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#217160 You are not the One

Posted by Vita Muerte on 29 July 2005 - 12:51 PM in Dragon Age Series

I don't know. I'm still not sure what to make of DA. I tend to prefer games where the storyline outweighs the action; BG1, 2 and Ps:T are a prime example. If I really wanted some hack-slash game I would certainly go for Doom and such.

#212204 Why is the castle deserted?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 25 June 2005 - 04:13 PM in IE Mod Ideas

This mod will most likely solve your problem.


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This mod is currently under construction, so not much help there...yet.

#213542 why do many drow flee from menzoberranzan?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 02 July 2005 - 09:08 PM in Delusions of the Mind

so there's really no reason relating to AD&D?

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Once Hasbro, the parent company of Forgotten Realms, Wizards of the Coast and AD&D, realized how successful R.A. Salvatore and Elaine Cunningham's novels were; they decided to capitalize on it by basing numerous AD&D campaigns on the Underdark-Menzoberranzan being the most popular city.

To sum it up, your query does relate to AD&D. :P

#213944 Who would YOU like to see as an NPC?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 05 July 2005 - 09:21 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

How about Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone. :D

If I had the patience to learn how to code, I'd make a mini Ab Fab mod.

#210070 Who would YOU like to see as an NPC?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 14 June 2005 - 01:50 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Off the top of my head:

Ash Williams ;) (Army of Darkness)
Blade- only if I happen to be playing a non-evil character.
Hellboy :devil:

#206925 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 27 May 2005 - 06:22 PM in Chloe

I must say I never meant for this to turn into a debate... I just assumed this would be a reasonable reaction from Jaheira. I never meant to insinuate that she?s homophobic, after all I agree such beliefs would go against being a druid and all that. Maybe there were ulterior motives behind it...maybe Jaheira is a little jealous of <MAINCHAR> moving on. *shrugs*

Hmmm...maybe this topic should have thread of it's own. ;)

#207640 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 31 May 2005 - 11:19 AM in Chloe

It's been over a year since I played this mod, but after beating SOA last night with Chloe in my party, I came up with a few ideas for TOB. :online2long:

1. Find out what the strange lump of metal is for. Maybe it's something Cespenar can work his magic with.

2. Spicing up the flirt options. :devil: ;)

3. Find out what Illasera and/or the Five wanted with the Yr'kai boy. Is it safe to assume he is one of The Children? If so, does this change Chloe's perception of <CHARNAME> and Imoen; after all they too are Bhaalspawn. Maybe Akadia and Lathander can assign Chloe a quest to have her village avenged.

You get the picture.

#206932 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 27 May 2005 - 10:51 PM in Chloe

I think your point of view on procreation according the beliefs of the two deities could be seen as a double-edged sword. If Jaheira indeed considered the same sex relationship as 'unnatural' simply because there would be no procreation involved, than that would make her relationship with Khalid just as 'unnatural' since Jaheira did not bear any children while married to him.

Even the romantic epilogue for <MAINCHAR> and Jaheira says nothing about Jaheira conceiving any children! Unless of course you installed the npc flirt packs, but that's a moot point.

#205579 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 19 May 2005 - 09:38 PM in Chloe

Posted Today, 07:16 PM
  Why would Jaheira object to their behavior? She's a druid, she knows those things happen in nature, and with humans. If anyone objected to it, I think it would be Anomen (because he's a di... er... stuck up guy), Viconia because she's an attention wh.... er... domineering control freak, Aerie because she might not understand it or something... hmm... Korgan because he's a per... er.... because he's not getting any... and because they're being lovey dovey instead of piling corpses up or something... um... hmm... Edwin maybe because you know he's a pri.... er............. mean guy. 

I think Jaheira would object at first only because she's a mother figure to <CHARNAME>, and let's face it, she can be a little rigid. However, after having 'heart to heart' talk with <CHARNAME> I picture Jaheira changing her mind.

I think Viconia would be accepting, but a little jealous, being a creature of pleasures of the flesh. Sir Pompous Arse's reaction is a given. And I do agree with you on every one else's reaction. ;)

#205769 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 21 May 2005 - 02:06 AM in Chloe

Actually, I could see Viconia trying to cause strife between the two, and perhaps try to insinuate herself into the PC's favor. That would be amusing.

That would be very amusing indeed. :devil:

I would like to see more poems by Celeste of Waterdeep.

I agree with Efreet. The poems were quite lovely.... why not treat us with more. I could almost picture Chloe reciting a poem to <CHARNAME> in front of the fire. Or something a little more romantic, but you get the picture.

#205565 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 19 May 2005 - 04:08 PM in Chloe

Chloe was the first mod I ever played and was very disapointed when I found out there was no TOB portion to follow up. :crying: After sporadically checking this forum I was thrilled to find work had already started. Yay! :thumb: Anywho, I'd love to Chloe's and <CHARNAME>'s relationship evolve emotionally and maybe, erm, physically. It doesn't have to be anything graphic, but there should definately be some npc's reaction. Can you imagine Boo having to explain to Minsc what happened between the two girls. :lol: Or Jaheira object to their behaviour.

