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#576239 Pillars of Eternity News

Posted by Kulyok on 27 March 2015 - 12:06 AM in General Gameplay

An important reminder, now that the game is out: Pillars of Eternity does not have any romance. So you'll be wasting your money if you're expecting it.

#574040 New Line Cinema LOTR imagery made isometric?

Posted by Kulyok on 15 December 2014 - 07:39 AM in IE Help

Not sure how legal it'd be.


(the movie was not so good, btw, for those considering to go. The beginning was okay, but then - very little story, lots of senseless hack-and-slash. And two seconds of the Three Rings).

#578175 Mod Romance Standards

Posted by Kulyok on 07 June 2015 - 12:19 AM in IE Modding Discussion

For me, it's generally great to have lots of interesting content that's written from the heart and unique, and not-so-great to have boring stuff - one more round of "What's your relationship with Imoen?", "Tell me of Gorion and Sarevok", "We must find Irenicus!" and the obligatory "So, Child of Bhaal, huh?" Edwin's romance, for example, is unique - it deals with Edwin's personality and crisis of conscience(he was supposed to kill CHARNAME for the Red Wizards and didn't); Sarevok's romance is also very Sarevok'y, concentrating on his, um, manly stature(gulps).


Romance conflicts are good, and four-five lovetalks would be fine until the first one, but keep in mind that you can write a mod conflict with Anomen, but writing a conflict with Edwin, Haer'Dalis, Adrian, Kivan, Kelsey, Solaufein, Darian and Waukeen knows who else? And then updating it each time a new mod springs forward? A hopeless effort, I say.

I would say it's best to have eighteen or twenty or more lovetalks before confession and the variable becoming 2, because the romance _before_ the love confession is the most interesting part, the "will-they-or-won't-they" part. Besides, multiromancing is popular before commitment, so that the player has room to breathe and choose and maybe pretend she's not flirting with That Guy at all.

After commitment, I'd still have a minimum of five-eight lovetalks, because otherwise it might feel like the NPC's finally gotten CHARNAME into his bed and then fallen silent, because he needs nothing else from her. Which is a major turn-off.

For ToB, I'd say nine or twelve lovetalks with a short(40 min) timer is fine, if you already have a SoA romance. More is better, less than eight would probably feel too sparse.

Mind you, that's just me, the girl who wrote twenty extra player-initiated conversations for one(!) of Xan's romance paths in ToB alone just because she felt like it.

#574181 Longer Road or Redemption

Posted by Kulyok on 19 December 2014 - 12:40 PM in Longer Road

The Longer Road is your choice. :) It's a huge expansion of Redemption, and it adds Irenicus as an NPC! I liked it(though reading the readme is recommended).

#574316 Khalid mod for BG II

Posted by Kulyok on 26 December 2014 - 01:05 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hi, I just wanted to respond to your message here, because it might concern other modders.  First of all, best of luck with maintaining and expanding your Khalid mod! Second, it's really great to see Khalid alive and in game. 


I really agree that immersion is important, and it sounds pretty silly when Xan or Kelsey are talking about his death with sadness when he's standing right here. Right? Right. But there are fifty++ NPC mods out there, and it would be pretty hard to reach ALL the modders to change them all.


So I would recommend to consider these:


- either leave these instances alone, and the players would gracefully close their eyes to this little inconsistency;


- or, if it is a one-alone banter(for example, a banter with Xan happens on the Promenade), you can check if the mod is using the banter's variable anywhere else, and if it doesn't(and only if it doesn't) you quietly set this variable in your mod to 10000, if Xan is in party. This way the banter won't trigger. I think it's allow-able in your case. 


- but if this banter is used as a part of a romance track, then you're in trouble, since stopping the romance track is probably too much, and skipping a romance conversation is not so good(maybe it's an important romance conversation). In this case, I doubt fifty modders would change their romance tracks. :( So I would welcome suggestions on what to do here. Weidu does offer opportunities to change a mod's dialogue(tra) line, deleting "Khalid" from that line during installations or something, but that's a delicate line to walk, and bad coding can mess up things(I admit I never tried it yet myself). Thoughts?

