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#614635 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 04:59 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

He skellytz

Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard

I suggest more tests with newer Windows 10 versions. Infinity Sounds v2 has the same component using DSOAL to restore environmental audio/EAX. It worked fine a few years ago, but when the testers upgraded to Windows 10 versions 2XXX their games started crashing upon launching. This was around the time when Windows 10 v1903+ was reported to have broken the DirectSound wrapper support. I haven't had a chance to install a newer Windows 10 version myself, so I haven't started properly troubleshooting these issues. Hopefully, the latest DSOAL builds have fixed this.

Thx for report, i use official DSOL 1.4, by default it has config to disable DirectSound Host API and prefer other way(alsoft.ini, drivers="-dsound,"), i guess WASAPI, but dsoal logs don't tell what API is used.

Available options:

  • drivers="wasapi,"  prefer WASAPI
  • drivers="dsound," prefer DirectSound
  • drivers="-dsound," disable DirectSound
  • drivers="-wasapi," disable WASAPI
  • empty "drivers=" prefer autodetect

#614634 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 04:26 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi !


"Freeze/Unfreeze sounds when game paused/unpaused" is still beta, please report bugs if enjoyed with it, currently reported:

1) Double GUI click sound when unpaused - fixed

2) Replays sound from start if sound was started in pause mode - fixed

3) Storekepper sound paused when entering Store screen - fixed






#614629 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 31 January 2023 - 12:00 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Which Windows version did you use to test DSOAL?

Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard

#614625 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:57 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR!

1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.

2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.

OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group


Great! Thank you.

Check v5.6, i didn't place it to difficulty group, just usual option

#614624 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:54 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to v5.6:

  • Added: Restore BG1/BG2 XP Limits
  • Added: EAX/DirectSound3D emulation through DSOAL
  • Added: Freeze/Unfreeze sounds when game paused/unpaused (Beta)

Click here to download this file


Post 5.6 fixes:


#614623 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 30 January 2023 - 08:34 AM in ToBEx

Updated to v29.13:

  • Added: Small Purple Elemental Palette Fix
  • Fixed: Ambient sound muted after QuickLoad
  • Added: 44Khz Sound Mixer Frequency
  • Fixed: Walking animation at READY state regression

#614579 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 23 January 2023 - 08:14 AM in ToBEx

@eye, @TotoR,


READY sequence animation restored when walking, just replace dll without reinstalling mod

#614572 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 22 January 2023 - 01:46 PM in ToBEx

Hi eyre

Can you explain what is "walk on site", previous dest point ?

For what it's worth, I posted this issue back in August:

Sorry, i missed your post


after installing TobEx_Afterlife, I have observed that when I click on the screen to change the destination of my party, they acting weird:

1. all the party walk on site wich looks strange

2. all party walk to the destination.

Can you explain what is "walk on site", previous dest point ?

The actors play "walk animation" but without moving for 1s or 2s and then walk to destination point.

Confirm bug, just wait for fix.

In one of change i removed unnecessary transition to READY state, probably this led to regression

#614568 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 22 January 2023 - 09:51 AM in ToBEx

Hi TotoR

after installing TobEx_Afterlife, I have observed that when I click on the screen to change the destination of my party, they acting weird:

1. all the party walk on site wich looks strange

2. all party walk to the destination.

Can you explain what is "walk on site", previous dest point ?

#614467 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 24 December 2022 - 03:26 AM in ToBEx

Hi Salk

Couldn't ToBEx AL undo the G3 Fixpack's Improved Invisibility Bonus by simply replacing it with its own version?

It would just require that ToBE AL be installed after the Fixpack.

When component was added first time, it was doing exactly that you said, installer removes bonuses from *.spl (include from MODs) and enable dedicated tobex option.

BUT later if global option Saving Throw Fix will be changed to 0 by player, i.e. back to original engine way, we lost all bonuses:

1) original saving throw procedure missed bonuses

2) we changed files what bg2fixpack fixed

#614464 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 23 December 2022 - 09:23 PM in ToBEx

Hi Andrea

Ideally we should ask CamDawg to make BG2FP check for ToBEX AL and if the fix is already there, then the FPs one should be skipped.

