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#314427 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 11 June 2007 - 09:04 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@Karandras: The nose...was waaaaay off! Seriously, Barbra Streisand now has someone she can pick on. Good thing you fixed it. Aside from that, interesting perspective. Brings some new life to classic assassination pics, from the perspective of the killer (or where she's unseen). This one's neat, it takes a while to register what's going on, which is what I imagine is happening with that guard dude. As for the second set, a lot of them are pretty dark. The moon one's really good though, and the scaling poses look authentic.

Yea, major changes to the face didn't turn up anything better so its back to the drawing board for this character :)  I think from now on I'm gonna try to avoid taking pictures at night when its hard to see because i always forget in a screenshot its even harder to see. that whole series was quite lacking actually so I guess oblivion needing a reinstall was a blessing :)

Now back into the fire...(of replying that is)

trollf post Yesterday, 12:30 PM: How on earth (or Cyrodil) do you get lighting that amazing? I am in awe...

DIE 75 post Yesterday, 01:23 PM: Those are some great oblivion world pics, I really like the third thumbnail, looks like you just took down the tower :)

cyborgakadjmoose post Yesterday, 02:08 PM: Great looking character, I really like the combat pics there.

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 02:10 PM: Nice uses of the new animations, I get a feeling that we will see alot of that type in the next few days.

highpressure post Yesterday, 02:32 PM: Exacly what i was talking about in the last reply :) Great shots there

Spike4072 post Yesterday, 02:32 PM: Great story and pictures to go along with it :) I am once again looking forward to the next part

Soul_Slayer post Yesterday, 02:46 PM: I'm fairly sure your last post didn't need an help :) btw did you make that house yourself?

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 03:05 PM: Whats there to say really? :) great animations on a great character :)

Karandras post Yesterday, 04:34 PM: Wow that nose is god awful ugly! try remaking that character into a Breton, those are hard to mess up as badly as you did on this one

highpressure post Yesterday, 04:47 PM: That armor is awesome :) nice subtle use of the new animations to :)

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 05:03 PM: Wow those shots are amazing   :Bow:

Soul_Slayer post Yesterday, 05:35 PM: You know, I cant recall ever mentioning how wonderful that character looks, hmm, oh well, no time like the present. That character looks wonderful :)

trollf post Yesterday, 05:43 PM
: Sorry to keep repeating myself but how the heak did you manadge to make that first picture?   :blink:   :blink:

Karandras post Yesterday, 05:46 PM
: Stop humiliating yourself with these rotten pictures! not only did you not fix the nose, they are almost all to dark!

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 06:06 PM
: Those wings look a little bulky for the situation :)

Yorkmaster post Yesterday, 06:17 PM: Um mabey I'm loosing my eyesight faster than I though but to me he looks exactly the same in both pictures... what is different ?

Darziak post Yesterday, 06:20 PM: Very nice continuation of the story, this part seemed very "Nordish" to me :)

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 06:45 PM
: Now that gives a new meaning to the word flaming kick :)

Spike4072 post Yesterday, 06:56 PM: For some reason i find your character's smiles highly disturbing, sorta like they are about to bite someone's head off...:)

Rumpleteasza post Yesterday, 07:27 PM: Just as amazing as the first and funny to boot, I salute you (but i cant find an emote of that so you can just pretend its here)

Treetop Smoker post Yesterday, 08:41 PM: Where did you get that outfit? I was looking for one like it a few days ago and couldn't find anything

Xetirox post Yesterday, 11:17 PM: wow that was a long story, good thing it was so interesting   :cheers:  It never occurred to me how that book would teach you so much so quickly :)

MystykStar post Yesterday, 11:45 PM: Nice looking character, I am looking forward to your hair mod :)

ghaleon1103 post Today, 12:17 AM: Great pictures showing the evolution of your character :) Oh and don't worry no one bites to much (see my replies to Karandra's horrible picture above)   :whistling:

Treetop Smoker post Today, 12:20 AM: Talk about doomed, those legion soldiers never stood a chance :)

Spike4072 post Today, 12:34 AM: Nice use of that second animation there, I havn't yet been able to figure out a way to make it look good like you did :(

And now to sleep, hopefully my next character will be slightly more acceptable   :angry: (to me that is, not sure about anyone else :) )

Edit: Wow i jsut noticed how many posts that was for a single day, Keep it up everyone :) (yea i know it wont happen but i can dream)

#314591 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 12 June 2007 - 07:16 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I just download all the rar folders and go through them :) some interesting stuff there (an ogre companion for one).

