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#296984 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 12:08 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

brilliant stuff, guys! I'm going to see if I can get some screenies with Avalon in it, today =D

#297035 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 04:40 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Been playing with tfc, and apart from the movement being rather fast managed to get two images. I would have taken more but was having issues with Actors In Charge so I had to find myself an NPC to have a chat with to fix it, plus it was getting dark.

Krystal is wearing my re-colored Exnem Sorceress outfit in purple. I've been working on another, which is keeping Exnem's fancy detailing, but Photoshop is being screwy with the DDS plugin and I have all but the loincloth done. I wish there was a DDS plugin for Photo Impact or Paintshop Pro as well.

Anyways, first up, Krystal doing a bit of pole dancing. Sort of ;)

Close-up in daylight...

To others who have done Exnem Sorceress re-colors, what are the textures supposed to be saved as? What DXT compression as well as the setting for the normal map? Half the time mine save all watercolory and it takes me all day to do one texture.
None of the tutorials I have say much about saving. There's that mushroom re-coloring tutorial but I'd assume mushrooms and clothes would be rather different  <_<
I will share my recolors if someone can help with my question  :D


As a general thing, I tend to save as DXT5. mushrooms and clothes aren't that different, though ;)

EDIT: By the way, love the colours on that one =D

#297039 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 04:53 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Heh, it appears I was way off =P

You learn something new, every day XD

#297046 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 05:15 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

My first chance to post some shots of Avalon!

From humble beginnings...
Did a character come...
Born of Magic, Born of Stars
She would come to join us, from her island paradise, her namesake..

Well, you've all seen Avalon before, but, he's my first posts of her!

My game has just been completely started from scratch, including a data folder wipe. So, things aren't perfect, yet, but, I was dying to show her off! ;)


NON-STORY DETAIL POST (I'm not quite ready for a story, yet =P)

First thing she did in my game, was go to Rindir's Staffs (Or was it Staves.. ;) ), and buy herself a robe or two.. or three.. or well, yeah, lots of them =)

Avalon tried a few on, and, I think this one certainly suits her best =) The shot is when she was checking out the weapons at A Fighting Chance, sadly, none of those were really to our taste =/

Posted Image

Next stop, Anvil!

She bought a few bits and pieces, there, but, only ended up using the Sephis Axe she got there.
(No screenies, sorry)

Onwards, to Narfinsel!

(I had taken a shot at the entrance, but I had forgotten to do tm, so, I've not posted it :< I'll do another version of it, when I go back in, the blasted thing crashed after the last one I took :<)

Heading for the treasure, a book that would allow her to teleport to an Ayleid Sanctum, she happened to fight some imps, so, action shots ;)

Posted Image

Two down, one to go.

Posted Image

And another one bites the dust. =)


Was going to take another few shots, but, as I said, crashed there. =/

#297049 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 05:17 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Cool, thanks for the link :) That's handy and explains alot. I wasn't saving my textures properly. I was saving the normal maps like the guy did with his mushroom tutorial, though.
I think I'm going to have to reinstall Photoshop. There's always a program error, or an error relating to the DDS plugin when I try to save what I've done. Maybe because my version of PS is old *shrug* It's version 7.

Very nice, is retexturing just a case of changing the colours of a texture file in photoshop?

That's the right way, I would think. Previously I just whacked a texture on an exiting mesh in Nifskope. That's how I got the "aussie coloured" Exnem Amazon armor and 'bikini' (underwear). Although the denim version I did of the bikini turned out good, despite not doing it properly.


Well, the /best/ way, to do a retex, is the way you did it with the bikini. Replacers aren't the best way to do it, imo. I mean, make the texture from the original, yes, but, don't save over it, is a better way to do it =)

#297054 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 05:23 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

nice shots, Floyd, very nice indeed!

EDIT: Welcome, Kimory!

