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#503490 "backstab" to bodhi

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 10:34 AM in Valen Expansion

Since there were two identical copies of this thread, I have removed one of them.

Carry on, citizens.

#495095 "The final DLC for DA:O" announced

Posted by vilkacis on 25 August 2010 - 10:30 AM in Dragon Age Series


"Never follow me." With these words, Morrigan vanished into the shadows. Her plans and her whereabouts have remained a mystery... until now. But whether you seek answers, revenge, or reconciliation with your lost love, you may find more than you bargained for.

Date: Available September 7th on PC, Xbox360, and PS3.

Price: $7 [560 BioWare Points, 560 MS Points, $6.99 PSN]

Key Features:
* Confront Morrigan in this dramatic conclusion to the Origins storyline
* Earn powerful rewards that transfer into your Awakening and Origins campaign
* Import your character from Origins or Awakening or create a new, high-level hero!

Witch Hunt is the final DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, and imo a great send off to an awesome game.

What happened to "2 years..."? Dragon Age 2.

Apparently three new characters will show up, but for now they're only letting us see one: "Ariane, a gifted Dalish warrior".

There are some screenshots up, but as usual, they don't really say much.

#502775 "The Surgeon" NPC construction site

Posted by vilkacis on 11 December 2010 - 07:20 AM in IE Mod Ideas

A few notes on stats:

  • Average stat totals for BG2 characters is 82.5 (83.2 in ToB).
  • The lowest stat total is Minsc with 73. (The highest is Keldorn with 89, beaten only by Mr. ToB with 95).
  • All characters have at least one stat that is average (10) or worse. (You have this covered.)

Your adjusted stats are low (71). Even the original stats are still below average (80) and I doubt anyone would accuse you of powergaming if you kept them (and you can just swap DEX and WIS and you have a legal mage->priest dualclass).

I'm usually the first to whine about overpowered NPC ideas, but as nice as it is to see someone take it in the opposite direction, you don't have to go that far. Even if you bump up your current WIS by one point, you'd still only end up with 72 points, and you definitely don't need to reduce them any more than that. (I'm not going to stop you if you want to do it, of course, but anyway.)

As for the class, it's no more complicated to do a necro->cleric dual than a wiz->cleric. It's just a matter of clicking mage->necro rather than mage->generalist in character creation.

#491609 Aegis Pack DLC

Posted by vilkacis on 06 July 2010 - 11:50 AM in Mass Effect Series

Cerberus network? What Cerberus network. :mellow:

Personally, I have like 80 Bioware FUNBUCKS™ left and I'll be fucked if I buy another 400 just to get another 80. Maybe if they ever release any other dlc that's worth paying for, but eh.

On the plus side, at least female version has a chestplate that isn't like HAY EVERYBODY LOOK AT MAH BOO-BAYS. Also, the rifle is apparently the only weapon in the game that doesn't have a dumb and crippling damage penalty when used by anyone not named Shepard, so it's actually quite good.

Here's a couple of stolen screencaps of the Kestrel:


edit: also the stats of the armour pieces are as follows:
  • Helmet - Increases head shot damage by 5%, increases weapon damage by 3%, increases shields by 3%
  • Chest - Increases melee damage by 10%, increases weapon damage by 5%, increases shield strength by 3%
  • Shoulders - Increases shields by 8%, increases melee damage by 10%
  • Arms - Increases weapon damage by 3%, increases shields by 3%, increases melee damage by 10%
  • Legs - Increases shields by 8%, increases heavy weapon ammo capacity by 5%

#491794 Aegis Pack DLC

Posted by vilkacis on 08 July 2010 - 02:13 PM in Mass Effect Series

It's in pieces. Note the stats for the individual parts above.

#493217 Baldurs gate is just the best RPG ever.

Posted by vilkacis on 28 July 2010 - 01:12 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I dunno, I like a little more RP in my G.

Still, won't deny that I liked the low-level gameplay in BG better than the "oh, I'll just buy this Rod of Resurrection" stuff in BG2.

they make me want to wax nostalgic

I believe you mean "wax goddamn nostlgic".

#493239 Baldurs gate is just the best RPG ever.

Posted by vilkacis on 29 July 2010 - 02:16 AM in Baldur's Gate Series


#492384 BG2 model creation help

Posted by vilkacis on 17 July 2010 - 06:11 AM in IE Help

Not a mod idea.


#493584 Bioware says, "Give us more money", releases new DLC

Posted by vilkacis on 03 August 2010 - 06:09 AM in Mass Effect Series

(...at least that's what I'm told, but it doesn't show up on my dlc menu.)

