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#504190 Umberlee Quest Question

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 31 December 2010 - 07:05 AM in Classic Adventures

For the Bane quest, did you look through all the priests' books? One of them seems a bit old for Umberlee clerics. Take the book to the lady downstairs and tell her about it. That will get you going on this quest.

The Myth Drannor quest is currently broken. I had forgotten to add corrections to the dialog files into this patch. To fix it can continue, use the CLUAConsole and type:


This will break the Amber quest but that isn't ready yet anyways. To get this to work properly, use the cheat before he tries to teleport you. Anytime while deciding on which NPCs to summon will work.

#502133 Stronghold question

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 04 December 2010 - 07:47 AM in Classic Adventures

The temple is the first part. The second is the stronghold down in the mountains. From there, you need to go to Suderham which is on an island. That is when you need a ship. Don't go their without a "pass" document or else you will immediately be attacked by the town guards.

#503002 Stronghold question

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 13 December 2010 - 04:17 PM in Classic Adventures

Did you complete A2 (the fortress)? If so, go back to Westgate and enter the docks. You will find them in a tavern but you will also find some other people whom you probably don't like. You also need a captain and he is busy hanging out inside a wine bottle but also in the docks.

#500015 Should this be possible?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 29 October 2010 - 06:31 PM in Classic Adventures

The sword will get upgraded in Myth Drannor, assuming you take her with you.

Rurik's soundset is from IWD

The only part of the U series you should be able to do is the first one, U1 which is to investigate the haunted house and the Sea Ghost. Once they are done you can decline the Captain and start Piney Bluff through Althon and Icar. If you accept the Captain's request to go to the swamp, Althon will ask to join you but he will not ask you to go to Piney Bluff. One or the other all based on what you tell the captain.

Interesting that Althon still offers this quest. I will have to see about blocking that.

Rurik's interest in the keg has nothing to do with the UK mods. That is a side quest to tell you that the sword can be upgraded.

#503450 Should this be possible?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 19 December 2010 - 10:41 AM in Classic Adventures

Correct. The idea is to give you optional paths to play. Just like you should be doing either the Sunless Citadel or the Silver Princess, you should be either doing the Lizardmen series or the Gauntlet series. At the end of each you should be able to continue on to Mistmoor and then to Selgaunt's Bridge district. Mistmoor is totally optional for either paths. All paths will lead to the Bridge District.

#500090 Should this be possible?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 30 October 2010 - 08:28 PM in Classic Adventures

Bug free? There is a reason why this is only version .53 and not 1.53. It isn't done!

There are plenty of incomplete areas and I am still finding buggy dialogs. That is the nature of a mod in progress. I would recommend that you search the forum here whenever you find an issue. More than likely it is either a known bug we haven't gotten to or a fresh new bug which we don't know about yet. Either way, all you can do is try to continue on. Some cases will require using the CLUConsole to reset a global variable or kill a creature or jump yourself to the next area.

#500016 Should this be possible?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 29 October 2010 - 06:39 PM in Classic Adventures

My own errors found:

Candella keeps repeating her banter with you. Fixed
Aesdale and Blush - Blush doesn't appear at inn. Fixed by changing the coordinates of where she spawns in.
Scroll about chair. Fixed, item can't be equipped and therefore you can't duplicate the scroll.
Key to Lizardman lair. Never broken, it is the guy outside the entrance, not the other two lizardmen, however, if all three fight you I can see why there is confusion on this.
Lizardmen animations. Not fixed yet but several creatures have reversed animations, as in a guard has the red lizardman and the higher level creatures have the green. Issues will show animations without proper weapons do to the green lizardmen not have staves, just shield and axe.
Sanbelt will cast Magic Missle 2 using a wand at the PC - this is a killer if the PC is a low level mage. Fixed to now casts spell at person he is talking to. So I used Dirbert who can handle the damage.

BTW, my current party is PC - elf mage, Shadow, Dirbert, Candella, Aesdale, and Blush. It has been incredibly fustrating playing such a weak bunch of characters. It is doable though.

#524191 Secret of BoneHill v2.75b

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 05 October 2011 - 04:05 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Graoumf and his coworkers have updated this mod to include a French translation. They have also included a few bug fixes based on issues reported here. I have uploaded for everyone, however, I am not the person to contact for support. Sorry folks but I still need to get the next CA version.

