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#372811 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 21 January 2008 - 07:07 PM in Mega Mod Help

I was just using the SMM Install and got a message cannot find Setup-Impasylum.EXE, even though it was located in the BGII-S~1 directory? Any Ideas ?

Hi Manwe!

Seems that you are already at the weidu installation stage already, right?

Check to ensure that Setup-Impasylum.EXE has extracted correctly into BG2 directory in the correct drive. Do note that "BGII-S~1" and "BGII-SOA..." are different folders if both actually exist.

Here, you can save this file into SMM-Patch directory which will pause the installer just before installing Setup-Impasylum.EXE to give you time to double check that it was extracted properly.
Attached File  impasylum.rar   208bytes   223 downloads

Hope this works, else just let me know. Thanks!

#372803 Megamod Resource File tracking

Posted by bigmoshi on 21 January 2008 - 06:47 PM in IE Modding Tools

Hey, bigmoshi - is there any reason this wouldn't work for non-Megas?

I get an error "weidu.log parse null".

I see the entries in D:\BaldursGateTutu\MTCUSTOM.ModTracker; if I switch those to standard Tutu mods, will the tool pick up, or is it hardcoded to "BGII - SoA" as the install folder?

Hi cmorgan!

Looks like the program has passed the stage where it was looking for your weidu.log. Its prompting cos there's some unreadable format in the weidu log that is unreadable by my regex match. Can you send me your weidu.log file and I'll see which mod is acting up for that to give you a new solution. Thanks!

#372624 Megamod Resource File tracking

Posted by bigmoshi on 21 January 2008 - 02:42 AM in IE Modding Tools

Hi all

Here's a small utility to find the resource history of all IE files during weidu-based installations. I was using it to identify edited resources. Just run it in BG2 directory and it dumps all the file changes like this:


Full sample mega-mod resource history -> SAMPLE HISTORY FILE

How to interpret the dumpfile:
So for example, "OVERRIDE/IMOEN.CRE" was last edited by XPMOD#0; before that by BPV177#0; before that by D0QUESTPACK#1; .... where the #1 in D0QUESTPACK#1 indicates the component.

Couple of instructions:
  • Run it in BG2 directory
  • Set the post-installation directory to the folder where you keep all the post-installation weidu folders.
  • Rule of thumb is that the program looks for modfolders using the modname in the SETUP-MODNAME.exe files.
  • However, you can edit MTCUSTOM.ModTracker to specify overrides, the format is based on
  • In the event that the program really can't find the backup folders, it will prompt you on the GUI, so you got to find the backup folder.
Note: This application doesn't edit any IE files.

Download ModTracker here:
Attached File  ModTracker.zip   42.9K   676 downloads

#372566 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 07:46 PM in Mega Mod Help

I'm already half way through the manual install :) Painful, but I'd don't want to repeat the half I've already done.

Once I'm done, I'll backup the "fully installed" folders and files (which ones? dialog.tk, data, which others?) and give the auto install a try again.

Question: I'm going to install Longer Road right before PnP Celestials (as suggested by Leonardo's instructions), but any recommendations as to when I should install Ashes of Embers?

Okay, good luck with that.

If you do have time, you can backup your manual installation using this batch file I'm attaching.
Just run it in bg2 directory. It would be great if you could try again, because there may be a specific issue
that needs fixing but right now am not able to identify it. Thanks again!

Edit: Personally, have not played around with Ashes of Embers, so I'm guessing by saying that it can be installed after refinements based on the installation flow from BigWorldProject. Its a kit based mod, so it may change quite a fair bit of things. GL!

Attached File  Save_Install.zip   453bytes   222 downloads

#372524 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 02:04 PM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks for the reply!

I've been trying to install, but I've been running into a weird stall.

During the install of BGT, it comes to a point where it's processing some bifs and saying how many areas they have, etc, then it stalls at some point. Have you ever encountered such an error? This was using the auto install. I ended up endtasking the installer and recovering, but after recovering trying to reinstall gave me an error about making sure the path for BG1 and Winrar were correct (I made sure BGMain.exe was in the BG1 folder, so it's not that).

