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#149404 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 04 September 2004 - 10:11 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I thought you were still in the "brainstorming" stage. :lol:  Looks like you've put a lot of thought into this project, i will be more than happy to do what i can, once i know what needs doing. That was quite the description, and will do nicely. :thumb:  Unfortunately i can't make any dialogue for the peasants etc. until i know more about the cities that they will be in, which will have to wait until more people say what they are going to do to help. anyway, i have work to do.

Don't need anything yet.. I just finished the first map area. I have to take care of the surrounding areas over the next couple days. The south exit goes straight to the worldmap.. the north exits will be going to adjoining areas.. like in BG2, except the sub areas will not have map locations - you'll have to walk back to the fort.. or at least that's the plan.. It gives the characters a chance to leave the fort and explore the ruins. These maps are for the ruins. of the old fortress. Not much left of it these days.

It's being written as a TOB mod - those seem to be the only kind these days. It will be implemented under the TOB menu of the initial start screen, or at least that's the tenative plan.

Correction; I finished the map graphics.. I still haven't generated the ingame map.

#163275 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 16 October 2004 - 08:18 PM in IE Mod Ideas

ah yes, i forgot about those. anyways, just reinforcement for those people like me. :D

I keep looking at my WTP avatar, and wondering how I'm going to sqeeze another portrait into it.. I already have Ox, Ash Firehearth, Terai, and Slyphys.. I haven't had time to make Wren's protrait yet.

#163272 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 16 October 2004 - 07:53 PM in IE Mod Ideas

so that's what we're doing....

i just want to point out for, for those who have never seen diablo 2 areas, that they actually look really good. i thought they would look like the original diablo areas, but i really like them, and i'm one of those really picky people.

and the elven realm now has a semi-history going.

we have screenshots of the new areas.. here and on blackwyrm

#162361 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Chevar on 13 October 2004 - 06:11 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I've been seeing all kinds of bizzare NPC ideas lately, so Ijust had to post this..

I think it would be great if someone made a new joinable PC, and I have a GREAT idea.

The NPC's father would be a vampiric-lycanthropic-illithid-dracolich

and it's mother would be drow.

she'll be a lawfull good paladin subclass that can only wear skimpy leather outfits that still have abnormally high AC even though their body is only about 5% covered. Her class will be Dominatrix of submission.

She'll have all of her own spells. she's get D/S spells upto level 10, B&D spells from level 11-20, and S&M spells from level 21-30, and BDSM spells from levels 31-50.

she's have a new weapon class called S&M gear, and will only be able to use weapons from this class. (floggers, cat-o-9-tails, whips, chains etc)

a new mage counterspell will be created called "safety word" which will negate all of her abilities until the next scene starts.

#149211 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 03 September 2004 - 10:07 PM in IE Mod Ideas

*Insert jeopardy theme* Who are the dwarves?

I swear you added drow after i posted this the first time.

I've been adding to my posts.. been posting a little getting coffee, posting more, getting a smoke, and finishing..

Actualy the dwarves are covered. NW island. The halflings, for the moment are in my area.. but I've made no mention of Gnomes.

Personally I never have liked Gnomes. I desperately want to replace the entire race.. then again I've considered trading out Half-Elves for Tieflings as well.. but I REALLY want to replace the gnomes, unless there's a serious public outcry to keep them.

#148951 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 02 September 2004 - 10:42 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The idea of a community mod, is, as I said, a wonderful idea. After I get some more work done on my current side-project, I'll whip up a peasant or two. My dialogue coding skills are still a tad shabby, so it'll be excellent practice for it.

I'm still getting the graphical maps generated at the moment.. I'm mainly concerned with one town that there is a normal, and a destroyed copy of..

There are some planned addins that I'll be eventually putting out requests for.. I don't have my AD&D books anymore.. so when It spider cave time I'll be setting up the animations, and asking who wants to get the credit for creating phaze spiders, will all new graphics, and I have a three of four level spider cave that I'll be making maps for.. the idea is; here are all the resources you need, have at it.. that way I can spend more time making the different kingdom locations on the map..

Click on my link below. The current page is crappy and has frames, but Yasu's helping me fix that.

clicking on the name of the project on the left will display the large area map if i remember correctly.

#163793 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Chevar on 18 October 2004 - 08:22 PM in IE Mod Ideas

lol, i would quit the project if he did... not really. well.... maybe...

You'd understand if you'd played planescape.. Grace is perhapse the best written character in any fantasy game I've ever played.

