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#296472 Welcome to the Models and Textures Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:08 AM in Models/Textures

Welcome to the Models/Textures section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Models and Texture releases for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#296473 Welcome to the Quest Mod Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:13 AM in Quests

Welcome to the Quests section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Quest mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#296475 Welcome to the Races, Hair And Eyes Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:17 AM in Races/Hair/Eyes

Welcome to the Races/Hair/Eyes section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to Race, Hair, and Eye mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#296498 Home of the Screenshots: Spellhold Style.

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 03:48 AM in Oblivion Screenshots


This forum is for your screenshots, like the classic (though now mostly defunct) Pictures of Oblivion Characters Thread, from the Official Elder Scrolls Forums, in their Oblivion Modding forum.

I extend a hearty welcome to all who have joined us, and, may you enjoy your stay here!

#296456 Introduction to Oblivion Modding

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 12:16 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Welcome, one and all, to Spellhold Studios.

These forums are for oblivion modding, and discussions thereof.

I'm a new staffer here, but, I must say, I look forward to seeing this community grow, and thrive.

Welcome, and enjoy our forums, and your stay!

#296471 Welcome to the Miscellaneous Mods Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:07 AM in Miscellaneous

Welcome to the Miscellaneous section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Miscellaneous mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#302249 DM: LadyLi's Loft RC3 English Version

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 14 May 2007 - 08:16 AM in Houses

Posted Image

File Name: LadyLi's Loft RC3 English Version
File Submitter: Kaelis Ebonrai
File Submitted: 15 May 2007
File Category: Houses

LadyLi's wonderful Shivering Isles House Mod!

A Loft near New-Sheoth located by a little lake with a wonderfull view of the Palace. Leave the City through the Gate of Bliss and turn right. On the other seeside, youŽll see the Entrance to the huge Loft. Nice surprise named Max included!


Unpack .esp file contained in the archive into the Oblivion\Data folder 
and activate it prior to starting the game. 

This is the third Release Candidate Version - RC3!

I welcome any feedback you might have.

If the mannequins aren't positioned like in the screenshot (included in this package), please simply pick them up and place them whereever you want them!

Thanks go to:

° Reznod for the mannequins; 
° Jakhar editing Reznod's mannequins
° Shawn Dorshack for the pestle idea
° Babarix for the Bone Plant script and 'Max'
° Dejunai/TESModdersDen for helping with a few cleaning probs
° Also sinHHHans, Ra'athim and Bretone for their help
° the members of the 'Ei der Zeit' forum for all their suggestions to complete this mod
° XMS for translating this readme and the Loft!

A big Thanks to you all!

Yours truly
	Lady Li

Click here to download this file

#296468 Welcome to The Buildings and Faction Mods Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:03 AM in Buildings and Faction Mods

Welcome to the Buildings and Faction Mods section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Buildings and Faction mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#296470 Welcome to the Housing Mods Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:06 AM in Houses

Welcome to the Houses section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Housing mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#296469 Welcome to the Gameplay Changes Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:05 AM in Gameplay Changes

Welcome to the Gameplay Changes section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Gameplay Changing mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#297474 DM: Haskil Suit Mod

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 09:40 PM in Weapons/Armour

Oooh, thanks!

#299113 Beating off stagnation

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:46 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Well.. Knights of the Nine isn't so good for evil characters, but, the retail version comes with all the other DLC Content, some of which is /definitely/ suited to evil characters. =)

Shivering Isles, is more suited to an evil character, than knights of the nine, by /far/.

As for the naked female models, they're suprisingly useful, due to just how terrible the models for /both/ genders were. most of them come with underwear versions, too. =)

Strongholds... Well, there are a few things like that, yes =)

http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/ <-- this site has quite a few types =)

Quests? Try here ---> http://devnull.devak...ages.com/quests

As for, um.. romanceable npcs.. not so many of those, but, there are a few companions around, the best, imo, has a nasty bug, at present, but, keep an eye out for that one, called "Companion Nekeesha" (you'd probably know the spelling on that one, better than me, though =P

There's also the Dremora Companion, Amoz (more to the name, but, mostly shortened to Amoz) It is just about to release a patch, to deal with the Shivering Isles Hungers bug. (It may've released it, already, though.)

