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#549575 Viconia Friendship Bug Reports

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 10 November 2012 - 03:55 AM in Viconia Friendship

A few months later, but I thought I might as well report it: I had to uninstall this mod because of a stutter problem as well. When I reached the Underdark (had a party of Xan, Kivan, Viconia, Jaheira and Valygar), Viconia hit a point where she seemed like she really needed to say something to Valygar. They kept facing each other, the cursor would blink on an off, and it was impossible to get her to move more than a few steps. I tried to force-trigger her next talk (which would've been about the Aboleth, if memory serves), tried removing Valygar from the party, nothing worked. Then I removed the mod, and all was well.

It's a shame too, I was enjoying it :( I should also add that I have the La'Valygar mod installed, but I have no idea whether that's just a coincidence or if it actually had an impact on the fact that Viconia was trying to talk to him.

I was also surprised to get a love declaration from her at the end of ToB...even though my PC was female and romancing Xan. But again, I have no idea whether that was due to having had this mod installed. And her epilogue played out correctly anyway, so it was just a "wtf" moment.

#549576 Looping dialogue in ToB, plus another issue

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 10 November 2012 - 04:00 AM in Mazzy Friendship

Again, a few months after the fact, but probably worth reporting that the problem persists. I ran into this very same issue with the very same dialogue (the destiny one) and unfortunately had to uninstall the mod.

#549616 Viconia Friendship Bug Reports

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 10 November 2012 - 11:48 AM in Viconia Friendship

Checking the files in this mod, there's nothing that's supposed to involve Valygar :unsure: Did the stutter disappear when you uninstalled just this mod?

Yes, uninstalling Viconia Friendship made the stutter disappear. I'm thinking the fact that she chose to target him was just a coincidence. I had a separate issue where Valygar kept repeating his "post-Suna Seni death" interjection when I tried to rest, but I wrote that off as a consequence of uninstalling stuff during the course of the game. And it was definitely unrelated to the Viconia mod.

#552874 Is there any chance for a new friendship-packs?

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 08 January 2013 - 05:54 PM in NPC IEP

The thing is, as far as I know, there's still an unresolved bug with the Viconia friendship. There was a fix posted for the Mazzy friendship (which was also bugged), but I've uninstalled it, because I decided I didn't care for Mazzy all that much, so I don't know if it actually works. But it would be nice to get the Viconia one working...I really enjoyed it before she got all stuttery on me.


As for a Valygar friendship, there's always Lava's LaValygar mod.

#554228 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 01 February 2013 - 04:47 AM in Haer'Dalis Romance

Just one thing:


crumbled -> crumbles


This should actually be "crumble". Because "battlements" is plural.

#554768 I'm in love with HK-47, and I mean it!

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 15 February 2013 - 07:15 AM in KotOR Series

To me, HK-47 is the single best thing about KotOR. Well, him and Canderous (why is he not romanceable, but Carth "Bitchmaster McWhine" Onasi is? :()They're the only reason I'd consider replaying that game, because otherwise? I found it rather boring...


They're also the only reason I'm going to bother with KotOR II. Admittedly, I haven't started it yet, but I've got my own pile holding me back.

#554998 I'm in love with HK-47, and I mean it!

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 20 February 2013 - 09:40 AM in KotOR Series

Malak: Hello, you are about to have The Moment.

The Moment happens.

Protagonist: ???

Protagonist: !!!

Bastila: No, The Moment, NOooooo! It is all my fault!

Carth: I cannot trust you! The Moment! But I never trusted you anyway, so never mind. By the way, let's find my son.

Jolee: Ah, the Moment. Well, I knew all along. All you need is love.

Canderous Ordo: The Moment, man! This is way cooler than piloting Basilisks! Let me shake your hand, man! Respect!

Juhani: (is enamored of the Moment)

HK-47: MASTER! The Moment, master! By the way, Malak is a meatbag.

Mission: Ah, who cares about some stupid Moment, anyway. Me and Big Z are with you!

T3-M4: Beep-beep-beep-boop!


:lol:  :lol: You forgot Zaalbar.


Zaalbar: Rrrrooorrrwoooo? Wooorrroorrr!


By the way, I do like Jolee as well, goofy ol' codger that he is.

#562378 stutter bug?

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 24 September 2013 - 03:22 AM in Haer'Dalis Romance

Oh, sorry to doublepost, but I did notice that he doesn't seem to want to rejoin the group unless the pc apologizes for something. Is that the mod in play? I don't tend to bring him along much at all so I don't remember if that's standard for him or not.

I can't help you with the stutter bug, but apologizing to get him back into the party is standard behaviour, not the mod. I was surprised too the first time I played.

#563775 Beta-testers Wanted: Keldorn romance mod

Posted by Nilfalasiel on 03 November 2013 - 07:11 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I think I may have found another bug. I've turned Keldorn down on my current playthrough, as my PC is romancing Edwin. Avoided the dialogue loop as stated above, then turned the romance off, and everything was happening normally until I hit Amkethran in ToB. After killing the mercenaries who where threatening Saemon Havarian, what appears to be a romance-related interjection starts, concerning how the mercenaries run rampant in the town. Keldorn's music starts playing, and he refers to my PC as "my love" at the end of the convo. But his PID menu is still the non-romanced one, and the Edwin romance is still active.


What I've seen of the early stages of the romance, however, encourages me to try the entire thing on my next playthrough :)