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#556778 Bug at the end of the Watcher's Keep

Posted by Ascension64 on 04 April 2013 - 02:56 PM in BGT Archive

Had a quick look. BG2Fixpack fixed this bug.


You need to be either in Chapter 8 (in ToB part of the game), or need to drop both Imoen and Keldorn from your party, if you want to finish the quest. There is a dialogue scripting issue from vanilla BG2:ToB.

#556645 BGT-WeiDU 1.16 error during installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 02 April 2013 - 03:04 AM in BGT Archive

Cool beans. Thanks for the info though, as GemRB users won't be able to install the current BGT-WeiDU version properly.

#556592 BGT-WeiDU 1.16 error during installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 31 March 2013 - 11:39 PM in BGT Archive

There is an error in the setup that is trying to tell you that it can't patch bgmain.exe (or Baldur's Gate II for Mac users). However, it only goes there if bgmain.exe (or Baldur's Gate II for Mac users) isn't even in your directory!

#556591 BGT/Suna Seni

Posted by Ascension64 on 31 March 2013 - 11:34 PM in BGT Archive

No, to my knowledge BGT doesn't include anything from UB.

#556533 Saving Throw Fix causes bugs

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 March 2013 - 03:10 AM in ToBEx

Probably better to find the TobEx.dll in the archive and copy it over the one installed in your game directory. Note there still is a bug with the saving throw fix at the moment where the Save Vs Spell message will display too many times, but the saves actually work correctly now.

#556506 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 March 2013 - 03:24 PM in ToBEx

Known issue.

#556449 Crash in Druid Grove

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 March 2013 - 03:40 PM in Big Picture

Likely a spawn point creature reference in AR1900 is missing a reference in SPAWNGRP.2DA or the creature spawn itself is missing.


One of these:



Moved to BP forum.

#556380 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 26 March 2013 - 03:12 PM in ToBEx

Yeah, happens often.

#556236 Flame Tongue in Durlag's Tower Missing

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 March 2013 - 04:39 PM in BGT Archive

Looks fine in vanilla BGT. A mod may have shifted things around a bit.

#556206 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 March 2013 - 05:25 AM in ToBEx

TobEx beta 0026 released! This is a bug fix release only.


-Class/structure updates

-Cast Spell On Condition Mod: Fixed wrong target text in the contingency info screen

-Expanded Triggers: Fixed certain 0x0XXX triggers like Heard() not working correctly

-Poison Resistance Mod: Added temporary workaround for invalid nParam2 messages caused by BG2Fixpack, until BG2Fixpack is updated

-Remove all race-class restrictions: Disabled dwarven paladins because dwarves do not meet the charisma requirement to be paladins, which caused an infinite loop

-Saving Throw Fix: Fixed a bug where abilities with multiple effects with the save type would only allow a saving throw against the first effect (fixes issues such as saving against an effect but still showing the portrait icon or visual effect)

-Use EFF File Fix: Fixed a bug where the parent effect parameters were used to determine whether the child effect was applied or not (fixes issues such as not getting experience for items that instantly kill undead)

#556127 New Modders: Best Practices?

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 08:09 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Hey, some mods use resources and variable names all over the shop.

Certainly using your prefix will significantly minimise risk of variable overlap.

#556124 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 07:27 AM in ToBEx

Found an issue during my testing of a mod. The dialog file
When selecting either option in game the first action triggers (ends with DestroySelf). Renaming the TobEx.dll and running bgmain.exe resolved the issue (DestroySelf for "Advance" and just Move for "Retreat").

I cannot reproduce this on a test game in BGT where I gave this script to Gorion! Do you still get the problem?

#556123 Messenger of Nalia's Father Funeral quest

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 07:16 AM in Mega Mod Help

I can't actually reproduce this problem on my SoA + TobEx only install. Strange, although it may have been from those TobEx builds where SetGlobal and such actions were made instant.

#556115 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 02:38 AM in ToBEx

Is it really causing you that much nuisance? We can make a mod that shoots the guy that makes the warning.

#556106 New Modders: Best Practices?

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 12:58 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Yes, specifics help.


The basic ones from the top of my head are:

-Register a prefix as mentioned above for new game files as well as variable names

-When altering existing files, always code the changes and leave the smallest mark possible (e.g. if you want to change one value in an effect, don't scrub the whole effect). Never overwrite.

-Be aware of possible compatibility issues. This one is tricky because it requires some experience and knowledge about existing mods. I wouldn't worry about this too much if you are just starting out.