My favorite one aside from the animations in the first one on this page. It lets you change the weather and time of through a menu like AIC. It also lets you spawn little stones of different colors that give off light (I plan on using them in dark shots :)

Edit: Changed the link so it actually works

#314603 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 12 June 2007 - 07:45 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I just download all the rar folders and go through them :) some interesting stuff there (an ogre companion for one).

WOW !  Thats alot fo rar folders.  Have you tried this file GG_Valeria_Revived_bitch_051.ZIP   :rolleyes:   ?

lol i noticed that one but for the moment i skipped it :)

#311213 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 03 June 2007 - 06:44 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Ill let you in on my super secret and 100% effective method of getting great action shots, pure dumb luck :) For every picture i post I have 5-10 failures that for some strange reason I save..the folder is over a gig btw :)

#314393 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 11 June 2007 - 06:54 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@ Everyone:    That ErosBook Mod -1.5 MB   sounds interesting....... :devil:

Opening up the texture of the front cover tells me all I need to know about that one :)

#314582 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 12 June 2007 - 06:57 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I love the armour, Karandras! Where's it from?

Its from the Japanese site :) http://eq2.matrix.jp/snup3/upload.html
9th down, KS items

#314380 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 11 June 2007 - 05:48 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Treetop Smoker:
Holy Crap!  Amazing animations!  Where would I, perhaps, be able to find these new animations? (especially that kick one...)

The new animations are here its the 5th one down, enjoy :)

Edit: Darn it all treetop, I was so close! Oh well might as well use this space to mention that while installing all my mods i screwed something up and am now reinstalling  oblivion again...sigh...anyway no more pics till at least tomorrow from me.

#312399 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 06 June 2007 - 07:29 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I just realized I missed a lot of people's posts this morning :(, my apologies to all those who I missed, they are included in this post

Chimera(1): Interesting story you have going there, I absolutely love your third picture :)

Shadow'(1): That has got to be one of, if not, the best battle scene I have ever seen. The angles, lighting, posing and editing are all near perfect.

Zombie216(1): Gald you didn't loose your character, it would be a shame to have to start over. I am quite curious however about your second picture, how did you manage to have the clouds do that?

ShadowJ(1): (by any chance are you affiliated with Shadow' or are your names just a coincidence?) wow thats a lot of pictures, must have taken forever to post them. As for the pictures themselves though I can't help but feel sorry for the guards. I didn't even know there were 780 guards in all of Cyrodil :) Good job on keeping the shots diverse and interesting, i have a ton of trouble with more than 5 or 6 pictures on the same topic.

Alexander Wolf(1): SeV put it perfectly when they said your character looks angelic. :) I love those wings

End of the Catch up pictures. Sorry about that again everyone, the page changing made me mess up :(. (see? i can always find something to blame.)

Floydian 1(1)
: Back to short hair I see :) I think it would be close to impossible to come up with a hair style that made them look bad   :rolleyes:

Soul Slayer(1): I really wish their was some way to make ren's hair not clip so much, that always annoys the heak out of me when I try to take screenshots when my character is moving. Oh and Azani doesn't stand a chance against you :).

Yorkmaster(1): Very nice looking character, I really like those eyes, they are Dark Seducer right? As for stealth armor might I humbly suggest this? It is my favorite type of stealth armor :)

Flucidity(1): Now thats a race you don't see every day, what is he exactly? Species notwithstanding great lighting in those pictures :)

Invader13(1): Nice mounted combat pictures though I though the idea was to take off the enemies head and not your horses head :) (or was that intended? I cant tell)

Darziak(1): I would have to say continue with this story for another chapter or 2, I like how its going :)

Floydian 1(2): Congratulations on becoming a god :) That character really seems to fit in with the Shivering isles

Kimory(1): lol for some reason those pictures remind me of when i go to EB :)

Treetop Smoker(1): The horribly disturbing first linked picture aside (:)), great pictures. I have found that swimming pictures are really hard to get right and yet yours look great, well done :)

Karandras(1): Passable pictures but not your best by any length of the imagination...wait a sec, I haven't even posted them yet...okay everyone ignore this comment for the next 15 minutes or so till I get my next batch posted.

Btw a quick question for everyone who actually read what i write down here, does anyone actually look at my Photobucket album linked in my sig? I was thinking of removing it to make room for some other stuff but if people actually look there I wont.

Edit: removed the massive block of empty space at the bottom of this post and added the missing comment for Darziak.

Edit 2: Btw if you ever notice I have neglected a post of your please tell me so I can correct it

#312895 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 07 June 2007 - 06:28 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Nice, another active day for screenshots :)  That always makes this more interesting :) Oh and a quick question for anyone who knows, is there a quick and simple way of switching between BAB and Exnems? my attempt of this today nearly forced me to reinstall oblivion   :whistling:

Grimbot(1): Great landscape and combat pictures as always :) your horse in the second picture looks strange, are they modded?

