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There have been 122 items by Insomniator (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#614364 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 11 December 2022 - 05:07 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to v5.5:

  • Added: x2 Full Scaled Graphics mode
  • Added: HTML Documentation
  • Added: NWN casting sounds for HLA/High Level spells
  • Fixed: Custom hotkeys component removed from installer

Click here to download this file

#614624 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:54 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to v5.6:

  • Added: Restore BG1/BG2 XP Limits
  • Added: EAX/DirectSound3D emulation through DSOAL
  • Added: Freeze/Unfreeze sounds when game paused/unpaused (Beta)

Click here to download this file


Post 5.6 fixes:


#614363 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 11 December 2022 - 05:05 PM in BG2 Improved GUI


#614374 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 13 December 2022 - 07:13 PM in BG2 Improved GUI


Thanks for the update! I cannot seem to find it in the download section though.


#612441 Cod when creating a new game modded by tobex

Posted by Insomniator on 07 May 2022 - 04:44 AM in ToBEx

Hi jacklhoward

hi. i need some help. i installed tobex with some mods. my mod order:

bg1unfinished business
unfinished business
tweak anthology
bgt bgm
wide screen
the bigg biffing i reinstalled tobex since some of the options dependent on it was bugged out.  When i try to create a new bg1 game in bgt, an error message shows up

[Sat 07 May 2022 19:49:21] ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x9F5B37 File: ChVidPal.cpp Line: 1415 Expression: m_pPalette != NULL Message: (null)

From your list of mods, 1pp is most possible troublemaker with pallete

#615035 Unique Casting Sounds for Player vs. Everyone Else

Posted by Insomniator on 21 April 2023 - 05:39 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hi Sebastian

Is it possible to mod the Baldur's Gate games, or more precisely BGT, so that the player can, say, use BG1 casting sounds while everyone else uses BG2 ones? or vice versa?

Currently possible to use bg1 and bg2 casting sounds at same game, but without player<->NPC differences

http://www.shsforums...2-improved-gui/ -> Restore BG1 Casting Sounds

#615075 installation order

Posted by Insomniator on 01 May 2023 - 03:43 PM in 1PP

Hi Noxou

Where do i install 1PP? Toward the beginning? the end? The middle? What about the different components? I have found contradictory informations on other mod readmes. Right now, i am suffering with BG2 Improved GUI. It states (and i am grateful to the mod author for stating things):


Install before mods: (components: Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click)

  • Item Revisions
  • Spell Revisions
  • Item Upgrade
  • BG1 Textpatch Revised
  • BG2 Textpatch Revised
  • Cursed Items Revision
  • Any other mod with item/spell text updates

Install after mods:

  • TobEx
  • BG2 Fixpack
  • TobEx AfterLife
  • Widescreen mod
  • TutuGUI
  • BG2 GUI in 1280x720
  • 1pp
  • Infinity Animations
  • BGT


I honestly fail to see how i can install BG2 Improved GUI after 1PP but before Spell Revisions, unless i install 1PP first thing. But this contradicts other informations i have seen that put 1PP much later.

I recommend read Watson's BiG World Project Manual to see how such dependies was solved, in short, you can install same mod few times but different components, so install "Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen" early, then 1pp and other stuff, and remain BG2 Improved GUI's component at last

#614673 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 06 February 2023 - 10:28 AM in ToBEx

Pardon for interrupting your discussions, but just for clarifications: does a BG2 mod NPC which would use the first 4 rare select responses (so Mix mode) need to add itself to BGSNDSET.2DA now?

Yes, if BG2 .CRE was reconfigured to have additional 4 rare selection sounds at offsets 0x1d0-0x1dc, it is enough to add new line at BGSNDSET.2DA with type Mix

- and finally, when presented with such a mod, you dismissed it as "non-playable".

Presented mod has wrong documentation, if do what it tells, player gets broken custom music if installed any mods with music

Duh, if it was playable, it wouldn't need the feature.
Seriously, if you don't want add a feature for some reason, you can just state the reason. For example, you can say "it's a bad feature because of this and that, and will not be added". Or "I would accept a pull request, but I don't want to spend my time on this". It's cool. I do that all the time.