EDIT2: Also, I love the shots, Kimory, and, as I believe I said on the bethsoft forums, I love the Draconians =) They look great =D

#297104 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 07:42 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Well, the /best/ way, to do a retex, is the way you did it with the bikini. Replacers aren't the best way to do it, imo. I mean, make the texture from the original, yes, but, don't save over it, is a better way to do it =)

:unsure: So, editing the original texture isn't the way to go? Or is? I'm confused.
The way I did it with the bikini was grab a texture off the 'net (from a free texture site), resize it and save it as a .dds Open Nifskope, load up the mesh of the item I wanted to edit and change the texture to point to my new one. Someone asked on TESF if I'd release the pink latex-looking Amazon armor but I didn't really want to as it just seemed too amateurish the way I did it. The pink was supposed to be wool but ended up like plastic :blink: So, I made a mat for my houseboat with the actual wool texture, seeing as it didn't turn out right for the armor :lol:

But if it doesn't bother people that I don't re-tex like Koldorn then I don't mind sharing :) I haven't sent them to anyone, but others could also point out where I could do better, or if something is weird. That'd help, of course.


I'd love to see the retexes released, especially those purple ones. Well, the best way, is to open the texture, edit it, then save it as a different file, and set that to the mesh, not /replacing/ the original =)

#297113 Welcome to the Weapons and Armour Mod Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 07:55 AM in Weapons/Armour

Ah, yes, clothing would =)

#297127 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 08:18 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

MystykStar: I'd say that it'd be utterly brilliant, for a RELz thing, to a wider audience. I love that purple gear :wub:

But, yeah, how about making them new items? and, say.. putting them somewhere in the game world. If you don't know how (I'm pretty sure you do, but, I could be wrong =) ) I'd be happy to work you through it.

Btw! I've not forgotten about the Akubra ;) Btw, did you know, the modeller.. is.. the Admin of these forums? =) I just need to get a nice UVMap on it, and, its pretty much good to go, from there, I /think/. Might need rigging.. *shudders*

#297134 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 08:37 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

MystykStar: I'd say that it'd be utterly brilliant, for a RELz thing, to a wider audience. I love that purple gear :wub:

But, yeah, how about making them new items? and, say.. putting them somewhere in the game world. If you don't know how (I'm pretty sure you do, but, I could be wrong =) ) I'd be happy to work you through it.

Btw! I've not forgotten about the Akubra ;) Btw, did you know, the modeller.. is.. the Admin of these forums? =) I just need to get a nice UVMap on it, and, its pretty much good to go, from there, I /think/. Might need rigging.. *shudders*

At the moment the outfit is stashed on the floor of the testing hall :lol:
I'm not one to dump everything in the market district as it takes me too long to get there. Hmmm, I'll find a place in the world to put them. Oh, I have mine set up as armor, not clothing. I based mine off Mithril as I needed some icons and ground models that weren't like some of my other retextures - robes. I have quite a few purple robes littering the testinghall :lol:

It's nearly 2.30am on the east coast of Australia so I'll set about changing them to clothing and putting them in the world much later on today.

Yeah, where's that Akubra ;) Not that I have anything to wear with it, but that can be fixed :)
I wish I knew how to model. Blender is too scary for me.


The original stuff doesn't come with _gnd meshes? =) if it does, do those like you changed the armour =) As for armour vs. clothing, I don't think there's really any problem, i think, anyways. I could make icons too, if you need them? =)

EDIT: Thanks for the offer, Hector, I'll see if I can get it UVed, then I'll check if it needs rigging =)

#297147 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 09:40 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

ooh, that neck collar == win! is that one of slofski's?

#297159 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 10:14 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

there any plans of /ever/ releasing that mesh, really? =)

#297183 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 10:58 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@Alex: Its in Slof's Goth Shop 2 =)

#297187 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 11:04 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

My first chance to post some shots of Avalon!