Soul Slayer(1): I remember doing that quest :) the darn elf kept dieing on me :)

Rogue Sun(1): Great combat pictures, I really like your mount :) who is that you are fighting?

Chimera(1): Nice shots there, i liked the sound effects you added :) (btw why does everone call your character child?)

Soul Slayer(2): Ah! A set of Exnem's armor I haven't seem before? how is this possible?? In all seriousness thats a really nice set of armor :)

Treetop Smoker(1): That is a really cool bow, whats it called?

Chimera(2): Great angles on these pictures :) I love dragon pics :)

Chimera(3): Deja vu....:) (that was a good movie actually....)

Rumpleteasza(1): Strange as it may be I kinda prefer the Vanilla stick twist style hair on that character, it just seems to work well with them

Floydian 1(1): Okay I have a challenge for you, make a character not amazing looking for once, I am starting to think you can't :)

DIE 75(1): More monkeying around I see :) that armor looks great with oblivions lighting in those pictures :)

Soul Slayer(3): Stupid mountain lion, poor oger, nice dog, and lucky Oreyn, did I miss anything? :)

Floydian 1(2): See my comment above  ;)

Shadowj(1): I have always liked that waterfall :) and yea that is a dramatic place for a fight :)

Ryu Doppler(1): Any chance that horse you could mount? :) Great DC screens, i am still having trouble getting it to work :(

Treetop Smoker(2): What body mod are you using? It almost looks like it changes from picture to picture  :huh:

Rogue Sun(2): wow great picture, it really has a neat feeling to it :)

I swear one of these days my fingers are going to break doing this (I don't look forward to that day) Till them keep up all the great pictures (and even after though don't expect me to comment on them with broken fingers...)

#314193 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 11 June 2007 - 06:28 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@Karandras[/b]: Those church shots are great, lot of drama going on. I like the pose here, very tragic-looking. And damn, those characters have some seriously neat-looking robes, where are they from? This guy's textures are amazing, he looks genuinely creepy! And a Dremora child? Not something you see everyday. Aside from that,the parting shot is awesome. I'm a sucker for in-your-face action shots. Really pick up the weapon's details. Good luck on the new character.

Thank you for your comments, The robe my character is wearing is This. The Dremora child (who I never actually named) and amoz are wearing robes from Slof's Goth Shop 2 found here. annimarco and the mythic dawn assassins are using robes from Slof's robe trader (exnem version) located

As for This one thats not a guy :) its my main character with skin grafts applied to their face due to the fire.  

I will have some pictures today of my new character assuming everything goes as planned :)

Now on to the long part of this post

Floydian1 post Jun 9 2007, 06:50 AM: I have always liked that armor, nice character pictures

Kimory post Jun 9 2007, 10:16 AM: LOL "mini people revenge" "ultra fat midget attack of fury and all things short" ? Where do you come up with that? I cant stop laughing eveytime I look at it  :D

Floydian1 post Jun 9 2007, 10:32 AM: wow they look great with those sparkle spells, Very nicely done

Treetop Smoker post Jun 9 2007, 11:27 AM: That armor looks great, I plan on using it a lot on my new character :)

Floydian1 post Jun 9 2007, 11:49 AM: More nice pictures, those look very romantic :)

Soul_Slayer post Jun 9 2007, 12:04 PM: Great pictures of the fighters guild there, Oryen's painting looks like something I would draw :)

Zombie216 post Jun 9 2007, 12:41 PM: It might be me but blood doesn't suit her well, your character somehow seems to elegant for it  ;)

highpressure post Jun 9 2007, 02:46 PM: As usual great combat pictures, I really like the next to the last one with the nebula.

Treetop Smoker post Jun 9 2007, 02:50 PM: I am loving all these armor and weapon mixtures you are using, they look great :)

Floydian1 post Jun 9 2007, 03:58 PM
: Fun above the beach it seems :) you got some really great pictures in this bunch

JazzJR post Jun 9 2007, 05:22 PM
: I really love the second picture here, the pose and lighting are wonderful :)

Floydian1 post Jun 9 2007, 06:06 PM
: I really like how all your character's stories seem to be linked :) Somehow though i get the feeling that town seems just a bit to evil for the fairies :)

Darziak post Jun 9 2007, 06:19 PM
: Nice pose and great looking horse, is that from Slof's horse mod? (or whatever that mod is called, my memory is completely shot today)'

Rogue Sun post Jun 9 2007, 10:56 PM
: Now that is an awsome picture, wonderfully done :)