It's called the "Firepower DLC Pack" and contains the following:

M-5a Phalanx Heavy Pistol

M-96 Mattock Heavy Rifle

Geth Plasma Shotgun

When a "heavy" pistol won't do the job, the Phalanx brings the bang! It hits like a hand cannon and features an integral laser sight for a whole new aiming experience! Ever wanted a sniper rifle without the scope or an assault rifle without the recoil? The Mattock heavy rifle is a hybrid of the two, a semi-auto beast usable with any class with an assault rifle skill! The Geth Plasma Shotgun is a three-barreled monster that creates plasma the right way -- on impact! Charge it up for even greater damage, or blast away rapid-fire at longer ranges than normal shotguns

160 funbux. I'd say Cerberus Network? What Cerberus Network? except I already did.

Anyway, it's about time they released that damn pistol. It's been hanging around screenshots since what, before Kasumi came out? That's pretty slow.

#493634 Bioware says, "Give us more money", releases new DLC

Posted by vilkacis on 04 August 2010 - 05:49 AM in Mass Effect Series

stuff about my avatar

I don't know what you guys are talking about. Kaidan who? :huh:

#485318 But Thou Must: Choice in Games with Obsidian

Posted by vilkacis on 19 April 2010 - 01:42 PM in General Gameplay

"Big words are hard right now!"


Edit: The game looks pretty interesting, if they can live up to the hype.

Which no one ever does.

So it's probably going to suck.

Just saying.

#501372 Changing conversation font colour

Posted by vilkacis on 22 November 2010 - 09:16 AM in IE Help

Questions on how to mod the game should go in modding help.

If you'd like to contact the author of "bigger fonts" directly, I suggest registering an account and sending a PM.

#502298 Contingency problem - only one slot [BG2]

Posted by vilkacis on 06 December 2010 - 10:53 AM in IE Help

"Upon casting this spell the wizard is allowed to choose a spell out of his repertoire of known spells.  One spell level for every three levels of the caster is allowed up to 18th level or 6th level spells.  Once the spell is chosen the caster is allowed to choose a condition of some kind from the list provided.  The starting condition can be anything from reaching 10% of his/her hit points to an enemy being sighted.  Once this starting condition is satisfied the spell that was chosen will be cast automatically."

You get one spell, the level of which can not be greater than [caster level]/3 or six, whichever is lower. The spell is functioning as intended.

Chain Contingency (wiz9) offers more options.

#502308 Contingency problem - only one slot [BG2]

Posted by vilkacis on 06 December 2010 - 01:03 PM in IE Help

So you're telling me the Polish translation... lacks polish?


#502140 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 04 December 2010 - 12:06 PM in Layers of Reality

Hahahahahaha XD

pretty much this.

#482834 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 25 March 2010 - 10:45 AM in Layers of Reality

I like how the reaper is looking at them. (And how it's grinning like an ass, but it may not have a choice in that matter.)

Surely this is the only music for that situation.


#482915 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 26 March 2010 - 10:50 AM in Layers of Reality

That's about twice a day, now.

Ahahaha the "expressions" XDD

And here I had imagined that the Mako would top...

#502742 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 10 December 2010 - 08:51 PM in Layers of Reality

:ROFL: "carefully preserved trophy"

I think I saw a mod like that somewhere... :WTF:

#483006 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 27 March 2010 - 01:49 PM in Layers of Reality

What time is it...?

i kind of like the skull, though

#483487 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 01 April 2010 - 07:45 AM in Layers of Reality

...Huh. I may not have been the best influence, but I'm pretty sure I can not take credit for that.

(Or, y'know, blame. One of those things.)

#484683 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 13 April 2010 - 08:47 AM in Layers of Reality

...uh.  :huh:

Actually. That's probably worth the effort just to see the effect it would have on the rabid fanboys...

- how would she even eat that hamburger -

Anyway I hope it's made of Shifty Looking Cow. :angry:

#483296 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 30 March 2010 - 06:18 PM in Layers of Reality

This takes me back...

...I have to admit, the more "artist's impression of Tali's face" pics I see, the more I hope she'll really turn out to be made of spiders.

Let's not get into the "artist's impression of other parts of Tali" ones.

#482352 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 19 March 2010 - 01:34 PM in Layers of Reality

...I remember reading a post, then clicking a link, and now suddenly it's three minutes later and I'm bleeding from the ears, nose and eyes.

Medigel plz?

#498949 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 13 October 2010 - 09:48 AM in Layers of Reality


"Shades" headgear and "flannel shirt" chestplate confirmed for the "space lumberjack" DLC pack, along with "cowboy boots" legwear.

#499378 DA 2: Dragonnade

Posted by vilkacis on 20 October 2010 - 10:25 AM in Layers of Reality


starting to feel sorry for Alistair... a little... maybe.