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#297455 DM: Dark Flame Ring

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 08:40 PM in Miscellaneous

Posted Image

File Name: Dark Flame Ring
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 7 May 2007
File Category: Miscellaneous

Dark Flame Ring
Made by: Spike4072

What is it?
This is a simple mod I made from a request. It adds a black flame effect shader to the player and gives +10 to sneak. The ring is added to your inventory upon loading after the mod is activated.
*Warning* Dont enchant the ring or it will loose its scripted effects.

Extract to the Data folder and check DarkFlamRing.esp in the data files.

Click here to download this file

#297095 DM: Mystic Elf Denesta

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 07:19 AM in Miscellaneous

Posted Image

File Name: Mystic Elf Denesta
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 6 May 2007
File Category: Miscellaneous

Mystic Elf Denesta
Created by Spike4072

Required mods:
Beautiful People

Was saved with BP 2.2  I am not sure if that will cause trouble useing it with BP 2.5

This is a save game of my Mystic elf Denesta. It is saved right at the sewer exit so you can change class, birthsign, race or play with the face before exiting.

Simply extract the save file and add it to your saved game folder in C:\Documents and Settings\YourComputerLoginName\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder

Click here to download this file

#300447 The Cat and the Necromancer

Posted by Spike4072 on 11 May 2007 - 09:24 AM in Oblivion Stories

This story takes place after the main quest so spoilers maybe. :)

Hopfully it gets better as it goes. It is my first story. :)

Part 1

After ending the great oblivion crisis Nahril became a celebrity in the Imperial city.She likes to spend time napping on the roof tops as it is one of the few places she can get away from the crowds wanting to see the "Great Hero". Nahril thinks to herself "Oh hero this and oh champion that. Blah I will never get any peace in this city. I should take a vacation. Maybe to Anvil I love the beach and no one should recognize me there." So the next day she heads out on her long trip to Anvil.

Later that day at the Imperial palace a man in dark robes and a young dark haired woman approach the guards at the palace door. "I am sorry but no one is allowed inside the palace at this time." One of the guards says as they move to block the way. "Move out of my way at once." The dark haired woman orders. The guard repeats "I am sorry but no one is allowed..." before he can get the words out the woman signals the robed man.With in seconds the two guards lay dead in the street. As the woman crouches next to one of the dead guards she says "Next time I tell you to move you simply shut up and move." After dealing with a few more guards the refuse to follow her orders she enters the council chambers "High Chancellor Ocato I have been looking forward to meeting you" The woman says as she approaches Ocato. "Who are you? You shouldn?t be here this area is off limits" He says with a puzzled look. She replies "I am Denesta and don?t worry I have permission to be here." "Permission? From who?" Ocato asks looking even more puzzled."Why the emperor of course. He will be arriving in the morning." Denesta says as she hands him a document with the emperor?s seal.

Meanwhile as Nahril comes to a clearing off the road she says "Looks like it will be getting dark soon I better set up camp for the night." After a nice evening next to the camp fire she heads to bed. "At least out here no one can bother me." She says to herself as she falls asleep.

To be continued...

Part 2

After her long journey to the imperial city Denesta immediately joined the arena as a combatant. This had been her whole reason for the trip. To test herself against the best Cyrodiil had to offer. It was time for her first match and she was a little nervous but she knew nothing could beat her magic. As the gates opened she let a lightning bolt fly but her opponent easily dodged. This was not going to be easy she had to think of a new strategy and fast. This opponent was fast and completely aware of everything around her. Denesta could see without using her eyes with the uses of her magic. So she stood still and shut her eyes. Just as she thought the foolish elf rushed in leavening herself wide open. Denesta raised her had as it crackled with energy. The elf raised her shield in response but it was too late. The spell ripped into the shield and went off in the elf?s face. Her first opponent went down as the crowd cheered. She looked up with a smile to the screaming fans then returned to the red room to prepare for the next fight.

She breezed past the matches as one by one her opponents fell. After every fight the crowed would cheer louder than before and she loved it. Her fights did not go without injury but none could stand up to her power. Then the time came she was two fight to opponents at once. Wood elf twin sisters. This would be her hardest fight yet but she wasn?t worried she knew just what to do. As the gates dropped they rushed her. One with bow and one with blade. The sister with the bow went down first with a quick blast of energy. Denesta cast a second bolt that missed the remaining sister but that was not her target. The dead sister body twitched as it began to glow. It slowly floated up then landed on its feet as if still alive. The remaining sister didn?t see any of this as she flew into a blind rage. As she targeted Denesta with her fury she didn?t see her dead sister walking up behind her. She paused in confusion for a moment as a smile spread across Denesta?s face and then her dead sister sunk a dagger deep into her spine.