-chimera- post Jun 9 2007, 11:16 PM
: Is that a new character or a old one with new hair? either way nice looking picture, I really like that armor :)

Alexander Wolf post Yesterday, 06:32 AM: That is a great pose there, I really like all the new animations that have been coming out recently :)

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 06:36 AM: More pictures of a burning city? No complaints here I live these shots of your :)

VanQa post Yesterday, 07:25 AM: Jiggilag has got to be one of the worst villain names ever :) despite that those are some great pictures

highpressure post Yesterday, 08:46 AM: Awsome backgrounds on those picture, how did you do that? Also whats the mod that lets you duel wield that dagger?

cyborgakadjmoose post Yesterday, 10:34 AM
: Great Looking character! I really like their face and armor

highpressure post Yesterday, 01:37 PM: Wonderful action pictures though isn't bringing a horse cheating? :) (how did you do it anyway? :) )

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 02:03 PM: Dragons and burning cities=awesome :)

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 02:35 PM: I love that new Jump animation, I am never going back to the old one :)

Treetop Smoker post Yesterday, 07:18 PM: You know im starting to think Bethesda should have hired more Japanese people to work on the games default animations :) Those look great

Floydian1 post Yesterday, 07:37 PM: Do you ever stop takig pictures? This makes nine posts that I have commented on so far. Mind you I'm not complaining at all :)

Treetop Smoker post Yesterday, 07:41 PM: More awesome new animations, is there and end in sight? lets hope not :)

Rumpleteasza post Yesterday, 08:06 PM
: It may have been done a hundred times before but yours is one of my favorites :) Those pictures all have a downright evil feeling to them, amazing work :)

Treetop Smoker post Yesterday, 08:07 PM: See my comment above :)

Darziak post Yesterday, 08:09 PM: I eagerly await it :) Great lighting in the second picture too :)

Treetop Smoker post Yesterday, 08:47 PM: How many times am i gonna have to keep saying this? :)

Zombie216 post Yesterday, 10:34 PM
: wow nice looking character, she looks very similar to my new character I'm working on (I am gonna be changing a few things to keep her different than yours :)

Treetop Smoker post Today, 01:06 AM: Gah!

Spike4072 post Today, 02:52 AM: wow really nice, i have been waiting for the continuation of this story :)

madmole post Today, 04:08 AM: Really really nice character, she does look quite noble :) Btw a suggestion for your future pictures, open up the console with the ~ key and type TM to disable the hud. I have found it helps a lot when taking pictures (just type TM in again to get it back)

Floydian1 post Today, 04:14 AM: any chance you have been reading what I have been saying to Treetop smoker? :)

Chiglet post Today, 04:25 AM: Well for a fighter i think the third face is the best but for a noble the first one seems to fit a bit more (at least to me)

Xetirox post Today, 06:07 AM
: even if they are rejects those are some awesome character and landscape pictures :) I really liked the last one :)

Edit: Soul_Slayer post Today, 10:28 AM: Um wow, thats um, yea...if you keep this up greatfool1 will be out of a job :)

Strange, I never have had my fingers go numb before now...:)

Anyway wonderful shots everyone, keep it up! :)

#314208 Comments about PoOC thread #10

Posted by Karandras on 11 June 2007 - 08:00 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives


To be honest, I'm suprised it's taken so long. Someone give the guy a medal! The world's a better place.

LOL! You never took alook at my screenshot album then? ;)

And here i was thinking some of my shots were getting a little to...adult   :rolleyes: guess im gonna have to work on that hu? :)

#338724 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 22 August 2007 - 07:54 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Karandras cool, ill try it, any character ideas for me though?

Try this character generator.  Some of the results could be quite interesting if you put them into oblivion :)

#338719 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 22 August 2007 - 07:46 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Lady Blue

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is that black armor and where did you find it?

Made it myself :)
The helmet mesh was made by Phitt though

Ah nice :) It came out very well :)

#339379 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 24 August 2007 - 03:08 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

And now for the catch up post, complete with the useless fact of the day (I changed that a bit :) ) and the quote of the day (or quotes)

Useless fact of the day: The white elephant is the sacred animal of Thailand.

Quote of the day: If your parents never had children, chances are you won't, either.

On the the comments! *checks the number of posts since the last comment post*  *Runs away screaming*

Oh all right none of that :)

Start time: 4:20 PM

Lady Blue

Post #155: A self-portrait? Vice nice :)

Post #155 part 2: Great collection of characters, I always like group shots   :new_thumbs:

Post #164: Wonderful shot she fits right in with those stars :)

Post #181: I have never used self shadows but after seeing those shots I think I am going to give it a try :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions
: in your group shot what is everyone named?