Also, I noticed that 2 processes: "wowexec" and "find" are running after I started the auto install. wowexec I can understand because of .net, but could the find process be what was messing up my install?


Hey Billy, when installing BGT there will be a point when it looks like its stalling, but actually it's still running some tasks, except that there won't be updates on the command screen. Leave it to run, it can take anywhere from 15-20mins just for that mod. Btw, you are not alone, I did end task on my first try at BGT in my first megainstall as well :)

"error for path for BG1 and Winrar" - sorry about this, me bad didnt save it back to xml. if you change it and apply settings just before installation, it would work again.

I don't recall having a find process. I may be mistaken, but for your own safety, its a good idea to have some virus scan once in a week/fortnight - at least thats my own practice. I have tried installing with norton antivirus auto-protect running and it worked, though it seemed significantly slower.

I don't get this delay when manually installing. Does the auto installer run some additional processes in the background? How long should I wait before thinking something's wrong? I'm running this on a core 2 2GHz machine with 2 gigs of ram and XP pro.

Hi Billy!

Ok, I'm auto-installing a new game (still running in the background), but here's what I gather so far.

(a) wowexec & find don't appear in my task manager. Were you using procexplorer or some other tool to find those hidden processes?
(b) after bgt displays "successful installation" it will still proceed on to extract files and compress into biffs. Don't close it (which I did on my first try) until it says installation complete. It can stall about 30secs to a min on those. There will be some mods further down the sequence that will have stalls that I remember ranging from 3-5mins.
© the installer does perform processes, but once it passes the call to weidu, it doesn't do much except wait for the call to return. see cpu usage ~ 0 when _weidu.exe / setup-bgt.exe > 0

Can you let me know on your progress. Thanks!

During Winrar Extraction (two files, one for the top of the process list & second for the bottom of the process list)
Posted Image
Posted Image

During BGT installation (two files, one for the top of the process list & second for the bottom of the process list)
Posted Image
Posted Image

CPU usage
Posted Image

#372523 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 02:04 PM in Mega Mod Help

After doing a bit more digging it seems to be a problem with the BG2 Tweak Pack, specifically the ability for wild mages to dual-class. Any way to change this without having to reinstall the whole shebang?

Ah! Thanks for the link. I'll check it out and see if I can do anything about it. btw, are you bookwryme?

I can see the marks on map(not may be all but Trip-top i see in no doubt) but i can't find any way to go there, only by using CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("BH1300") and after then i can't go back(same problem as before goes on worldmap)
p.s. - i dont know all console command...how to know the x,y position on map?)

Hi OverKil,

Can you try to go to Tri-top from the Temple map in your game? Take the top-left corner x600 y20.
The location button I think is "L". If it still doesn't work, can you upload a saved game? I'd like to take a look. Thanks.

#372486 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 10:22 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have a question about this install. Is the wild mage class supposed to be unable to use magic items and scrolls after this install is done? And unable to write new magic to his spellbook? So far I have been unable to equip the Ring of Sorcery from BG1 and I have been unable to write any new spells to my spellbook.

Hi Usurper!

I'll try to create a char for this and see what happens. Thanks for reporting that!

#372485 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 10:19 AM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks for the reply!

I've been trying to install, but I've been running into a weird stall.

During the install of BGT, it comes to a point where it's processing some bifs and saying how many areas they have, etc, then it stalls at some point. Have you ever encountered such an error? This was using the auto install. I ended up endtasking the installer and recovering, but after recovering trying to reinstall gave me an error about making sure the path for BG1 and Winrar were correct (I made sure BGMain.exe was in the BG1 folder, so it's not that).

Also, I noticed that 2 processes: "wowexec" and "find" are running after I started the auto install. wowexec I can understand because of .net, but could the find process be what was messing up my install?


Hey Billy, when installing BGT there will be a point when it looks like its stalling, but actually it's still running some tasks, except that there won't be updates on the command screen. Leave it to run, it can take anywhere from 15-20mins just for that mod. Btw, you are not alone, I did end task on my first try at BGT in my first megainstall as well :)

"error for path for BG1 and Winrar" - sorry about this, me bad didnt save it back to xml. if you change it and apply settings just before installation, it would work again.

