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#419083 Inventory Issues

Posted by Sticz on 21 September 2008 - 01:15 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

I have a boss-monster I want to have a powerful weapon that I cannot loot. However, I want him/her to have an inventory item that I can loot. The sword in question already has a decent script for if the sword falls on the ground, but I need it also to get removed from inventory should I be able to loot it. Here is what I have so far:

ScriptName FirelickSword1
short HasFS

Begin OnActivate
If IsActionRef Player == 1
MessageBox "The weapon crumbles to dust in your hands."

Begin OnAdd Player
If Player.GetItemCount flamesword1 <= 1
If hasFS == 0
Set HasFS to 1

Begin GameMode
If Player.GetItemCount flamesword1 >= 1
If HasFS == 1
Player.RemoveItem flamesword1 1
MessageBox "The weapon crumbles to dust in your hands."
Set HasFS to 0

This script crashes me to desktop every time. I have tried it without the 'player.removeitem flamesword1 1' and it works perfectly. so the culpret is the remove item, I just dont know what I am doing wrong. Is it becasue the 'player' variable is not more defined?

If anyone has an answer to this, please let me know. Thanks.


#407179 Non-conflicting body mesh

Posted by Sticz on 24 July 2008 - 10:45 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

I have tried several meshes for better female's but none I have seen really match up will with the default body pieces on the vanilla armors. Does anyone know of a body replacement that link's up really well? I have tried BAB, Roberts Female, Eshme and exnem's, any other suggestions?

I have also tried the 'topless' mod for the vanilla body, its rather... lacking... as far as texturing and such.



#407117 Scripting Difficulties

Posted by Sticz on 24 July 2008 - 02:33 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

As a point of reference should anyone else be attempting a similar spell, here is what someone came up with for me:

ScriptName MyHouseSCRIPT

ref pLocation1
ref pLocation2
ref pLocation3
short iButton

begin ScripEffectStart

    if ( getStage, Dark01Knife >= 40 )
        set pLocation1 to DarkSancDoorSoundREF
        if ( getStage, TG11Heist == 160 )
            set pLocation2 to TGGateREF
            if ( GetStage, MQ04 >= 50 )
                set pLocation3 to cloudRulerGateREF
                MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", "Dareloth's House", "Cloud Ruler Temple", "Nowhere"
                MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", "Dareloth's House", "Nowhere"
        elseif ( GetStage, MQ04 >= 50 )
            set pLocation2 to CloudRulerGateREF
            MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", "Cloud Ruler Temple", "Nowhere"
            MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", "Nowhere"

    elseif ( GetStage, TG11Heist == 160 )
        set pLocation1 to TGGateREF

        if ( GetStage, MQ04 >= 50 )
            set pLocation2 to CloudRulerGateREF
            MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dareloth's House", "Cloud Ruler Temple", "Nowhere"
            MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dareloth's House", "Nowhere"
    elseif ( GetStage, MQ04 >= 50 )
        set pLocation1 to CloudRulerGateREF
        MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Cloud Ruler Temple", "Nowhere"

        MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Nowhere"


Begin GameMode
    set iButton to GetButtonPressed

; did the player press a button?
    if iButton > -1

; depending of the button that was pressed in the messagebox, Teleport to a guildhall.
        playSound DRSOblivionGateOpen
;Determine button
        if ( iButton == 0 )
            player.MoveTo, MyHOUSEGATEREF
        elseif ( iButton == 1 )
            if ( pLocation1 != 0 )
                player.moveTo, pLocation1
        elseif ( iButton == 2 )
            if ( pLocation2 != 0 )
                player.moveTo, pLocation2
        elseif ( iButton == 3 )
            if ( pLocation3 != 0 )
                player.moveTo, pLocation3


Hope this helps someone.


#406753 Scripting Difficulties

Posted by Sticz on 21 July 2008 - 09:10 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Ok, after alot of trial and error, this is what I have:

ScriptName MyHouseSCRIPT

; This is the script that runs when using the Teleport spell
int iButton

Begin ScriptEffectStart
; Open messagebox for selecting desired Teleport destination.
MessageBox "Where do you wish to travel?" , "Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", "Dareloth's House", "Cloud Ruler Temple", "Nowhere",


Begin GameMode
set iButton to GetButtonPressed

; did the player press a button?
if iButton > -1
; depending of the button that was pressed in the messagebox, Teleport to a guildhall.
playSound DRSOblivionGateOpen
if iButton == 0
     player.MoveTo MYHOUSEGATEREF

if iButton == 1 && getstage Dark01Knife >= 40
     player.MoveTo DarkSancDoorSoundRef
               TriggerHitShader  3
Message "You have not earned this location"

if iButton == 2 && GetStage TG11HEIST == 160
     player.MoveTo TGGateREF
TriggerHitShader  3
Message "You have not earned this location"
          if iButton == 3 && Getstage MQ04 >= 50
     player.MoveTo cloudrulergateREF
                    TriggerHitShader  3
                   Message "You have not earned this location"


HOWEVER: This is a really lazy work around. I would rather have the buttons ("Wayside Manor" , "Dark Sanctuary", etc.) be 'activated' with variables, but I tried that several ways and to no avail. Does anyone know of a way to set up those buttons as variables? This script works with the only hitch that button number 4 seems to always default to one of the other button "else" conditions. I am not sure why.