#578934 General discussion

Posted by Kulyok on 06 July 2015 - 05:44 AM in Almateria's Restoration Project

Hey, must be a great mod! *downloads mod*


(reads mod)



#574122 Dragon Age: Inquisition General Discussion

Posted by Kulyok on 18 December 2014 - 12:44 AM in Dragon Age Series

A great Dragon Age: Inquisition song by a popular rock band (mild spoilers in the visuals, I guess): youtube.com/watch?v=3MVqdYcbDp8

#580899 Dragon Age Fanfic recommendations

Posted by Kulyok on 09 September 2015 - 05:23 AM in Dragon Age Series

Now that Trespasser DLC is out, I may want to add some more Solavellan fics; will be adding them to this post, since it's been quite a while since the last time. There'll probably only be a few.


A Suitable Replacement (NSFW, Solas doesn't like that she keeps having sex with various elves) http://dragonage-kin...34006#t57834006

All Things In Moderation (NQSFW, they explore their relationship, and Lavellan likes to lead) http://dragonage-kin...16054#t57516054

Poke the Beast to Cure Boredom (messing with Solas' views) http://archiveofouro...apters/10582113

What We've Lost (miscarriage) http://dragonage-kin...22326#t57122326

A Name By Any Other (sweet Rumple story retelling) http://dragonage-kin...19362#t56119362

This Fire Will Bring Us Both Down (smut, + all other stories of the same author) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9148525

Imperito (dom Solas, smut) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9403332

Heavy In Your Arms ( +sequel, same author, noncon, pregnancy) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4722176 http://archiveofouro...apters/10900010

Fit to be Tied (smut! and knotting) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4286967

Come to Season (nsfw, smut, noncon, female Adaar is agressive) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4009912 http://archiveofouro...hapters/9426606

Scarred For Life (Inquisitor - blood mage) http://archiveofouro...apters/10816136

Wherever You Go Today (au, elves rule the world, Trev as a slave/offering) http://archiveofouro...apters/10827674

Every Dalish Curse (beloved and precious scene, telling the truth) http://archiveofouro...hapters/7821860

Protective http://dragonage-kin...56578#t56256578

Star Girl (AU, Solas has cancer; second half of the story is better) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4009813

Hold Onto Yourself (noncon, forced to watch) http://dragonage-kin...42914#t56942914

Not That Way (stumbles upon Solas doing That; long prelude) http://archiveofouro...hapters/8846464

all of my pieces are jagged (sentinels and Abelas come to serve the Inq) http://archiveofouro...apters/10572591

Pride, standing tall (Solas is Lavellan's father) http://dragonage-kin...407#t54897407 


Message Sent (AU, great) http://archiveofouro...hapters/7585658


Please (just a short Trespasser retelling) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4779725

Look Back (Solas dreams of her. A beautiful dream) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4781300 and all others, like Tandem http://archiveofouro...apters/10544946

A Wealth of Sorrows (first chapters might be a bit boring, after Cory, Inquisitor is not herself) http://archiveofouro...hapters/7995447

Blue with Frenzy (sex pollen) http://dragonage-kin...48447#t55048447 http://archiveofouro...g/works/4063999

Catharsis (closing the rifts results in Big Pleasure each time) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9016690

By the Still Waters ( looking for Hawke in the Fade, Solas helping) http://archiveofouro...hapters/7819667

Too High, Can't Come Down (magic wild during sex, nsfw) http://dragonage-kin...40863#t55140863

Lamentation (hurt, Solas crying, comfort) http://archiveofouro...g/works/4141032

Vir Bor'Assan: Bend but Never Break (non-con templars and Solas! nsfw!) : http://archiveofouro...hapters/8699503

Ar Lath Ma, Vhenan (slowly forgetting Solas for Cullen) http://dragonage-kin...26615#t58226615

