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#588768 Valerie Progress Report

Posted by Tempest on 06 July 2016 - 05:47 PM in Valerie

Reposting general progress after the server reset:



Valerie is fully written and partially coded. A certain other member of the modding community has graciously agreed to finish Valerie's coding and that is all that remains before beta testing.

#579613 Valerie Progress Report

Posted by Tempest on 20 July 2015 - 03:33 PM in Valerie

New lovetalk written and coded, for both tracks of the friendship.

#579386 Valerie Progress Report

Posted by Tempest on 15 July 2015 - 06:16 PM in Valerie

After a very, very long hiatus due to personal issues, I am officially working on Valerie again. However, there has been an important change:


Valerie's planned romance has been scrapped.


In ToB there may be an opportunity to talk her into seeing where things go after the games are over.


Been rewriting several of Valerie's lovetalks and banters today to account for her romance being scrapped.


In addition, I have Valerie's .cha file tentatively done.


Starting weapon proficiencies:


Staff: +

Sling: +


Level 1 spells: Magic Missile, Identify, Sleep, Protection From Evil, Shield


Level 2 spells: Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Glitterdust


Level 3 spells: Lightning Bolt, Dispel Magic



Yes, there will be a chance in PID for the player to accuse Valerie's spell selection of having changed between games.

#579469 Valerie Progress Report

Posted by Tempest on 17 July 2015 - 05:41 PM in Valerie

The current state of things: Valerie's existing dialogues have all been modified to remove her romance. The friendship track now that that is taken care of consists of 7 dialogues if you befriended her in BG1, and 11 if you're meeting her for the first time. My aim is 16 or so for the new track, so there is plenty left to do.


Some player-initiated dialogue has also been written and coded. Current things you can ask her about:


* What she knows about Spellhold (prior to going there)


*Why she remains with the Cowled Wizards (in chapters 6 and 7, if you brought her to Spellhold)


* If you befriended her in BG1, why her spell selection is probably different now. :P


* If you met the requirements to kiss her at the end of the BG1 friendship, why she's much more reserved now.



If any other things to ask her jump out at you, feel free to suggest it in the state of the mod thread. 

#588788 Valerie previews

Posted by Tempest on 07 July 2016 - 02:56 PM in Valerie

Since it was lost in the server crash, here's a few previews of Valerie now that she's mostly complete.



Shadows of Amn



Aerie: Do you ever do anything but read and practice magic, Valerie? It seems like a horribly boring way to live.
Valerie: What else can I do, Aerie? You've seen how most people in Amn flinch when they see my robes. I'm the witch in the woods that eats children, the monster under the bed.
Aerie: You can't be serious! Who would ever think mages are monsters like that?
Valerie: People who have lost family to mages, Aerie. Sythilis. Cyrvisnea. The Corthalas. Irenicus. Even Kalah. The Cowled Wizard strike teams that fought Irenicus had been preparing to assault the circus tent.
Aerie: Even one is too many, but... Magic isn't evil, Valerie. You have it in your blood.
Valerie: I know. Magic is no more or less innately moral than any mundane force, but... Aerie, abuse of magic is why Amn has no king anymore. Who wants to be friends with someone who has it in their very blood?
Aerie: I do, Valerie. 
Valerie: Imoen... I know you may not want to hear this, but I've been reviewing what I know of your arrest, and the circumstances thereof.
Imoen: Yeah, yeah. You made it pretty damn clear where you stood before. Dumb little Imoen tried to save her life, and those of everyone around her, and got arrested for breaking laws she didn't know were around for her trouble.
Valerie: You've always been reckless. You still are. But in this instance, for once in your life, you were in the right. I want to say that the furor of the magisters over the deaths of my colleagues excuses them, but that's simply not true.
Valerie: Loyalty is a two-way street. It is my duty to obey orders, and to question orders when they are ill-conceived. I should have done so earlier.
Imoen: Uh huh. I notice you aren't saying they were wrong to arrest me.
Valerie: They weren't. As I knew the facts at the time, they also were not wrong to sentence you to Spellhold. I had been lied to about what Spellhold is. I told <CHARNAME> you wouldn't be harmed. That the main danger in Spellhold was boredom.
Imoen: Sweet Tymora, what does it take to get a goddamn apology out of you?
Valerie: I am sorry about what you endured in Spellhold. There are not many I would wish that fate upon. But I acted and decided as best I could with the knowledge I had at the time.
Imoen: You're an uptight, hypocritical, self-righteous bitch, Val. And thank you.
And one path through one of Valerie's friend/lovetalks. This is from the track where you befriended Valerie in Baldur's Gate 1, including taking the kiss at the end, and qualify for her romance.
Valerie: <CHARNAME>, are you feeling okay? Those Bhaalspawn dreams took a toll on you up north, but I haven't noticed anything weirder than normal about you since we met again.
Charname: Define what's normal for us first.
Valerie: A typical daily schedule including mayhem, mortal danger, plunder, and risk of death, and homicidal would-be gods or agents thereof. Season to taste with mad wizards, prophetic dreams, and international crisis.
Valerie: And possibly unresolved sexual and romantic tension between you and a certain blonde sorceress, but I wouldn't know anything about that and might be mistaken.
Charname: I don't know if they're prophetic, but I am having dreams. Weird ones, but not like the ones I had up north.
Valerie: Hmmm. Maybe your Bhaalspawn blood is acting up after killing Sarevok? Or maybe whatever Irenicus did to you is having an effect. I did some research in Athkatla before you turned up again, trying to understand what happened. I didn't come up with much, unfortunately. I had no better luck studying what we - the Cowled Wizards - know of Alaundo's prophecies. Brothers and sisters will turn on each other, rivers of blood will flow, yadda yadda yadda.
Valerie: It still doesn't feel right thinking of you as a Bhaalspawn. Bhaalspawn aren't supposed to be kind, beautiful women who make you choke on your words. I thought they'd all be brutish monsters like Sarevok.
Charname: Valerie, it's been too long since we've done this. (Kiss Valerie)
Valerie: (Valerie returns your kiss with stronger passion than you remember from the Sword Coast. She's grown since then, and her voice is throaty when your lips finally part) Damn right it has, <CHARNAME>.
Throne of Bhaal
Sarevok: You do not fear me, sorceress.
Valerie: I've watched you die at our hands twice now, and by all appearances you learned nothing either time. I'm not worried about round three.
Sarevok: Hah! Here I thought you were trailing idly in my sibling's wake.
Valerie: Your bravado is of no consequence to me, mister Anchev. If we need to put you down like a mad dog yet again, we will.
Sarevok: You remind me of Semaj. He thought nothing in the world could challenge him, too.
Mazzy: Are you feeling well, my dear?
Valerie: I'm fine, I just needed a minute. Regulating my magic sometimes takes a bit of attention.
Mazzy: I beg your pardon?
Valerie: You know the kind of spells I can toss around at will these days? That kind of raw power inside me sometimes needs conscious effort to keep under control.
Mazzy: I see. Your discipline is commendable, my dear. Here, a sip of hot tea should help you calm down.
Valerie: Thank you, Mazzy. You've always been a good friend. Or should I start calling you Lady Fentan at this point?
Mazzy: Oh hush! I don't need that kind of adulation from my friends!




