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#592063 Crash entering Beregost

Posted by agb1 on 29 December 2016 - 10:39 AM in BGT Archive

Do you have 3D Animations enabled in config?

Installing TobEx next time might improve stability.

#592061 Please Help! Complete modding newbie

Posted by agb1 on 29 December 2016 - 10:32 AM in IE Help

Yes, you can download it again.

#592058 Please Help! Complete modding newbie

Posted by agb1 on 29 December 2016 - 09:49 AM in IE Help

Edit:  Follow Roxanne's suggestion above.

#592055 Please Help! Complete modding newbie

Posted by agb1 on 29 December 2016 - 09:19 AM in IE Help

I suggest you start here:




Also:  Installing games in C: drive usually causes problems down the road.  I suggest you uninstall completely, then reinstall and specify a different install location on a drive other than C:  For example, I have an E: drive and I use E:\GOG\BG2EE as my install location.



EE Keeper is just a saved game editor.  You don't need it for installing mods.


Instead of t-zip, I use and recommend 7zip:  http://www.7-zip.org/download.html  (you probably want the second download link, for 64-bit Windows)


Once you install 7zip, you will be able to use it to open .zip packages, .rar packages and .7z packages, all of which are basically compressed folder formats often used to distribute mods.


Almost all mods are designed to be installed using Weimer's Dialog Utility (aka "WeiDU").  WeiDU is a program that reads a mod's "setup" script (usually named something like setup-modname.tp2 or just modname.tp2), and proceeds to follow the instructions in that script to copy various files into your game's override folder and patch various existing game files.  Many mods are packaged with a setup-modname.exe that is actually just the WeiDU program (originally weidu.exe), renamed to setup-modname.exe.  By renaming the weidu.exe to setup-modname.exe, the program automatically looks for a corresponding setup-modname.tp2 or modname.tp2 file in the game folder or in a directory called modname inside the game folder (e.g., setup-nathaniel.exe would recognize an install script file at nathaniel/setup-nathaniel.tp2).


Therefore, if you correctly unpacked a mod into your game folder, the new mod folder should be sitting in your game folder itself (at the same level as the data and override folders, not inside them).  And there should be a setup-modname.exe also in your game folder, with the modname matching the folder name.


Some mods have a containing folder in the zip/rar/7z package, like modname-v123.  You don't need that containing folder, just the files and folders at the same level as the setup-exe.  So, for example, if the mod contains:






Then you would copy mod_folder and setup-mod_folder.exe directly to your game folder, without the modname-v123 folder.

#592053 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 29 December 2016 - 08:51 AM in Mega Mod Help

psycros - Siege of Dragonspear replaces BGEE's original UI.  From GoG, SoD is a separate download and installer.  I don't know if Steam has a combined BGEE+SoD installer.  If not, perhaps you forgot to install SoD in either your GoG or your Steam folder?  In any case, comparing BGEE-without-SoD vs. BGEE+SoD, you will see a different UI.  As others have said, running modmerge (only if you install SoD, and obviously after you install SoD) is essential before doing any other modding, with or without BWS.

#592001 BGTMusic problem

Posted by agb1 on 26 December 2016 - 03:14 PM in Mega Mod Help

Well, in case it was the second (not wanting BGT Music), I've made it optional (you can install BGT without BGT Music).  Currently, BWS will not even show BGT Music without BGT due to a purge rule in Config\BWP\Game.ini.

#591998 BGTMusic problem

Posted by agb1 on 26 December 2016 - 02:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

RoEI:  do you want to install BGT Music without BGT, or BGT without BGT Music?

#591996 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 26 December 2016 - 01:46 PM in Mega Mod Help

Updated.  Thanks Ikki.

#591993 [MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

Posted by agb1 on 26 December 2016 - 09:48 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

predalien - none of the mods you listed are compatible with EET yet:


-Check the body
-secret of bone hills
-the vault
-reign of terror
-shadow oversoubar
-tortured soul
-Expanded Thief Stronghold
-planar sphere


Ikki is working on compatibility patches for some of them..

#591979 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 23 December 2016 - 10:10 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ikki - good idea.  I moved the iconv folder to the top level.