If you're playing a magic using character of /any/ sort, I'd recommend Supreme Magicka, by Flyfightflea.

Another quest+weapon mod, that I'd wholeheartedly recommend, is.. Arrows of The Ayleid King, by Nicoroshi (A modder here at SHS), Hobbs, and FlyFightFlea. Its absolutely brilliant! Fully voice acted, too. =) (The quality of the voice acting is brilliant, too, they really put a lot of effort into it =) )

#297293 DM: Nico's Dreadweave Armor

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 01:58 PM in Weapons/Armour

Thanks for the update, and, the RELz here!

#296462 Tutorial Links

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 12:41 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Thanks to ICUP, on the esf forums, for these links =)

Go here first. http://cs.elderscrol...egory:Tutorials - Everything is Oblivion specific and there's tons of stuff for all the programs listed below. Don't forget to browse in the subcategories on that page too.

The Elder Scrolls Construction Set:
http://cs.elderscrol...x.php/Main_Page - The Construction Set Wiki is about as good as it gets.
http://www.morrowind...ivion/tools.php - 3 tutorials: Making a house, Making a quest, and a scenery tutorial.
http://tessource.net...ile.php?id=7877 - Video tutorial on adding custom dialogue with lipsyncing to NPC's.
http://forum.gamings...showtopic=25701 - How to make a quest tutorial.


http://en.wikibooks....3D:_Noob_to_Pro - This is one of the best for someone who has never done anything with blender before.
http://www.blenderwa...hp?module=index - Multiple tutorials for beginners.
http://www.spaghetti...downloadpot.htm - Video tutorials from beginner level to more advanced.
http://www.scifi-mes...om/forums/dojo/ - Contains multiple threads on using blender. The first few are directed towards beginners and they get more advanced.
http://ocw.tufts.edu...8/Learningunits - More Blender tutorials starts at the beginner level and moves up.

Oblivion Specific:
http://www.niftools....ategory:Blender - tutorials for modeling, configuration, and splitting Oblivion meshes for custom characters
http://www.niftools....h_import_export - Directions on exporting in the .obj format.
http://www.niftools....New_Hair_Meshes - This tutorial is intended as an starter aid to those wanting to model Oblivion hair meshes.
http://www.alys.org/...Oblivion?page=1 - CuteUnits guide to rigging meshes and exporting them.
http://www.elderscro...p...0guide&st=0 - throttlekitty's guide to riggging meshes and exporting them.

Not specific to Oblivion:
http://www.gamedev.n...tures/blender1/ - Making a Sword Part 1
http://www.gamedev.n...tures/blender2/ - Making a Sword Part 2
http://bgdm.katorleg...e/lscm_tute.htm - UV Mapping a head. Note: For people using newer versions of blender that are following this select "unwrap" as you won't see "LSCM" as an option.
http://www.ee.oulu.f...compgrfx-27.htm - Contains links to many tutorials. I especially liked the tube through a cube tutorial.
http://mediawiki.ble...x.php/Main_Page - Tons of tutorials in two locations. Look under "Tutorials-->Tutorials" and "Tutorials-->Tutorial Links"
http://www.blender.org/tutorials-help/ - Many tutorials, some with video.
http://www.blenderna...videotutorials/ - Video tutorials, oh how I love the video tutorials. Also, check out the tutorials link on the right side of the page for non-video tutorials.
http://mediawiki.ble...acter_Animation - Intro to character animation.
http://www.geneome.n...nder-tutorials/ - Lot's of video tutorials covering a wide range of topics.
http://www.ibiblio.org/bvidtute/ - Yet another list of video tutorials from a different site.
http://blendernewbies.blogspot.com/ - A great resource with lots of video tutorials. I've learned a lot from this one site. Make sure to check out the "archives" list on the bottom right of the page.
http://mediawiki.ble...wrapping_a_Mesh - This is a must read for any Blender user. It shows multiple methods for unwrapping your mesh. Normally I avoid making multiple links to a site but I think this one is worth pointing out.