Here is the link : SOBH v.275b

Here are some of the updates they included:

Apart from the French translation, here are the change we made:
1. inclusion of fixes provided in the BiG Fixpack v10.1 various fixes to tra files (invalid keywords and stuff) fixes for three small problems mentioned in the Bonehill v275 bug report thread
2. a complete rewrite of the readme (english and spanish), using the latest SHS model.
3. BH0111.ARE, both for BGT and Tutu: changed the charge of RNDTRE01.ITM in the container to 0 (it seems this value is used elsewhere for random items)
4. BHQUENEX.d: added a text reply before EXIT in the unconditionnal reply of the first state. The text used is not optimal but avoids adding a new text (reused text for the exit case in state 12)
5. BHMARTIN.d, both for BGT and Tutu: added a reply when "BHGnollQuest" is 1. I reused a reply for when it is 0, which is not optimal either (but the ogre mage is not dead yet anywhere, so the task is not finished).
6. Finally, I changed the readme handling in the tp2 file, aside from adding the French language. They used to be copies of the English readme in other directories, so that the AT_EXIT command would work with the %LANGUAGE% variable. Instead I used the README command, which allows to set a name with %LANGUAGE%, with a fallback if the file is not found, in this case it will display the English version. Additionally, this means the readme will be proposed at the beginning of the installation. I checked the behaviour will all languages.

#510596 Screenshots

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 13 March 2011 - 12:25 PM in Classic Adventures

Future mods we are working on are the Giants series, G-1-2-3. The first is with Hill Giants. So, in version 0.54, we plan to add some of the first maps for this area. It won't be finished but it should give some of you another area or two to explore. Be prepared for some serious fights.
G1 Giants.jpg

#505419 Screenshots

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 18 January 2011 - 09:49 AM in Classic Adventures

Version 0.54 has several major updates. Mostly the integration of Infinite Animations (again). This time, it should work with those of you using non-English based systems. We are also working on adding in another module, X2 - Castle Amber. I don't have anything to show you yet for that mod. However, here are some others to look at.

The first is an Herbalist in Westgate. This is merchant/store from Check the Bodies. I had wanted to add in components from that mod for some time now. This is the first main one. You will see other items later. In Selgaunt, we hope to add in another Herbalist. Maybe the whole Herb and Potion mod. Dunno since I haven't looked at it in a long time.

The second is from the same area but this is meeting with the Fire Knives. As some of you know, this is a group of outcast Cormyrian nobles who now live in Westgate plotting the downfall of King Azoun. I had discovered that the plot wasn't working up to this point. So I am trying to get it working for 0.54 so you can try out Porph and Erin who have been in the game for several version now but never spawned correctly.

Attached Images

  • Herbalist.jpg
  • Knives.jpg

#499954 Safe to Shadow Keep?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 28 October 2010 - 04:12 PM in Classic Adventures

The 2 female elves are trying to talk to Aesdale. Since they start the dialog not him, your game shouldn't freeze every few steps. However, if the dialog did start and didn't end correctly, than you would have this problem.

#504936 Resting Problem

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 12 January 2011 - 05:51 AM in Classic Adventures

Rest Interrupts are settings stored in the whole area file. Closing doors or sleeping in a corner do not modify the percentage chance of an encounter. For the percent chance in these areas:

Area Day Night Area Description
TC0012 50 5 Stairs going up and out of dungeon
TC0013 10 10 Kobold territory/Meepo/Dragon Priest
TC0014 70 70 Goblin territory/rats
TC0015 10 10 Belak/Lava Worms/Blights

As you can see, only the goblin area should be a problem. I know that the game has a problem with doing random creatures. There is something wrong with the game in that you can get 3 encounters in a row with only a 10% chance on each one. The same randomness seems to be related to how the game creates spawn areas for wandering monsters. I have some areas that will 100% spawn a creature and other areas that never seem to spawn anything.

For version 0.54, I am working on giving Meepo a dialog option to watch over you during rest. This will only happen after you successfully complete his quest and he is not part of your group anymore.

#499342 Problems during MOD Installation

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 19 October 2010 - 03:19 PM in Classic Adventures

I am going with this assumption as well. A full install is needed. Please let us know if you did a full install.

#507959 Pool of Radiance/Ruins of Adventure?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 10 February 2011 - 11:10 AM in Classic Adventures

No. We do have other quests using Myth Drannor, but not particular quest.

#514521 Plan for an update?

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 06 May 2011 - 08:14 AM in Classic Adventures

Working on it. Probably still another month or two out. We have a couple more maps to build for Castle Amber. Once I can do a full run through that mod, I'll see about getting this out to everyone.

