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There have been 5 items by Miloch (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#615552 Misc. fixes

Posted by Miloch on 26 May 2024 - 06:39 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Whatever works best. I think I commented elsewhere that as long as we can serve HTML (readmes etc.) directly from git without having the user dig around in .md files or whatever, it's good. Though I also commented that there might be more useful/modern alternatives to git these days (but I haven't looked into any).

#615545 Thrown Hammers

Posted by Miloch on 24 May 2024 - 07:28 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Is it still recommanded to install this mod (or at least the component "15 - Thrown Spiritual Hammers") after Spell Revisions ?

Yes, unless by some breach of probability someone revised Spell Revisions to be patching instead of overwriting.


hi there.

is there a list of throwing hammers added to bg ee, or bg ee2? their stats, location?

There is a description of all items added in the readme, depending on which components you've installed. If you want to know their exact stats and locations, you'd have to use an editor like DLTCEP or NearInfinity, as Sam. suggested in the post you linked.

#615538 Classic Adventures New Homepage

Posted by Miloch on 23 May 2024 - 09:40 PM in Classic Adventures

Google Sites - Supports PHP: https://developers.g...e.com/sites/faq

Git LFS: https://github.com/g.../discussions/68

I dunno if I would favor anything google over git heh. And I don't know much about them, but I'm sure there's tons of more modern collaborative tools/sites out there that make both of those look like stone tools from the Paleolithic era.




As I told Sam., we'd definitely want a tool that can serve web pages, readmes, etc. complete with images or having to dig through repositories. In other words, user friendly, not just developer friendly.

#615536 Misc. fixes

Posted by Miloch on 23 May 2024 - 09:11 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Sure. Best to post it here though; someone else might likely get to it quicker as RL consumes most of my time these days too.

#615526 Misc. fixes

Posted by Miloch on 22 May 2024 - 03:07 PM in Aurora's Shoes

I got this from TotoR via PM a couple years ago and only saw it now (yeah, I'm bad). Posting it here since I dunno if I'll be able to get to it (or even remember anything about modding).


Hi Miloch,

I was messing around and found:
.. in t-rndtre.tpa, some cre should not be updated as they are illusion created for BG1 tuto:
- ~%tsu%ihobgob~
- ~%tsu%itasloi~
- ~%tsu%ixvart~

..Some items could be flag as magical (or not... not really changing anything, for consistence maybe):
- agberr01
- agbrea01
- agjam01
- agjam02
- agjam03
- agjam04
- agjam05
- agjam06
- agjam07
- agjam08
- agjam09
- agpie01
- agtime01

..for compatibility agaurora.d could be updated with Solaufein from Jastey with:
//Solaufein By Jastey

~ THEN agaurora banter_sola
@701 /* ~A drow traveling on the surface? How unusual! Is there anything I can get for you?~ */ DO ~
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @702 /* ~Do you have any books of poetry?~ */
== agaurora @703 /* ~No, unfortunately I don't. Never was much for books, myself. Essel, now, he used to enjoy them. Many's the night we sat together while he recited poetry...~ */
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @704 /* ~Perhaps this Essel would have a book I could buy then. Do you know where he is?~ */
== agaurora @705 /* ~He died, poor fellow. Eight? Or was it ten years ago? Haven't met anyone like him since.~ */
== IF_FILE_EXISTS C#SOLA12 @706 /* ~I have heard human poets say "The life of man is like a winter feast around a blazing fire, while the storm howls or the snow drifts abroad. A distressed sparrow darts within the doorway: for a moment it is cheered by warmth and shelter from the blast; then, shooting through the other entrance, it is lost again. Such is man. He comes we know not whence, hastily snatches a scanty share of worldly pleasure, then goes we know not whither."~ */
== agaurora @707 /* ~Essel would have loved that... (sigh) Here. I may not have any books for you, but these should make your life little easier. It can't be easy, being a drow on the surface.~ */
DO ~
== IF_FILE_EXISTS sola @708 /* ~I... thank you.~ */
== agaurora @709 /* ~Think nothing of it. I love a man who can recite poetry.~ */ EXTERN agaurora now

Thank you for this really great mod

Libraries like t-rndtre.tpa could really be overhauled to be more dynamic. I wrote most of this sort of static code back when WeiDU's regexp was far slower, and I presumed (wrongly) there wouldn't be many new IE mods in the future.