#163740 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Chevar on 18 October 2004 - 03:04 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Maybe in bg2.. but We could find her a home in the world transition project, if someone actually want to do it.

mytera works a bit differently.

#163279 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 16 October 2004 - 08:44 PM in IE Mod Ideas

i was going to ask about that. are those just the NPC's that you're doing, or all of the WTP NPC's? anyways, i noticed you have the Draconian on there, I have done 0 work on it so far. i'll get to it soon though.

I told you I was going another way with the two draconians.. that one there's, oh wait that's a spoiler.. I already have a kit for the white one....... I'll give you the spoiler in the workroom if you want..

#160114 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 05 October 2004 - 08:16 PM in IE Mod Ideas


The project has been underway Here.

The regions for Fort Unity, The Elven Empire, The Human kingdoms are all spoken for.

The three evil empires are still looking for leaders, as well as the remainder of the playable types.

I'm starting to think the hardest one to fill will be halflings. I think I'll combine them with the gnomes.

#148946 My mod Idea..

Posted by Chevar on 02 September 2004 - 10:24 PM in IE Mod Ideas

i would help, that is on the dialogue, i'm not much of a coder,     but i'm learning. That is if you want sheol/NumTimes's      help, i'm obviously not the forum's favorite member, so it's up to you.

Neither am I :). You were the one talking about making it seem more real. I like the idea of having peasants that don't all say the exact same thing..

I'd love to head into the forums and say "hey I need 15 peasants, 10 harem girls, 5 guards, and a couple wandering adventurers, anyone interested?" and have each of them written by someone different.. characters you can have a conversation with without it having to pertain to some plot.. Rumors that are just that - rumors..

#160578 New NPCs

Posted by Chevar on 07 October 2004 - 07:05 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Well, it could just be changed to "darn it" or something.  I just don't really see it as swearing.  Then again, I worked on some construction sites when I was in college, so maybe I'm desensitized. ;)

Actually it's not. It's rooted in the word damned, or to damn. Which is to condemn. The only case in which it is a 'curse' is "Damn you" in which the speaker is considered to be cursing the target, however that's a different meaning of the word curse - The "I put a spell on you" or cursed item meaning.

For years it was used as a word intended as an alternate to an actual cuss word. Somewhere down the line, along with many other words that aren't actual 'cuss' words (ie; Hell), some groups started deciding that perfectly good foul language alternatives were cuss words as well.

These are the same kinds of people that go around banning and even burning books because they don't understand them, or haven't even read them.. this practice of condemning would also be called damning, however they've decided that said term is now forbidden.

There is currently a group trying to get a few more "bad words" added to the list, including dang - no I'm not kidding. A word that is perfectly acceptable for hundreds of years should not be damned (condemned) for eternity because one morning a group of people decide they don't like the word. This fate has befallen far to many words. It's not vulgar until a group declairs it as such.

If you continue to wish to make issue of this there are two courses of action you can take. Report me to the moderator, or simply ignore that one instance of a word on which we vehemently dissagree. Damn is only considered a curse in some regions/subcultures. If everyone rolls over and take it on this word, what's next.

If you don't agree with or understand this dissertation please do a netsearch on banned book in the us, and you may get an idea why I've jumped on a soap box.

The movement to declair this word a cuss was started by the same holy rollers that don't read their bibles. If you want to make sure that kids dont see the word Damn you should be trying to get the bible banned.. it's in there an awful lot, in many of it's forms.

Thess 2:12, Rom 13:2, 13;23, Mark 16:16, 2nd peter 2,1 2:3, 1st Cor 11:29, John 5:29, Mathiew 23:33, 23:14 .....

Better not let those children read the Bible! it has cuss words!

Crap is becomming a cuss word as well. It's not. it's an alternative to the S word. It is vulgar, but it is not a cuss. Here are some link, I'm going to stop wasting my breath.


After discovering the starter of this thread was seriously upset about a non cuss I decided to simply ignore the issue and let it lie. However after a PM I've decided a responce IS in order.

#160112 New NPCs

Posted by Chevar on 05 October 2004 - 08:02 PM in IE Modding Discussion

hey what if there's kids coming in here i don't want you to hurt their poor litttle hearts swearing left and right

Bah, if my one year old longs on and sees this I'll be to amazed to care.. as for the rest..

