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#549344 Ztartrax's BWP issues

Posted by tatterdemalion on 03 November 2012 - 08:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

Er, even if you have talked to Suna Seni *before* talking to the servant in the Docks, you must talk to her *after* talking to the servant. She has new dialog options. Then Valygar will be back in his cabin again, that is, if this is the UB content.

#547854 What to do if you've got a CTD

Posted by tatterdemalion on 03 October 2012 - 01:03 PM in IE Help

Hmm... I posted to the Aurora forum last night but I'm not sure whether it's that mod now or something else.

I'm getting a CTD every time I try to load a save in the general Underdark area, or exit into that area from somewhere else. I played through the Underdark before with a different party on this same install without any problems.

The crash is happening about 1/3 of the way through the area load, but NearInfinity can't find any corrupted .are files (or .cre or .wed files for that matter.)

I've tried renaming the .are and .bcs files in the override folder and then deleting temp (to get the game to load them from the originals) and no dice (so I named them back to what they were, figuring I didn't want to risk messing something up.) Where do I go from here?

D'oh, it turns out I misplaced my stores.bif while copying the install. PEBKAC error... *facepalm* All better now.

#547643 TobEx Wish list

Posted by tatterdemalion on 30 September 2012 - 12:45 AM in ToBEx

I don't know if anyone else has suggested this yet (I skimmed a lot of the thread, but it's long; sorry if I'm duplicating suggestions) but there are a couple of hardcoded things which I would LOVE to see changes in, if it's possible...

One: Enable dual-classing to a kit, rather than strictly from a kit, as is currently the case.

Two: Allow non-thief kits to have thief skills... I would greatly appreciate able to make a non-thief kit which disarms traps as it would open up party balance options immensely. After all, it doesn't seem too far-fetched that there would be some kind of ranger or other class which could do this...

#547641 RTT Item Pack

Posted by tatterdemalion on 30 September 2012 - 12:16 AM in Return to Trademeet

The download links appear to no longer exist

D'oh, missed later link in thread.

#549966 I think I like him! [Edit: So I made a soundset! Enjoy.]

Posted by tatterdemalion on 18 November 2012 - 10:29 PM in Adrian

*busily fixes up recordings and drops them in the override folder, as above*

Indeed, it works! So here's the soundset. Please, everyone, do let me know if you use this soundset and/or enjoy it. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. :-)


Attached Files

#549958 I think I like him! [Edit: So I made a soundset! Enjoy.]

Posted by tatterdemalion on 18 November 2012 - 05:50 PM in Adrian

...And I could do a soundset up for him, if anyone is interested. :-)

I understand you may or may not be trying to find full voicing on this project and I'm not sure if I'd have the time or energy to do anything quite so exciting. As such I fully understand that this might be totally replaced if/when Adrian gets a full complement of voiced dialogue lines and that sort of thing.

But I feel like I want to contribute something, and I don't think it would be too difficult to do the basic set of select/action/wounded, etc, sounds, whether to incorporate into the mod or as a separate fan project that people could install manually. His lines are evocative and I can 'hear' them in my head when they appear on the screen - I'd like to actually hear them. :-)

(In fact I think I'm going to go downstairs right now and mess about with my microphone, if only to get him properly chatty in my OWN game. Heh. Never gets done if I don't get off my duff and do it.)

Any objections?

If this does sound good to y'all, and doesn't step on your toes... would anyone be willing to help make the sounds installable, if I record them, as I seem to be able to *read* Infinity Engine code but not figure out how to *write* it to save my life?

(For my own install I can probably just import them and make an override CRE file using DLTCEP, but I'm not sure if that flies as a thing to share with other people.)

[Edit: Soundset is made now & uploaded below. ]

#546360 Daemon boots? (perhaps spoilery) - no progress in special item dialogu

Posted by tatterdemalion on 10 September 2012 - 03:13 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Hmm. To my knowledge, I don't have any mod-added boots of speed; I just have the standard ones from the token machine and maybe from the Planar Prison... Wondering which ones it's looking for...

Is buying boots and then asking questions the only way to find out what upgrades are available?

#546355 Daemon boots? (perhaps spoilery) - no progress in special item dialogu

Posted by tatterdemalion on 10 September 2012 - 02:41 PM in Aurora's Shoes

I'm playing BG2:SOA, have gotten to chapter 6, and Aurora keeps telling me that someone she knows COULD make special boots out of the daemonfey boots + boots of speed for 35000 gold, but the only dialogue options I get are "tell me about daemon boots" and "not today, thanks" (paraphrased.)

Thing is, my party has the daemonfey boots, the boots of speed and about 60k gold, so what am I missing that I need to do?