As the two sister?s body?s fell dead to the ground the crowed was silent. No cheers to be heard not even the wind made a sound. Denesta didn?t understand. Why did they not cheer she had won. She looked up at them in anger and confusion. Just then guards poured into the arena. Just as she was trying to find out what was going on they grabbed her and forced her to the red room. She was stripped of her arena uniform and tossed an old black cloak. She barely had time to cover up with it before she was once again forcibly removed. This time from the city. As she stood alone outside the city gate dark clouds rolled in and rain began to pour from the sky. Her mind was confused and full of hate. Why was this happening to her? What had she done?

?You interrupted my vacation for this? A story about some necromancer arena combatant?? Nahril asked in an angry manner as she looked up from the report Jauffre had handed her. ?Keep reading,? he replied, ?You are getting to the important part.?

To be continued...

Part 3

?Bah enough of reading this report.? groaned Nahril, ?Can?t you just tell me the important parts?? ?Fine, You are an impatient one aren?t you.? replied Jauffre as he took the rather long scroll from her hands. ?After being kicked out of the city the young necromancer was furious.? continued Jauffre, ?In a rage she stormed the Mystic Archives at the Arcane University and stole several books on Ayleid ruins and artifacts. This went mostly unnoticed as at the same time the Emperor was making his way to the escape tunnels that passed through a certain prisoner?s cell.? When he is done speaking Jauffre tosses Nahril another scroll with a badly sketched drawing on it. ?That is what she looks like according to one of the mage apprentices. After that attack we didn?t hear any more about her until three days ago when she stormed the Imperial Place with the dead Emperor following a day later. Only he was very much alive? ?So where do I come in to all this?? asked Nahril. To this Jauffre responded, ?The Emperor is passing his power to the necromancer. Her name is Denesta and if this happens she will become Empress. For this ceremony all the members of the Elder Council must be there as witness. They have all been called back for the other provinces. The last should arrive in one week.? A look of spread desperation across his face as he spoke,?With the Emperor?s involvement the Blades cannot officially act against this. We have unofficially sent three assassins to deal with Denesta even sinking so low as to contact the Dark Brotherhood for the last. All have failed. You Nahril are our last hope. You must find what was in those books that gave her the power to bring back the Emperor in perfect condition and control him like this. Then put a stop to her before it is too late.? ?Ok? replied Nahril. ?Ok?? asked Jauffre,? While am glad you agreed to do this I was expecting some kind of protest to it.? ?After saving the world once normal life gets rather boring.? She said to him with a smile.

As Nahril entered the Imperial City she noticed that is was eerily quiet and not a soul was on the streets. She made her way through the empty city to the Arcane University. She planned to go here first a try to learn about the books that Denesta had stolen. As she entered the Arcane University she was shocked to find everything was normal here. It was as if nothing had ever happened and mages were eagerly going about their business. She stepped into the library and was greeted by the smiling librarian. ?Here about the books are you?? asked the Librarian. ?Yes, how did you know?? Nahril asked. ?You are not the first,? the Librarian responded, ?Three others came before you. I can tell you what I told them. There are Ayleid ruins far up in the mountains near Dive Rock that seem to have been recently uncovered from a rock slide. The books speak of this lost Ayleid ruin. You should begin your search there. ??Thank you that is most helpful.? Nahril said and turned to leave. As she was walking to the door she felt a cold chill.

The trip up the mountain wasn?t an easy one. Many parts were very steep with little footing. Just the kind of climb Nahril loved. Once at the top of Dive rock Nahril set up a small camp for the night. It was getting late and she would look for the ruins in the morning. When she woke the next day she was greeted by the sight of a blue eyed blond girl staring down at her. ?Hello there sleepy head.? The blue eyed girl said, ?Looking for the ruins are you? That is why I have come to this place.? ?Jauffre doesn?t think I can do it on my own?? asked Nahril. ?Who is Jauffre? I am here because I want to be a great hero like the Champion of Cyrodiil. Wait a minute now I know where I have seen you. You are the Champion.? ?Who me? No I am just a lowly member of the Blades.? Replied Nahril, ?Anyway do you know where the ruins are up here?? ?Ah yes, I had done some scouting yesterday and found them a little to the north of here. Perhaps we can explore them together?? the girl answered. ?Sure the more the merrier they say. By the way I am Nahril nice to meet you.? Nahril said. ?I am Akemi Nice to meet you as well.? said the girl.