I was born and raised in New England, ended up moving to Texas while hunting for my wife (LONG STORY).. after moving down here some strange things happened. "Damn" suddenly became a "cuss word", instead of a perfectly valid swear substitute. "Hell" suddenly became a "curse word" as well, which is ironic seeing as most of the time Texas is hotter than hell..

Let's not even bring up "God damn" which down here is the same as saying FnS. go figgure! The fun part of living in the belt buckle of the bible belt is after they gasp and get upset over GD. you can ask them WTF is their MFP? and realize that the GD bothered them more..

While I'm on the toppic.. my kids first and middle initials are MF and GD..

Postscript; If you can figgure out all those abbreviations, congrats! you've graduated from profanity U with honors.

#159803 New NPCs

Posted by Chevar on 04 October 2004 - 06:43 PM in IE Modding Discussion

AHHHH!!!! Chevar's back!!! sorry, now it's down to buisness. as you may know, i get a sheath whip when i work on other projects....:lol: i'll still try to help out if you need it. as far as using just swords..... are there any premade kits that are this way?

I said if you keep taking new projects. Running gag or not! :)

#160074 New NPCs

Posted by Chevar on 05 October 2004 - 05:32 PM in IE Modding Discussion

completely off topic but i wanted you to know Chevar in you sig it says se the world wouldn't it be see the world

No actually it should be written as it was spoken.. "..and se... No Duncan, Gabriel no!, leave the keyboard alone! Damn it (adj. used to express anger, contempt or dissapointment), Gabriel Duncan Lane, I said no! Little man you need to leave my keyboard alone when I'm trying to type! ... the world differently."

#154562 How would you treat a gay romance?

Posted by Chevar on 20 September 2004 - 09:22 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The topic asked me for my overall opinion on the matter, and I replied that it would be a gimmick, ala release a "controversial" mod to gain attention.

Re-Reading the Topic brings me to the point of doing and releasing what you truly wish to do and release, don't care about others opinions on the matter, as if they don't like it, then quite simply, they won't download it.

So, all power to your mod and such. ;)

That's a little unfair.. as he previously stated; he wrote it for a friend as a gift for said friend. He did it for his friends enjoyment. His friend thought he should share it with the modding community.

Seeing as it was written specifically for his friend he's unsure as to whether he wants to put it up or not, being skeptical as to if other's beyond the friend he wrote it for would enjoy it..

(or at least that was my take on it.)

I made a 'barbie' mod for my daughter about a year ago (she was 3 at the time) she was amused for a couple hours, then I deleted it. There could be one or two people out there somewhere that would have gotten a kick out of it, but I wouldn't have made it public for two reasons;

1: I didn't make it for the world, but for my daughter.
2: I wouldn't want to be thought of a "Oh it's the guy with the barbie mod."
(and run the risk of none of my other projects being looked at seriously.)

#151152 How would you treat a gay romance?

Posted by Chevar on 09 September 2004 - 10:03 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Thanks a lot for your input guys. It was very encouraging, and I finally decided to finish writing the dialogue. I desisted from making his dialogue too heavy. I mean all the NPC's tend to be so serious. So, he now sounds like a cross between Carson Daly (queer eye) and Will (of will and grace). He sings Cher songs and though he is a great fighter, he complains that encounters mess up his hair.

The reason why I feel it has plenty of appeal even for non gay people, is his intensive banter with other character. He bemoans Imoens pink hair (Dahling, that is so ten minutes ago), he begs Jahiera to let him do her hair(Honestly dear, haven't you ever heard of mousse?"), and he rather inappropriately hits on Minsc and other NPCs who react in different ways. Like Minsc never gets until the very end that he was being hit on, Anomen gets very flustered and upset, Soloufein is sympathetic and understanding, even if he doesn't `give in', Kelsey even flirts back....jokingly of course. It is also possible that he might have a fight with Anomen, if you do not intervene and cool off Anomen's monumental prissiness.

As for those of you who are flamingly heterosexual, there is always the option of refusing, gently in which case, he just becomes an ardent admirer and loyal follower. Even if you do romance him, it is more crazy than romantic anyway. I did it to make my best friend laugh, not to get him all worked up. Look for him in the mods in progress forum section.

Once again, thanks a lot for your words of wisdom.

And to think I was about to put my quarter in (lots of inflation on that 2 cents..)

