one: Lathander or Helm wants to banish Talos and Talos the other way, so, they must have some followers, they must have some powerful guys, don't you think?
- Planar sphere: Knights of Salammia. Could they appear late in the game like they said? To see if you keep the "right path"?
- The guys who take Garren's son (Plat Reddge), this Firkraag guy has really pathetics followers, something has to be done,
- Captain Haegan. The Cooper Coronet is already improved by Tactics, but the boss of the slavers is walk in the park.
- Firkaag's lair, the guys who ask you the mask: Samia, Chak, Kaol, Legdoril and Ferric Ironblade: too easy. By the way, in there around, orcs? hobgoblins? He supposed to have a "great army of goons"…
- Bridge district, near the church, there are a couple of nobles with some bodyguards: Lord Feveran and Lady Diana. What are they for? can have they a quest?
- Jan Jensen quest: Vaelag is goin to hurt Jan's ex, no? It would be nice to really finish that quest. (Just like Isea Roenal's promise to return) The Hidden, could be that extended?
- Tazok: everybody forgot him! No one has improved him!
- Near where you get Lilarcor, there's a room with this minotaur called Andorian and some myconids, what about him? Why you need all your party there for?
- Baron Ployer: ok, he can't handle himself so he hire those 3 mages, anyway, he's too weak against 6 guys, can't he have some more mates?
- 5 Flagons Inn: Jerry Jamtoes and H'rothgar. They just do nothing? The thief upstairs?
- Bruenor's hammer: can we get it? give it or not to him?
- There's this guy: Habib Khalid Achmed Allafif, I know he's a part of some winner contest by Bioware, can do something else than throw you some coins and scimitars?
- Kobolds, gibberlings… man, they are out of picture here, don't they?

Well, I'm going to keep playing the game and keep doing my "notes", I hope this just give some ideas for a new mod or improve one already done.

#124423 The dialogues after defeating Yaga-Shura

Posted by yakosparks on 18 June 2004 - 04:03 AM in Tashia

I was there just yesterday, and I think she says something at the end of that line about some hope in a change, just don't know, it gave me the idea that she may wants to see if you change your mind, but, to avoid conflicts, just reload a game... jajaja...
Best regards

#124205 Who here likes to read?

Posted by yakosparks on 17 June 2004 - 04:24 AM in Tashia

Very nice work, of course you will finish the story, right?
Really, good job.

#124199 Wee bug

Posted by yakosparks on 17 June 2004 - 04:02 AM in Tashia

Well, I've got the issue solved, since I made this "chitin, dialog, override" backup thing it was no problem to do a new "moding reinstall", so, as Arian says, the "no valid..." thing isn't there anymore and all work out fine.
So I just want to thank you seanas for let me post my issue in your post, and to you Arian, because others may modified the mod but it was you who create it.
Thanks for you patience.
(sorry for my spelling, my languaje isn't english)
My best regards

#123922 Wee bug

Posted by yakosparks on 16 June 2004 - 03:51 AM in Tashia

Ok Arian, but, shouldn't the last mod write everything on top of all of the others?
Whatever, of course you know more than I do (that's why I am here asking and you answering, right?)
So, yesterday, after read that "remove Tahia-recover her" thing, I did that, so Irenicus fight, everybody talks and a happy ending. BUT, here's something I bet no one suffered: after the big reunion and farewells from the elves, the ToB loading movie, etc, and this: Korgan, Tashia and Chloe were in the 3 heads screen, Imoen, Viconia and me were still in the farewell party! so I came out, explored Suldanesellar, even I could go out of town, but I command Korgan to activate the skull so that girl could come to kill and see if could be all together in the pocket dimension, the girl came and Viconia Immy and I manage to kill her and finally got all together in the pocket, strange but true, is this a cause from Tashia mod?
So, the idea is to install Tashia first?
What about the options from the install program? when it ask to install first ToB version and then SoA withot ToB, should I say no? yes?
Thank you for your patience.
My best regards
And very good work.

#123668 Wee bug

Posted by yakosparks on 15 June 2004 - 04:45 AM in Tashia

Well, then, please, can anybody make some sort of "mod list order"?
I have the last version, when I install it and after the language selection the program asks if I want to install Tashia ToB, said yes, then ask me again if I want to install Tashia SoA (without Tob) What do I do? Yes? No? Quit? Then I have the 2 Tashias, no matter, no major problem.
So about the mod order, I have: Tactics, UB, Kelsey, Ascencion, Redemption, Battles, Banters, Improved thieves and Easy of use. The same "no valid replies" thing happened to me, and Irenicus doesn't do anything and even doesn't die, as I can see here I noticed that is a Tashia issue, anything can be done?
I insist on the order thing because you read every readme and all of them say that you best try to install them last.
My kindest regards

#122969 So it's come to this, has it?

