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#191147 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 05:44 AM in Planescape: Torment

Just post a few examples.  :)

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Ok then....

A little info..this is b4 annah joins, when morte makes a comment about annah, and selling herself....there is a scripted interjection by morte, and so the responses have to be vaguely relevant...so ive reworked it..see what u think:

FNO: He said, and I disagree, that you couldn't make a living selling yourself. (unchanged from originial).

Annah: She seems taken aback by your comment, and for a moment her manner softens. But then she eyes you suspiciously and sneers: "Yeh ain't gonna be getting on me good side, bubber, so lay off the compliments, jig? They don't getcha anywhere in a place like this, aye?"

FNO (one of the replies, the other is simply "Farewell"): "Thanks for the advice. I had some other questions..."

Er..comments? Its not much atm, and im not sure ive got it quite right yet...still trying to get inside annah's head, and the game'slingo as well..

#190939 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 02 March 2005 - 12:27 AM in Planescape: Torment

Just random thoughs again, I think it might be easier/better to just rewrite entire story with sme base elements than trying to slowly change it :-/

You are not really gonna get any big "experience" out of the story, considering your rewriting it before playing it, anyways. So might as well just try to make this into more of a new story ? That would certainlly make alot of PST fans interested.

I am a tad to tired for coming up with any example storylines atm, but im certain you could think of some yourself.

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Um....that would be far too complicated though I think....as far as i can see atm ashara just wants to change the strings without changing the architecutre of the dialogue...rewriting the story but continuing within the dialogue structure would be difficult.

#191759 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 07 March 2005 - 12:23 AM in Planescape: Torment

Just post a few examples.  :)

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Ok then....

A little info..this is b4 annah joins, when morte makes a comment about annah, and selling herself....there is a scripted interjection by morte, and so the responses have to be vaguely relevant...so ive reworked it..see what u think:

FNO: He said, and I disagree, that you couldn't make a living selling yourself. (unchanged from originial).

Annah: She seems taken aback by your comment, and for a moment her manner softens. But then she eyes you suspiciously and sneers: "Yeh ain't gonna be getting on me good side, bubber, so lay off the compliments, jig? They don't getcha anywhere in a place like this, aye?"

FNO (one of the replies, the other is simply "Farewell"): "Thanks for the advice. I had some other questions..."

Er..comments? Its not much atm, and im not sure ive got it quite right yet...still trying to get inside annah's head, and the game'slingo as well..

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I miss a 'try' in the getting on me good side. The word bubber is new to me, it doesn't sound vicious enough for a hive person. It has been a while since I played PS:T or have played a planescape setting. Need to dig up that info again. Might be able to help out some more then.

Just wanted to answer to your question

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Bubber is right there in Annah's earlier dialogue, and it appears quite a few times in PS:T...it comes from bub...drink...and means drunkard.... I'll havea look at changing it to something more vicious though... U miss a try? Um...i think it makes sense itf that is what u mean...

#185623 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 02 February 2005 - 12:25 AM in Planescape: Torment

This is kinda like not playing Deus Ex coz there is no female JC, or like not playing Gordon Freeman coz ure a woman....kinda silly....but I guess whatever floats ure boat. Um....but isn't it rather a lot of work to go to jsut to play as a woman? The Nameless One is hideously ugly, scarred, has been pretty nasty in the past, and smells, but I didnt ahve massive problems playing him....

U guys missed out another moderately big problem....
Ud have to make her lesbian or something? Or axe/change some of her dialogue?

#211420 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:47 AM in Planescape: Torment

This discussion has been veering dangerously off-topic.  Ashara simply offered up a topic for discussion and people turn it into a flame-fest.  Criticisms are fine, but kindly stop insulting each other.

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If its not a silly question have i been missing posts/have posts been cut out...coz all of the berk/bubber things are vaguely relevant, as is the fact that TNO can't get drunk...um, and most of the flaming stopped weeks ago...
Oh and BTW ashara, i dunno how much work ure doing on this atm, but ive kinda stopped due to A levels....

