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#456162 On childhood friends...

Posted by Azkyroth on 15 July 2009 - 10:05 PM in IE Mod Ideas

From what I can see, he is a strong but not superhuman and careful fighter, but is definitely intelligent as well, quite far above the norm (which is either 9 or 12, either way it is a lot) and fairly pretty, as well.

Charisma is more about people skills and personal magnetism than physical appearance.

#466420 NPC-Mod Pack?

Posted by Azkyroth on 26 October 2009 - 11:37 PM in IE Mod Ideas

That way, if life gets busy or your situation changes, you won't keep everybody years for you to finish...

Yeah, what she said x.x

#466404 NPC-Mod Pack?

Posted by Azkyroth on 26 October 2009 - 04:51 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Considering what my one-NPC-mod turned into, I highly suggest you NOT start by trying to introduce four. <_<

#464017 more Romantic Encounters

Posted by Azkyroth on 30 September 2009 - 05:30 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I consider that rather harsh wording considering the purpose of pornography. A scene can be sexy and/or sexual without being degraded to the level of nothing more than masturbation fuel. I'd be surprised if I'm the only RE writer who is mildly offended by the comparison.

I'd be surprised if I'm the only writer who's mildly offended by that stated opinion of masturbation fuel.

But anyway:

Doesn't RE arbitrarily exclude same-sex encounters?

With little dead animals? :lol:

Huh; I had been under the impression the project lead [eggshells] felt that sort of content wasn't appropriate for the mod [/eggshells].  I'm pretty sure I'd seen it stated explicitly, either publicly or in private grumbling by RE writers.  Was it eventually changed?

#463991 more Romantic Encounters

Posted by Azkyroth on 30 September 2009 - 01:14 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I felt that even the latest version of RE was severely lacking in several ways.

Considering that some of RE's entries can hardly be called anything else but porn, I'm uncertain how much farther one can go and try.

Doesn't RE arbitrarily exclude same-sex encounters?

#464035 more Romantic Encounters

Posted by Azkyroth on 30 September 2009 - 11:55 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Reading the mod's Readme must be extremely hard and time-consuming, I'm sure.

On top of 15 college units, including o-chem with a lab and a course with the "Writing Intensive" heading, and about 9 unit-equivalents of being the primary caregiver for a special-needs five year old, with no time to even play for the foreseeable future let alone explore new mods, yeah, it kind of is.

I'm glad I'm mistaken and the issues I recall coming up were worked out.

#470572 Mod for the pacifist request

Posted by Azkyroth on 07 December 2009 - 12:20 AM in IE Mod Ideas

One suggestion for this: you might add chemical or magical items that allow you to render an enemy unconscious long-term and change their status to "neutral" rather than "enemy" or something to that effect. This would allow you to defeat enemies without having to kill them, and it's plausible that you'd get some "experience" in the process. They'd probably have to be used like weapons, though, for balancing purposes; a de facto wand of sleep with no save could become overpowered.

#460550 Map Nights

Posted by Azkyroth on 29 August 2009 - 04:02 PM in IE Modding Discussion


So, the AR####N tilesets are for night areas, as I suspected...which is confusing because, at least in BG2, several areas that look different at night (such as AR1600) don't have matching AR####N tilesets, at least, that DLTCEP can find.  Are the tiles for that somehow embedded in the "normal" tileset, or is it done with color filters somehow, or...?

If the flag 'extended night' is set in the .are file, then in addition to the WED specified in the .are at offset 0x08, there will be a <wedname>n.wed file (which will in turn specify the tileset) and in addition to the <arename>lm.bmp, there will be an <arename>ln.bmp.  If the extended night flag is set and those files are missing, you're likely to get a crash in-game.

I don't know what the deal is with Brynnlaw - it doesn't use the extended night method and does just look like it's had a dark purple filter stuck on it.

Hmm.  Brynnlaw has the Day/Night flag, but not the Extended Night flag, no *n tileset, no night map, no night WED, and I note that it seems to have four color patterns, Day, Night, and also Sunset and Sunrise, and as far as my probing indicates it does not display the "Sunup/sundown" movies that most of, say, the Athkatla areas do.  I'll need to take a look at a few more areas with day/night versions but it seems as though the "extended night" function refers to the use of a separate WED and tileset (with the "sundown" and "sunup" movies obscuring the transition), whereas the Day/Night flag may just use a color filter that's applied at specified clock times by the exe...does this sound like a plausible interpretation?

(With some probing I've determined that AR300 also does the color-shift thing at sunrise and sundown, but that AR1600 indeed does not display the movie).

#460488 Map Nights

Posted by Azkyroth on 29 August 2009 - 10:01 AM in IE Modding Discussion


So, the AR####N tilesets are for night areas, as I suspected...which is confusing because, at least in BG2, several areas that look different at night (such as AR1600) don't have matching AR####N tilesets, at least, that DLTCEP can find.  Are the tiles for that somehow embedded in the "normal" tileset, or is it done with color filters somehow, or...?