Posted by yakosparks on 11 June 2004 - 04:13 AM in Tashia

Try reinstalling BG2 entirely.

Oh man...
One thing I learnt all this years playing this game is that after you reinstall and patch the game the one thing that helps to avoid the long reinstall thing is to backup "chitin", "dialog" and the override folder, so when troubles comes just replace those files and you have the game new and clean from mods. That leads me to a question, the Easy of ise mod, have to be installed first or last? never understand that thing, I read it somewhere but I lost it...

#122967 Rookie question

Posted by yakosparks on 11 June 2004 - 03:59 AM in Tashia

have you got the gold ones from BGII, the gold, silver and bronze pantaloons make the 'big (something)' can't remmeber its name but it makes you appear as an iron golem and improves your ac by 10, personally I hate it ...

The Big Unity... or something...

I have "the 2 Tashias" issue also. So, can you choose any of them?
I have installed the last Tashia version (ToB) and at a point, the program (after installed the mod) ask me if I want to install SoA without ToB, so, thinking that I need that component to be able to play Tashia in ToB I did install it. So I got 2 Tashias...

#122374 Chloe's banters with Yoshimo.

Posted by yakosparks on 09 June 2004 - 04:25 AM in Chloe

Too much of discusion about a little issue...
The game itself is not much of realistic.
An example: party of: a paladin, Keldorn, Aerie, Jaheira, Mazzy, and any of the good npc you can think. Let's say you want Edwin in your party, you know what you have to do: assasination, thieving... not good, not good, the thing is that you can do that without being punished... npcs may protest but you got away with it...
The point is, I think, even if Yoshimo or Nahlia or Jan or Imoen are "good" guys, if you send them to steal something, you make them bad guys, because, rovery isn't a good thing, no? I don't understand why you can have a good... alineamiento (sorry, I don't know the word) and still can kill or steal...
you know what a mean?

#121784 Chloe speaking as Kelsey

Posted by yakosparks on 07 June 2004 - 04:10 AM in Chloe

Sorry, I was out of town, just got back yesterday.
Yes, Lucy, I did that but she still speaks as Kelsey.
Anyway, I have a backup of overide folder, chitin and dialog so I restored the original game and reinstalled the mods, started a new game and everything work out just fine. I did that because I read around this forum that you don't have to rush to rescue Imoen, and that's what I did my first time playing with Chloe so romances did not take any progress.
Thank you for the repply. And like I said, thank you for the mod, it's great.
Ups, another question, does the romance continues in ToB?
Thanks again.

#119846 Chloe speaking as Kelsey

Posted by yakosparks on 28 May 2004 - 04:34 AM in Chloe

She worked fine until I got Imoen back, ok, I read somewhere that you shouldn't rush to rescue Immy, I did, so when I got to the underdark, everytime I selected her I read something like: I hope you slept well last night... with Kelsey's voice, so, everytime she attacks Kelsey speaks and so. Well, mods installed: Kelsey(SoA and ToB) Tashia, UB, Tactics, Improved thieves stronghold, Battles, Ascencion, Redemption, Easy, all the latest versions, and the latest ToB patch (before any mod) Didn't find any report about this problem. So, select Chloe, Kelsey says something, I read something weird. By the way, my character is male. Just wanted to see Immy-Chloe romance.
Of course, BIG thanks to whom made this mod. Very nice-good work.

#117599 What the approx. download space?

Posted by yakosparks on 20 May 2004 - 04:47 AM in Return to Windspear

Ejem... 50, 60MB? wow... I guess I never will play such mods; I can hardly download Kelsey's (mayor mod I downloaded) and it took me about 2 hours :angry: :wacko: :( ...
I just live in a small town up in Argentina, so, there is no cable or asdl or such, even worst, I can only download everything in a cyber (comercial place with 15 pcs, making even worst because everytime there are 10 another people downloading or surfing the net just from one connection... sad but true...
By the way, to all the people that make/made mods: THANK YOU!! you make me play the game over and over with so many things you add, making the game more and more playable everytime!
Ups, sorry, I can harldy speak english... so sorry my spelling.
Best regards