Any expertise would be very welcome.


#406664 Scripting Difficulties

Posted by Sticz on 21 July 2008 - 07:37 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Hello all,

I am getting into scripting with Oblivion, now that I had finally become a Journeyman with it in the IE games. I am running into problems finding good examples in the game itself. I have a teleportation spell that works wonders (though if I learn more about scripting I will make it so that quests won't be broken). My primary concern now is that I would like to have options on where to teleport to. Here is what I have:

ScriptName ManorHouseSCRIPT

; This is the script that runs when using the Teleport spell
int iButton

Begin ScriptEffectStart
; Open messagebox for selecting desired Teleport destination.
MessageBox "Do you wish to travel to Wayside Manor?", "Yes", "No"

Begin GameMode
set iButton to GetButtonPressed
; did the player press a button?
if iButton > -1
; depending of the button that was pressed in the messagebox, Teleport to a guildhall.
playSound DRSOblivionGateOpen
if iButton == 0

This works fine and there are no hitches. However, I would also like to add menues as various quests get completed. So that once I am master of the Thieves Guild, I can teleport directly to the guild. And the same with the Mages guild, Fighters guild and dark brotherhood. What I am lacking is an order to put the pieces together in.  I am pretty sure that my variables/globals need to be in this first line.

Begin ScriptEffectStart
; Open messagebox for selecting desired Teleport destination.
MessageBox "Do you wish to travel to Wayside Manor?", "Yes", "No"

I am a little slow in this, but here goes

Begin ScriptEffectStart
if myVar1 == 1 && myVar2 == 1 && myVar2 == 5
; Open messagebox for selecting desired Teleport destination.
MessageBox "Do you wish to travel to Wayside Manor?", "Yes", "No"

if myVar1 == 1 && myVar2 == 1 || myVar2 == 5
; Open messagebox for selecting desired Teleport destination.
MessageBox "Where do you want to Travel?", "The Manor", "The Sanctuary", "Fighters Guild", "Dareloth's Home"
                                 MessageBox "Do you wish to close this menu?", "Yes", "No"


What I am really looking for is how to identify the quest stages for the main factions in the game. I also need to know how to specifically target a range in that questline so that I can target the time when, for instance, I get the key to the thieves guild. Pouring through all of the code/scripts in the game has gotten me more confused than anything. I appreciate the help, thanks.


#406464 Making Static Items

Posted by Sticz on 19 July 2008 - 11:16 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

It took me some digging and a few different search engines, but found my own answer:


Hope this helps someone

#406461 where can I find Exnem's Eyecandy body replacer?

Posted by Sticz on 19 July 2008 - 10:52 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

http://teseyecandy.com is the main site for Eye Candy. *There are some links to nudity, so please do not venture there if you are easily offended or under the age of 18.


#406403 Making Static Items

Posted by Sticz on 19 July 2008 - 03:15 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

I am looking to change some things that always get knocked off of tables and such from movable to static. Does anyone here have ideas as to how to do this? I have checked the Wiki, but found nothing specific to my problem. I looked at the settings on nifskope, and found nothing I can decipher.

Is this something I need to us a modeling editor for?



#392380 What is the Easiest way to... X2 - ?????

Posted by Sticz on 08 May 2008 - 05:19 PM in IE Help

Sure thing. I havent been on here in a while and good to see my limited knowledge is useful to someone.

:cheers: Sticz

#391361 What is the Easiest way to... X2 - ?????

Posted by Sticz on 04 May 2008 - 05:48 PM in IE Help

I have a dungeon boss that does something very similar to this, I used scripting and dialog to complete this.

If you are wanting the MOB to chat, summon, chat some more, summon again, chat, etc. you can easily do this with the dialog, and it will solve your problems pretty cleanly. To address the characters in the party, you do this as you would in any normal dialog (interjections, etc.) and have the actions at the end of each tree summon your monsters to specific locations. Once the monsters (via death variable) are dead, have the conversation start again. This will give you your classic 'monologue' of evil-doer in between waves of henchmen.