3D Studio Max:

http://www.max-realm...odules/wflinks/ - Beginner and Advanced tutorials. Also has videos for both beginner and advanced.
http://www.3dtotal.com/ - Make sure JavaScript is enabled and go to "Free Stuff-->Tutorials-->3d Studio Max-->Beginners"
http://www.mr-chompe...eo/beginner.zip - 16 minutes long. Rather fuzzy picture quality but it'll show you a few things.
http://tutorialoutpost.com/count/6121 - Explains the Max user interface.

Oblivion Specific:
http://www.niftools....ategory:3ds_Max - Contains tutorials on Importing, Exporting, Conversion, and Configuration.
http://www.silgrad.c...p?threadid=2477 - Collision: the easy way out using gundalf's exporter
Not specific to Oblivion:
http://www.mr-chompe...al/tutorial.htm - Ben Mathis's site directed toward video game modeling and texturing. Tutorials from beginner to advanced.
http://www.3dtotal.c...rc/joanmenu.asp - This tutorial covers modeling starting with a person all the way through to adding armor, a weapon, UV mapping, rigging, etc. In other words, it's pretty thorough.
http://www.3dtotal.com/ - Tons of other tutorials from the same site as above. Make sure JavaScript is enabled and go to "Free Stuff-->Tutorials-->3d Studio Max"
http://area.autodesk.com/learning/ - You need to define what you're searching for but there's lots of stuff here.
http://www.pixel2lif.../3d_studio_max/ - another long list of tutorials (check out the subcategories)

http://www.community...e.cfm?cid=0A44B - If you've never used Gimp before then this tutorial is for you.
http://www.simmerspa...ayers-gimp.html - Explains how to use layers in gimp. I highly suggest this one for any new gimp user wanting to learn how to texture.
http://www.onona3d.c...f/texturing.pdf - Texturing for Dummies. Somewhat geared towards Photoshop but mostly explains methods and theory. The file is 7.4 MB so you may want to right-click and save this one to view instead of opening it through your browser.

Oblivion Specific:
http://canadianice.u...hp?topic=3942.0 - Contains guides on normal mapping, creating icons, and semi-transparent textures.

Not specific to Oblivion:
http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ - Lots of tutorials from beginner to advanced.
http://gug.sunsite.dk/?page=tutorials - Many tutorials for Gimp. The section about working with textures may be useful for some of you.

Adobe Photoshop:

http://www.good-tuto...hotoshop/basics - Multiple pages of tutorials teaching you the basics of using Photoshop.
http://www.simmerspa...-photoshop.html - Tutorial on how to use layers. Very important for someone who's not familiar with layers.
http://forums.cgsoci...ad.php?t=392677 - This thread has 3 pdf files for texturing. You will find more advanced tutorials if you browse around the sites forums and wiki.

Oblivion Specific:
At this time all I've found are on the wiki site listed above. - http://cs.elderscrol...egory:Tutorials

Not specific to Oblivion:
http://www.bitbrush.com/tutorial1.html - How to make convincing seamless textures.
http://www.simmerspa...-photoshop.html - How to use and make custom brushes
http://www.mr-chompe...al/tutorial.htm - Ben Mathis's site directed toward video game modeling and texturing. Good tutorials and stuff on texturing theory for video game objects.
http://www.3dtotal.com/ - Make sure JavaScript is enabled and go to "Free Stuff-->Tutorials-->Photoshop"
http://www.pixel2lif...dobe_photoshop/ - another long list of tutorials (check out the subcategories)
http://photoshopbrus...m/tutorials.htm - Tutorials and free brushes. There's millions of sites like these but I really like this one so I'm throwing it out there.
http://home.zonnet.n...p/index.jsp.htm - Many tuts covering text, shapes, effects, and most importantly, textures.
http://www.cgchat.co...ead.php?t=25997 - How to create good normal maps. If you read peoples posts to it you can find a link to a cool little program called "Crazy Bump" too. It's used to make normal maps.
http://www.dvd-repli...5/no/no/Date/0/ - A very large collection of various tutorials for Photoshop.
http://www.freeseaml...rials/index.htm - How to create seamless textures.

