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#192668 SPAM Split from Female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 12 March 2005 - 05:47 AM in Planescape: Torment

Besides berk, you have also the expression "you sod", which means your pretty dumb.

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hmm.. i still like bubber tho :S But thanks 4 the extra words :)

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Bubber means drunk (though I have yet to see the Nameless One under the influence of alcohol. Would that be included in this little mod?  :lol: )

Try this small guide if you cannot find the word.

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See??? SEE!!!! i didnt make it up *wins* :) Thanks lurker :D

#192697 Nutsack

Posted by Child on 12 March 2005 - 10:03 AM in NWN Series

LOL @ Celestine.

Oh my indeed. :D

#193962 Which skull?

Posted by Child on 19 March 2005 - 12:27 AM in Planescape: Torment

That's strange...
He should recieve any of them.   :huh:

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Thats really odd. Did he actually ask for them? OR did she offend him in the dialogue?

Hmm..other than that, presumably reset variables would work...

#192975 IWD beginning

Posted by Child on 15 March 2005 - 05:52 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Rather limits class choice, if you actualyl mean the pc to be a barbarian. And you'd have to do justice to the story, becoz ud be ripped apart if you made a hash of it. But that sounds cool. Although, no real surprise as to the ending. And the big boss at the end would provide a problem, as it isnt u that does it...

#210609 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 16 June 2005 - 06:44 AM in Planescape: Torment

Ok, so PS:T was released early, leaving lots of unfinished plots, and restricting the number of areas etc, compared to what would have been in the original.

But does anyone have official information on what is missing? Is there anywhere one can find out what they chopped, and what we would have got if the publishers wern't such fools?

#211421 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:50 AM in Planescape: Torment

So what IS FFGs diary for?

Hm..im sure there was something else destined for PS:T that never made it but i cant remember what...

#210806 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 05:04 AM in Planescape: Torment

I know that the secret room under the brothel was meant to be something much more then it was :glare:

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Does anybody know if the following are right:

i) More entire areas within Sigil itself (I heard there were meant to be like 4 more wards somewhere...I mean, what's with only being able to go to the lower and clerk's...isn't there an upper ward?)
ii) Romance with FFG (What the heck other point does her diary have...do you ever get to use that?)
iii) The chance to be some of the other classes?

#193142 IWD beginning

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:06 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Rather limits class choice, if you actualyl mean the pc to be a barbarian. And you'd have to do justice to the story, becoz ud be ripped apart if you made a hash of it. But that sounds cool. Although, no real surprise as to the ending. And the big boss at the end would provide a problem, as it isnt u that does it...

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You really just fight demons charging at you, while Jared has time to look at Tempos and charge into the portal.

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Exactly...a bit sucky. think about the complete lack of ending to iwd2 and realie that that sort of thing can make or break a game...my suggestion? have the story intimately linked with that one, but dont have the pc at the actual fight....have some climactic ending which allows Jared the ability to charge the portal.

#189647 Shapeshifter Kit MOD

Posted by Child on 22 February 2005 - 05:11 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Ok....i like the whole transformation time thing..thats cool. It erases some (but not all of the buff problems). Perhaps you could do a dispel magic on the PC when he shifts? Esp. if u gte some beardy g!t who has dual-classed to a mage or something. Can u imagine that thing stoneskinned? Urgh :S

I would cut down on the bonuses to abilities.... ginving natural 25s in all seems excessive.....and 25 for constituion with 36 hp/round regen is a joke. That woul take hours to kill :S

I misread the wing buffet thing..i thought it was an ability u wee giving, rather than an immunity, so it seems fair enough as an immunity. Maybe get rid of backstab immunity? Or at least reduce it to only obtaining at werewolf deity form...if ure trying to balance it, its gotta be vaguely defeatable by other classes, and otherwise i cant see how any rogue stands a chance...they will get torn apart in close-combat.

How about also adversly affecting the number of druid spells obtained, or limiting the druid spells to hostile? Or limiting druid spells to natural ones....like summon nature's ally, tangle, etc, but cutting things like flame sword, etc?

Im unsure what you are doing about the werewolf weapons....but if ure worried about dispel killing th epowers then make an item that looks like a claw, have it unmovable whilst in werewolf form, and give it powers. Though that would be fun to code :S Dunno how good u r with coding, but me thinks that would be complicated :S

Er......is anybody else gonna helpt his guy with suggestions, or am i doing it all by myself :S

#190348 Shapeshifter Kit MOD

Posted by Child on 26 February 2005 - 05:25 AM in IE Mod Ideas

My suggestions:
- Severe limitations of druids spells, maybe no spells at all
- Can't wear any armor and any weapons
- Rage under werewolf (as slayer form, but without damage)

Maybe it shouldn't be a druid kit, more an evil-fighter kit?
Well, I don't know... need to find some ideas :)

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Maybe only offensive druid spells? Which would make it practically useless.....coz then ud have to be druid form to cast them....
Hmm...make armour available as a druid, but limit weapons.
Hmm...the rage is agood idea....beserk would work 2 i think...

Def a druid kit....wouldnt make sense as a fighter really....altohugh u might get away with it....

#189561 Shapeshifter Kit MOD

Posted by Child on 21 February 2005 - 02:07 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I can understand why u put wing buffet in but im sure cyric doesnt have it...
Anyway..whatever...I still think that making this thing is just giving u a beast fighter with massive stats, and as u can cahnge at will, u effectively dont need to use the druid class levels at all... :S ITs like changing a druid into a brilliant fighter, but keeping the spells for buffing b4 hand... :S A bit dodgy me thinks....er....But whatever..its a cool idea, dont get me wrong :) I like it, but i think u need to scale down the power quite a bit :S

#189393 Shapeshifter Kit MOD

Posted by Child on 20 February 2005 - 01:52 PM in IE Mod Ideas

no idea about balance with other mods, but doesnt it get very strong quickly? And im sure that ending up with nearly all stats at 25 is a bit silly :S i suppose it is a deity, but surely thats a bit ott?