#192517 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 11 March 2005 - 03:30 AM in Planescape: Torment

Besides berk, you have also the expression "you sod", which means your pretty dumb.

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hmm.. i still like bubber tho :S But thanks 4 the extra words :)

#190625 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 28 February 2005 - 04:59 AM in Planescape: Torment

(clears throat) anyway now that I've shoved that one back in the the recesses of my mind, Annah as a Bg char sounds interseting, you might want to talk to Loke

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Hmm...welli tried it in NWN, and it kinda worked, but i really couldnt be bothered to make an entire mod just so that i could fit her in, so the work kinda ground to a halt...the idea was that after helping the nameless one, annah got blasted out through a portal, and ended up not knowing what the heck is going on..kinda like the clueless in the Smoleding Corpse...or agnes (is that hu i mean? the crazy woman with teeth)

#192382 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 10 March 2005 - 08:26 AM in Planescape: Torment

prolly... but canae be arsked to think, hangover :glare:

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Ah. Hence the total absence of thought :D Nice :D

#190340 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 26 February 2005 - 03:39 AM in Planescape: Torment

Actually. Do u want/need any help :P This looks like it might be entertaining, and i cant pretend i havent got loads of free time :D

#190599 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 28 February 2005 - 03:14 AM in Planescape: Torment

I'd definately be interested in seeing your writing.

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LOL cool...well this will no doubt precede another one of my projects that never got off the ground (still waiting for the renaissance firearms bam :S )...which is to convert annah into bg2 :D

#190377 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 26 February 2005 - 11:26 AM in Planescape: Torment

Child, this is the question I dreaded - for I am working on BG1NPC atm. But if you think you are interested in rewriting say Annah's file for female friendship, and do not mind the possibility that I would never get to it after all, we can chat about it over PM. :)

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Dreaded why? Becoz lazy and not actually working on it? :P ;) LOL its spawning enough debate to continue to be entertaining even so :P Sounds cool :D

LOL...hmm..oh come on...BG1 vs PS:T....T wins hands down :P

#185624 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 02 February 2005 - 12:28 AM in Planescape: Torment

Oh wait, my bad...u already put Ravel in, right at the top :S Sorry...
But i did think of another smallish problem..Ei-Vene is gonna be a bit odd...the dialogue there kinda assumes ure topless....

#190582 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 28 February 2005 - 12:24 AM in Planescape: Torment

Well, I do not subscribe to Robert Jordan's theory that women and men are alien beings completely unable to understand or relate to each other. When I read Ravel's file, I thought that it required remarkably little changes.

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LOL so u recognise the quotations then :D :P
He's a good writer :D

LOL me neither really....that was from my own experience :P ;)

Um...LOL...the Ravel file i dont think needs changing at all really..the whole "What can change the nature of a man" is more general than anything....so u dont even need to change the wording

#190597 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 28 February 2005 - 02:44 AM in Planescape: Torment

As Nike say "Just Do It" though I've used that line in many situations

but Hey as I say (the uncut version) do what you bloody well please, and burn the rest :D

sounds interesting, and if you do stick it up somewhere to download for us adoring (or not so adoring) fans (or critics) then I'll ive it a try :thumb:

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Well just as soon as i get round to writing anything ill no doubt bore u with it, asking for opinions and stuff :P

#207159 "Baldur's Goth II"

Posted by Child on 29 May 2005 - 12:05 PM in Baldur's Goth

Edited Anomen: Much better.  :love:

And, I would be willing to assist in this mad-cap plot.  After all, the only difference in between genius and madness is acceptance.

It just came to me... Don't you think the dark-skinned characters would still have their skin color?  I can just imagine Imoen and Viconia bickering over who is more 'gothic.'

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I'm not sure how much my opinion counts for, being not in any way a goth, but i think the purple lips just looks silly....tbh the ones that the lips look good on are: Viconia, Mazzy, and the lips-only Anomen...and the darker anomen is very cool as well :D
Hmmm.......can't you make the characters simply more brooding.....psychotic-perky Imoen doesn't sound so mcuh fun..and wouldn't that involve changing her alignment? Surely u can have non-evil goths (?)