Inside the ruin it was dark and cold with a strange blue fog falling across the floor. ?I hear from the locals that vampires have taken up house in here.? said Akemi. ?Well then we will have to be nice little house gets wont we.? replied Nahril. As they entered a large room Nahril hears a hiss for the darkness and knows they are surrounded. Four vampires jump from the darkness and attack. It is a tough fight but Nahril and Akemi come out on top. ?Do you think they killed the three that came before me?? Nahril asked. ?Maybe they are the three that came before you. Vampires have a nasty habit of turning people into their friends.? Akemi answered. Farther down the hall they came to a similar room and once again they were attacked. After the bodys of the vampires lay dead on the ground Nahril bent down to check one. ?This was one of the Blades assassins. He still has his orders on him.? Nahril said as she pulled some paper out of his pocket. They finally come to a small circular room. In the center was a short round pedestal with a round medallion necklace laying on it. ?Maybe this is what you are looking for?? asked Akemi. ?This thing doesn?t look very special. Kind of plain looking.? said Nahril. ?Well I think it is pretty. Why don?t you try it on?? Akemi said. ?Sure why not.? Nahril replied.

She clasped the chain around her neck and the medallion started to glow. Immediately it started sinking into her chest. The pain was unbearable as she clutched her chest in agony. ?HAHAHA hurts doesn?t it? Don?t worry it doesn?t last long.? a strange voice said. Nahril looked over to where Akemi was standing. Akemi?s eye?s had turned a glowing red and her hair was darkening to black. As Nahril watched unable to move from the pain Akemi?s hair shortened and her armor melted into a red and black dress. Standing infront of Nahril now was a completely different woman. The pain was wearing off and Nahril shouted?Your Denesta aren?t you?? as she turned to face her. ?Why yes, yes I am and it looks like you can move again. We will have to fix that.? Denesta replied. Once again Nahril was frozen in place. Only able to move her eyes and mouth. ?What have you done to me?? Nahril asked angrily. ?Just a simple paralysis spell. Can?t have my new pet being unruly now can I? With the new power that I gained from another medallion like yours I can now enslave the body?s of the living just as I could the dead before. It comes in handy as they don?t rot away but they still have the problem of being mortal. That?s where you come in. The one you just absorbed doesn?t give magic power but physical power. You are now faster and stronger than anyone in this world. Also you no longer age. Your body is practically immortal. A one woman army. MY ARMY. Just as soon as I kill you that is.? Denesta replied. ?But you just said I was immortal. How are you going to kill me?? Nahril asked while struggling to move. ?Oh no you misunderstand. You body is immortal but your soul is still very susceptible to my magic.? Denesta said with a grin,?And now it is time for you to die.? Denesta motioned a spell casting gesture towards Nahril and Nahril's body fell limp to the floor. Seconds later the body began to rise back up and then stood silently. ?Come my new plaything we have much to do.? Denesta commanded. ?Yes my master? a hollow soulless voice replied.

?Where am I? Wait that?s me isn?t it. Everything is so blurry. I can?t focus. I am outside now? Something down below. What is this little thing? Night already? There is the small one again. She is sleeping now. I think it is becoming clear. I know what I must do now. I am sorry little one. It is the only way.?

To be continued?

#330303 DM: Spike's Demon Tails

Posted by Spike4072 on 25 July 2007 - 04:14 PM in Models/Textures

File Name: Spike's Demon Tails
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 25 Jul 2007
File Category: Models/Textures

Spike's Demon Tails
by: Spike4072

This is a modders resource of three variations of a demon tail. There is the triangle tipped tail, the untipped and the short version. The tails us the leg texture of the race to better match the skin tone of the character.

To Use:
You will need some CS knowledge to use them. They must be added by the race menu in the CS. If you use them on a default race I would suggest creating a duplicate of that race to add the tail and use as the player character. This will avoid graphical problems with the nonbeast race NPCs.

