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#296974 Challenge #8: Gorion's Letter

Posted by Riane on 05 May 2007 - 11:25 PM in Fanart Challenge

:lol: :lol: :lol:   it's just great!

#295569 Challenge #7: Solar

Posted by Riane on 01 May 2007 - 10:10 AM in Fanart Challenge

As an absolute Smurf-fan (though I like the german Schlumpf better) I can only say, that I love your Smurfette-Solar. Maybe she's Solars lost daughter...

#295515 Challenge #7: Solar

Posted by Riane on 01 May 2007 - 05:22 AM in Fanart Challenge

So, finally I tried to draw something too. tadaa my Solar. No colour, because colouring ruins everything I draw. And I too love togas ^_^

Attached Images

  • Scan.jpg

#258607 Concerning Dekaras

Posted by Riane on 24 July 2006 - 08:31 AM in Edwin Romance

Don't mind Eddies mother. She is just a normal mother that can't let go of her baby. Ok, not really normal...
But you don't have to do anything after you met her.

#257545 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Riane on 16 July 2006 - 12:27 AM in Edwin Romance

I have the same problem.

First I thought it could be connected with one of the many other mods I had installed, but now I made a clean install, deleting everything (even my saves as I noticed when I started the game  <_< ) and the flirts in TOB still don't work properly.

When he replies immediately like in "Ask Edwin about his scool of magic" or "Ask Edwind about the cowled wizards", everything works fine. But when you first get something like "Edwin blinks, looking momentarily suprised..." Edwin doesn't reply.

So the flirts that don't work are:  ask about the nosering
                                                ask about home
                                                brief hug
                                                slow hug
                                                brief kiss
                                                long kiss
                                                ruffle hair
                                                tell a joke
                                                take his hand

#256951 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Riane on 11 July 2006 - 12:00 AM in Edwin Romance

Yeah, cookin' please!

#256531 Edwin/Ascension Mod Compatibility?

Posted by Riane on 07 July 2006 - 02:38 AM in Edwin Romance

I have installed Ascension (+Redemption and Tournabout) after Edwin and everything worked without any problems.

#256033 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Riane on 02 July 2006 - 02:13 AM in Edwin Romance


#256032 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Riane on 02 July 2006 - 02:13 AM in Edwin Romance

Yes, Xan is a really good mod (and I can't wait to get the TOB part, cuz I hate bad endings) but sometimes his melancholy is too much for me and I just want to kick his cute little elven-backside and say: "Live is wonderful!" with ervery kick.

Can someone imagine Eddie changing nappies?

#256027 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Riane on 02 July 2006 - 12:59 AM in Edwin Romance

I think Xan (just as most of the other romances) is good when I'm in the mood for playing the therapist and heal some poor souls with a tragic past, with a lot of pity and understanding...

"Eddie, could you put some fireballs in Anomens armor?" would be one thing I would like to say (I can't stand this bumptious pseudo-paladin :devil: )

The other thing would be: "Eddie I'm pregnant." Of course without beeing it...

#255899 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Riane on 30 June 2006 - 04:24 AM in Edwin Romance

I also just wanna say a big THANK YOU :Bow:
Not only for the flirts (of course they are brilliant) but for the whole romance.

It's just a masterpiece! Eddie always makes me laugh (it's funny when people ask if everything is allright, because you can't stop laughing).

I'm looking forward to the Edwina flirts.

#254611 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 16 June 2006 - 12:28 PM in Edwin Romance

lol Eddie is just adorable.

And I think getting these flirts was worth all striking!

#254601 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 16 June 2006 - 10:21 AM in Edwin Romance

Oh yes, I fell off my chair laughing, while I imagined Eddie making pig sounds...

#254597 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 16 June 2006 - 09:24 AM in Edwin Romance

The hair flirt is also fantastic... Annoying Eddie is always fun :lol:

#254501 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 15 June 2006 - 12:08 PM in Edwin Romance

but the cooking flirt is hillarous XD XD Poor PC for having to taste teh food XD!

Somehow I knew, tha he wouldn't serve pasta... <_< I won't let him cook again... but ice cream is always good :rolleyes: especially with Eddie :wub:

But the drow flirt... hehe...

Laufey you did a great job :Bow:

#254489 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Riane on 15 June 2006 - 07:31 AM in Edwin Romance

Oooooh greatgreatgreat! I love it, love it, love it (just as all your work Ilmatar :hug: ).

I'm sooooo happyhappyhappy!
(thats why I have to repeat everything three times. I do this only when I'm REALLY happy.)

#254472 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 15 June 2006 - 01:57 AM in Edwin Romance

I wonder what exactly made them give us the flirts right now?
Was it an act of mercy for us poor girls sleeping outside just to get our flirts?
Or was it the imagination of a procession of crazy girls longing for Eddie-flirts, running through their bedrooms? :P

#254456 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 14 June 2006 - 09:24 PM in Edwin Romance

Wooohooo! Flirts! Flirts! Flirts! :woot:

*picks up all the poster that the other hippies threw away and makes a fire, dancing auround it, celebrating the flirtpack"

So, enought dancing, I'll start flirting! I love you all! Really!

#254421 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 14 June 2006 - 01:45 PM in Edwin Romance

Oh dear god it's so late! ... XD but who cares!
I think posters aren't enough... maybe a parade would work? hmm...

lol Or we should join some talkshows...

I hope there are some Nachos left...

#254417 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 14 June 2006 - 01:28 PM in Edwin Romance

*comes back from a FIFA Fan Fest (where she aaalways held her Eddie-Poster high ignoring the staring people around) and prepares for another night on strike*

#254397 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 14 June 2006 - 08:26 AM in Edwin Romance

I'm back, and I bear Nachos!

Yum Mexican food ^^ I'm getting a sombrero off my best friend for my birthday :D

I want a monkey paw for birthday ^_^

Wohoo Nachos :woot: Gimme gimme!

"munches the Nacho"

Yes, now I can go on... *takes her poster*

"Once this thread was just a poll
but just like with the Nether Scroll
we have changed it, we protest
to give us flirts would be the best"

#254378 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 14 June 2006 - 03:37 AM in Edwin Romance

Oooooooohhh I love the poster :woot: a Boo romance mmmmhhh... nah! Eddie forever!!!!!

I think we need a slogan...

*takes the poster and walks up and down shouting:*

"If we get no flirts with Eddie
we will stay here always ready
striking for him night and day
we won't go, there is no way"

Where are the Nachos? Striking makes hungry...

#254321 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 13 June 2006 - 01:03 PM in Edwin Romance

I think "off topic" reaches new dimensions here :P

Can't see stars. The city lights are too bright... :(

But.. oh.. there is one. Jippie I saw a star... :D

*counts the star* one... one... oh .. and one...

#254317 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 13 June 2006 - 12:50 PM in Edwin Romance

In Germany its still very warm 24°C. Puh...

#254310 Now or later?

Posted by Riane on 13 June 2006 - 12:27 PM in Edwin Romance

This topic should be renamed as "The queuing party for The Wizard of Thay Episode 2 - The Wizards Knob" or something. Honestly, this is starting to resemble like a bunch of crazy fans coming to the movie theatres to queue for Star Wars tickets or in front of the bookstores to to get their copies of the new Harry Potter like three days before. :lol: Why don't we sleep in sleeping bags tonight? Preferably outside on asfalt? :D

I've already planned that. What our favourite wizard would say to a horde of crazy girls, striking just because of him? Ok, I guess I already know....

*goes on singing*

edit: poker sounds good, puh.. I need a tent...