I don't recall having a find process. I may be mistaken, but for your own safety, its a good idea to have some virus scan once in a week/fortnight - at least thats my own practice. I have tried installing with norton antivirus auto-protect running and it worked, though it seemed significantly slower.

If you are using Windows XP or newer, can you attach your Setup-BGTDOS.DEBUG found in your BGT install directory? Also check that you haven't run out of disk space and that you simply haven't waited long enough.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I started to manually install. It went well until I started to install TDD, then it stalled again during the "bif processing". I checked and the wowexec and find processes were still in task manager. I rebooted and started installation (manual) from scratch. I've just successfully finished installing TDD and am going to continue.

However, now I'm in bit of a dilemma: should I restore my data/ override/ etc and try auto installing again or just continue to install manually... The thing is, I'm using BGT 105b instead of 105a from the standard SMM, and I'm also installing Longer Road. So I don't know how useful whatever bugs I run into would be for the SSM.

Yes that could happen, but probably more likely if the installer was terminated first before the weidu.exe was terminated. In any case, I'd really suggest to just click on that recovery button before doing another auto-install. A manual installation is seriously boring. BGT1.05b shouldn't have a problem, as nothing was patched before installing it.

Just make sure that particular line in the xml config file shows the following:
** size doesn't really matter for v0.10a
<Mod srcFile="BGT105b_Install.rar" fileSize="XXXXX" qExtract="0" autoExtract="1" extractTo="" modName="BGT" modFolder="" install="1" exists="1" components="0" args="" url="http://moddy.forbesnetwork.com/moddy121.php?mod=02"/>

I tried auto installing again, same prob (different point). I disabled my anti virus this time too. I checked task manager and again some "find" process was running. It seems like the auto installer's hiccuping for some reason on my system.

I've started manually installing again and am installing CtB now. Question:
Can CtB Fast Forward be installed in the SMM as well, if so, at what point? Right after Ctb, after a certain mod, not at all? It's not mentioned in the manual install guide at all.

Thanks a bunch!

There's also a CtB-Chores. Do we install that as well?

edit again:
The XML file says "install=0" for both Chores and Fas Forward. Does they cause a conflict if installed?

When you wrote "same prob (diff point)", did you mean that it stalled again on your system, but at another mod? If so, which mod & how long did it stall for? Since, at least BG2_FIXPACK was installed, since it comes before BGT, I'm quite sure your system has the required v1.1 dotnet framework.

Well I can't comment on Chores and Fas Forward, as I haven't played with those two mods yet. With the current installation, bg1 is already taking many hours off me :D Now what abt Bg2 :doh:

#372477 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 20 January 2008 - 09:35 AM in IE Modding Tools

Project Title (Tentative): Infinity Xplorer 2008

Code Name: LittleIX

Status: In-Progress
Language: C#


Was playing around to design a new game editor to practise a bit of coding. The editor is supposed to be user oriented, and I'll be trying to keep some of the good points in the old IE. Its written in C#, and is very preliminary.

Basic Design - Framework:

  • Look & feel to extend on IExplorer's ease of use design
  • Able to view / edit IE file resources
  • Able to switch among game directories - Berelinde (current feature in old IE)
  • Able to work on multiple resources file documents concurrently
  • Able to click & link to relevant resources - (powerful feature in old IE)
  • Improve dialog fluency - Ascension64
Basic Design - Specific Features:
  • Display scrolling X and Y coordinates for area maps - Conrad
  • Wavc conversion to wav formats - Berelinde
  • Able to personalise bookmarks for important resource files

Extended Design - Proposed Framework:

  • Able to perform checks on validity of files
  • Integrated Modding/Debugging Environment for mega-mods
  • Able to autogenerate simple tp2 commands via file comparisons - Wizworm [refer to Baronius' tp2 generator - cmorgan]
  • Traification tool? - cmorgan [refer to ClanDLAN's traification tool]

Proposed Scope of Work:
  • Phase 1 - To build the front end for Basic Design
  • Phase 2 - To build the validity engine checks to identify unreferenced resources etc.
  • Phase 3 - To do more things by analyzing mega-mod installation resource histories using mod-tracker.exe
  • Phase 4 - To auto-generate tp2 files via file comparison (feasibility study)
Well, the intention is to open the floor to generate a list of possible features to improve modding life, so that it would be possible to incorporate them in the program design before going further. Right now I'm still writing the decoders for the resource files using iesdp. Also, its very Bg2 oriented at the moment, as I'm still not quite sure what the actual differences are between PST/IWD/IWD2 etc, are.