From humble beginnings...
Did a character come...
Born of Magic, Born of Stars
She would come to join us, from her island paradise, her namesake..

That was great Kaelis, awesome opening for a character. I'm stilll not sure how i'm gonna play out Avalon, but it'll be interesting to see what we each come up with. Im glad you FINALLY got a chance to post our girl, I was feeling like I was stealing the spotlight for a second ;) Hopefully you can figure out what's wrong with your pc so you can post some more shots

Thanks, SeV, I'm kinda unsure as to how I'm going to play her as well, but, here's to a new beginning, and, a stronger community! ;)
I'm kinda glad my first posting of her was here, actually! =) As for the PC troubles, its mostly sorted, now, thankfully. =)

So, yeah, lets see how Avalon develops!

#297202 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 11:17 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Thank guys. :hug: .... :P

Beautiful character kailia, I am like the tattoos.

Oh and I guess I should announce this here...
I have just recently bought a new computer and in the process of trying to gather all my modding files from my old computer, I find out that my brother formated the hard drive on it   :wall:. So all my wings blender files are gone and I have to start from scratch. :( I hope to try and recreate some of the cool things I was working on.


I hope that you have some luck with making things again, though =)

#297226 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 11:53 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I found this ond one looking around my Photobucket folders :D

Just act natural and he will never notice. :whistling:
Posted Image

Oh god, I love that =D

Pure brilliance!

It's the Blokes Ringwraith robe, with Its A Wig hair meshes added to the hood, and alpha layers added to the front of the robe were it "appears" open, right?

Where can you get the ringwraith robe mod? =P I'd love to know ^^;;

#297237 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 12:00 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

oh, heh, "The Bloke" was the author, I.. err.. thought you meant it was the male mesh ^^;;

#297276 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 01:39 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I need feedback -_-

Scoffs, I love it, personally =D

Great stuff =)

@Sev: Oooh.. Avalon looks great, there =D EDIT: Actually, the whole screenie looks great =D

#297279 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 01:43 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

that, mate, is Jade, made into a companion!

#297293 DM: Nico's Dreadweave Armor

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 01:58 PM in Weapons/Armour

Thanks for the update, and, the RELz here!

#297296 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 02:02 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives


Oh /wow/!

On another note, spike, could you change the link to SeV's topic to the new SHS one? =)

#297301 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 02:10 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Now for Kaelis' favorite theme: lesbians! EDIT: (inside joke he actually hates hot lesbians) EDIT EDIT: (joking about hating the hot lesbians)


For the record, it was something about an animation series. the guy always managed to put in a couple of lesbians =P

Done :)

Thanks! =D

#297304 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 02:14 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

something on gametrailers, I believe. SeV linked me to them =P

EDIT: One by this guy was called "Haloid" =P

#297463 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 08:53 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

After sleeping and editing the purple retextured Sorceress outfit is ready to go. About the only thing I haven't done perfectly is the readme. Oh well.
I tested the mod myself, it was tough to get to the place I put the outfit, but it works :D

My usual tester person I'd call upon hasn't joined this place, and isn't online as much anymore, so if someone wants to give it an unbiased test, PM me and I'll send the zipped file.


I like that emoticon!


I'd love to test it! =)

what happened to the white tabaxis?


I've never been able to solve the problem of them being entirely too reflective in the light. It's annoying. I've followed every guide I can find on the subject, done everything right as near as I can tell, and they still glow like Chernobyl in light sources.

I've saved the base texture as a DXT1 with solid white alpha layer, with a DXT3 normal map with solid black alpha layer... and still they reflect like mirrors. :angry: :wall:

I got frustrated and put them aside.

That looks fine, to me, that'd be good for release, the only thing that bugs me, is the face, a little, but, eh, it looks really good =)

#297472 DM: Female Sheogorath's Regalia replacer

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 09:34 PM in Weapons/Armour

thanks for this, spike!

Looks great, works great, can't really hope for anything more ^__^