Unfortunately this breaks TobEx original concept - configurable options.

If "updated" bg2fixpack will be installed without bonuses, we must always keep Saving Throw Fix=1, but player may manually disable this option to back to original engine calculation.


So bg2fixpack must have this fix for all cases, I plan to re-enable this TobEx component to dynamicaly detect changed spells from hardcoded list and remove bg2fixpack's bonuses on-the-fly.

Spells with imp. invisible from MODs will be have original state - bonus versus all creatures, it is possible to fix it too, but this component must be installed separately and only after all these MODs, i.e. "after all mods"


#614457 TobEx AfterLife

Posted by Insomniator on 21 December 2022 - 12:02 PM in ToBEx

Hi MikeX

Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus [Compatibility]

Enable +4 Saving Throw Bonus at engine level, doesn't apply bonus against creatures with ability to see invisible. Component not compatible with BG2 Fixpack! (BG2 Fixpack has own, but worse fix)


The version history says it is removed now.

What needs to be done to get BG2 fixpack and TobEx working alongside/together regarding this matter?

bg2fixpack adds Saving Throw Bonus versus all enemies if impr. invisible enabled.

To switch for TobEx AL implemenation need restore back some spells:


  spdr401 => spdr401a // Invisible Stalker Improved Invisibility
  spin687 => spin687a // Create Shadows
  spin698 => spin698a // Cerebus Improved Invisibility
  spwi405 => spwi405a // improved invis (mage)
  spwi505 => spwi505a // shadow door (mage)
  spwi607 => spwi607a // Mislead
  spwi721 => spwi721a // mass invisibility
  balth10 => balth10a // Shadow Stance!
  spin544 => spin544a // PSIONIC_SUPERIOR_INVISIBILITY

Original TobEx v26 always enable own bonus and with bg2fixpack bonuses are doubled(not really tested)

in AL added new option Effect Opcodes:Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus to enable own bonus if bg2fixpack not installed or spell was restored manually.


TobEx own bonus can be enabled only if main Saving Throw Fix option is also enabled

#614415 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 17 December 2022 - 12:24 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.

2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.

OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group

#614402 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 16 December 2022 - 06:36 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

FWIW, SOA was clearly designed without hla and lv9 spells and TOB cap should have never been applied to this part of the game, it is a bad design choice.

1) I dont sure about Watcher's Keep area, is it available on map only in ToB part ?

2) You want to play bg1 part with xplevel/xpcap = 161 000, then Soa with 2 900 000 and Tob with unchanged cap?

3) How about split bg1 to orig 89 000 and tosc 161 000 ?  Problem is what "dividing line", if Sarevok is alive, then apply bg1 cap even if player started adventures on Ulgoth’s Beard  ?

#614399 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 15 December 2022 - 09:25 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

- I always miss my old feeling of SOA without lv9 spells and hla... Could you add a level cap in BGT-TOTSC part and SOA part at engine level ? I think it is possible in EE by changing values in a 2da file
From what I know, mods that exist Don't do it right; dual class may be less affected as each class can reach the cap or the cap is simulated by adding arbitrary negative values wich is weird.

BG2: Edit XPLEVEL.2DA , set unreachable XP at all levels above 17. You mages will stuck at 17 level forever

BG1: same way


Unfortunately need restore this file while transition bg1->bg2

#614374 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 13 December 2022 - 07:13 PM in BG2 Improved GUI


Thanks for the update! I cannot seem to find it in the download section though.


#614364 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 11 December 2022 - 05:07 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to v5.5:

  • Added: x2 Full Scaled Graphics mode
  • Added: HTML Documentation
  • Added: NWN casting sounds for HLA/High Level spells
  • Fixed: Custom hotkeys component removed from installer

Click here to download this file

#614363 Update announcements

Posted by Insomniator on 11 December 2022 - 05:05 PM in BG2 Improved GUI


#614135 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 30 October 2022 - 02:38 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

I think I have found another issue with "hide icon": when activated, this component also hides icons in dialog, shops or temples (mouth, intoxicated, diseased, poisoned,etc...) making harder, mostly for temples, to know what to cure... using Custom hotkeys solve this but it is not possible to use it in those UI

Thanks for report, i will check

Tell me if you need some testing.