#210819 NWN animations to BG2

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 06:29 AM in IE Help

Can we give this guy a medal? OR a cash prize? Please?

And can we please have the ioun stone animations ASAP? they look great! (and i always wanted coloured lights flying round my head...)

#201836 A Dragon's size

Posted by Child on 23 April 2005 - 10:00 AM in Icewind Dale Series

Although it maeks little sense to have a white dragon as big as The Matriarch's mate, considering they are only supposed to grow somehwere around 44' ground to nose
realism considered, we will only ever have true-to-life sized dragons in RPGs when it is in first person.

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And even then they wont fit on the screen....the post 2 above was mine...

#210279 What would you like Ruad to make most?

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 11:52 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Thanks for the Post Cantrip - I now have the item list, so here's my next suggestion.

Bejeweled Tome of Combined Knowledge

Merella's Journal
Lellyn's Journal
Tome of Amaunator
How to build a Golem
Tanner's Letter
Book of King Stromn
Orc Cookbook

10 potions of Genius
10 potions of Wisdom

5 Star Sapphires
5 Diamonds
5 Kings Tears
5 Rogue Stones

This Tome permanantly increases Int + Wis by one.

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And then add FFG's diary, which could be hidden somewhere, and call it +1 to charisma as well if you find it before you make the item :D

#210075 What would you like Ruad to make most?

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 02:51 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Ohohohoh.....How about Nordom's x-bows. Dual wield x-bows (ok...maybe just reduce the speed factor..but you could pretend!!)

And a couple of the Axes that Vhailor can use.

(and maybe Fall-From-Grace's chastity bodice)

OR....what about FFG's diary. Gives instant wisdom bonus, and maybe dialogue like the Book of Wonder, or whatever from PS:T: The one that you just look at and can only say "ooh...ahh"

Or maybe, corrupting influence, and a big XP bonus?

Um. I have to stop obsessing about what might be in FFG's diary.... *whistles and slinks off*

#193446 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 05:41 AM in KotOR Series

haha, or a crafted chest-piece or whatever you called those. I should post the full length picture though, but I would be seriously going off-topic and you guys are equally guilty of going off-topic as me. =)

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:P Well we could move this discussion to a new thread. :P Besides, I never claimed to be on topic. I've never even played KOTOR2 :D I just spam :D

#193153 Goto

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:38 AM in KotOR Series

I still hate that flying fatball of junk, but meh, I hated the ending totally :-\

BTW Celestine, is it just me or is your new AV bordering on the scandalous? :P

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haha.. yeah, I like it too, :P but seriously if that's against the board rules, please let me know.

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If it is, I think the board rules need changing :P
Its nice. Not as good as the lat one, quite, but still v.nice :D

#193387 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 12:32 AM in KotOR Series

thank you child. :P

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actually its pretty modest compared to some Soa avatars i've seen... :P :lol:

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You mean she's at least wearing clothes in the avatar compared to the SOA ones?

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I dont think you can call those clothes. I mean where's the evidence? It might just be a realy elaborate necklace :D Honestly! No imagination :P

#193531 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 09:28 AM in KotOR Series

lol no its not against the rules :)

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We obv have very sensible moderators here. Or they're all male :P

#194522 WHEN KOTOR3?

Posted by Child on 21 March 2005 - 10:02 AM in KotOR Series

And do waht .. 5 other expansions ?? It's a whole different story anyways ..

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Unrelated stories. It kinda worked there (although I admit not very well, but that was a NWN failing in general, as in, NWN was bad, rather than being a lack of continuity problem).
MOHAA did it as well, need I remind you...and is still doing it apparently (see Pacific Assault).

#189649 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 February 2005 - 05:14 AM in Dragon Age Series

hmmm....i dunno what u guys think, but xp penalties for raise dead sort of solve the problem....esp if u have dead chars not gaining any xp for a battle.... Er...but in bg2 it was too easy to resurrect....