And one path through one of Valerie's Throne of Bhaal lovetalks:



Valerie: Well, I suppose there's no pretending I didn't see all this coming. War with your siblings was inevitable. I still love you, <CHARNAME>, but I'd be lying if I said this Five business doesn't give me pause.


Charname: Are you afraid, Valerie?


Valerie: Irenicus was as great a evil as any book could spin, but an evil wizard is something I can understand. Solars and pocket planes and demigods... Yes, I am afraid. I follow you out of love, trust, and belief that this is the best thing I can do.


Charname: Well that's a relief. Here I was beginning to think you just followed me to share my tent at night.


Valerie: I resent that accusation! I'm a lady! How dare y-ahahahaha. Sorry. I couldn't keep a straight face. Fact of the matter is, you're the only person I see in this mess who might bring us a better future. The place of the strong is, as ever, between the weak and those who would prey upon them.


Charname: Still saying that after all this time.


Valerie: It's comforting. Reminds me why I plunge into this insanity. Not that you aren't a compelling reason in your own right, of course.


Charname: Philosophy, sex, and religion. You are a weird girl.


Valerie: Why yes, according to the last hundred or so times you've told me that. I suppose it must be true. Oh, don't give me that look. I'm kidding. I mean it's true, but I'm kidding.

#579308 State of the BG2 mod

Posted by Tempest on 14 July 2015 - 01:38 PM in Valerie

Hi folks,



I've been gone from the modding community for a couple of years now, mostly due to personal issues. For personal reasons, I've long felt the creative wellspring for Valerie badly poisoned and it always drove me away from revisiting the work I've done on her. In addition, I always leaned heavily on assistance from other modders with some technical aspects of modding, and am not good at diagnosing problems with mods. However, I am seriously considering sitting down and starting work on Valerie's BG2 module again.


That being said, there are a few things I must mention if there is interest, particularly from anyone willing to work with me on some of the technical aspects.


1. Due to the personal events that came up during Valerie's writing and between me and other modders, I will be axing the PC romance. There is a possibility that during ToB you will be able to talk Valerie into agreeing to give things another shot after the games' end, but as it stands I will not complete Valerie's romantic relationship with the PC.


2. Likewise, Valerie's planned crossmod romance with Sarah by theacefes will be scrapped.


3. I will probably need someone to talk to and work with concerning some technical elements of coding and making the NPC mod functional. Please PM me if you are interested.


4. Valerie's planned small quest will be scrapped. It was planned to be part of the romance and I have tentatively decided to integrate its events into Valerie's normal friendship track as having happened between games. A few people have noticed certain oddities about Valerie in BG1, and her personal quest would have involved discovering and addressing them.



I cannot at this time make any promises regarding finishing Valerie's BG2 component, but I am revisiting the idea with caveats.