Here is what I have, though the area script is not here, it fires the incremental dialogs:


IF ~True()Global("Mistimore","GLOBAL",0)~
SAY ~Ahhh. A mortal has entered my domain. I thought I heard the moans of my children.~ [UNEARM01]
= ~You have come all this way for naught, <PRO_RACE>, you will become one of my children soon.~
= ~Let us begin our dangerous game.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("Mistimore","GLOBAL",1)CreateCreature("decmist",[646.428],0)CreateCreature("decmist",[502.483],14)CreateCreature("decmist",[440.562],12)CreateCreature("decmist",[498.653],10)~ EXIT

IF ~True()Global("Mistimore","GLOBAL",1)~
SAY ~So, you think you can get the better of me then? These puppets are fodder, but let me get my ammusement from them.~ [UNEARM02]
= ~You will die here yet, <CHARNAME>.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("Mistimore","GLOBAL",2)CreateCreature("decmis2",[646.428],0)CreateCreature("decmis2",[502.483],14)CreateCreature("decmis2",[440.562],12)CreateCreature("decmis2",[498.653],10)~ EXIT

IF ~True()Global("Mistimore","GLOBAL",2)~
SAY ~Very well, if you wish to be a poor sport about it, then I will deal with you myself.~ [UNEARM03]
= ~Die, fool, and may your bones walk these halls for eternity!~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("Mistimore","GLOBAL",3)Enemy()ForceSpell([PC],BEHOLDER_CAUSE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS)Attack(PLAYER1)~ EXIT

Hope this is what you were asking about, I could be off topic entirely. :blink:


#364290 Mods, Cheats, and Vista

Posted by Sticz on 05 December 2007 - 12:43 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I agree with Zyraen, UAC is horrid and does nothing to enhance the experience of windows. It is meant to prevent malicious programs from altering your files, but makes it impossible for anyone to work beyond MyDocuments files. I spent hours trying to figure out why my mods were not installing, why I couldn't unzip certain packaged software from zip files, and why I had to get repeated confirmation windows for deleting simple files. After I figured out that it was UAC, I had to basically start over with all of my settings for my various games, controllers, etc. because it did not recognize any user files that belonged to UAC accounts.

I just wish I had the money to upgrade to XP.

Sticz :whistling:

#350585 Vampire Facial Changes

Posted by Sticz on 03 October 2007 - 06:22 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Here is the link for the discussion on Vampire Morphs. They have been doing some really fine work on it and it looks like they are getting somewhere. I am posting this because I know what its like to rummage through dozens of topics and not have a clear idea where they actually solved their issue.


Hope this helps anyone else interested in this topic.


#350584 City Guard Sccripting: Two things

Posted by Sticz on 03 October 2007 - 06:18 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

I was playing around with some new meshes (I only have one mod that I add things to constantly, it keeps my game cleaner) and came across an Exenm low-cut set for city guards. Is there a way to have the guards scripted to change gender during their rest cycle? I would want them to change back and forth so one day/night they are male, the next they are female. Since they have generic names the only way that I would notice the change would be if I went to watch them all go to sleep. Is this possible and would there be any conflicts (I.E. the would continuously change gender during sleep or it would interrupt their rest cycle)

Secconldy, I want the guards to attempt an arrest only if my bounty is say, under 1500 septims, otherwise they would just start attacking. How would I script that in to their reactions? Would that be a dialog issue or a active script issue. I would also not want them to start attacking due to the Gray Fox Cowl.

I am very used to scripting for Baldur's Gate, so I am new at TES scripting, though the premises are very similar.

Thanks for any and all help in this matter.


#350381 Vampire Facial Changes

Posted by Sticz on 02 October 2007 - 11:08 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Agreed, those are the aspects that I would like to change. I would, honestly, be fine if all that the character received in all the stages of vampirism was the fangs. I am not particularly a fan of the sunken cheeks of the later stages, but they encourrage you to feed.


#350155 Vampire Facial Changes

Posted by Sticz on 01 October 2007 - 12:01 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

<_< The aging is controlled by the settings and if lowered, your character is not as ugly when a vampire. However, for the females in particular, the face still makes a noted change in that they look like they have been smoking 5 packs of cigarets a day for years: Wrinkles and a generally weathered look. I generally view vampires as being MORE attractive, not less, otherwise they would not be as capable of seducing their victims. Through reviewing multiple posts I have learned that this is controlled by humanhead.tri that controls the stages of vampirism.

This is where I would like to edit the file. I would still like the aging, but would rather it started at stage 3.

There are mods that change the way vampires age, but they are bulky and excessively scripted. I am looking for a single .tri file that will cover what I want to do, but do not know where to begin with the editing. I have downloaded several programs, but they are entirely greek to me. I have not seen any plugins for Blender or any other program that would make this more easily facilitated.

I was hoping that TesNexus would have the answer I was looking for when it came online as there were many links to files there from other sites. I have found nothing that included anything other than a Oblivion Plugin and new eyes.

Sticz <_<

#350080 Vampire Facial Changes

Posted by Sticz on 01 October 2007 - 06:30 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

I am looking for a way to or a mod that can modify the way vampires appear in the game. I am particularly interested in the female appearance. I am not fond of the haggard look vampires get upon becoming one (even with the age setting turned way down). I do enjoy the fangs, but the wrinkled face that is added is not particularly appealing. What mods or programs will do this to the actual .tri file?

I am not looking for a scripting solution, I am looking for an actual edit of the file itself. I have broused many many mods and none of them had the solution.

I would be happy to go with a tutorial, but the only one I have found left out MANY key steps.

Any ideas?