Built on dotnet framework, so may not be usable on MacOSX unless using vmwares I think.

It will be made open source later if anyone is interested, but likely only after stablizing the first release.

Still very preliminary in Phase 1, but here's a glimpse of how LittleIX it looks like now.

Posted Image

#372351 Working with mega-modification installations

Posted by bigmoshi on 19 January 2008 - 06:42 PM in Mega Mod Help

Stupid Question -->

#372347 SMM:An odd slowdown

Posted by bigmoshi on 19 January 2008 - 06:26 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hey TKATK! Any luck with this? Else i'll try it tonight again. Thanks

Sorry have been working on some stuff past week.

#372345 Can't find doors

Posted by bigmoshi on 19 January 2008 - 06:23 PM in Mega Mod Help

Yeps, theres a de'arnise key I think on the lower left of the exterior map in bonehill. I think

Update! Sorry, the keep key is exactly where blood titan said it was. Its in the cupboard near the bottom right of that level BH1003

#372344 Text bug in Bone Hill Dungeon

Posted by bigmoshi on 19 January 2008 - 06:22 PM in Mega Mod Help

Wow, what was that. How did you manage to kill both beholders. My beholders just died, cos the green one farted and the orange one died on the spot.

#372341 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 19 January 2008 - 06:18 PM in Mega Mod Help

I'm installing the SMM.

In the beginning, the auto installer gave me a warning about some mods which are "packaged differently" and thus would require interaction, after which it would run on its own. It also warned me that I may see errors regarding "dialog.tk" and that I can ignore them.

However, some of these "differently packaged" mods (I think it was the Quest Pack and one other) gave CMD prompt pop ups which said that WeiDu has been updated and that I should restart the installer. Did the install get messed up? Is there a way to fix this?

Hi Billy

Thats fine, it was done to prevent them from installing themselves the moment they were extracted.

Hello, there seems to be lot of good work done in the walkthrough.

1) Do you have the walkthrough in text form, or is it generated from some database?
2) I can see there is only BG1 part of the game described, are you planning to extend it to bg2 ?
If you don't have the bg2 part and you want someone to help you doing it I can offer this. but You would give me the permission to use it in my autoinstall project in exchange.

I would store it in database, so the walkthrough would be generated according to the set of mods installed.

Hi Kovarex

Have sent you a pm on this.

does the worldmap v6 consolidated patch have to be applied to the SMM install?


it was posted before dec. 8th 2007 but isn't listed as a download for the SMM.

I just replaced the files in BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6.1.rar with the files in WM6_Consolidated_Patch.rar. Hopefully nothing breaks :)

Hi Billy,

I remember that patch was required if CtB was not installed, with Drizzt Saga being installed. SMM has CtB & no DrizztSaga, so it's not really required.

btw, anyone happen to have a modified SMM XML file for the updated mods listed on the manual page?
# Weidu v2.03 - dated Dec 21 2007
# BG2 Tweak Pack v6 - dated Dec 16 2007
# D0Tweak v20 - dated Dec 24 2007
# DEF JAM v6 - dated Dec 24 2007
# RR_V382.EXE - dated Dec 24 2007
# BGT-WeiDU v1.05b - dated Dec 27 2007
+ BGT-WeiDU v1.05b Patch
# BGT Tweak Pack, Version 7 - dated Dec 29 2007

These ones on the website are mostly just language updates:
# Sword Coast Stratagems, V 8 - dated Dec 2007
# Oversight, v11 - dated Dec 2007
# BP v177a - dated 1 Jan 2008


Hi! I'll be doing an update before going into BG2.


bigmoshi, SSM auto-installer question:
does MOD_SOURCE have to be a folder containing all relevant mods, or can it be a shortcut?

i'm asking because the drive with BG2 on it doesn't have much space, and i already have all of the mods downloaded and on another drive. i was thinking i could just make MOD_SOURCE a shortcut to the folder containing them.

please let me know if it's possible. if not, i guess i'll just have to shuffle some files/folders around.