I haven't managed to get past this point (the "someone I know COULD do this if you had a lot of money") in any special item dialogue with either Aurora or Karaea, despite having paid the 500 gp for contacting so-and-so. :-( What am I missing?

#549497 CTD: Sadly not user error this time

Posted by tatterdemalion on 08 November 2012 - 03:52 AM in Aurora's Shoes

Adding changelogs. (There are no changes in the animation file; I'm just adding it for completeness' sake.)

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#550053 CTD: Sadly not user error this time

Posted by tatterdemalion on 20 November 2012 - 06:32 PM in Aurora's Shoes

I backed up the vanilla game files on my first clean install, and have been doing exactly what you say above.

#549766 CTD: Sadly not user error this time

Posted by tatterdemalion on 13 November 2012 - 09:52 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Er, other than the initial work of cloning the install (basically, following the directions for a standard multi-install, just doing it manually instead of with the tool) I haven't really manually moved around much. As I said, new install (and a new game started on it - I certainly don't try to load old savegames in new installs!) I don't add/subtract mods during a playthrough.

Anyway, I believe I discovered the source of the problem, in any case - I'm guessing it was the "Facestab" component from TB#TWEAKS that did it, as that mod appears in the changelog of the .cre file. I'm guessing it attempts to use something the animation file doesn't account for.

I fixed things by simply directly dropping the .cre file from the Aurora folder back in the Override folder.

#549496 CTD: Sadly not user error this time

Posted by tatterdemalion on 08 November 2012 - 03:42 AM in Aurora's Shoes

At least insofar as I can document.

New install with a lot more stuff than I usually add, because I wanted to play around. Got a CTD repeatedly while attempting to travel to the bridge district, discovered the wonder that is Area CRE Checker (FRICKING AWESOME, may I just say), didn't uncover any broken CREs in the log, did the teleport to "t-test" in game. It crashed loading Tomthal.

Here is my Weidu.log plus CRE checker results. Baldur.err is not uploadable for some reason, but all it says is,

File: ObjCreature.cpp
Line: 12381

Exp: creatureSize == 0

Msg: no msg.

Some questions:

I didn't expect anything I installed after Aurora to screw it up, am I wrong? (Well, obviously I am, but is there a known bug I'm spacing on?)

Is there a particular file I should paste into overrides to fix it, or something else to do?

The next thing I'm going to try is unbiffing the install to re-install the LOW patch, just for the heck of it. (I tried earlier but just realized that it wouldn't do anything over the biffing, oops.) I'll update here if that works, for troubleshooting posterity. (Or if it doesn't!)

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#547815 CTD fixed, never mind, I feel DUMB

Posted by tatterdemalion on 02 October 2012 - 11:12 PM in Aurora's Shoes

[Left for posterity in case someone else is looking for similar information. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Aurora; it wouldn't reinstall because.... stores.bif was missing! I went and found another copy of stores.bif and replaced it. FEEXED. Herp derp.]

OK, so...

In the last few days I created a second install in a different folder. Then I tried to go back and play my saved game in my first install, and MAJOR BORKERY HAPPENED.

I was playing through the beholder dungeon in the Underdark, and it was working fine until I tried to leave to the main Underdark map. That is where the crash to desktop occurs.

I also can't load an earlier save from the Underdark, so it's clear that it's that map which is primarily screwing it up.

I've been over folder contents a zillion times and tried to figure out if any of my new mega-mod install accidentally targeted the wrong folder, but the only files with a recent date are the savegames and cache + temp folders. I tried deleting the cache and temp folders, but that hasn't seemed to help.

(I also determined that somewhere in there I accidentally replaced my dialog.tlk file with a "clean"
one - oops! (there was a little while where item descriptions were missing and my palms started to sweat) but fortunately Windows had a copy of the recent modded one in a restore point, so I restored that and now item descriptions are back. But the underdark crash is still happening. )

I'm posting here because I know there are some animation crashes associated with Aurora and it's the last mod I installed before biffing everything. Are there specific items that tend to cause a problem in the underdark? What the heck is going on? I'm about ready to tear my hair out. :P

Oddly, I played through the UD before on this install and had no problem, and obviously walked through there to get to the beholder dungeon, but now it won't load.

Weidu.log attached.

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#547817 CTD fixed, never mind, I feel DUMB

Posted by tatterdemalion on 02 October 2012 - 11:21 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Oh, and every time it crashes (with logging on) I get the error message,

File: ObjAnimation.cpp
Line: 22763


Msg: no msg.
Run Debugger?

in baldur.err.

Edit: And it looks like the timestamp on ar2100.are is definitely from when I installed Aurora...

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#544940 CtB v1.9 Bug Thread

Posted by tatterdemalion on 14 August 2012 - 05:18 PM in Check the Bodies

Hi there. I've been attempting to install my chosen mods on a new, patched install of BG2:TOB for a couple of days now, and I've been having a problem.

