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#606891 Making a weidu mod with your custom item

Posted by Alonso on 26 June 2019 - 03:54 PM in IE Tutorials

Yes, I had already visited the dragon in the saved game I was using to test. So I tried with a game in which I hadn't visited the dragon yet. However, I didn't manage to test with this game. Using the console to travel directly to the dragon's lair crashes the game. I tried travelling to the temple ruins and going to the dragon's lair from there, but that also crashes the game, I guess the game must expect you to have completed all the previous steps in the quest before.


Since testing with the shadow dragon proved so complicated, I tried modifying the mod and giving the sword to the otyugh in Irenicus' dungeon instead. There are three otyughs in the game, so I gave the sword to all of them because I don't know which one is Irenicus'. The result is the same, the otyugh doesn't have the sword. Checking in NI, though, the otyughs do have the sword. However, when I try to open the sword item in NI I get an error: "Error reading null", "null". I attach the modified mod.


Attached File  mymod.zip   956.03K   269 downloads

#606892 Help with first mod ideas

Posted by Alonso on 26 June 2019 - 04:00 PM in IE Help

OK, not many candidates to be my guinea pig here :P. Maybe I need a bigger audience. I'd like to publish this mod and make it available for the community, but I'm not sure of what is the best place to publish it. Any suggestions?

#606895 Making a weidu mod with your custom item

Posted by Alonso on 27 June 2019 - 01:29 AM in IE Tutorials

Yeah, that's what I did to test: I loaded the first saved game I have, in which I still haven't moved from the first room in Irenicus dungeon, from there went to the room of the otyugh, and then I used the console to make it join my party. It didn't have the sword. NI, however, shows the sword in the otyugh's files, but with the error I mentioned.

#606897 Help with first mod ideas

Posted by Alonso on 27 June 2019 - 01:33 AM in IE Help

That sounds good. Quick silly question: So far I've only tried the mod in BG2, right now I don't even have BG1 installed, so I guess I should publish it in the BG2 modding subforum of Beamdog rather than in the general modding subforum, right?

#606901 Making a weidu mod with your custom item

Posted by Alonso on 27 June 2019 - 04:19 AM in IE Tutorials

Hadn't thought about that. Still, I started a new game and I had the same result, the otyugh doesn't have the sword.


There is still the chance you didn't catch the one in Irenicus' dungeon, though. Try cheating in one of the cre files you patched.

That's what I've done.


Can you try it and see if you have the same problem?

#606902 Help with first mod ideas

Posted by Alonso on 27 June 2019 - 06:41 AM in IE Help

I intend to make it compatible with BG1 in the future, so I've published it in the General Modding subforum: Improved Spell Descriptions. So there goes my first mod. Thank you for all your help!

#606910 Making a weidu mod with your custom item

Posted by Alonso on 28 June 2019 - 02:45 PM in IE Tutorials

That fixed it, it works now. Thank you again :new_thumbs:


As I did this I corrected and expanded the original tutorial with everything we discussed here. I attach it in case someone is interested.

Attached Files

#606922 WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++

Posted by Alonso on 29 June 2019 - 05:07 PM in IE Modding Tools

Try VScode.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm trying VScode and it looks quite promising, although I have barely scratched its surface so far. However, I'm not sure of whether your extension supports tra files. I just opened a tra file and it doesn't have any syntax highlighting.

#606935 [HELP WANTED] Proof reading for Mod translations in English

Posted by Alonso on 05 July 2019 - 01:33 PM in Classifieds

Still need help?

#606951 [HELP WANTED] Proof reading for Mod translations in English

Posted by Alonso on 06 July 2019 - 04:22 PM in Classifieds

I've no particular preference. I'm Spanish and I'm fluent in English (fully bilingual). I own the full BG series and PS:T, but not IWD. So whatever fits me better.