#515508 Help

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 22 May 2011 - 04:49 PM in Classic Adventures

You didn't do a full install of SoA or ToB. Both have to be fully installed because we use some area graphics from the original game.

#500239 CTD in what I Presume to be the "Abandond Temple"

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 02 November 2010 - 04:49 AM in Classic Adventures

I think you are trying to say that you get a CTD when entering the temple building, area TC1502. Is that correct? As far as I can tell all the creatures here have valid CRE files and animations. I didn't encounter this problem so it could have been a spawned creature which are usually random. So I may not ever see it. Okay, that gives me something to start looking for. Thanks.

#500540 Chaarna

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 07 November 2010 - 04:57 AM in Classic Adventures

I think he is already passed that point. If she is now following you, you need to get her out of Westgate. A ship would do nicely.

#499953 Can't travel to Piney Bluff

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 28 October 2010 - 04:08 PM in Classic Adventures

You have to leave Saltmarsh from the top of the map.

#503503 CA patch 0.53a

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 20 December 2010 - 02:43 PM in Classic Adventures

Suna Seni is going to drive me crazy. I thought I had her random attack on you working but today I had it happen when leaving the swamp. WTH? I didn't know I even had that area tied to leaving TC0070. So I fixed that to be a normal swamp encounter. I also changed her dialog file and scripts so it should be a simple attack on you now during the A1-A2 slaver period like I always intended.

A few other issues have appeared but you should be fine playing without it effecting your game. If you see something, please post it here so we can figure out what the bug really is and how to fix it. Thanks.

#503004 CA patch 0.53a

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 13 December 2010 - 04:26 PM in Classic Adventures

We have a new patch for Classic Adventures. This is a patch for the 0.53 mod. You must install the full mod before you can install this patch. We have tried to include as many fixes as you good players have found and pointed out to us. More complicated corrections will be found in the 0.54 version once it is ready but this should help you with problems around the Westgate area.

#500707 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 09 November 2010 - 05:34 PM in Classic Adventures

That sounds like either Mistmoor or Piney Bluff. If there is a dungeon, than it could be the villa of Van Arthogs which is part of the UK2 mod (The Guantlet). Posting a screen shot would help us know exactly where you are.

#507522 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 05 February 2011 - 10:05 AM in Classic Adventures

Dracandros - The only traps I see are on 2 containers. Nothing on the floor. I'll have to run a party through to see what you are encountering.
Maze - Yes, one of the CRE files is the wrong one. Fixed.
Mistmoor - I forgot about the side quests. I haven't run through them in over a year. I've probably broken the dialog when adding something else to the Captain's dialog. I'll take a look. Thanks.

#504844 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 10 January 2011 - 05:14 PM in Classic Adventures

Both area transitions now fixed for next version.

BTW, if you are saying you can't find Ander after talking to him on the docks, go to the inn on the same map (the one at the top of the map that looks has stairs going down into the inn). He will be there.

#500092 Bug Report for 0.53

Posted by Sir BillyBob on 30 October 2010 - 08:34 PM in Classic Adventures

I just realized that I posted this in a different thread so some of you may not see it.

Candella keeps repeating her banter with you. Fixed
Aesdale and Blush - Blush doesn't appear at inn. Fixed by changing the coordinates of where she spawns in.
Scroll about chair. Fixed, item can't be equipped and therefore you can't duplicate the scroll.
Key to Lizardman lair. Never broken, it is the guy outside the entrance, not the other two lizardmen, however, if all three fight you I can see why there is confusion on this.
Lizardmen animations. Not fixed yet but several creatures have reversed animations, as in a guard has the red lizardman and the higher level creatures have the green. Issues will show animations without proper weapons do to the green lizardmen not have staves, just shield and axe.
Sanbelt will cast Magic Missle 2 using a wand at the PC - this is a killer if the PC is a low level mage. Fixed to now casts spell at person he is talking to. So I used Dirbert who can handle the damage.

New issues:
Candella's new soundset is very loud. I'll have to figure that one out. It is fine in Audacity, just not in the game.
Myth Drannor - Dialog is broken when the cutscene with Althon happens. Fixed, btw if you read it you know we are getting ready for Castle Amber.
Bard's Potion Quest - I had fixed some variables awhile back but that now causes Bonito to not talk to you about the potion. Fixed
Bane Crypt Quest - the Umberlee priestess appears outside her temple but you can't see her. Fixed to move her near stairs so new players should be able to continue this quest.