Ascension puts a file in Override called "FINBODH.dlg". Turnabout requires this file to be able to install. Turnabout kept telling me it couldn't find Ascension. So I started over again and checked the Override folder after each mod, and CtB was the one that removed many of the files from Override. It looks like it biffs this so later mods can't find it, causing installation problems.

I did not install anything before it except the patch, Ascension, and the Fixpack; and I checked the Override folder after the fixpack, so I'm confident that CtB is the one which caused the problem.

My OS is Windows 7 and I'm running this in a non-Program Files folder. There seemed to be a couple of "The system cannot find the file specified" lines in the Weidu terminal window.

#549347 Changing biffing for megamod

Posted by tatterdemalion on 04 November 2012 - 04:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

This is probably the right thread for this: I found it impossible to install Turnabout over CtB in the order recommended by the BWP guide (by hand, not using the BWP installer) because Turnabout was looking for "finbodh.dlg" from Ascension, and this file was biffed.

The Ascension-related components of Kelsey had the same problem.

I was able to solve it in another install by pasting an extra copy of finbodh.dlg into the override folder after CtB does its biffing.

Just thought this information might be useful to someone. Carry on. :-)

#545865 [Help Offered] Voicing! Portraits! Proofreading!

Posted by tatterdemalion on 31 August 2012 - 02:22 PM in Classifieds

Posted By: Tatterdemalion
Date Posted: August 31, 2012
Help Offered: See subject line

Details: I will happily pitch in on short projects in any of these areas. These are my abilities.

Voicing: I have had wee bits of acting and voice training here and there, but mostly I have enthusiasm and vocal flexibility. I can voice male or female characters - I have a voice in the contralto-ish range (high notes possible with a big glass of water!) and by the magic of Audacity I can produce a solid masculine range. Check out the attached samples to get an idea. Brody is around low middle of my natural range.

I prefer projects that I can complete all at once and then stop worrying about. I'm interested in voicing short projects right now, like quest characters/soundsets, and I might be willing to consider an NPC project at some point if the writing is already done and it looks like something I can get enthusiastic about (or if it's a voicing-lite NPC to begin with.)

My recording setup is fairly amateurish, so I sometimes have trouble with microphone pops and the like, but I'm decent at producing clean sound clips that are not plagued by excess background noise or volume/pitch problems.

My accent is Californian - i.e., American with 'soft' vowels, typically non-nasal. I can do the lightly faux-British/faux-European accent favored by many BG2 mods,  or shift to a more nasal accent, as requested.

Music: Again, talented amateur. I'm not in a band or nothin', but I have a synthesizer keyboard and I'm not afraid to use it. :-) I score highly on all musical ear training tests, and I'm happy to compose/record/assemble romance themes and similar "incidental music".

Send me a private message if you want some samples from my spoken word project. They're on the web under my real name, so I'd rather not post the link publicly.

Portraits: I typically do photomanips from actor/model pictures and I'm really good at finding pictures that are not straightforwardly recognizable and massaging them into the right "look".

Proofreading/Editing: This is where my hardcore professional skills lie. I'm hesitant to offer because I do enough of this for a living that I am sometimes burned out on it. But it never hurts to ask, and I usually have time for short projects.

I have two degrees in English-related fields, and though I can't translate, I've taught English as a foreign language, so I'm good at "nativizing" rough translations.

* A portrait of Brody, the wannabe-NPC project I've had on the back burner for several years now, edited from a picture of Bollywood actress Amisha Patel.
* A couple of wavs from Brody's soundset (in progress.)
* A full male soundset for BG2 PCs, entitled "Tall, dark and brooding." Feel free to download and share.

(The mic I have now is better than the one I had recording these, btw - again PM for more current samples.)

Attached Images

  • brodyl.jpg

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#549398 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by tatterdemalion on 06 November 2012 - 03:02 AM in 1PP

...aaaaand fixed by re-pasting the "toolscrl.bam" from TobEx back into the override folder (it was biffed by CtB earlier, I believe, which shouldn't have made it not load, but maybe loading order is important?)

Anyway, bug recorded for the ages. Cheerio!

#549396 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by tatterdemalion on 06 November 2012 - 02:16 AM in 1PP

Incompatibility report...

I just put together a mega-mod install with ToBEx, and am sad to report that the GUI from 1PP does not display more than nine kits.

Now I'm unbiffing my whole install so that I can try to solve the problem, although I'm likely to try to solve it dangerously by playing trial and error with override files, since I just used L1NPCs on a huge number of characters and WeiDU doesn't remember settings for that one when un/re-installing. o_O

Oh well. Annals of the highly experimental.