Rogue Sun

First off congratulations on having the number one picture on Tessource   :cheers:  now for the rest of your pictures :)

Post# 156: The sheer amount of details in this shot is staggering, I would have to say this is one of, if not the, best shot you have yet done   :Bow:  

Post #178: Amazing sky picture, it is my new desktop :)

Post #180: Another really nice shot, it looks very, crisp, for lack of a better word. :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Okay two questions for you, How did you get the shield effect in this shot? And the other question is what mod changed the sky to look like that?


Post #157: wow that is a lot of tattoos!

Post #158(nudity): Really nice shots, I really liked the sunset in this one (btw I think you might have goofed on the first two shots, they are the same picture)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Keep up the great tattoos :)


Post #159: She looks kinda ticked with the camera always following her around

Post #165: Great looking set, I hope hector can keep up with all this armor you are making :)

Post #177: Queen of the world :)

Post #184: You might wanna get those nails checked, they look a bit sickly

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Do you have a link for those nails?


Post #160: LOL :lol:  further reason to hate that pointy haired elf :) I really like this shot :)

Post #185(WARNING: Very disturbing image): Well that shot is...different  :lol:

Suggestion/questions/answers to questions: Put some warning labels on that sort of picture next time! I know it doesn't contain nudity but still... :)


Post #161: Normally I wouldn't call a character emo but that guy really deserves it

Suggestion/questions/answers to questions: Post more pictures of that guy :) (please? I find him hilarious)


Post #162: Really nice martial arts shots   :new_thumbs:

Post #182: hehe That is a great shot, she looks annoyed with him so he got her flowers :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Where did the pants in this come from?


Post #163: More really nice characters. I really liked your half-dremora   :coolthumb:

Post #171: I see why she is your favorite :)

Suggestions/questions/answer to questions: Wow you have a lot of characters :) (More a general observation than a question, sorry)


Post #166: A Bedtlyryoodtekembedtekemrohtrohtyahkem Dohtekemlyriyagethhekemtayem? that reminds me, I am hungry...*wanders off to find some food* I never could figure out that coder :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Really nice looking character :)


Post #167: She looks great except as you mentioned she does have a touch of green around the eyes.

Post #170: Beating up your companions to make them look better? That is a new one :)

Post #176: I think I should warn Martin, after all, "cs digital knife" sounds painful :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: You sure have some interesting ways of getting your characters to look as great as they do :) It is strange you should mention that about IFT though, I have never noticed any greenn or red spots before.


Post #168
:  :blink: WOW that looks amazing! The more I look at it the better it gets to  :o  

Post #168 part 2: Those pictures are amazingly detailed, I would have to say your screenshots got a lot better in your nearly 2 month break :) Glad to see you again.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you get that shot? (I know I know, short question, long answer, sorry)


Post #169: Really nice SI shots.

Post #187: hmm might wanna check to see if the .kf files are being put in the right place, that same sort of thing happened to me once.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is it just me or does her skin look really messed up in this picture?  :unsure:


Post #172: wow, that is an amazing picture! You have outdone yourself once again :)

Post #190: She looks great even when she is inspecting her nails :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you get everything to look so detailed in shot?


post #173: Slimed! :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: I really need to think of some more questions... *sigh*


Post #174: And now why was he trying to put her in jail? :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Is that the breath of fire spell from Midas magic?


Post #175: Is that a vampire? *slowly reaches for the crossbow and holy water*

Post #179: Nope no problem here  :) (even more so with people who can do that :)

Post #183:   :woot:  Nice movie and pictures :)

Post #186: She looks wonderful :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Do you edit your pictures at all? They look very, bright


Post #188: That makes up for the horror of having to scroll down past GF1's picture and then some :)

Post #191: Wonderfully alluring and angelic as always :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Curses! I seem to have lost all my abbility to come oup with questions today, my apologies  :(

All done and caught up (for a few minutes)

Finish time: 6:52
Total time: 2 hours 32 minutes

I am getting quicker at this

And now I am looking for suggestions, please, enlighten me to any and all idea you may have for these posts of mine. Given my desire for thing that are constantly changing there is a very high chance your idea will be used at least once :) So, I am sure you all have them so let me know :)

(Oh and just because I do this post daily don't let that stop you(whoever is reading this) from doing your own comments post :) I am noticing distressingly few others.. :whistling: )

Edit: Darn it all! To many emotes! This post is going to be downright spartan at this rate...

