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#364377 Can't find Craig's Mod

Posted by Kamui2040 on 06 December 2007 - 01:41 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I decided to give BG2 yet another go, and after a HD crash i had to download all the mods again.
But now I'm missing Craig's Bottomless Containers, it seems it isn't available anymore.
Does anyone have a copy lying arround their HDs?
And could you uploaded it somewhere?

#364859 The Big World Project: an unauthorized mirror

Posted by Kamui2040 on 08 December 2007 - 12:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

Oh man long time i posted here.
Well then let's start. I understand both points of view. Leonardo was only trying to make things simple for beginners, I've been arround for a few years and i'm still unable to do quick bugfixes with NI, and I've been trying to compose such a Uber-Mega Mod for years.

The truth is such a project is a very hard and ungrateful one. The mantainance of up-to-date instructions is a lot of work by it self, then also trying to keep up with new mod releases and new versions is even harder. So the decision was made that a big file(s) with the necessary mods should be made.
Of course Leonardo should have asked for the permission of the modders in first place, but the intentions were good.
I believe what drove this discussion to this point was the reaction in the first posts.

Every modder has a right to decide what should happen to their mods, even when it means it should completly disappear from the net. But arguing about not beeing able to support their mods, when people use older versions, isn't very enlightening to me. First of all some or maybe many modders will have nothing to do with bugs that appear when such a huge mix of mods has been used. I also understand why, but is it really the best choice?

Most of the times it's very hard to spot which mod is causing the bug and why, and in this cases the user or Leonard would be left alone with the problem. So to minimize risks Leonard when for the "use only this and that mod with version X and Y", this has been done before with the old BP. The difference was that ppl. had to search for the correct versions themselves. Finding this versions became harder and harder the older the project got.

The idea of such an application which will only download the correct versions is good and all, but which use is it when the older compatible version isn't found anymore?
E.g. I've been trying to locate Craig's bottomless containers and I can't find it anywhere anymore.
And how many of the modders are willing to actively support this project when bugs and compatibility issues arrise?
I know some are but I'm quite sure not everyone is.

I would never have included NEJ inside this project at all for example. Because I know Vlad won't really support it since his project is big enough to bug hunt when played has standalone already. Although the same could be said about many other mods arround.

And what happens to those mods that aren't actively supported anymore. Who is going to help there?
I think that the best solution would be an automated procedure too, but how well can this be done without further endangering the project, due to mentioned versions not beeing available anymore. And are authorized mirrors really that much better?

Take World Map as an example not all mirrors are up to date although the newest version has been available for some time.
My advice would be that some people just take a deep breath and try to understand the other point of view, then you can strive to achieve a mutual solution.

#364861 The BiG World Project

Posted by Kamui2040 on 08 December 2007 - 01:02 AM in Mega Mod Help

First of all thank you very much Leonard for starting this project and to all the people that are trying to help in this thread.
But i got a question that is also a suggestion wouldn't it be better to make the instructions as a wiki? that way corrections that appear before a new official pdf is released could be incorporated much faster. Just a small thought, since a wiki can be changed by many people.
Anyway keep up the great work everyone and fight to see this dream come true one day.

#364864 Can't find Craig's Mod

Posted by Kamui2040 on 08 December 2007 - 01:18 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Actually the reason i wanted this mod was because of the extra containers, that make storing things easier.

#365075 The Big World Project: an unauthorized mirror

Posted by Kamui2040 on 09 December 2007 - 04:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

Of course Leonardo should have asked for the permission of the modders in first place

I am not the guy that made these packages or installed that server!
After I have posted my first install order about one year ago in a German forum, someone else created these packages and updated them until now. I like this service very well, however, I have nothing to do with it, so don't make me responsible!

Sorry i missunderstood you. I've been to the german forum now and since i speak german i've noticed that you weren't the one to post those packs.
So it resumes to that someone else made the packs that Leonard is getting the blame for, but either way i would love to see more modders actually posting their opinions here, and make a statement whether they would support this project one way or the other or not. I mean the actual bugfixing here.

#365077 The BiG World Project

Posted by Kamui2040 on 09 December 2007 - 04:41 AM in Mega Mod Help

Actually i was thinking about a wiki that more or less mirrors your instructions of how to install, this megamod and can be updated faster with solutions like those that have been posted here.
Since i hardly play the game myself and since i got zero skills in moding i can't do this project.
What i was thinking about is that you Leonardo would stop giving the instructions in a pdf form and go to wiki form instead. That was the original thought about it. And since i'm seeing several people making suggestions on the install order and conflict solving here, they could instead update the wiki then. This way we would have a more updated version of the istructions all the time.
Edit: I think you should get your own forum.

#366303 The BiG World Project

Posted by Kamui2040 on 16 December 2007 - 03:30 AM in Mega Mod Help

Well, I think NEJ should not be left out.
I do also think, that trying to make recent versions of NEJ compatible with the megamod, using fixes like these Leonardo is collecting,
will be a goal that we have to achive in the future.
Anyway, if you don't like to install NEJ because of compatibility issues, you should just leave it out. No Problem.
But just the fact, that it would work for those who want it, NEJ shouldn't miss in the BiGWP


I agree to disagree, I believe that NEJ should be a part of the TBWP.
But I also believe that at this point of the install NEJ should be left out. After having a more or less stable core install, you could always try to incorporate NEJ into it.
But this is only my humble opinion.

#373503 Theme - AC Armor

Posted by Kamui2040 on 25 January 2008 - 12:02 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Hi, it really looks great. which bodies has this been release for?