I already wrote about reason, there is no new mods with 44kHz acms, existed 1pp mod has own 44khz implementation. As i see this broken mod prepared for proof-of-concept only, nice, but useless for players, give me reason to add features for broken mods.

#614715 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 12 February 2023 - 04:28 PM in ToBEx

Hi MikeX

That's what I did so far:

-Installed TobEx, TobExCore.ini has line 'Saving Throw Fix=1'

-Commented out the section that deals with improved invisibility an its saves inside setup-bg2fixpack.tp2

-Installed bg2fixpack


After installing TobEx AL should I change this line 'Effect Opcodes:Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus=0' inside TobExTweak.ini to '...=1', to get proper saves dealing with improved invisibility?

Yes, you did right:

Saving Throw Fix=1 - global switch from original to TobEx Saving Throw calculation

Commented out the section that deals with improved invisibility an its saves inside setup-bg2fixpack.tp2 - spells(include subspells) with Improved Invisibility effects must don't have Save vs XXX bonus effect

Effect Opcodes:Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus=1 - enable TobEx Saving Throw +4 bonus on condition if enemy doesn't have innate ability to see invisible forms

#614720 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 15 February 2023 - 02:58 AM in ToBEx

Hi MikeX

is it possible for you to decipher this message (and similar ones, that I get from time to time):


ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x9892C8 File: ChDataTypes.cpp Line: 1591 Expression: !(x >= pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth || x < 0 || y > pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight || y < 0) Message: (null)

This is assertion check in original engine, CResBitmap::GetPixelColor(), i think problem with some .BMP or .BAM, unfortunately filename not saved in structure, there is no simple way to fix it

#614911 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 01 April 2023 - 10:27 AM in ToBEx

Hi WanderingScholar

It might be beyond the scope of TobEx, but I always thought it be nice if we could get a time stop spell that actually stops time. It's really a mass paralysis that still allows frequency based effects to persist and "tick" throughout it's duration. I've no idea what it would take to correct this behavior or if it's even possible.

Can you give examples of these things ?

#614968 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 10 April 2023 - 01:06 AM in ToBEx

Hi Salk

Maybe the <TYPE> token does not exist in classic Baldur's Gate 2?

It doesn't, only <DAMAGER>/<AMOUNT>/<DAMAGEE> supported

Improved GUI has option to show type of damage, but it hardcoded and just extend "<AMOUNT>" to "<AMOUNT> ZZZ"


@9509 = ~fire~
@9510 = ~piercing~
@9511 = ~slashing~
@9512 = ~crushing~
@9513 = ~missile~
@9514 = ~electricity~
@9515 = ~cold~
@9516 = ~magic~
@9517 = ~acid~
@9518 = ~poison~
@9519 = ~magical fire~
@9520 = ~magical cold~
@9521 = ~nonlethal~

#614668 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 06 February 2023 - 02:08 AM in ToBEx

Anyway, here's a packaged mod. Now is it real?

Same name as existed public mod, same version, same author, different content.

Non-playable hack, is there better try ?

#614921 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 03 April 2023 - 04:16 AM in ToBEx

BioWare BG2 manual:

Upon casting a time stop spell, the wizard causes the flow of time to stop for one round in the area of effect. Inside the sphere, the caster is free to act for six rounds of apparent time. The wizard can move and act freely within the area where time is stopped, but all other creatures are frozen in their actions, for they are literally between ticks of the time clock.


1) There are no hints how to interpret the behavior of the time based effects when timestop activated

2) If it is supposed to be literally to official manual, If "flow of time is stopped" in area, there must be no any ticks for already runned effects like damage in this area (engine assume timestop as ON/OFF trigger to all areas)

3) Does NPC's Script/Contingency must be still activated if we influence creature while time stopped?


p.s. Changing time-stop breaks the existing game mechanics, so it can be only as optional tweak option.

#614963 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 09 April 2023 - 02:10 PM in ToBEx

Hi Salk

But in the testing session above I had not installed the BG2 Improved GUI yet... I am trying to understand how a game text update modification could cause this issue. Let's see what Insomniator says about it. 

