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There have been 20 items by Miss Sakaki (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#579239 Crossmod install failure with Ajantis and Tsujatha

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 13 July 2015 - 03:00 AM in Faren

Thank you for flagging this up Eric, and thank you Lollorian for posting the Tsujatha fix! I've updated the download file with the typo corrected.


I've tried replicating the Ajantis bug but can't seem to get it to happen at my end - I've tried on vanilla BG2 and BG2EE, using Ajantis v12 and v13, and it's installed OK. There's a check in the Faren tp2 that should only install the Faren-Ajantis ToB content if ToB is installed. So I'm not sure what's going on with that I'm afraid!


If you could post your Ajantis debug file as Lollorian mentions above that would be great. :) I can't spend very much time on the computer at the moment because I'm very pregnant and have a lot of back pain, but will try to keep in the loop!

#578281 Future Faren Plans/v3 Progress

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 14 June 2015 - 04:10 AM in Faren

Version 3 is now released!

#577843 Foundling: Between the Shades BETA available

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 22 May 2015 - 07:50 AM in Colours of Infinity

Exciting, congratulations! The portraits are lovely. I hope to get a chance to have a read of him over the weekend. :)

#577616 Faren with Bhaalspawn powers?

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 15 May 2015 - 11:33 AM in Faren

Yeah, it would be a bit much to go through the reinstall etc just for that! (I think this bug slipped through the net because Feuille and I never use Set Snare when playing and completely missed it...) Good luck on the romance, hope you enjoy! :D

#577614 Faren with Bhaalspawn powers?

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 15 May 2015 - 10:52 AM in Faren

Unfortunately the abilities are within his creature file, and as Faren has already been spawned there isn't a lot you can do about it I'm afraid, other than reinstalling the mod with the most recent version, reloading to a save before you found him in prison and then getting him in the party.


The good news is that it shouldn't affect his Set Snare ability or any HLAs he gets in Throne of Bhaal, so the Bhaalspawn powers will just be an unintended cosmetic nuisance (or a useful added extra, if you felt like using them...)

#577300 Bugs & Spelling Reports

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 01 May 2015 - 11:21 AM in Yeslick

I love Yeslick and his no-nonsense attitude! Just spotted a banter bug - the conversation with Jan starting "A worshipper of Clangeddin, are you?" is missing InParty("Jan") in its triggers.

#577280 Faren v3 Bugs and Typos

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 30 April 2015 - 11:27 AM in Faren

Eeek, that was silly! Updated the attachment with a corrected tp2 above - NB, you'll only need the above file if you're playing v2.2 or older, as v2.3 fixes the ToB rogue-proficiency summoning issue (and also doesn't have any stray Enhanced Edition bits and pieces that shouldn't be there yet).


Thank you for flagging it up!

#577136 Faren v3 Bugs and Typos

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 25 April 2015 - 01:08 AM in Faren

v2.3 uploaded, see fixes above.

#577118 Faren_v2.2.rar archive damaged?

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 24 April 2015 - 12:57 PM in Faren

Thank you, the file you uploaded unpacked intact.
Strangely using my Android tablet I managed to get the file intact as well using the download button on the download page.
So indeed the problem is something with my desktop interacting with the download page (both in Firefox and IE).
But I can start playing now!
My report of it being broken was unjust. How do I get the mods to remove the message?
No worries, I'll get in touch with K'aeloree to arrange amending the download page. :) I'm glad it's working for you now - hope you enjoy Faren!

Edit: v2.3 is now up including some minor bugfixes

#577107 Faren_v2.2.rar archive damaged?

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 23 April 2015 - 11:14 PM in Faren

I suspect it may be something at your end, as others have been able to download and extract/install without issues, but I'll have a look at updating the zip in the download centre after I finish work today. :)


In the meantime, it would be nice for you to get to play/read Faren! Try downloading the v2.2 zip I've attached to this post? In theory it should extract and install as normal.

Attached Files

#577100 Faren_v2.2.rar archive damaged?

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 23 April 2015 - 10:13 AM in Faren

Hi Son of Imoen, thank you for posting about this! And thankyou to The Imp and Argent77 for weighing in while I was at work and couldn't get on the forum!