#579318 State of the BG2 mod

Posted by Tempest on 14 July 2015 - 08:03 PM in Valerie

An addendum:


This is what is currently written and coded:


12 lovetalks for the track where you've met Valerie for the first time in BG2. 2 additional lovetalks for the track where you were friends with her in BG1. At least two lovetalks will be scrapped due to my tentative decision to not write the romance from personal considerations and removal of her romance-related quest.


If I do proceed to work again on the mod, I will continue a friendship track.


3 banters with Minsc, 2 if they weren't friends in BG1.

6 banters with Imoen, though only 4 will fire on a given playthrough - there are different banters for whether they were friends in BG1 or never met.

4 banters with Jaheira, divided evenly between tracks.

4 banters with Aerie

3 banters with Nalia

2 banters with Korgan

3 banters with Anomen

2 banters with Haer'Dalis

3 banters with Viconia, minor differences in two depending on whether they knew each other in BG1.

2 banters with Yoshimo

3 banters with Cernd

4 banters with Keldorn

2 banters with Jan

2 banters with Valygar

3 banters with Mazzy


.tp2 file


Intro/joining dialogue



#579385 State of the BG2 mod

Posted by Tempest on 15 July 2015 - 06:09 PM in Valerie

For now I've been altering many of Valerie's existing lovetalks to conform to removing her personal quest and romance, but the big stumbling block is going to be needing some help with the technical aspects of coding, mainly some scripting issues I never really learned how to do on my own.


But fair enough, I'm tentatively resuming work.

#579416 State of the BG2 mod

Posted by Tempest on 16 July 2015 - 11:27 AM in Valerie

Soliciting feedback now, on how to treat the termination of Valerie's romance. As I'm currently editing things, the flirtation leading up to what would have been the start of the romance remains in place, but Valerie ultimately decides she can't be involved with a Child of Bhaal. Under this treatment, Valerie would not interfere with any other romances.


However, another possibility is simply having Valerie politely but firmly stop any flirtation with her from the beginning.



Any strong feelings one way or the other?

#588770 General Discussion Thread

Posted by Tempest on 06 July 2016 - 06:12 PM in Valerie

The server reset wiped all of the updates, but I think I've reposted everything and gotten current info up to date - Valerie is fully written and mostly coded, and another modder is finishing up the coding. Please use this thread for any general discussion now that Valerie's finally all sorted out. :)

#579317 BG2EE update

Posted by Tempest on 14 July 2015 - 07:47 PM in Darian

Unfortunately, if Liam's fix is not working then no. I do not own any of the EE games and can't troubleshoot them.

#588769 BG2 friendship/romance overview

Posted by Tempest on 06 July 2016 - 06:09 PM in Valerie

Valerie's Romance Requirements: Female human, half-elf, half-orc, elf, or dwarf of good or neutral alignment with 12 or better reputation and cannot be a wild mage.
If you meet Valerie's romance requirements, she'll flirt with you throughout the romance (unless you tell her such advances are unwelcome) and there will be opportunities to make your own advances.
You have until lovetalk 14 to meet Valerie's romance requirements and trigger the explicitly romantic phase of the relationship - lovetalk 14 ends the friendship arc and the relationship will only continue if you romance her.
1. Welcome to Amn, normal timer and conditions.
2. You've been making trouble in Amn, normal timer and conditions.
3. Sure you're okay with a Cowled Wizard? Normal timer and conditions.
Track 1: You were friends with Valerie in BG1
4. Catching up, normal timer and conditions.
5. At a crossroads, fires on rest anywhere.
6. Family matters, normal timer and conditions.
7. Growing stronger, normal timer and conditions.
8. Define 'normal', normal timer and conditions.
9. Revenge and justice, normal timer and conditions.
10. Why am I seeking advice from a Bhaalspawn? Normal timer and conditions.
Track 2: You're meeting her for the first time in BG2 (or met her but weren't her friend in BG1)
4. I need a drink, normal timer and conditions.
5. Trading backstories, normal timer and conditions.
6. Candlekeep, normal timer and conditions.
7. What a long, strange trip it's been, normal timer and conditions.
8. I need another drink, fires on resting at an inn.
9. Regrets, normal timer and conditions.
10. Writing a book, normal timer and conditions.
Tracks Converge
11. Please tell me when to shut up, normal timer and conditions.
12. In the blood, normal timer and conditions.
13. Mom, Valerie's being weird again, normal timer and conditions.
14. Answers without questions (POINT OF NO RETURN FOR ROMANCE), fires on resting anywhere.
Shadows Romance
15. Monsters and other childish things, normal timer and conditions.
16. Nerve tonics, fires on resting at an inn (CANNOT FIRE IN THE UNDERDARK).
17. The mask slips, normal timer and conditions.
18. Things left unsaid (mostly normal but ONLY IN CHAPTER 6)
Throne of Bhaal (romance only)
19. An official pardon, normal timer and conditions.
20. Great and terrible days.normal timer and conditions.
21. Homecoming, mostly normal timer and conditions but only triggers after the wraith scene.
22. Planning for the future, normal timer and conditions. Special note: this lovetalk decides which romance epilogue you will get - there are many class-specific options.
23. I don't want to be a statue, normal timer and conditions.
24. A proposal, fires when resting anywhere.