#460663 Map Nights

Posted by Azkyroth on 30 August 2009 - 11:15 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Any area that does not have an extended night gets the lightmap overlaid with a single blue/purple colour after the change to night. During the sunrise/sunset periods, a rose-tinted colour is blended onto the existing day lightmap. Both are hard-coded - at least, I'm pretty sure that's what happens.

That's what I'd concluded as well, though I'm guessing it's the "Day/Night" flag that controls that behavivor since dungeons don't do it (you probably intended that but just skipped over it).  I'll have to look at the area scripting to see whether the sunup/sundown movies are run from it or whether that's hard-coded as well.

The day lightmap is not replaced; remember the frustration of trying to keep track of everyone in the rotting forest on your way to the temple north of the Umar Hills? Your party kept vanishing into the lightmap shadows and behind dithered wallgroups.

I don't, but that's consistent with what I've concluded.

You may find that without specific use of extended night that the night period may actually be too light to be convincing. As it happens, the latest version of my DLTCEP tutorial describes a quick and dirty way of adding extended night if you suddenly find that you need it. I did...

Ah, that's the link I wanted.  Awesome, thanks.

#460432 Map Nights

Posted by Azkyroth on 28 August 2009 - 05:27 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I have, today, come to the unfortunate realization that I am absolutely clueless about how the game handles the day/night changes in the appearance of a given area.  Can anyone point me to a good tutorial or explanation for that?

#486249 Imoen Friendship Released

Posted by Azkyroth on 29 April 2010 - 09:59 PM in Directives from the Director

Before I toss out a "there's something you don't see every day," it occurs to me that this is probably a completely different mod than "Imoen Relationship"?

#456160 Hunted by Gods.

Posted by Azkyroth on 15 July 2009 - 08:54 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I have a job too and while I have quite a bit free-time to put into things like this, I really don't have the patience to work half a year on such a thing.

Half a year would be excessively optimistic for a substantial mod.  I conceived of Arkalian in November 2005 and she's still well over a year away from completion, my life having flirted with the rails but repeatedly run off over the intervening time.

#456154 Hunted by Gods.

Posted by Azkyroth on 15 July 2009 - 04:54 PM in IE Mod Ideas

well, the general idea was that while Karnitia herself is unable to interfere ( why, that won't be a fight just a 'god blew you to smitherens on will' ) so she sends her "minions" who are as powerful as lesser gods but shouldn't quality as truly divine beings. Not to mention, why the hell would Karnitia know or care about Ao's command not to interfere.

Because Ao's role in the story of the Forgotten Realms, basically, seems to be "fighting fire with fire" as far as characters becoming Munchkins, and he's pretty much omnipotent as far as anyone in the FR can tell.

PS: Scripts aren't that difficult.  Areas are a bitch.

PSS: If you seriously want to do something like this, I suggest the Elder Evils sourcebook for ideas on how to incorporate a plot like this into the FR setting.  The link should take you to the Amazon page; there are probably other sources worth checking too.

#455441 Haer'Dalis Romance

Posted by Azkyroth on 09 July 2009 - 08:10 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Three is something I'm still debating, but it would be for a bard PC. Or, rather, a like-minded bard PC who has similar ideals/desires. A kindred spirits type of thing. Which one of these tracks the PC takes could be determined by the first dozen LTs (early stage) and how she reacts to HD's questioning, etc.

You might consider extending this to all non-lawful rogues, not just bards - I can see Haer'Dalis in a similar situation with a swashbuckler, for instance...

#455512 Haer'Dalis Romance

Posted by Azkyroth on 09 July 2009 - 11:18 PM in IE Mod Ideas

A thought.  Haer'Dalis is apparently accustomed to seducing women he fancies into one night stands; perhaps giving the PC an option to put him on the receiving end of that sort of treatment would be one angle for developing the romance - the role reversal would be something he would have to come to terms with and would probably intrigue him.

#455730 Haer'Dalis Romance

Posted by Azkyroth on 11 July 2009 - 11:43 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Since my husband is on vacation for the next week and will be entertaining the kids, I might actually be able to do some heavy duty plotting...

wow how lucky u are! i know this is out of the topic but any ideas to suggesr me to do the same wiht my bf? a week all alone... is heaven!

Have you tried detailed descriptions of what he'll be coming home to?  If done right, that certainly might work on me... :P

I want to throw this out there and see what people think of it. I'm absolutely not saying this is what I intend to do - I'm just seeing what the response is to it. What would you all think if bringing Yoshimo to Spellhold was required? I'm not going to elaborate beyond that, but something popped into my head and I kind of like it, but I'm flexible and I'd rather see what people think before developing it father than "random idea" status. ;) I'm not fond of requirements personally, but this particular one just seems very convenient.