Edit2: Wow that is a long post...that is the last day I take off from doing this

Edit 3: It seems 50 emotes is the limit, just in case anyone wanted to know

Edit 4: darn it all, I had an emote in an edit putting it over again

#339471 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 24 August 2007 - 08:27 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Not been released yet although they worked fine here so I should imagine release in imminent, also note they don't work with slof's robe trader.

Nice :) and drat :( That is going to be a hard choice between Slofs robe trader and those hoods.

#338479 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 22 August 2007 - 04:07 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Edit: Saved from the double post by Soul_Slayer, many thanks :)

Darn, this is going to be a double post isn't it? Oh well. I just noticed that I posted the comments a little early last night and a good number of people posted more shots after I was done.

Also I just wanted to apologize to ChaironDeCeleste, I missed your post even though it was several hours before I even started on mine, sorry about that, I mixed things around last night and your post was kinda lost :(.

I know I haven't mentioned this recently but if you ever notice one of your posts are missing from the comments thread and it was posted before the thread came out (about an hour or two before) then please let me know about it.


Post #125: "Bulky, rusty, old Daedric tin can"? That is a new way of describing the best armor in the game :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Here is the link to the Hashshashin armor (who would want to wear a tin can all day? :) )


Post #130: I agree, those shots are amazing :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What companion is that?


Post #131: getting backed into a corner is never a good idea :) (although from all the blood I am guessing you know that already :whistling: )

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Well a list of recommended mods from me would make hours to write up (that gives me an idea....) Anyway if you would like suggestions for mods could you pick a category for me to work on?


Post #134: That dress looks really good on her :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: I never noticed before how the fingers were taken off the glove before. Did you do that or is it normal?


Post #133: Ah so that's that it looks like, very nice :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: If you wanted I would be happy to help you with some of those armors by doing some re-colorings of the armor (yes I know that is the easy part but that is what I am best at currently  ;) )


Post #134: Wow, that is a lot of picture, looks like you had fun in the city at the expense of the city (and the people in it) :) I love the flying zombie emperor :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What caused that large dust cloud? some sort of spell?


Post #135: Красивейший :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: нагое изображение должно использовать url :(

Lady Blue

Post #136: Drat, looks like I need to make more comments on the type font...

Rogue sun

Post #137: Great looking outfit, It looks like something a Dark Elf would wear :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Plan on releasing it? :) Or were you planning on doing more work on it before that?


Post #138: He looks really ticked at someone :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Can't think of any sorry (this happens with your posts a lot doesn't it? hmm...)

Reply to Soul_Slayer's post above this one in the comments thread: Nice thank you, I will have to read through that.

#339464 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 24 August 2007 - 08:14 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Okay seeings as we just hit the 200 post mark (wow that was fast) This is just a quick comment post before everyone moves on to thread #17 (once it is made)

Being as this is a short post you will only be getting half a fact of the day and a half useless quote of the day :)

Quote of the day: There is no fate that...

Useless fact of the day: One in every 15 living organisms in...
(if you ask nicely and I am feeling generous I will give you the rest of these :) )

Rogue Sun

Po.. #192: Amazing sunsets   :Bow:  

Suggestions/questi...: Where in Cyrodil were those shots taken? I almost want to say Anvil but I am not sure.


Po.. #193
: Those shadowed hoods look awesome, they make her look really menacing :)

Po.. #200( :cheers: ): I have a bad feeling as to where those are headed... *winces*

Suggestions/questi...: Have those shadowed hoods been released or are you just testing them for the author?


Po.. #194: Really nice, she is my favorite of your characters :)

Po.. #198: Then again, this is a very close second :) Those are amazing battle shots :) (I love your use of the new animations)

Suggestions/questi...: What pose is this one?


Po.. #196: I know this was your comment post but that wont stop me from commenting on it :) (The lack of things to say on the other hand, will)

...: Hmm I couldn't come up with a question for a post with pictures before, now I am trying to make one for a post with only text...yea right :)


Po.. #197: Another great sunset shot this seems to be the night for them :) Then again, it is one of those things that never gets old :)

Suggestions/questi...: Did you add a flare effect to that shot or is that normal?


Po.. #199: wow, you did a really good job editing his face   :new_thumbs:

Suggestions/questi...: She looks happy :)

Today, thread #16! Tomorrow?! Thread...17...kinda anti-climatic don't you think? We really should give the threads names so they aren't just numbers...

#339396 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 24 August 2007 - 04:15 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Yay! Karandras is feeling better now! ^_^
I ALWAYS look forward to your posts everyday Karandras, especially your facts & quotes, always puts a smile on my face one way or another :)
Thanks for taking your time everyday to post these comments for us, thats really sweet of you   :hug:

Replies like this are are the primary reason I do it so in fact it should be me thanking you :)

#337260 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 18 August 2007 - 07:58 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I liked this quote :)

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.