There should be a file called setup.tra in the Faren/translations/english folder and if that's missing on your version, I would assume that's the issue (or at least part of it). fhfsl.d/fhfsl.tra are the crossmod files for Saerileth which are present in my version.


I've tried downloading the latest v2.2 file and it extracts fine with WinRAR including setup.tra, and WeiDU installs it OK so I'm not really sure what to suggest other than trying the download again - sorry I can't think of anything more specific!

#576867 TOB Summoning bugged? (BG2 EE)

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 13 April 2015 - 11:15 PM in Faren

Aha, I've found the problem! This will be fixed in the next version, but in the meantime you can replace Setup-Faren.tp2 with the attached file and summoning Faren with his rogue proficiencies should now work.


Thank you again for flagging it up!

Attached Files

#576815 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 11 April 2015 - 11:50 PM in Adrian

Just spotted a minor dialogue loop in Adrian's "I'd be lost in this country if I didn't know how to play the black market" talk - the response "Taken a lover, you mean?" leads back to the previous phrase.

#576794 PaintBG Introduction and Samples

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 11 April 2015 - 08:05 AM in Portrait Mods

These are fabulous, and on a selfish level, Nathaniel is simply adorable! (If Artastrophe ever fancies doing an alternative Faren portrait that would be amazing! :wub: )

#576655 (Belated) congratulations on ToB!

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 08 April 2015 - 11:56 PM in Ninde

I love Ninde's voice and spark, and I've had a soft spot for her since she was first released, so imagine my glee to see after a long time away that she's complete for ToB! Thank you so much to Rhaella for taking the reins on the project, and huge props - you've really captured the feel of the character.

I'm very excited to have her in my party for the long haul!

#576617 Future Faren Plans/v3 Progress

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 08 April 2015 - 08:14 AM in Faren

Hello hello! It's really lovely to see all the developments that have happened in the several years since I've paid a proper visit!

#576600 How Faren plays with others

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 07 April 2015 - 11:29 AM in Faren

Faren does not have any lethal conflicts with his fellow NPCs, but like anyone he gets on better with some than others.

If you're looking for recommendations for who Faren gets on with best, we'd say: Cernd, Jaheira, Korgan, Mazzy, Nalia and Yoshimo. Mod characters he gets on with best include Angelo, Ninde, and Sarah. Having said that, his prickly and antagonistic banters are designed to also be entertaining, and you can be sure that he won't always get the last word or constantly win arguments!
Our goal in the NPC banters is to demonstrate something about Faren and another character that can't be seen anywhere else, and to have the characters talk about themselves and the world around them in a way that feels natural for companions on the road.
Unless otherwise specified, Faren has 3 SoA banters with each NPC, and 1 in ToB. Spoilers below, obviously!
Aerie: Aerie likes hearing about Faren's adventures, but finds his attempts to coddle her patronising, while Faren ultimately thinks she's too fragile to be out and about. Romance conflict: Aerie is unimpressed by Faren's casual approach to embarking on relationships, and Faren thinks it's a bad idea for her to be in a relationship with anyone, let alone someone he's interested in.
Anomen: They have some common ground, but are too prickly for real friendship; Faren quite admires Anomen's strength of purpose. Romance conflict: Faren thinks Charname would do better with someone more lighthearted, while Anomen thinks Faren's too much of an unscrupulous ruffian for her.
Cernd: Faren is very fond of Cernd - they were both imprisoned in the same place, after all - and Cernd humours his frivolities.
Edwin: Edwin treats Faren with all the respect you'd expect; Faren is quite intimidated by him. Romance conflict (Laufey's Edwin Romance): Faren can't quite believe Edwin even has a heart, let alone a romantic side.
Haer'dalis: Faren finds Haer'dalis unnervingly alien, but finds common ground.
Imoen: Imoen doesn't have much patience for Faren's attempts to cheer her up, though she's not unkind and they have a bit of camaraderie.
Jaheira: She and Faren get on well, though Jaheira finds Faren's lackadaisical attitude to life rather exasperating. Romance conflict: Jaheira thinks Faren's leading Charname astray, while Faren thinks a romantic relationship between him and Jaheira is totally inappropriate.
Jan: Only in Faren's dreams can he confuse people to the dazzling degree that Jan does.
Keldorn: Faren finds Keldorn's strength of will and judgement threatening, while Keldorn is wryly patient with him.
Korgan: Between their unbridled love of life and Faren's more shady dealings in his past, Faren and Korgan get along splendidly.
Mazzy: As a famous adventurer of Trademeet, Mazzy inspires starry-eyed admiration from Faren, while Mazzy is pleased and flattered that he respects her so strongly.
Minsc: Minsc is equable enough with Faren, since he doesn't do anything obviously evil, but Faren finds Minsc's lack of control quite unsettling and intimidating.
Nalia: Nalia finds Faren scruffily intriguing, and Faren enjoys boasting about his more outrageous adventures. Romance conflict (de'Arnise romance): Faren gets cross about what he considers Nalia's prissiness, while Nalia is most put out by Faren's more forward approach to Charname.
Sarevok: Sarevok is contemptuous of Faren, while Faren is deeply disturbed by him.
Valygar: Faren and Valygar share an affinity for the outdoors, but Valygar's alternation between surly and deadpan humour always keeps Faren on his toes.
Viconia: Viconia scares Faren deeply, and he would like little more than to stay out of her way. Romance conflict: Viconia has no qualms about letting Faren and Charname know just how superior she is as a romantic partner.
Yoshimo: Faren and Yoshimo get on very well, sharing drinks and card games and outrageous stories.