How are you going to make it clear to people who don't necessarily read readmes that they'll need to do that?  Or do you care about them?  (Bluntly).

#456423 Fallen Keldorn

Posted by Azkyroth on 18 July 2009 - 08:13 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I think it would have to be something else to trigger his downward slope into fallendom, something maybe more subtle and on a personal level. Anomen's sister was killed, and depending on the player's actions, you could seek vengeance (making him Chaotic) or simply let the perpetrator go (making him Good). Perhaps something similar could happen to dear old Kelly?

Just calling him "Kelly" to his face might be enough :P

This is interesting. Another angle you might try: a way of fooling him into believing that his superior in the order is corrupt, like Anarg, getting him cast out when he tries to "bring him to justice".

#464367 Fallen Keldorn

Posted by Azkyroth on 04 October 2009 - 12:21 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm perpetuating thread necromancy here, but my computer was broken when the original discussion took place, so I never saw it.

I'm with Aeryn on this one. He's already confronted his demons. His faith is too unshakable for his Falling to be credible without some stellar writing and a scenario more personally disturbing than the knowledge that his own wife has betrayed him with another man. And the logistics would be tough. The modder would have to revise all of his existing interjections and banters, incorporate triggers for Fallen Keldorn, and substitute new interjections/banters if he does Fall. Since you don't necessarily know where in the game it would occur, you'd have to rewrite his character throughout the whole game. Far easier to start with a new NPC.

Three months is an absurdly unforgiving threshold for "thread necromancy" in a community of this scale and pace.

As for something personally disturbing...hmm. Something involving his daughters either being corrupted or victimized would work for that, if you're serious about doing this.

#464399 Fallen Keldorn

Posted by Azkyroth on 04 October 2009 - 10:29 PM in IE Mod Ideas

actually i commited the crime of raising the dead

Per the clause you quoted, no you didn't.

find a modder who will take pity and make the mod for me (and for anyone else who wants it) or explain to me how to do it

Have you taken a look at the tutorials section?

However, if you're going to make it yourself, particularly with this community as an audience, may I tactfully suggest you take the time, prior to writing dialogue or other content, to familiarize yourself with the conventions of written English...like punctuation?

#455725 Conversation Maker

Posted by Azkyroth on 11 July 2009 - 10:48 PM in IE Modding Tools

Personally, I'm not likely to use this, but this looks like a useful utility in principle.

#460099 Consensus on extending map icons

Posted by Azkyroth on 24 August 2009 - 06:44 PM in IE Modding Discussion

<serious thread hijack going on here>

Fine by the thread author; all this may well become relevant eventually.

#459769 Consensus on extending map icons

Posted by Azkyroth on 21 August 2009 - 09:55 AM in IE Modding Discussion

What's the present consensus on extending the map icons bam files (mapicons.bam and 25mapic.bam) independently of the worldmap mod?  Is there a good tutorial on how to go about this properly?

#471103 Character idea-priestess of Gond

Posted by Azkyroth on 12 December 2009 - 12:41 AM in IE Mod Ideas

A question for any bird-savvy modders: there any birds with a reputation for being busy or industrious? Starting work on banters with Haer'Dalis, with whom Isobel does *not* get along, but I'd like a bird name that makes sense. I'm thinking calling her a blackbird if nothing else. As for why, here is her portrait, courtesy of Nix:

I would suggest a crow (highly intelligent, many species are known to use tools, and one (the New Caledonian crow) is known to actually make them out of man-made objects as well as those found in its natural environment (this is pretty much unique to it and humans).  Many species of eagle build spectacular and elaborate nests.  Haer'Dalis probably thinks her efforts are futile, based on his philosophy, and might compare her to a woodpecker (banging its head against a tree).  I have the vague feeling there's a species I should remember but don't that's notable for spectacularly complex nestbuilding and gathering...

[EDIT]Ah, here we go.  "Cuckoo finch" might be a particularly apt choice if Haer'Dalis doesn't get along with her.

#463588 Character idea-priestess of Gond

Posted by Azkyroth on 25 September 2009 - 12:42 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Jaheira: Cease your staring, Isobel. If there is something you want, ask.

Isobel: Forgive me. You are representative of an unusual problem that has presented itself since my arrival in Amn.

Jaheira: Choose your words carefully, Lantanna. What problem do you speak of?

Isobel: That humans and elves can breed consistently, and produce fertile offspring. My roommate during seminary worked on a farm before coming to Gond's service, and she taught me a little of animals. You might recognize what a mule represents.

Jaheira: You appear to make a habit of asking unusual questions.

Isobel: I like to think so. Progress by definition begins with the new and unusual, and you are excellent at deflecting the question you brought up.

Jaheira: There are some things mortals are not meant to know.

Isobel: Why would anything not be meant for mortals to know? The gods didn't create us with brains for nothing, you know.

Jaheira: Leave me be, child. You ask too many questions.

How does she know Jaheira's fertile?