Also...imprisonment? come on! and wingbuffert? on a werewolf... *doesnt see ne wings*

#205692 Problem Finding Doors (Spoilers)

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 10:15 AM in Planescape: Torment

Ach, get used to it. Thats one of the bad points about PS:T...area transitions are often hid in shadows / inobvious / hidden.....Just be sure to check the map...the notes may give you some idea...

#207089 Problem Finding Doors (Spoilers)

Posted by Child on 29 May 2005 - 02:31 AM in Planescape: Torment

I think it's alt in Torment, I do know that the function is there

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I don't think it is actually. Otherwise that would make the whole 'find the treasure' in the buried village far less hard than it already is. ITs alt in IWD

#207525 Problem Finding Doors (Spoilers)

Posted by Child on 31 May 2005 - 02:05 AM in Planescape: Torment

We aren't discussing Doom 3 here ;).
Even without the tab feature, "tedious" is hardly how I would describe PST :P.

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Absolutely fricking brilliant, with one of the most immerisve storylines, no scrap that, THE most immerive storyline of any game EVER is nearer the mark.

#211617 Portal Keys (May contain SPOILERS)

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 03:32 AM in Planescape: Torment

theres also another one in the bit before the buried Village, there is a portal in the northern part of the map (you'll have to look I'm afraid) the key is a

Cranium rat tail :thumb:

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Oh yeah, he's right...very top NE corner, in the underground passage to the buried village....u get the club of nettles and a few oither spiiffy items there :D

#211422 Portal Keys (May contain SPOILERS)

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:54 AM in Planescape: Torment


The only really important ones are the junk for ragpicker's square, pharod's crutch for pharod's area, the crooked fingerbone in the mortuary, the modron cube for the modron maze, and the quest portal key for the dreamweaver/ravel's maze.

Oh yeah, and SPOILER

The piece of skin with your regret on it for the fortress of regrets....


#205642 Fall From Grace's script

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 06:28 AM in Planescape: Torment

I've been modifying Fall From Grace's script to make her less of a pain, and a more effective character. Her script was a mess but I think I have it working alot better now. Can anyone do some testing for me? I'll post a list here of what was wrong, and what I did to fix it if needed.

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My PS:T game is buggaed atm, and im in the middle of A levels, so i can't guarantee quick results, but if you can't find anyone else willing to test it I will....it will be a while tho....

#191122 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 02:15 AM in IE Mod Ideas

If you betrayd her to the mathron mother she would;
1, Die of the hands of the mathron morher
2, Die of your hands when she sees what you hade done
3,Flee for her life and I don't see that wery likley if you think of her personalety. Rewengs sounde more Phaere to me.

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If u betrayed her without her realising it was you, then possibly u could get away with it tho....Im still working on ideas...

#191151 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 05:49 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmm, well i dunno...its not happening atm anyway..it was just a thought....The Phaere portrait is just too neat to let it just drift....

The thing is, if you take what Solaufein says, Phaere used to be vaguely nice, but she was turned by the matron mother...contaminated by the torture and evil around her? Now, im not suggesting for a moment that the whole redemption to a chaotic good stereotype should take place but....

Besides, phaere clearly doesnt stick by all the tenants of the drow (her conduct over solaufein), so perhaps if the Underdark became too hot for her, she might leave with enough coercion from an evil party...If you made a charisma related check perhaps? better that than die u know?

#191112 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 12:28 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Cool idea,but as moongaxe sad,what would she get at it?

Mabe if you hade a WEARY good resion for her to join?

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How about betraying her to the matron mother, and then either having her flee, or having an option to save her ass...then later she is impressed by ure ruthlessness, and ahving learnt of ure essence, is trying to gain some of ure power in some way...thats off the top of my head..could work on it :S Um..yeah i guess ure right, but HERD (i think it was him?) did a really good Phaere portrait and it just seems a pity to not use it more :S

#190984 Phaere

Posted by Child on 02 March 2005 - 06:00 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Phaere, the drow cleric. Is there a mod in production that allows her to be an NPC? This might be encroaching on The Mod For The Wicked (or whatever the new name is...i recommend you see below..looks good :D), but is there actually someone doing something about her? I reckon she would be quite fun to have, esp. as viconia never truly feels EVIL

#202085 no monks

Posted by Child on 25 April 2005 - 04:50 AM in Dragon Age Series

Also, the no violence thing might have created a problem...

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Not to a true Role Player!

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That depends on whether u class getting cut to ribbons by every single enemy u meet as a true role player a problem or not I guess...

#202048 no monks

Posted by Child on 25 April 2005 - 01:51 AM in Dragon Age Series

I dunno why so many fantasy games have Oriental-style monks, but European type  monks almost never feature.

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Maybe becoz they sat aroudn with vows of silence, and many belonged to an order that believed in mortification of the flesh...that would make their constitution practically zero. Also, the no violence thing might have created a problem...

#191191 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 08:56 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Do you think you could show the Phaere picture?

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Um...well I can link u to the forum topic...id have to ask HERD if i coudl use it, if i actually decided to do this :S
But the picture inspired me :D

Right, im no good at anything vaguely involving tek-know-lodge-ie, so i hope this works :D