"Takes XX XX damage from YYYYY"

I cannot find "Takes <" or "> damage from <" strings in my dialog.tlk (BG2fixpack + BGT + Improved GUI +TobEx Afterlife)

May be do you have some mod with custom string and double <AMOUNT> field ?


original is @3805  = ~<DAMAGER> did <AMOUNT> damage to <DAMAGEE>~

#614639 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 01 February 2023 - 08:25 AM in ToBEx

  • Added: 44Khz Sound Mixer Frequency
So now it can play 44kHz acms properly?

Never seen proper 44Khz acm, acms from 1pp HQ Music Packs is "broken", they have 22kHz header and 44kHz body, to play such acms still need their special patch and resample any existed acm to 44kHz

#612634 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 17 June 2022 - 08:13 AM in ToBEx

Updated  to v29.11
Added: Externalise Animation Config Override new columns
Added: Enable Off Hand Weapon BG1 Animation
Added: Enable Robe Armor Sound
Added: Reset Idle Timer After Weapon Equipped
Added: Weapon Speed Fix
Added: Party Bumpable When Moving
Added: Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus
Removed: Improved Invisibility saving throws +4 bonuses from patched spells
After removing last option, no more mod installation order dependies, TobEx AL can be installed before and after any mod. New versions of Infinity Sounds/Infinity Animation (if they will released) require TobEx AL installed first.

#612607 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 04 June 2022 - 04:26 AM in ToBEx


would you be so kind as to perhaps give users general instructions about the installation order for ToBEx AfterLife?


ToBEx is generally recommended to be installed first. So many users might think that just after installing the game and ToBEx (v26 or v28), it is time to install ToBEx AfterLife. But from what I understand, that is not what you suggest, right?

In last version i added new optional component (back improved invisibility saving bonuses to original state), this component is tricky, it revert back one of bg2fixpack feature and must be installed after bg2fixpack. This is only one requirement to installation order.


I plan to revise this component to keep installation order independ, so AfterLIfe can be installed first or last, no matter

#612443 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 07 May 2022 - 09:23 AM in ToBEx

Apologies, the latest file you posted is no longer available. Could you upload it again? I'll see if I can download it later today before I leave town.


#612639 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 18 June 2022 - 11:08 PM in ToBEx

What does the weapon speed fix do?

First post is what you need...

#614572 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 22 January 2023 - 01:46 PM in ToBEx

Hi eyre

Can you explain what is "walk on site", previous dest point ?

For what it's worth, I posted this issue back in August:

Sorry, i missed your post


after installing TobEx_Afterlife, I have observed that when I click on the screen to change the destination of my party, they acting weird:

1. all the party walk on site wich looks strange

2. all party walk to the destination.

Can you explain what is "walk on site", previous dest point ?

The actors play "walk animation" but without moving for 1s or 2s and then walk to destination point.

Confirm bug, just wait for fix.

In one of change i removed unnecessary transition to READY state, probably this led to regression

#614645 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 01 February 2023 - 10:18 AM in ToBEx

Never seen proper 44Khz acm


So if acm has proper 44kHz header, will it be played correctly?

Currently not, i did't change playing ACM because there's is no MODs with proper 44khz acm for BG2. If someone will release proper 44khz music pack for bg2 i will finish component to play mixed 22/44 ACM


If not, then what does it the new component actually do?

i guess if we have 44khz wav (NWN casting sounds are 44khz), we must have 44khz mixer(primary directsound buffer) instead 22khz, i don't sure at 100%, maybe primary buffer frequency now is fake on vista+, i plan to check what windows really does on hardware outputs with mixed buffer formats

#614623 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:34 AM in ToBEx

Updated to v29.13:

  • Added: Small Purple Elemental Palette Fix
  • Fixed: Ambient sound muted after QuickLoad
  • Added: 44Khz Sound Mixer Frequency
  • Fixed: Walking animation at READY state regression

#614579 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 23 January 2023 - 08:14 AM in ToBEx

@eye, @TotoR,


READY sequence animation restored when walking, just replace dll without reinstalling mod

#614649 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 01 February 2023 - 03:51 PM in ToBEx

Currently not, i did't change playing ACM because there's is no MODs with proper 44khz acm for BG2. If someone will release proper 44khz music pack for bg2 i will finish component to play mixed 22/44 ACM

Here you go.

where is released and properly hosted MOD with such files ?