Not By (Solas realizes they're people) http://dragonage-kin...39159#t58239159

Lavellanized (hilarious! Kid with Solas) http://dragonage-kin...10839#t58310839

Compassion (she dies before reaching Solas, Cole brings her to him) http://dragonage-kin...71159#t58271159

Promises to Keep (she follows him through the mirror) http://dragonage-kin...35735#t58135735

and all my armor falling down in a pile at my feet  (sex at the crossroads) http://dragonage-kin...65943#t58165943

Alterity and Unity (smut, Solas a virgin) http://dragonage-kin...27007#t55627007

The lands they trekked in dreams (immortality, happy ending) http://dragonage-kin...38111#t55738111

As You Are (nsfw, period sex) http://dragonage-kin...71839#t55971839

On the Other Side of the Veil (AU, Professor Solas) http://archiveofouro...hapters/8583910

Something for the Nerves ( very simple, Inquisitor is overwhelmed at Skyhold and runs away) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9947306

Antique Dreams (beautiful smut) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9216403

Without Words (wardens find Solas) http://archiveofouro...apters/10576749 http://dragonage-kin...51661#t54151661

gotta piss sometime (yup, waterworks, nsfw, all amazingly written, trashbin's over here) http://dragonage-kin...83405#t54183405

Fool's Errand (inferiority complex) http://dragonage-kin...03629#t54203629

Maker's Child (she has a kid with him, pregnancy) http://dragonage-kin...06637#t54406637

Burn and Beg (Evelyn with Bull, Solas pines, nsfw) http://archiveofouro...hapters/9552396

#578213 Did CHARNAME and Imoen Step Outside of Candlekeep as Children?

Posted by Kulyok on 09 June 2015 - 12:07 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Domi wrote a mini-mod inside Coran's Friendship(or Romance?) like that.


Coran: "Let's run away!"

PC: "Yay, let's do it!"

(screen, endgame)


Best ending ever.


In my headcanon, neither Imoen nor PC ever left Candlekeep. I recall the game isn't saying anything certain, and mods' authors interpret it however they like.

#583657 [REQUEST][TRANSLATION (RUSSIAN)] Cursed Items Revision

Posted by Kulyok on 12 December 2015 - 12:38 AM in Resource Request Forum

Okay, but asking me was-is a very bad idea, because I generally don't know which Russian terms people use for translating general stuff; never played the game in Russian at all, actually. But here we go:


@10205 = ~Идентификация
Уровень: 1
Школа: Ясновидение
Расстояние: Личное
Длительность: Немедленно
Время произношения: Особое
Зона действия: 1 предмет
Спасбросок: Нет

Когда произносится это заклинание, имя и чары (но не проклятия) одного предмета, к которому прикасается волшебник, безошибочно открываются. Многие предметы можно использовать и неопознанными, но с огромным риском.~


(This is normal Windows encoding, btw). Good luck!

#580451 [HELP WANTED] Writer for 2 NPC mods

Posted by Kulyok on 11 August 2015 - 09:21 PM in Classifieds

What you're trying to do is "quenting" the characters. (In my language, at least): you have a short "quent"(backstory, biography), and you offer it to anyone who'd agree to develop the character fully for you.

That's usually a fun challenge, if the quent is interesting enough(for example, I'm participating in a quent-based story contest right now, and there're all types of characters: a zombie Watson with a mechanical arm in a steampunk world; a 90-year old Rapuncel who became a leader of a bandit gang, a girl who worked in a brothel to get gills - and many others). Thing is, a good mod takes a good part of a year(unlike a short story that takes a week or two), and it's far more interesting to write for one's own characters.


I mean, can you imagine taking a few months to flesh out someone's character based on four or five lines? Especially if the character is of a "very special" race(which is usually a bad sign, google the Mary-Sue list) and possesses no intriguing character traits, just a race and a deity.


(I'm just explaining why you may not receive any proposals on this one, unfortunately. Even if your backstories are good).