#213483 Ust Natha Accelerator

Posted by Vita Muerte on 02 July 2005 - 08:57 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Sweet!  :wub:
Despite the fact that Drow culture fascinates me, I find the Ust Natha quests as grueling as Irenicus' dungeon crawl.

#214665 The villains

Posted by Vita Muerte on 10 July 2005 - 11:40 PM in Dragon Age Series

Personally I would like to see a villain somehow like Jarlaxle. This fellow can't be considered good, but neither evil.

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Ditto.  I'm tired of having to fight clichés over and over again.  "Evil" after all is as subjective as beauty- it's all in the eye of the beholder.  The consequences to our actions are often more complex than those in one-dimensional fairy tales and silly romance novels.  What some people might consider downright wrong, other people might consider heroic.  

I would really like to see a villain that is conflicted with those qualities and flaws that make us human, and not some hate-filled killing machine.

#216402 The villains

Posted by Vita Muerte on 24 July 2005 - 12:13 PM in Dragon Age Series

I hate eastern eggs.

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You mean easter eggs?  Why? :woot:
Whenever I buy a new game or movie that's the first thing I usually look for.  Sometimes the people behind the product happen to have some very funny inside jokes or whatnot.  :D

Edit:  I agree with Feanor on Jarlaxle... I'd just have a hard time hating/fearing him- in a Hannibal Lecter kinda way.  I know DA doesn't take place in the Forgotten Realms, but I'd also like to see Kyrnill Kenafin; now that matron mother makes all the others seem like blushing school girls.

#212036 RotB Armor Set Released...

Posted by Vita Muerte on 24 June 2005 - 01:04 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Spiffy!   ^_^

#214671 Romances in DA

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 12:11 AM in Dragon Age Series

I wouldn't put so much emphasis on the kissing animations.  I am more interested in seeing the story development.  If having such animations means that the game is going months, let alone take 2+ yrs, I'd rather use my imagination just as I did when playing the old IE games.  

After all that's what a few movie genres are for.   :devil:  :D

#213629 Ready already or never be done?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 03 July 2005 - 05:49 PM in Imoen Relationship

Nay, I wouldn't go as far as blaming our crumbling public education. I attended public schools and most of my teachers were excellent. I'd say it's because kids (I'm 25, btw) nowadays speak in slang; i.e. ebonics and l33t sp3ak- don't even get me started on that.

#215807 Progress?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 20 July 2005 - 05:30 PM in Jerry Zinger Show

:Poke: Is Jerry Zinger still a work in progress or is it on hold?

#215947 Progress?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 21 July 2005 - 02:30 PM in Jerry Zinger Show

Sweet!  For that I'm gonna have to give you a :cookie:.         :naughty:

#214096 Prismatic Dragon

Posted by Vita Muerte on 07 July 2005 - 12:29 AM in NWN Series

This prismatic dragon may have been intended to be part of the campaign, but the concept probably ended up being scrapped.  There's evidence that Bioware has a tendency of leaving unused creatures in the data files, if I'm not mistaken.

However, I do remember picking up a nice pair of prismatic dragon boots.  The only dragon I do remember in HotU is the dracolich- only because it was such a pain in the arse to defeat it.

#216795 portraits

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 10:15 PM in Layers of Reality

Cleric in progress.

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Two things:
1.  The brunette?s forehead seems to go on and on.
2.  The wisp of hair sticking out does not match what?s under the chainmail.

Other than that, it looks very good.   :wub: If you?re gonna baldurize it, I?d love to ask you for permission to use it as my portrait when I play.

#212829 One Pixel Production Downloads

Posted by Vita Muerte on 29 June 2005 - 11:09 AM in 1PP

Does this mod replace the avatars (actual walking animations) from the BG2 versions to the BG1?  ...I installed your mod to see if it did so, but did not see new avatars. 

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I believe this mod is only intended to beautify the paper doll image... you know, when you open the inventory screen. For more info on that you can go here.

#205419 NWN 2

Posted by Vita Muerte on 18 May 2005 - 08:16 PM in NWN Series

I'll buy it.  I'll buy anything with Forgotten Realms on it.

As far as the NWN story goes, I liked it.  The limited amount of henchmen you can have at a time sucked.  I would've liked it if there'd been witty banter I grew accostumed to when playing BG2, not to mention the romances.  Of course, after having played the Baldur's Gate saga no game will ever be good enough.

#214077 loot system

Posted by Vita Muerte on 06 July 2005 - 07:08 PM in Dragon Age Series

I prefer a random looting system.  Item randomness is one of the few things I liked about NWN.  

I don't mind acquiring a magical weapon here and there, but I dislike being overpowered... it takes away challenge and makes the game rather boring.  If I happen to pick up a lot of juiced up items, I keep one or two and sell the rest.

As far as making the inventory more realistic, I think it defeats the purpose of role-playing.  That's what the bags of holding and such are for.  After all this is a fantasy setting.  ;)

#214674 Is the KOTOR saga worth buying?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 12:24 AM in KotOR Series

I got to see the Star Wars movies when I was a wee one, but never really got hooked. I find most games based on blockbusters to be disappointing, to say the least. However, after reading a few threads on this forum it got me curious.