NifSkope: Tutorials and references.
http://www.niftools....tegory:NifSkope - Has multiple links to NifSkope documentation and tutorials.
http://www.elderscro...howtopic=542099 - A page that explains many parts of a nif object.

http://www.alys.org/...ys-Bow-Tutorial - Windy's Tutorial on creating a bow that morphs.
http://grimdeath9740...eateyourownrace - Making a Custom Race Tutorial for Oblivion by Grimdeath
http://canadianice.u...hp?topic=2953.0 - Distributing useable horse armor retextures legally (This one's pretty advanced and not for a novice).
http://www.quake3bit...pressonator.htm - Program that converts images to dds format. Get it here. Learn how to use it here.

#301373 DM: Akorithi's Jade Bow by Nicoroshi

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 12 May 2007 - 04:22 PM in Weapons/Armour

Woo =D Awesome to see this [RELz]ed! =D

Thanks very much for this, Nico! ^__^

*runs off to take some shots >.>*

#302588 REL: SickleYield's Slave Irons

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 14 May 2007 - 09:55 PM in Weapons/Armour

awesome stuff, thanks SickleYield!

Glad to hear you'll be mirroring stuff here =D

#308816 DM: Kaelis' Ninja Souba

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 27 May 2007 - 09:22 PM in Weapons/Armour

Posted Image

File Name: Kaelis' Ninja Souba
File Submitter: Kaelis Ebonrai
File Submitted: 28 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour

A new souba for you all! =D
Name: Kaelis' Ninja Souba
Version: 1.0
Date: 5/28/2007
Category: Weapons and Armor
Author(s): Kaelis Ebonrai (aka Knux Econa)
Source: http://dl.spellholdstudios.net/kaelis

A new "Souba"-type weapon, this time a Ninja-like blade.

In the IC Market district, just laying about.

I noticed that some people were using both the original "Wildman's Ninja Blade" mod, and my souba mod, I asked at SHS if anyone would like it, and there was some interest... So here it is.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.



1.0, 2007/05/28 - Initial release.


You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'Knux_Econa'
You can find me at Spellhold Studios (spellholdstudios.net) as 'Kaelis Ebonrai'
You can send me an email here: kaelis AT spellholdstudios DOT net

Thanks to Wildman for the original Ninja Blade.
Thanks to lhammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to the people at Spellhold Studios for their hospitality, makes me very proud to work with them.

Tools Used
Blender - http://www.blender.org
NIFSkope - http://www.niftools.org
TES Construction Set - http://www.theelderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.

Click here to download this file

#301316 DM: Sia - Mystic Elf Female

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 12 May 2007 - 01:23 PM in Miscellaneous

thanks for the upload, floyd! =D

#296474 Welcome to the Weapons and Armour Mod Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 05 May 2007 - 01:15 AM in Weapons/Armour

Welcome to the Weapons/Armour section, here at Spellhold Studios. Here, you can find help for, and post links to, Weapons and Armour mods for Oblivion/Shivering Isles.

#298318 DM: Thadon and Syls Clothing Playable

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 11:19 AM in Weapons/Armour

thanks for the update! ^__^

#297113 Welcome to the Weapons and Armour Mod Forum!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 07:55 AM in Weapons/Armour

Ah, yes, clothing would =)

#297472 DM: Female Sheogorath's Regalia replacer

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 06 May 2007 - 09:34 PM in Weapons/Armour

thanks for this, spike!

Looks great, works great, can't really hope for anything more ^__^

#298112 Oblivion Mod Installation Order

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 04:47 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

as for the uop, a whole hearted "yes" for that one =) Its definitely needed, fixes so many bugs in vanilla oblivion.

#298787 DM: MystykStar's Sorceress Outfit Retexture (Blue)

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 09:59 PM in Models/Textures

thank you for releasing it! =D it looks great! ^__^

#299961 DM: Kaelis' Soubas

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 10 May 2007 - 01:43 PM in Weapons/Armour

thanks, jackmix! =D Glad you like 'em! =D