Post #46: Very nice, she fits right in with your other characters :)

Post #56: Wow she really does look like Amanda tapping, now we just need someone to add P90s to oblivion....

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: none, sorry :(


Post #47: Quite nice, I really like that flaming sword.

Post#49: Awesome :new_thumbs:

Post #50: Drat, now I am curious...

Post #61: That guard seems a bit fishy...

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What was deleted? :)


Post #48: Those are amazing tattoos *questions moved to the end of the post, move along*

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Has Blackdragon66 released those textures?


Post #51: I think you forgot to put any clothes on in this picture...

Post #64: I would ask what pose is that but for once I actually know, woohoo!

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions
: Do you have any sort of a time frame for when you will be releasing the shop or is it to early to know?


Post #52: Wait a min...that isn't Gwen! What devilry is this?! whoops...didn't quite mean to type that...heh...Nice character :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions
: I demand the return of Gwen...shoot, that wasn't a questions...ah here is a question, isn't your Tabaxi named Venka? Not Cath Leitha....strange...


Post #53: Very nice, I liked the format you posted those in :cookie:

Post #62
: I never knew Xerxes tried out for a singing contest...(Sorry thats just what it looks like to me)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Did you edit this picture? The stars look a bit blurred.


Post #57
: She is positively glowing :wub:

Suggestion (never going to happen)/questions/answers to questions: Is the glowing effect from a night-eye spell or a effect added in Photoshop?


Post #54: Yikes! A demon! Quick, fetch the holy water and a crossbow!

Post #58: Neat, I never knew about that command, thanks

Post #63: AHH! It's back! and it looks really good....I guess we can call off the crusade...

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Don't let the comments above fool you, I really do like the hooves :)


Post #60: And to think they got blood all over you, how rude...

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions/comments
: Really nice picture, I look forward to more :)


Post #65: I swear, every time you post pictures they get better and better :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did you get the sky to look like that? It looks amazing...

And a parting quote:

Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it.

Good night, well morning, everyone :)

#337404 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 19 August 2007 - 09:02 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

You know, I think this place gets more insane every day...and I like it...

#336665 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 16 August 2007 - 01:21 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Well today I decided to do this a little earlier than normal because I have been feeling tired.

Hmm to post in thread 15 comments or thread 16 comments....decisions decisions...oh well, here will do

Quote of the day:

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.


Post #195: Amoz looks really good wearing that armor, I don't get the comment though... :unsure:

Post #197: You have been using Amoz as a bullet shield for months? Shame on you! :)

Post #200: First a   :cookie: for getting post 200. Now I know it may be a bit pathetic but I am yet again not getting the comment, sorry :( (Still a good picture though[/url]

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Mabey a little explination box for those of us (me) who are humor impaired?   :whistling:


Post #196: Well thats a new one, a blue, friendly, Xivilai fairy out to help people :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: How did he manage to spear his hand? :)


Post #199 (video): Very nice little videos, I really liked you choices of music on both of them :coolthumb:

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: The only question I can think of involves piracy so I won't ask it :whistling: (if anyone who has no sense of humor and works for the RIAA reads this it is a joke, please don't sue)


Post #201: Not the sort of person I want to meet in a dark oblivion cave :) (or anywhere for that matter...)

Thread 16

Post #2: WHAT IS THIS!!?!?! I repost not even an hour after the original!?!? Thats it I quit...

#337594 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 19 August 2007 - 07:23 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I am sure you will all notice but I took out the suggestions/questions/answers to questions section because after several days it was proving to be cumbersome and of little use, if people want I can add it back in but I don't have any plans to do it again currently.

Quote of the day:

The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.


Post #66: Very nicely done

Post #73: Great fight shot, that armor looks great on them.

Post #83: Might wanna check behind you Xerxes :)

Post #88: I agree, the fight for that armor was really fun :)


Post #67: Now I have to visit that island, it looks wonderful...maybe thats just Gwen though :)


Post #68: Woohoo she is back!

Post #78: "Pouting and being cute" indeed :)

Post #84: Well aside from the horns she looks wonderful :) The horns look almost big enough to tip her over :)

Post #85: That armor is great, same goes for the character as well :)

Lady Blue

Post #69: Welcome to the forum :) All three of those girls are resplendent :) My favorite is Erika  ;)

Post #89
: (neat you have both post 69 and 89) Anyway, Wow, I could spend a half hour making a character and she wouldn't be as good looking as you got her in 2-3 minutes :)

Hector the Hooded

Post #70: Well, for committing suicide you sure picked a place with nice walls...and bricks...No no, must not go in that direction again...