I added icons on most screens, including Store, but i don't undersand about dialogue mode, portrait is very shaded and icons difficult to view, can you show screenshot about issue ?

beta - https://drive.google...sZPd27HggOsIq7g


1) Agree, updated text descriptions is for vanilla spells/abils only and must be installed before other mods

2) Item/Cre/Spell/Icon/Tooltip fixes and updated/new Text descriptions are big work of Prozh and mutually dependent with Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component. I cannot split it or do some similar, sorry.

I can :

1) update mod install order description

2) add detailed information what fixes are applied.

3) update component description to point BG2 vanilla compatibility only

And this is clearly a huge work made by Prozh and, for sure, It would be a shame to cut it into peaces.


However and for items ability only (spells and innates descriptions use the regular description field), you use a new abildesc.2da table that is of course not updated by mods. Currently, with modded game, items abilities could have no description (not really an issue) or in worst case wrong description.


If modders update the abildesc.2da, this could evolve but it will takes time (a lot :shifty: ). In the time being, it could be sensible to offer the choice to players to have vanilla description or no description at all for items abilities only (Maybe by emptied abildesc.2da or even better by a field in TobExTweak.ini).

OK, i will add new installer's option in next update to not install item abilities text updates if player plans to install Item Revision or similar mod

#614109 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 25 October 2022 - 09:47 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

I think I have found another issue with "hide icon": when activated, this component also hides icons in dialog, shops or temples (mouth, intoxicated, diseased, poisoned,etc...) making harder, mostly for temples, to know what to cure... using Custom hotkeys solve this but it is not possible to use it in those UI

Thanks for report, i will check

In addition, I have some thought, that I want to share with you about the Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component, witch is by the way really great:
- To avoid conflict with other mods, this component has to be installed really early in a modding list (just after bg2fixpack and BGT). I think that should be indicated in the readme to avoid wrong descriptions of spells and abilities.
The component adds news fixes that are not documented. They are mostly harmless changes but it could be sensible to make them optional. For example:
- the sumdjinn.cre fix is a bit strange and seems useless in Vanilla game
- Range update is a matter of taste as this could be seen as a design choice
Lastly, this component adds items abilities descriptions. Those new descriptions are accurate for players of vanilla bg2 but not for players with modded game as they are not currently updated. Could this part be made optional as it might display wrong descriptions for modded items?

1) Agree, updated text descriptions is for vanilla spells/abils only and must be installed before other mods
2) Item/Cre/Spell/Icon/Tooltip fixes and updated/new Text descriptions are big work of Prozh and mutually dependent with Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click component. I cannot split it or do some similar, sorry.

I can :

1) update mod install order description

2) add detailed information what fixes are applied.

3) update component description to point BG2 vanilla compatibility only

#613745 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 27 September 2022 - 04:20 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

It is much appreciated!

In addition, I have done tests for the pre-version point 3) and 4) :
- 3): the blur icon is not displayed on portrait but still displayed in character sheet
- 4): seems to work as intended

Blur Icon on character sheet - fixed

Optional hide icon mode added, instead installer option -> switchable by key "Numpad /"

#613744 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 27 September 2022 - 04:12 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Updated to 5.4:

  1. Fixed: Changed installer markers to "MOD_IS_INSTALLED"
  2. Fixed: Removed Wing(Ready) sound for Infinity Animation's 0x0100/0x0A00 non-Wyvern IDs
  3. Fixed: Removed unnecessary Blur icon for off/def Spin modes
  4. Fixed: Color party foot circle in Panic/Charm state
  5. Added: Optional "Hide Static Icons on Portrait" mode
  6. Added: BG1 casting sounds for BG1 part or any low-level spells

#613716 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 26 September 2022 - 04:11 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

However often, mod added spells have various effects and only one opcode 142. With "Hide the static portrait icons" component installed, instead of showing 1 portrait icon, multiple portraits icons will be shown (like with the test spell above), revealing internal effects of the spells. However, only 1 icon will be shown in character sheet. This is a bit messy, making status effect tracking harder.