Feel free to use this in your mod and dropping my name in the credits somewhere would be nice if you do :)

Tipped Tail
Posted Image

NonTipped Tail
Posted Image

Short Tail
Posted Image

Click here to download this file

#299198 Oblivion Voting 2007 Part 2

Posted by Spike4072 on 09 May 2007 - 10:29 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Just so people know about the nude shots. If they are in the main thread they will not be put with image tags but linked with a warning. So then it is just a link that you dont have to click it you dont want. It would also save the space of an extra thread.

#300079 OBSE with SI 1.0201 patch?

Posted by Spike4072 on 10 May 2007 - 05:27 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

As long as you download the newest OBSE from the website it will work.


#318404 Getting larger items

Posted by Spike4072 on 23 June 2007 - 07:21 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Yeah I had trouble with that too so I just cheated and changed texture with the old wings that are already bigger. Also I guess you could edit them in blender.

#333663 PC face to NPC?

Posted by Spike4072 on 03 August 2007 - 04:27 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Everything you need to know should be here i tihnk :)


#297452 DM: Haskil Suit Mod

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 08:27 PM in Weapons/Armour

Posted Image

File Name: Haskil Suit Mod
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 7 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour

This places a playable suit that Haskil wear under the table where you first meet him. If the Fringe has been Ordered then it will near a broken column at the blue portal.

It also adds a female version of the suit edited be me. :)

To Install:
Extract to the data folder. Check "Spike's Haskil Suit.esp" in the data files.
Then it is all ready to go.

Needs SI to work

Click here to download this file

#318923 Clothing items not showing up

Posted by Spike4072 on 24 June 2007 - 08:13 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Did you make sure to make new normal maps for them?

#318449 Graphics anomaly: Dark dots on landscape

Posted by Spike4072 on 23 June 2007 - 09:33 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

That is what I was thinking but my ground doesnt seem to look that spoty.

#297947 [REQ] Tutorial for Rigging Models

Posted by Spike4072 on 07 May 2007 - 08:38 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion


Only one I know of off the top of my head.

#297097 Welcome to the Weapons and Armour Mod Forum!

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 07:32 AM in Weapons/Armour

I am guessing clothing mods would fall under this section too? Just not sure what part to put my SI clothing mods in.

#298221 DM: Thadon and Syls Clothing Playable

Posted by Spike4072 on 08 May 2007 - 08:26 AM in Weapons/Armour

Just a little bump for the update :)

#297454 DM: Female Sheogorath's Regalia replacer

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 08:35 PM in Weapons/Armour

Posted Image

File Name: Female Sheogorath's Regalia replacer
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 7 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour

Female Sheogorath's Regalia
By: Spike4072

For those that dislike the female Sheogorath's Regalia. This replaces the female Sheogorath dress with the male mesh edited to look more female.

Extract the RAR to your Oblivion/Data folder. If you dont have SI then this will do nothing so SI is needed for it to work.

Enjoy :)

Click here to download this file

#297453 DM: Thadon and Syls Clothing Playable

Posted by Spike4072 on 06 May 2007 - 08:31 PM in Weapons/Armour

File Name: Thadon and Syls Clothing Playable
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 7 May 2007
File Updated: 8 May 2007
File Category: Weapons/Armour

This simply adds an extra wearable dress to Syl's room and robe to Thadon's that the player can wear. It is on a chest in Thadon's room and a wine rack in Syl's

Update v1.1: Updated to show arms in first person

Click here to download this file

#320238 How to make armor in Oblivion

Posted by Spike4072 on 27 June 2007 - 09:00 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Here is a good place to start. It is how I got started :)


#324774 [WiP] Bunny race :D

Posted by Spike4072 on 09 July 2007 - 12:44 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

I was inspired by the Viera from Final Fantasy to make a race with Bunny ears and tails :lol:

Posted Image
Posted Image

So anyone have any ideas for the name of this race?

So far I have just started on the base of the ears and they look like crap so far but they will get better as I do more work on them. :)
I need to make the base more round. i started before looking at the ref pics :doh:

Posted Image

The only problem I can see with this is that I cant texture at all :( so maybe someone can help with that after I get the models done.