#556101 [Release] Restored Textscreen Music version 9

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 10:23 PM in BGT Archive

Added Polish translation, thanks to Alvarez and "Children of Bhaal" Polish BG Clan. Get it at http://www.shsforums...ads&showfile=74. Don't forget you need the appropriate language pack to get the right sounds for your language.


#556098 [Release] BGT-WeiDU version 1.16

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 07:46 PM in BGT Archive

BGT-WeiDU v1.16 has been released! This is a maintenance release with bug fixes, compatibility features, and translation updates.

Previous release notes


Installation changes

-Corrected Russian translation so that prompts are shown properly in GUI and music setup

-Correction to comments in bgt/base/baf/aram00.baf

-The game executable is longer patched if TobEx is detected when selecting the "Full Baldur's Gate/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal Music" option of the "Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Music" optional install

-Tutorial strings about the whether entering the inventory screen pauses the game are no longer changed if the "Disable Force Inventory Pause" TobEx tweak is detected to be enabled

-Updated German translation


Bug fixes

-Dire Charm traps encountered in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game last for 120 seconds as per vanilla Baldur's Gate behaviour (was 48 seconds)

-Edwin now correctly receives a dagger if he is imported into Shadows of Amn

-Edwin's Amulet gives one bonus wizard spell per level instead of two in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game (note: specific text for trying to remove his amulet will not show correctly until after the transition to Shadows of Amn)

-Fixed a compatibility issue with Refinements where starting a BG2 game with a true class Mage would prevent spell selection from working

-Fixed day-night and night-day movies not playing (Mac users only get the Shadows of Amn movies)

-Fixed game hang/crash in multiplayer due to invalid day-night and night-day movies

-Fixed QUEEN_CHANGE (SPWI942.SPL) so that Pawns in the chess game change to the correct Queen

-Kirinhale no longer gains magic resistance and regenerates hit points when she becomes Ethereal

-Kirinhale no longer gives male player characters a save vs. spells penalty when the target is inflicted with dire charm

-Magic missile traps encountered in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game do 2D3 damage as per vanilla Baldur's Gate behaviour (was 1D4)

-Silver Dagger - Werebane now correctly gives the extra +3 THAC0 bonus vs. lycanthropes



#556096 Bug at the end of the Watcher's Keep

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 07:29 PM in BGT Archive

Probably some global variable didn't get set.

Can you attach your saved game?

#556095 Beregost crash, attempted save fixer

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 07:15 PM in BGT Archive

If the game crashes when loading Beregost for the very first time, usually it means something is wrong with the Beregost files themselves, rather than a saved game problem.

You can ignore Beregost, shouldn't be a problem with that.

#556093 Problem with save

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 07:12 PM in BGT Archive

Took yonks for me to look at this.

BALDUR.GAM had a corrupt section in Aerie's entry - don't know what happened, since you are using BGT 1.15.

Fixed BALDUR.GAM (remove the .txt extension) attached which you can put back in your save - that is, if you are still interested after three months.

Attached Files

#556092 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 06:13 PM in ToBEx

There is another, although a very small issue concerning familiars which is bugging me in the vanilla BG2 game. Although a savegame can mark a familiar as selected, it isn't when you load the game. This is annoying, for example if you forget to re-select it and want to leave an area, and you see or listen to the dreaded line 'You must gather your party before venturing forth'.


The saved game would need to save the selected state of the familiar, which I don't think there currently is a field for that.


Don't know if this is possible or already mentioned (didn't find anything through search), but would it be possible to remove the (un)pause delay in multiplayer?


That sounds like trying to understand the weather. Bit too hard, I think.

#555114 nOpcode ouf bounds message

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 February 2013 - 04:17 PM in ToBEx

Apologies for late reply. TobEx relies on the highest numbered stat in STATS.IDS to determine how much memory to assign for stats for the game session.

#554141 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 January 2013 - 02:49 PM in ToBEx

That's a possibility. People who make mods for familiars would have to adjust for that as well though, wouldn't be good for backwards compatibility.

Is there another way you can do companions?

#554107 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 January 2013 - 10:36 PM in ToBEx

It seems a bit haphazard, because if you use your additional companion with a familiar, the familiar loses all the StrRefs as well.

#554065 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 January 2013 - 02:07 PM in ToBEx

Do you mean suppress the StrRefs only, or actually allow the familiars to transition areas, enter stores, and pick up items?