Adrian: Faren thinks he's kind of insane, but they get along fairly well, actually. Romance conflict: Fairly equable, all told. SoA only; 4 banters. Packaged in the Adrian mod - install this component after Faren!

Ajantis: Faren is a pretty worldly individual, and Ajantis is less so. Still, Faren finds him a reassuring person to have around. Romance conflict: Ajantis notices that Faren is interested in Charname, but speaks to Charname about it rather than causing a scene. SoA only.
Amber: Faren gets some chat out of Amber, but since she is not the most relaxed of people they're never going to be fast friends. Still, they get on well enough. Romance conflict: Amber notes Faren's advances to Charname, and brings it up with Charname. SoA only.
Angelo: Angelo sees Faren as a bit of a younger version of himself, and they have a lot in common in terms of wine, women and song, as well as getting involved in activities of dubious morals. Romance conflict: Angelo thinks Faren is only interested in Charname for a dalliance; Faren thinks Angelo's having a mid-life crisis.
Auren: They're quietly companionable, sharing stories of their adventures and the experiences they've had.
Chloe: Faren does not get on at all well with Chloe's brash manner, while she thinks he's a pushover. Romance conflict: Chloe is very upfront about the fact that she is a far better proposition than Faren.
Fade: While Faren finds Fade appealing, as a member of the Shadow Thieves he simply cannot trust her; Fade thinks he's being disingenuous. Romance conflict: Faren thinks Fade has a sinister angle on her romantic approach to Charname. SoA only.
Iylos: They don't quite understand each other's worldviews, but are cordial enough. ToB only.
Kelsey: Although Kelsey doesn't have a lot of patience for Faren's more frivolous side, they get on fairly well as ordinary guys swept up in adventure. Romance conflict: Kelsey thinks Faren is only interested in one thing; Faren thinks Kelsey is too, but is kidding himself about it.
Keto: Faren and Keto bond over fears and joking around about telling stories. SoA only.
Luxleys: Faren thinks of Andrei as the kid brother he never had; Sebastian enjoys teasing Faren and Faren likes to tease right back. SoA only.
Nathaniel: They have very little in common, and Nathaniel disapproves of pretty much all Faren's life choices. Romance conflict: Nathaniel thinks Faren's a bad influence, and a distraction to Charname and the group's goals.
Ninde: Faren finds Ninde's flirtatious forthrightness very appealing, while Ninde sees him as a pleasant bit of rough and enjoys bossing him around. Romance conflict: Because they get on so well, they know just what to say to get under each other's skin.
Sarah: They have shared experiences, and get on well. Romance conflict: Pretty cordial; more about Faren checking whether Charname is interested in him or in Sarah than about fighting over Charname.
Saerileth: Faren finds Saerileth kind of sweet, but she is not impressed by him treating her like a child. Romance conflict: Faren's creeped out that Charname would be interested in Saerileth, while she thinks he is a bad influence and has impure intentions towards Charname.
Solaufein: Faren finds Solaufein unsettling, but they do find some common ground. Romance conflict: Faren can't help wondering if Solaufein is more of an eligible prospect than he is.
Tsujatha: Romance conflict only: Tsujatha is unimpressed with Faren's openness about his affection for Charname. Very unimpressed.
Xan: Xan is resigned by Faren's fairly cheerful attitude to life, while Faren is baffled by how Xan keeps going.
Xulaye: Faren is surly but deferent; Xulaye is scornful. SoA only (Underdark).
Yasraena: Faren is impressed by Yasraena's strength of purpose, and tries to help her integrate into the surface world.