I think so far they should have bonuses in:
Light Armor

#302153 DM: MystykStar's Sorceress Outfit Retexture (Animal Print)

Posted by Spike4072 on 14 May 2007 - 05:00 AM in Models/Textures

I really like this one. You are getting good at this :)

#302277 DM: Beautiful People2.5 + Soya hair

Posted by Spike4072 on 14 May 2007 - 09:40 AM in Miscellaneous

File Name: Beautiful People2.5 + Soya hair
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 14 May 2007
File Updated: 26 May 2007
File Category: Miscellaneous

Merged by: Chairon DeCeleste

UPDATED 5/26/07 to fix a few things

This mod is for people that want to use BP and Soya's hair pack with out conflicts.

You need to download both of the base mods to get all the meshes and textures but only use this esp not all three.

Beautiful People 2.5
Soya Hair pack

off. patch and unoff patch required

Click here to download this file

#298778 DM: MystykStar's Sorceress Outfit Retexture (Blue)

Posted by Spike4072 on 08 May 2007 - 09:34 PM in Models/Textures

It looks very nice thank you :)

#302367 DM: Beautiful People2.5 + Soya hair

Posted by Spike4072 on 14 May 2007 - 02:13 PM in Miscellaneous

I will just post it here :)

works fine with new games, but for some reason, when i try to load my old save (made with BP 2.2 and Soya 1.1) it crashes during the load. i don't know if that's a problem with the merged esp or if BP 2.2 savegames are just not compatible with BP 2.5.

any ideas?

A way to fix your save game to work with the new ESP is to load the save with the old 2.2 mod then use the "showracemenu" command in the console. Change the race, eyes and hair to a non BP ones then save with out hitting done. Now load that game with the new ESP. Once again use the "showracemenu" command and change race, eyes and hair back. Again save with out hitting done.

Now this new save should work with this new ESP.

Hope that helps.

Tested and works - thanks Spike :)

Sia was quite baffled to find herself transformed into a Mystic Night Elf for a few minutes but quickly recovered - I just had to jot down all slider settings and Floydian's choices in the showracemenu before that - but quickly recovered after everything changed back to normal and she had checked her stats :)

#306017 Facegen and CS

Posted by Spike4072 on 21 May 2007 - 02:11 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

You can transfer faces from one save to another with Wyre Bash.

Also you can use a blank ESP to keep a collection of faces. I use one to keep the faces of all my characters so that I can swap them around on my companion depending on who I want in the shots.

#306771 DM: Ice Elves and Wolf Elves By Spike4072

Posted by Spike4072 on 22 May 2007 - 11:53 PM in Races/Hair/Eyes

Posted Image

File Name: Ice Elves and Wolf Elves By Spike4072
File Submitter: Spike4072
File Submitted: 23 May 2007
File Updated: 23 May 2007
File Category: Races/Hair/Eyes

Updated to fix a few bugs

Ice elves and Wolf elves by: Spike4072

Wolf Elves:
Posted Image
An evil Necromancer magically combined group of Bosmer with a pack of wolves to create the greatest hunters in Tamriel. She uses them to track down victims for experiments but a few have escaped her control.

Once a day Wolf elves can summon a spirit wolf to fight along side them.

Useing their heightened animal senses Wolf elves can smell and hear most enemies before they are seen.

Ice Elves:
Posted Image
There have been recent sightings in the northern mountains of pale skinned elves. Some believe that they may be descendants of the lost Falmer. Others think they are something new and different calling them "Ice Elves."

Once a day Ice elves can concentrate a powerful blast of cold air into an enemy's weapon causing it to freeze and shatter.

Due to being so weak Ice elves have learned to make a quick blast of icy air around them briefly stunning anyone in striking range.

Ice elves are very weak to fire damage but practically immune to cold damage.

In the RAR there is a folder called data. Simply take copy the contents of that data folder to C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. Check the plugin in the datafiles list and it is ready to go.

If you use the Bab/Exnem body mod I have included a Bab/Exnem skin texture for the Ice elves in the extras folder.

Beautiful People: http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=5175

If for some reason you still use BP 2.2 I have included a version of this mod that works with its eyes in the extras folder.


Nequam- Elaborate Eyes :)

Ren- Head mesh, hair, eyes and base textures :)

Midnight Voyager- Bringing the great mods together into the Beautiful People mod :)

Click here to download this file

#307010 DM: Ice Elves and Wolf Elves By Spike4072

Posted by Spike4072 on 23 May 2007 - 07:36 AM in Races/Hair/Eyes

Updated with an Exnem texture for Ice elves :)