OK, i will add new option to show timed icons from character sheet, some icons will never showed like morale break because engine miss it


You can check pre-5.4 version with fixes of most bug reported in topic

  • 1) Fixed: Changed installer markers to "MOD_IS_INSTALLED"
  • 2) Fixed: Removed Ready(wing) sound for Infinity Animation's 0x0100/0x0A00 non-Wyvern IDs
  • 3) Fixed: Removed static blur icon for off/def Spin modes
  • 4) Fixed: Color party foot circle if Panic or Charm state
  • 5) Added: BG1 casting voice for low-level spells

#613694 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 25 September 2022 - 07:45 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

Ok, Now I have found what was bothering me and it is not related to long duration spell, that was a mistake.

This component shows icons that should not be as they are not include in the effect of the spell (no opcode 142).


You can try with the one attached (https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing) : with the component activated it shows "Invulnerable", "Magic Resistance" and "Protection from Magic Weapon" icons. Without it shows only "Invulnerable" icon (as it should).

Spell (level 1-9) in NI contains:

  • Show "Invulnerable"(23) icon, limited
  • Immunity to non-magic weapon effect, limited
  • 25% magic resistance, limited

This component ignores spell icon opcode(142) and shows icon per each effect, because some vanilla effects enable icon at engine level without icon opcode(142) and i also added few new icons, so there is many icons on portrait. Invulnerable icon is not used in vanilla BG2 (only SPWM126.spl has it, but what is it ?), so i didnt care about it because there is no info what other buff icons must be excluded if we already have this "master" icon.

"Invulnerable" icon is context-sensive to player, Invulnerable to weapon ? Invulnerable to some spells? Both ? ...


Component already handles some complex sphere, for example Otiluke's Resilient Sphere has many effects, but only "Otiluke's Sphere","Hold","Improved Invisibility" icons showed

#613381 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Insomniator on 17 September 2022 - 07:18 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

Hi TotoR

 - with "Color foot markers" component I am unable to distinct charmed or under fear characters as they keep their colors (they are not becoming red, blue or yellow). This is making a bit hard to actively track status effect



 - the "Additional Icons on Portrait" component adds icons to all spells with blur effect. However, for some spells, like offensive spin, blur effect is only cosmetics and this component adds the new icons to them even if not needed (there is already an icon for the spell). It could be good to limit the new icon to spells with blur effect only if there is no other icon.

This is taste choice, but OK, i will exclude blur icon for offensive and defensive spells with dedicated icons


 - the "Hide static portrait icons" component, witch is a master piece by the way, hide icons with timing = 1 (Instant/Permanent until death). There are some effects and spells that use this timing (Sequencers, deases, poison and some other nasty status effect). It could be nice to not hide them as in fact they are not so permanent in a game that allow you to revive dead characters...

Seems like bug, mod already ignores timing for most negative effects and must show, i will recheck this


     if ((ticks <= 0 && effect.nDuration != 0) ||    // effect is out
             (effect.nDuration == 0 &&                  // persistent effect

             // show negative effects even with infinite duration
             OpCode != 4   &&   //  Berserk
             OpCode != 24  &&   //  Panic
             OpCode != 25  &&   //  Poison
             OpCode != 38  &&   //  Silence
             OpCode != 39  &&   //  Sleep
             OpCode != 40  &&   //  Slow
             OpCode != 45  &&   //  Stun
             OpCode != 74  &&   //  Blindness
             OpCode != 76  &&   //  Feeblemindedness
             OpCode != 78  &&   //  Disease
             OpCode != 80  &&   //  Deafness
             OpCode != 109 &&   //  Paralyze
             OpCode != 135 &&   //  Polymorph
             OpCode != 142 &&   //  Display Icon
             OpCode != 154 &&   //  Entangle overlay
             OpCode != 158 &&   //  Grease overlay
             OpCode != 175 &&   //  Hold creature
             OpCode != 211 &&   //  Imprisonment
             OpCode != 213 &&   //  Maze
             OpCode != 216      //  Level drain