Post #71: two new armors in a single post?! wow...just...wow...

Post #75
: Those eyes are awesome, did you make them yourself?


Post #72: Thats a unique place for a picnic :)

Post #76: and just how did the Balrog feel about this? :)

Post #82
: Awesome, that is all.

Post #90: LOL Sia looks downright embarrassed with him dressed like that :)

Ryu Doppler

Post #74: Even if it's purple it still looks great

Post #79
: wow that looks great.


Post #77: "Ain't you a cutey?" I can agree to that :)


Post #80: Deadly and beautiful, is that blood coating the walls? :blink:

Post #81: She looks almost exactly as I imagine Penelope looked when she was waiting for Odysseus   :hug:

Rogue Sun

Post #86: Breathtaking sky, I love how she is posed as well :)


Post #91
: Good idea giving the picture a date, I get a feeling her face will be changing a lot until you find something you are happy with :)


Post #92:   :whistling: *points at the shoulder of the character in my newest picture   :whistling: :) I really like the look of that armor, it was well worth the wait.

Alright thats all for today, my apologies if I messed up anything in this post, I was watching the movie Kennedy for the first half of this post :)

#337744 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 20 August 2007 - 04:37 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Awesome image Karandras!

One of my best in a long time :)

Thats a pretty sweet shot there Karandras.

Thank you both. I really liked how that shot came out.

K, first that word I had to look up & now Penelope waiting for Odysseus? Dude, way too highbrow for these parts! :P (Just kidding - I love these parts, and I even got the Odysseus thing without having to google or anything.)

That *is* blood - it's the arena bloodworks. Nice blood, bad lighting. (And I didn't feel like adding lighting.) Many of the shots I took turned out just way too dark, and I really wanted the blood more noticeable. But let's face it, I prefer the beach shots. :P

Oh, and whatever makes the job easier, Karandras - the comments/suggestions/things, while when you had a comment/suggestion/question was always insightful/useful/interesting, isn't nearly as important as having you on the forums! Don't wear yourself out!

Oh, and I totally agree - 3 minute character? I want Lady Blue with me if I ever go to Vegas again. :P

1. Thank you for the compliment, it just made my day :)

2. Ah okay they really should put some candles in that place :)

3. Well that settles it, I will once again be doing the suggestions/questions/answers to questions section :) After all, if I am not being insightful/useful/interesting then what is the point of me being around the forums? :)

Post #71: two new armors in a single post?! wow...just...wow...

Thanks, jury's still out on the Red/Black one though.

Post #75
: Those eyes are awesome, did you make them yourself?

Thanks, kinda, I made them up from a pic I found on the net, been a Naruto marathon on Cartoon Network. :cheers:

1. well in my opinion it is better then some and worse than others (I know, I know, not exactly helpful :) )

2. Ah neat.

(we so need a snoring emoticon)

I second the motion! We must be able to snore! Loudly!

#338235 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 21 August 2007 - 11:10 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

It would be nice to know what mods are being used with all these excellent shots.

It would be a ton of work to do that for every shot, could you point out a few you would like to know? I would be happy to help

#338471 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Karandras on 22 August 2007 - 02:45 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Karandras i bought bioshock this morning at 10:00 :P oh, and the picture was taken in Sin's wonderful floating castle!

Ah okay, thank you

That sword is the Perfect Madness longsword is SI, the night sky just gives it a blueish touch :lol:
Oh, and thanks for the comment =D
i love it here, everyone is so nice, thanks you guys ^_^

1. That explains it :)

2. Your welcome :)

Post #127: hmm the armor seems a bit washed out from the sun. can't really tell what it looks like :unsure:

Yeah, I messed around with the normal maps on it, there's new pics posted.

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Two questions: Do you have any other shots of the armor in post #127?

I just said there were new pics posted, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!?!  :wacko:  :blink:  :huh:  :mellow:
Sorry, must've blacked out there.   :whistling:

And do you have any plans for variations of the colors of the armor in post #122?

Oh great, give me more ideas, the shop'll never get released.   :rolleyes:   :cheers:

1. Is there any sort of guide to normal maps somewhere? I am always messing them up   :angry:

2. okay, time to move along...   :whistling:

@Karandras- No i did not edit it, just turned out that way after uping my settings abit (LOD)

oh okay


Post #120: Очень славная последовательность сражения с zombie :)

Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Did that get converted alright? My Russian is is not even close enough to to type that up without bablefish :)

Thank you!
You know the Russian language? Вы знаете русский язык?  :blink:

только немногая  :unsure: