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#471587 Newbie, Magic Resistance of Sarevok

Posted by Icendoan on 17 December 2009 - 09:45 AM in BGT Archive

This is without TotSC. Without TotSC he has a very high magic resistance. Since I assume you have installed TotSC for BGT, it would therefore be removed.

This is all IIRC, by the way. :P


#471562 Scripting Help

Posted by Icendoan on 17 December 2009 - 04:46 AM in IE Help

Create Magical Weapon in Slot with Taimon's anti-Dispel hack?


#468781 General Observation

Posted by Icendoan on 21 November 2009 - 03:36 PM in Dragon Age Series

It is hard NOT to notice the whole maker thing in Ferelden. :P

I haven't played ME, so I couldn't say either way. :(


#468753 does a mod which can remove the extra spells added from mega mods like

Posted by Icendoan on 21 November 2009 - 06:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

Actually, iirc, Taimon's Hacks has done this, albeit only for a mage.


#468752 The Tactics Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 21 November 2009 - 05:45 AM in Dragon Age Series

I thought about this one, and I'm going to spec Spirit Healer/Bloodmage this run and just spam everything and heal myself.

I suppose, if you just switch back to Mana and heal yourself, you'll do fine.


#468751 Challenge #71: Valygar

Posted by Icendoan on 21 November 2009 - 05:41 AM in Fanart Challenge

LOL! Childhood Trauma: Abandoned in Ball Pool....


#468646 DA: Launch Party Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 20 November 2009 - 06:34 AM in Dragon Age Series

Ooh, ooh, my Mabari War Dog just dug up a "Dirty Pair of Pantaloons"!! The description says "These pantaloons, crusted with soil, were probably buried for years before the mabari dug them up. On closer inspection, it appears that they were once either gold or silver in color." Is that priceless or what? Certainly made me chuckle! ^_^

Pantaloons. How many sequels do we have remaining?


#468481 The Tactics Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 18 November 2009 - 11:46 PM in Dragon Age Series

Yeah, I've been noticing Ballistae everywhere and seeing how they might be used, and thinking damn, why didn't I spot it earlier?


#468403 General coding questions

Posted by Icendoan on 18 November 2009 - 08:03 AM in IE Help

Another query: Could someone explain or direct me to a tutorial that explains how the <<<<<<<< fileName fileBody >>>>>>>> .TP2 action works? The one about creating inlined files. It's all a little unclear.

I have a vague idea from reading the Weidu documentation, but could do with concrete examples and info on exactly what is going on.

Why would you use such an action? It seems to create a file via the .tp2 as far as i can tell, if so...why? Why bother, why not just create the file you want the 'normal' way.

Let's use the weidu docs example as a starting point, so i can ask some questions:

BEGIN ~MyMod Component 1~

<<<<<<<< .../mymod-inlined/myfile.baf

COMPILE ~.../mymod-inlined/myfile.baf~

Right, so the way I interpret this is as follows: From IF to END is the file, inclusive of the IF and END, and it is a .baf file, which is then compiled to a .BCS as per normal.

Yes. Although, I don't think you can nest inlined files (have one inside the other).

First of all, why would you do this, rather than creating an actual, separate file, say file1.baf with that code, and just compiling it?
My guess would be if you wanted to create a hotfix type thing, then it is easier to update just the .tp2 and distribute that, rather than a new file AND changes to the .tp2? Other than that, I do not see other uses immediately.

It is useful if you want something temporarily, such as a .bat file to organize files and folders, or to delete something. Immediate use isn't obvious, but it can be used. Another usage of it is the COPY flags, where you can COPY_EXISTING to an inlined file, which if you want to put your dialogue on the top of an already existing dialogue file without changes, you can.

Also, where does this file now go? To the override?

When it is COMPILEd, it goes to the override. If it is COPYed, it goes to the target directory. In both, the file is written to the hard disk and becomes a real file. If you do nothing with it, it is lost once WeiDU.exe closes (but whenever it runs through the .tp2 it will be generated again)

How does it get used? Does it not need to be attached to some area, or .CRE? (This is more a general question about scripts now, so fill in my lack of knowledge someone, please - if a .BCS is not "attached" to some area or creature does it act as some sort of global script file that is always running? I realise in this particular case whoever and whatever it may be attached to, Anomen will die, since true is always, er, true...).

Scripts do need to be 'attached' to things to be used, and this includes the game engine. Baldur.bcs is a script which the engine runs all the time, and is used globally. Also, some other scripts are referenced, such as a cutscene script for the PocketPlane Spell.

Once copied or compiled, your inlined script to kill Anomen becomes as real as any other script, so, it is used in exactly the same way.

Moreover, how do I access it and attach it to any area or .CRE since it isn't an actual file?

The moment it is COPYd or COMPILEd, it becomes a real file and is written to the hard disk, ready for the game to use. You would attach it to a .CRE or whatever as if it had always been a real file written to the hard disk.

Some of the above questions may not even make sense, so just correct me if i'm off track completely. Thanks.

Edit: Another little, unrelated to the above, query:

What, if any, is the limit to file size names. I came across a mention of such a limit in the following tutorial http://www.katbella.net/npcguide.htm, where it mentions that:

NPCs need to have a few different files to function properly in the game. This includes files that will hold all the NPCâââââ??¬Å¡¬ââââ??¬Å¾¢s dialogues if they are in the party, bantering, leaving the party, or just having their introductory talk with the PC. You can name these anything you want as long as it's 7 letter or less.

I'm unsure if this refers just to .d files being 7 characters or less, or any and all files (.d, .baf, .CRE etc) should always be 7 characters or less?

Also, what is the reason for this? I think I saw somewhere, someone saying 8 characters was the limit; I don't have a source for this one but any clarification on the matter would be great.

I believe 8 characters to be the limit to which the engine understands things. I assume all files have this limit, but this may not be the case.


#468186 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 16 November 2009 - 08:25 AM in Dragon Age Series

Did you completely uninstall the toolset, Microsoft SQL 2005 first? You should then be able to reinstall, get the error, open up that directory, change the file(s), and click "retry" in the installer to get it to work.


It now works fine! Thanks!


#468110 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 15 November 2009 - 02:19 PM in Dragon Age Series

Still get the same error. :(


#468098 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 15 November 2009 - 10:49 AM in Dragon Age Series

Didn't stop me buying it as me on Steam, though XD


#468080 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 15 November 2009 - 05:55 AM in Dragon Age Series

I can't post in the BW forum, because it doesn't like me being 16. :(

The error is a SQL error, not with the toolset. It won't install the database services. :(

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft....7...ql@118@x70a



Is the error message I get. This is all it tells me, unless you want my install logs.


#467984 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 14 November 2009 - 09:30 AM in Dragon Age Series

And I STILL can't get the toolset to work :(

In the other thread, Yovaneth got it to work using the side-by-side database installation. Did that not work for you?

Additionally, I'm not certain that it actually starts the needed database service automatically, so you could try checking that.

I ran the installer, and the toolset installs fine. Something about SQL05 didn't install, but I can remember which. It was the last or second last component. I already have express 08, though. It points me to a wiki which has nothing on it.

I don't work with databases, so I wouldn't know where to begin to check if the database exists. :(


#467956 DA: Mods

Posted by Icendoan on 14 November 2009 - 01:56 AM in Dragon Age Series

And I STILL can't get the toolset to work :(


#467762 DONE! @_@

Posted by Icendoan on 11 November 2009 - 11:39 PM in Dragon Age Series

I can't even get it to load! Tells me to check the wiki, and I try, and it says I can't view any pages. :@


#467673 The Tactics Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 10 November 2009 - 03:18 PM in Dragon Age Series

The use of glyphs for the paralyzation is fantastic, I have to admit. Because you can cast your glyphs fairly distant, it makes it easy to cast Repulsion + Paralyzation (in that order, so nobody sets off the paralyzation glyph) and then let your warriors charge in.

The Glyphs are fantastic spells, by far my favourite so far: Repulsion will keep anyone inside the Glyph free from anything which isn't worth worrying about on its own (Hurlocks, ect) for the duration, and it also proves very effective if used offensively in Choke Points (eg doors) as the enemies cannot pass through.

I used Glyphs of Warding less, mainly due to the higher cost, and that you can achieve better results by kiting, if fighting something which can't be repelled with blind spots or Heroic Aura (which is another fantastic spell, btw)


#467621 DONE! @_@

Posted by Icendoan on 10 November 2009 - 07:34 AM in Dragon Age Series

Yeah, sure, why not? It happens because I see sooooo many times when a different character would have made a huge difference. Like wth is in that chest? What options would I get talking to a warrior as a warrior? Would being a Mage have better insight?

I am running 2 mages, cause of two different character builds. XD


#467592 DONE! @_@

Posted by Icendoan on 10 November 2009 - 12:05 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'm actually only as far as Lothering, but across about 4-5 saves. I'm having a lot more success with my healer mage than my entropy mage.


#467506 The Tactics Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 09 November 2009 - 08:42 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'm not too far in yet, but I have found that snares + walking bomb + ranged spikes = win.


#467454 DA: Companions

Posted by Icendoan on 08 November 2009 - 11:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

And yet, more impressed with the game. :P


#467319 DA: Origins Toolset - Latest 1.01

Posted by Icendoan on 07 November 2009 - 03:59 PM in Dragon Age Series

What are your settings, or are they simply the default?


#467300 DA: Origins Toolset - Latest 1.01

Posted by Icendoan on 07 November 2009 - 10:58 AM in Dragon Age Series

I can't get it to work. Database error, it keeps telling me. It suggests I get to the toolset wiki, but that doesn't let me do anything.

Error Message: "Unable to connect to the database. Run the toolset configuration program and verify your settings or search the toolset wiki http://social.biowar.../wiki/datoolset to help with this issue.

The toolset must now exit."


#467244 DA: Launch Party Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 06 November 2009 - 04:17 PM in Dragon Age Series

Toolset is up! Yay!


#467240 DA: Launch Party Thread

Posted by Icendoan on 06 November 2009 - 03:40 PM in Dragon Age Series

*hug* It will be!

I'm here slugging it out with 512MB RAM less than I should have for min specs, on the min specs graphics card, with a ATI HD 4890 sitting nicely on my shelf! Gaaah! I need more money for the PSU. >:(