I was going to say that if you put in a good amount banter and make the PC amusing to keep around it could appeal to a larger audience. less serious more fun. occasional "Hey, were you checking me out again?" lines for those that turned him down.... etc blah blah.. you're one step ahead of me. :D

#148096 hygeine mod

Posted by Chevar on 31 August 2004 - 07:49 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I would like to thank everyone for their positive feedback :angry: Not one person had anything nice to say. I asked if anyone thought it was a good idea, not a bad one. That's OK. I do think that my vampire or werewolf mod is a good idea though. I never said it was intelligent, but it would add realism. Apparently realism isn't wanted.

Realism? Those two golems in the first level are guards.. a haircutting gnoll wouldn't be a good guard to replace them. Everything in there is in theory under the inflewence of the resident BG2 evil overlord..

Then again he's never read the evil overloard list, so I guess why not?

The problem is if you add something that has no effect on the actual character people wont go for it. If it were to give them a temporary CHA bonus - enough to help them when they go to buy something, and last long enough to get to a shopkeeper it would be worthwhile..

#148471 hygeine mod

Posted by Chevar on 01 September 2004 - 03:45 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I think it's disgusting that these people never bathe or brush.

There are three schools of thought on this..

1) The setting of these games equates to the middle ages. Back then there were plenty of plagues due to the poor hygine at the time. "Bathing oneself" for most commoners was simply washing their face and hands.. and even that wasn't a daily thing. Then there were the aristocrats, who more often coated themselves in perfumes than actually bathing fully.

2) It's a game with the option to go to an inn or camp, so it can be assumed that they bathe/brush every time they do so.

3) There's enough magic in the world that all children could have a "hygeine" spell cast on them at birth by the midwives - that way they never smell.

#139409 Has anyone ever thought of...

Posted by Chevar on 04 August 2004 - 06:29 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I've tried both ZIP and RAR. Both can compress it further with the fantastic value of 0%.

yeah.. I just tried that earlier, and considered deleting my post after seeing the results - but at my DL manager can resume zips heh.

#162015 Tarasha's race

Posted by Chevar on 12 October 2004 - 07:41 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Awake Chevar you are officially considered part of my team congrats and if anyonewants to help i say come join this bard in a tale of truly epic proportions :D  B)

The WTP takes nearly all of my time, sorry other than an irea here and there I can't be much help. I'm trying to get everything figgured out so I can try to get the developer's kit released ASAP.

i have to agree almost entirely w/ Chevar there. except for the getting the developer's kit out..... it may be a little early to be thinking about that....

Nope, it's part of my masterplan ;)

Don't worry it's my deadline, and mine alone.

#161095 Tarasha's race

Posted by Chevar on 08 October 2004 - 11:35 PM in IE Modding Discussion

well the anti-rakasha would need a different origion then chevar's idea, as the rakasha in dnd don't have that origion, their just le spirits that prey on humans. so would their counters be cg and hunt the rakasha, don't the djinni already have that job?

In the bg2 game there are a couple djinn with that 'job', but they're not racial enemies.

Hmm, then where did the AD&D raksha come from? Or are you proposing that all of the creatures without a listed history (nearly all of the AD&D monsters) suddenly appear after the planet eating space dragon farted?

(For the newcommers the planet eating space dragon was an entry in Dragon Magazine ages ago. It was created to dal with characters that were too big for their britches - they needed something after cutting the Cthulu mythos from Dieties and Demigods)

Raksha exist within hindu mythology. I've seen some text in which they paralell the Succubus/Incubus, but seduce in non sexual manners, and eat the body not merely the soul.

They were taken from Hindu myth, so it's logical that this is where their origins must reside.

#161539 Tarasha's race

Posted by Chevar on 10 October 2004 - 07:50 PM in IE Modding Discussion

she can always hit them with the flat of her blade albeit isn't as much damage but it still works

You haven't talked to the right people. the best way to defeat Claygolems is by using a +3 hairdryer of extra drying..

#161886 Tarasha's race

Posted by Chevar on 11 October 2004 - 09:10 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Awake Chevar you are officially considered part of my team congrats and if anyonewants to help i say come join this bard in a tale of truly epic proportions :D B)

The WTP takes nearly all of my time, sorry other than an irea here and there I can't be much help. I'm trying to get everything figgured out so I can try to get the developer's kit released ASAP.

#139059 Has anyone ever thought of...

Posted by Chevar on 03 August 2004 - 10:36 PM in IE Mod Ideas

*Places an order for an even dozen.*

No kidding! Hey LS if you do anymore let me know, I'll snag them too >:)

Then again forget display how about some compression heh.