Actually its probably better to leave it in the same directory. Remember it will extract those files, some of them are quite big, you need about 10gb of space in all after installation. I never really factored space in as a concern, but perhaps will do so in the next release.

Wow this is grate!!..i'm enjoy to play..how long playing in something not given me so much))) Baldurs gate true ... with mods this is god damn makes me mad(in good)..
but the mega mod is superb!!..
howewer i have trubles in game...it's apears in "Restenford Town" i'm(chars)) can't go on major areas...easy to say that i only can go to Restenford Castle, and to the north to old barraks and any where alse(not houses,they work) areas(west,east) they are all trow me on Map(global) and i can go to beregost and other nearest areas the temple of bla, bla^_^
also i can go in caves and sewers...then apear in Temple area, but cant go to east,south(may be by quest) and to Tri-Top(with all same problem trow me to global map)

can be fixed?)

Hi! Did you manage to find the locations? I left the x,y coordinates in the walkthrough on the first post :)

PS to all: Sorry for the delayed response. Had to rush some stuff.

#370981 SMM:An odd slowdown

Posted by bigmoshi on 13 January 2008 - 09:13 AM in Mega Mod Help

The slowdown doesn't dissapear on area changes, so it isn't tied to the area and dissapears when i load on older save or create a new game.
The savegame you attached doesn't change anything, guessing it's because i triggered the slowdown a minute or so of gametime before the autosave.


It is possible that some event was triggered and it is doing a recursive check until it finally meets a condition later. For one thing, your installation fits my installation perfectly cos the world map shows the correct area names, so thats one issue resolved. Couple of things need checking, as I don't seem to be able to get your lag yet.

First, I'm hoping its not a stutter bug. Stutter = character stops walking to a destination point, won't cast spells, twitches when standing. Usually caused by a bounce between their scripts, ie one character's script has: if variable A = B then set it to C and the second will have: if A = C then set it to B, so an endless loop occurs between them
Someone tried to define it here http://www.baldurdas...sandcheats.html

Secondly, could you try, if you haven't, to disable some programs running in the background. I've experienced incremental slowdowns as more variables are collected in your game the more you play.

Thirdly, I have read before somewhere in this forum that keeping too many arrows/potions in your inventory can slow you down somewhat. Try to remove your inventory load of ammunition on some map, then go to another map and see if the lag still continues. Best if you could save. Quit BG and load up to test again.

Fourthly, can you try entering a house map and see if you still get that lag, or it improves considerably? Trying to figure whether its a background script or something else.

One more thing, whats your computer specs?

Meanwhile, I'll try to load your game up again and see if I can find anything useful.


#370940 SMM:An odd slowdown

Posted by bigmoshi on 13 January 2008 - 03:50 AM in Mega Mod Help


I managed to load up your game, but didn't get the lag you described in the temple of lathander. I tried moving around to the Shipwreck Coast & The CloudPeaks, and got your very bad lag, which also happened in my game. But it was a map thing, and so far I got it only in four maps, documented in my bug list.

Just to check, does your lag clear when you enter houses/other maps?

Also, attached is the save once Pelltar teleports me to the Temple of Lathander. Hopefully, it overrides the thing that was causing your lag. Let me know how it works out. Thanks!

Attached File  000000092_Cleared.zip   473.75K   294 downloads

#370927 Looking for the corresponding areas in NTOSC

Posted by bigmoshi on 13 January 2008 - 01:37 AM in NTotSC

BTW - When you 1st enter Baldur's Gate, you'll be approached by "Magnad" who will ask you to find his lost children. That's your first reference to the Field of the Dead. After that, when you enter Ulgoth's Beard, speak with Yness and she'll want you to find her husband (also in the Field of the Dead) whereupon the area should be revealed by her dialog. The area bigmoshi is referring to with the screwed up Wenric dialog is The Wood of the Dead, but it will appear regardless as long as you exit the Farms over Chionthar at the proper location.

