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There have been 2 items by Walex (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#296711 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Walex on 05 May 2007 - 10:45 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

So this is the new place where all of you screenshot-gods are sharing their work, very nice!
After watching your fabulous pics for some time now I thought to begin posting here too, so this will be my first screenshot post :)



Really really hot :)

And now my screenies:
They are by far not perfect, critisism is welcome ^^

Bring it on!
Posted Image

It's really big
Posted Image

Posted Image

A hard fight
Posted Image

Repost from the official boards:
Posted Image

What do you think how big a screenie should be?
Is 1280x1024 too big? (It's the biggest I can make)






Floydain, thats a great lightning, whats your secret?

#297527 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Walex on 07 May 2007 - 02:02 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

3 Threads in 3 days...wow ^^

I don't like the embedded images for my shots since I'm running a 20" widescreen monitor. It makes my images look...funny. So here's some links.

Lynn learned a new trick   :shifty:


This links don't work for me...  :(



Wanna see more  :wub:


Wow that looks good.
Reminds me at some other game... *think*

held up the souvenir. I checked out the locked boxes around me (apparently OOO got rid of the lock-picking mod in RC2 which is nice?) and found some primo stuff, including  a nice 14% chameleon ring: KACHING!


So I head out towards the water, dive in and come out on top. Phew.. no enemies.... except... what's that little thing running towards me with a..... AAAHHHH! BABIES WITH KNIVES!!!


That freaked me out a bit. Plus they're fast. EXTREMELY fast. Especially with those knives. I took out 3 of them before quitting to figure out some YEMOD problems.

So that's how my game's going so far....

Are you using a chameleon shader replacer?
Btw, she's very, very pretty
That last pic is funny..fighting skeleton babies  ;)

Here two pics from me:

Preparing to fight in the rain