#591976 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 23 December 2016 - 07:22 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ikki, the BiG World Fixpack folder is renamed with underscores (_) while the Fixpack script is running, but afterwards the folder is renamed back to the original name with spaces.  By the time the mods are being installed, therefore, the path with spaces (for copying iconv) should be correct.  I changed the patch for the planar sphere mod 4 days ago - I assume your failed installation was more recent than that?

#591968 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 22 December 2016 - 10:38 AM in Mega Mod Help

ALIEN would know better, but in BWS we currently install only the BG2EE patch you linked above.  We do not install any Polish localization patches for BG1EE (there's a note from ALIEN in the files saying that "Custom Polish Language Localization of BG1EE is no longer needed").

#591961 [MOD] Sandrah Saga For EET

Posted by agb1 on 21 December 2016 - 05:12 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Thanks to your feedback on the amount of XP in BG1, I've changed the BWS default recommendations to reduce XP by a further 25%.

#591908 Hard Reset

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 01:38 PM in Isra

With Enhanced Edition, you could do C:Eval('MoveGlobal("areaname","rh#isra",[x.y])')


Hover over the map somewhere nearby and press CTRL+X.  Note the area name and coordinates.  Replace areaname, x and y above with the appropriate values.  Keep the period between x and y and the square brackets.  Keep the quotes around the area name.


I'm not sure if you can do CLUAConsole:MoveGlobal() with the classic (non-EE) engine but you can try it.

#591905 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 01:20 PM in Mega Mod Help

Creepin, can you upload your BWS\Config\User.ini?

#591898 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 10:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks.  I see it skipped the step of copying Area Patcher out of the Fixpack.  Not entirely sure why.  But I restructured the commands a bit and I think it will work better next time.

#591896 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 10:04 AM in Mega Mod Help

The Install log file covers just the BG1 mods and ends at the Gavin mod.  Is there a Big World Upload.7z in your BG2EE folder?

#591893 TDDZ 1.2.4 last commit crash

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 07:18 AM in Mega Mod Help

Released TDDz v1.2.5.  I think it's working now, but would appreciate confirmation.

#591891 I still have not fixed a bug in Watcer's Keep. I ask for help agai

Posted by agb1 on 19 December 2016 - 05:50 AM in BGT Archive

Imp, I do not understand what you are proposing here. Please clarify.

objllny - yes, any "innate fix" will cause the problem with Watcher's Keep.

I think a simple solution would be to change each of the "innate fix" patches so they all skip the Watcher's Keep innate ability. To be thorough, we can search all of the vanilla scripts for other uses of the SpellCastInnate trigger and have the "innate fixes" also skip whatever other abilities those scripts use too.

#591880 Hard Reset

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 07:10 PM in Isra

Changes in an NPC's behavior over time are determined by global variables that are stored in your saved game.  Respawning the NPC itself does not reset those variables.  You can use a saved game editor such as EEKeeper (newest version of ShadowKeeper) or Near Infinity to remove (or set to zero) all of the RH# variables.  That would "mostly" restore Isra to her original state.  I say "mostly" because some global variables are modified by area scripts and depending on how they were coded, those scripts might not trigger more than once, meaning you wouldn't be able to perfectly re-create the intended sequence of events.


Having answered your technical question... I advise you not to do it.  It would be more productive to investigate why Isra is not functioning correctly in your game and resolve that.  The issue is likely to occur again if you simply reset her variables.




Please upload your weidu.log (or paste it here, inside [spoiler ] [/ spoiler] tags).  Please describe the problem in more detail and/or provide a screenshot.  Please upload a saved game exhibiting the problem.


You can use a site like uploadfiles.io to upload your saved game if you don't have an account on this forum.

#591878 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 07:01 PM in Mega Mod Help

The tp2 file contains the instructions for the setup-exe.  The tp2 needs to be provided; the setup-exe looks for a tp2 corresponding to the name of the exe (it's just a renamed copy of weidu.exe).


If you manually copy the Area_Patcher folder from the Fixpack out to your BG2EE folder then BWS should be able to proceed with the install.


When the BWS installation is finished, I'd appreciate if you would upload a copy of your "Big World Upload.7z" from the BG2EE folder so I can investigate why it didn't work automatically.


BWS will collect all of the log files from <wherever you put BWS>\BiG World Setup\Logs and zip them up as Big World Upload.7z in your BG2EE folder when the install is completed.

#591874 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 06:20 PM in Mega Mod Help

Xaneth, do you have a folder named Area_Patcher in your BG2EE folder?  If yes, does it contain a file called Area_Patcher.tp2?  Do you also have a setup-Area_Patcher.exe in your BG2EE folder?


What we expect:


1. BWS copies the Area_Patcher folder from BiG World Fixpack\_Area_Patcher at the beginning of the install process, using the following command:


IF EXIST "BiG World Fixpack" xcopy /Y /S /E ".\BiG World Fixpack\_Area_Patcher\*.*" "."


2. BWS copies weidu.exe and renames it to setup-Area_Patcher.exe in the BG2EE folder just before installing Area Patcher (after EET End).

#591873 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 06:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

1) Recommend Wild Mage Additions component 4 (Rhialto) be changed from Maximal to Tactical.  He's a L30 mage who is scripted to die (as opposed to defeating normally), in order to pass on his stuff (which is OP for a L1 party).  Having an opponent that you are supposed to defeat through scripting (which has failed before because of SCS and other mods), or through metaknowledge is a tactical combat, not a normal one.

Rhialto by default appears the first time the party rests outdoors.  The "haughty-pansy mode" component places Rhialto outside Candlekeep, so it is actually "easier" than the default behavior (since you can choose when you encounter him).  I believe the better solution for Rhialto is to patch the mods that break his scripts so the original author's intent can be seen.  I recently patched SCS to skip Rhialto when changing mage AI -- untested so far.

2) There's an opponent called "The Arch Druid" who appeared at the beginning of the final map of Cloakwood, don't know which mod he's from.  IMO this guy is also OP, being tougher and giving more xp than Davaeorn himself.  He appears to be L13 which, while do-able, is still too much.  If he's so tough, why hasn't he stormed the mines already?  Having a surprise opponent that's harder than the miniboss is imbalanced.  I recommend he also be moved to Tactical installation.

Highlight the NPC and press CTRL+M and your dialogue window will display some info including the resource file (ABCDEF.cre), making it easier to identify which mod added it.

3) I've been looking at some of the mods from subtledoctor, and wondering why they aren't part of the Maximal install.  I see Might and Guile is, but Scales of Balance and Tome and Blood aren't.  SOB has no comments underneath, while TAB says EET is preferred. Since I play with the original BG and not EE, I'm wondering if TAB is being ignored for EET, and then EET is not included for original, so TAB just never gets selected.

Tome and Blood was marked Expert until a few days ago.  When I incorporated subtledoctor's hotfixes into the Fixpack, I neglected to change its pre-selection settings, so it's available but not selected by default.  Just an oversight.

4) This leads to another question, is there a way to find out WHY mods are marked expert?  Sometimes I can look on bitbucket and see a reason why something is marked, but not always.  It would be helpful for those willing to playtest a mod to know what we're looking for.  For example, if a mod was marked expert because of old reports of a bug, we could install and see if the bug is still there, or if it was marked expert because of a conflict with another mod, we can see if the conflict still happens.  I've currently installed the bigg's 3E stats which were marked expert, but I dont' know why.

I created a forum thread a while ago to explore this question.  Perhaps you could revive it?  www.shsforums.net/topic/58417-why-are-these-mods-expert-mods


BWS is maintained mostly by ALIEN and me, and given how much work it is, we sometimes fail to fully document our changes.  Feel free to question anything that isn't clear to you, as you're doing here.  Over time, my goal is to ensure that every mod/component marked expert has a clear explanation ... although lately with my improving WeiDU skills I've taken to fixing problems directly when I can instead of marking them expert.

#591871 I still have not fixed a bug in Watcer's Keep. I ask for help agai

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 05:40 PM in BGT Archive

This time, it was Big Picture component #10:  ~BP/SETUP-BP.TP2~ #1 #10 // Patching all the existing innate spells, setting level to one.....: v181-b4611 BWP Fix

#591864 TDDZ 1.2.4 last commit crash

Posted by agb1 on 18 December 2016 - 10:03 AM in Mega Mod Help

Sounds like I overlooked something in the text encoding with the last commit.  I will look into it.  Thanks for the report.