Oh yes, you're right. Made a mistake about the location. Wenric points AR01PB on the world map, which is the Wood of the Dead. Sorry klinck for the mis-info. Thanks erebusant! :D

Edit - was misled by Wenric when he said, "Having an opportunity for you brave scouts, I can advise you to avoid The Fields of the Dead. It has been regularly dwelled by orcs and other lost souls for ages, but they are unexpecantly great numbers recently." before opening up the "Wood of the Dead" :wacko:

#370914 Looking for the corresponding areas in NTOSC

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 11:12 PM in NTotSC

Hi, just to add on that the map Field of the Dead is AR10PB.

Btw, that map is supposed to appear after you speak to Wenric at the Farms Over Chionthar (AR7500). But for me, there was a bug in his dialog. You can try to replace Wenric's dialog file with this (wenric.dlg) in your override directory. Do backup his old dialog file.

Hope this helps.

#370910 Infinity Explorer v0.85

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 10:12 PM in IE Modding Tools

Updated overview, credits, & uploaded final fixes! Enjoy!

#370881 Bug --> Red Avatar

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 05:58 PM in Mega Mod Help

Congrats!   :cheers:

#370873 Infinity Explorer v0.85

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 04:57 PM in IE Modding Tools

Oh, cool. DLTCEP has the same general display for dialogue, but lacks the condition detail AFAIK.

Yeps, so at least for me, it made it easier to track for dialog bugs etc

#370870 Infinity Explorer v0.85

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 04:40 PM in IE Modding Tools

Can someone just give me a quick summary on what advantages this has over DLTCEP and/or NI? I've never really used it, so I don't know. Cheers.

IE's probably a light-weight browser that makes easier for checking dialog paths with clickbased links created in the decompiled scripts, so that you can just click and access the relevant script, making it rather intuitive. Really bad thing is that it doesn't do editing. So generally, I use IE to check for bugs etc, and then use NI to edit the corresponding files.

The main prob was that it didn't display custom dlgs/script/cre/itm from <override> that were not indexed in chitin.key. So a small fix was created to do that.

Here's an example of the dialog tree. If you click on the path, you'll see the corresponding trigger / action (if any) immediately
Posted Image

#370869 SMM:An odd slowdown

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 04:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

I am using an standard SMM install, nothing ontop, and i have had a quite noticeable slowdown since digging up Reynard's grave in the SoBH portion. I suspect it is because i talked to the guard/Ravella/Dug up the grave after already having entered, cleared the lighthouse and dropped off the quest item i got there due to the door to the lighthouse already being open, but i don't know how to fix it, if it can be fixed and the game made a autosave as i was leaving BH, so i don't have any recent saves i can rollback to.

Well, that's the situation. Anyone here who can help me out/any information i should provide?

Hi! I didn't manage to document slowdowns in sobh. I documented some slowdowns occuring in some areas, but it cleared up after that. Could you send me your game, I'll take a look on that. Thanks!

PS: Just zip up and upload your saved game here. :)

#370803 Infinity Explorer v0.85

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 09:46 AM in IE Modding Tools

Just to create a time-stamp, here's was my email to Dmitry. Hope he replies favorably :P

To: Dmitry Jemerov <yole@yole.ru>
Subject: Fixes to Infinity Explorer
Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:41:23 -0800 (PST)

Hi Dmitry!

Thanks for your extremely helpful Infinity Explorer tool. Couple of days ago, I started to made some slight updates to the tool to help out the modding at SpellHoldStudios, and its freely distributed there, and kept the credits to you. Here's the link to the updates, http://www.shsforums...topic=31285&hl=

Do let me know if you have any issues and I'd be glad to work them out with you.

<real name> aka BigMoshi

#370800 Infinity Explorer v0.85

Posted by bigmoshi on 12 January 2008 - 09:02 AM in IE Modding Tools

Anyway, you should really check with the aforementioned modders about this and any other potential issues. Their knowledge of the IE surpasses mine by lengths. ;)

And probably mine too by n x lengths, where n is a random number > 2713.

Ok, thanks for your help & testing :)