#576592 Future Faren Plans/v3 Progress

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 07 April 2015 - 09:19 AM in Faren

Feuille and I have a bit of time and impetus for improving the Faren experience, so here goes! These are the broad priorities:
To do:
-Minor editing, assessing ToB content pacing
Bug/cosmetic changes:
-Bugfixing any outstanding v2.2 issues - currently all sorted
-Added music to plot-related talks when in a romance
-Altered Faren-initiated flirt timer so flirts are more spread out

-Spaced out the ToB talks to spread more across the game
-Added PID option to ask about the Umar Hills and get Imnesvale map revealed
-Added PID option to talk about post-Spellhold developments
-Added another Yoshimo in Spellhold interjection, and a later Priest of Ilmater interjection
-Minor dialogue editing
New stuff:
-Dorn banters: 3 SoA, 1 ToB; Dorn romance conflict (all tested)
-Hexxat banters: 3 SoA, 1 ToB; Hexxat romance conflict (all tested)
-Neera banters: 3 SoA, 1 ToB; Neera romance conflict (all tested)
-Rasaad banters: 3 SoA, 1 ToB; Rasaad romance conflict (all tested)
-ToB encounter - written/coded/scripted/tested
-3 new ToB non romantic talks written/coded/scripted/tested (1 written/coded/scripted but not yet tested)
-2 new ToB romantic talks written/coded/scripted
-1 new item created
-Crossmod: 1 ToB banter each for Ajantis, Fade, and Ninde. 3 SoA and 1 ToB each for Arath, Beyond the Law, Branwen, Coran, Dace, Darian, Haldamir, Isra, Tashia, Tiax, Tsujatha. 3 SoA for Yeslick. Romance conflicts/autokills for the romanceables. (All new content tested.)

#576591 Faren v3 Bugs and Typos

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 07 April 2015 - 08:52 AM in Faren

Please post in this thread if you find any typos, bugs or generally weird behaviour!




Fixed in v3
-Fixed a Faren comment on Halmar quest
-Fixed attack scripts for Halmar's guards if the party attacks them without speaking to Halmar

-Fixed tiny romance-recognition inconsistency in a Nalia banter

-Fixed .d typo in Luxley Family content

-Ensured Underdark areas in BG2:EE do not allow romance talks and flirts to fire

-Ensured post-rest talks fire straight after resting in BG2:EE

-Fixed typo to allow Charname to sleep with Faren for the first time via flirt menu


Fixed in v2.3:

-Removed Faren's vestigial Bhaalspawn powers
-Fixed .d typo in romantic Encounters Desharik reaction
-Fixed Faren's ToB dialogue assignment when he has rogue proficiences and is summoned by the Fate Spirit (to correct this in your own game, replace Setup-Faren.tp2 with the attached file below. You won't need to do this unless you're playing with v2.2 or older.)

Fixed in v2.2 (thank you very much to Kaeloree and Lollorian!)
-GLOBAL typo in Xulaye-Faren banter
-Sebastian-Faren banter not checking for Sebastian being in the party
-Bodhi dialogue not firing correctly
-Solaufein romance conflict not firing correctly
-ToB friendship talk repeating
-Error in Chloe crossmod content installation

Attached Files

#576575 TOB Summoning bugged? (BG2 EE)

Posted by Miss Sakaki on 07 April 2015 - 04:30 AM in Faren

Hello there, thank you for getting in touch! Please could you email your WeiDU.log file and your savegame before summoning Faren to hpowellsmith (at) gmail (dot) com, and we can have a look?