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#592084 So About Faren and Nathaniel... (E.E.)

Posted by Starsurfer93 on 29 December 2016 - 08:03 PM in Faren

First of all, I love both of the mods. They really add to the game and I appreciate all the work you've put into them.   :wub:


On to the topic: I recently decided to start a new game of BG2EE (currently verison 2.3.67) and after some deliberation regarding the party setup, I decided to explore the romance conflict between Nathaniel and Faren. Thing is, I am now a well into both romance tracks and I have yet to see any conflicts. Well... there was the whole Nathaniel interjection when Faren started talking about cats being better than dogs, but that didn't seem to be romance exclusive. I'm currently at lovetalk 31 for Faren (with the relationship status having moved to committed or "2") and I'm up to the part where Nathaniel asks about the two of you having something that will last in his romance (couldn't find a lovetalk variable in EEKeeper). Given how far these two romances have gotten and how little the two have acknowledged each other, I feel like this has to be a bug (either that, or things are about to go nuclear...) I also spent a little time looking through some of the dialogue files in NearInfinity and came across a banter in the FHFRNJ.dlg file that seems to imply that there is supposed to be a conflict between them (It's filed under State 1690, with the the dialogue line being "Look, I think we all know Nathaniel has a huge crush on you, and I'm fine with that, but--"). However, the response file for the line (Response 3765 in FHNATJ.dlg) doesn't seem to have any triggers assigned to it.


TL;DR- Is this intentional, or is it a bug like it appears to be? Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a fix available?


Thanks in advance!


Edit: Correction. There is a flag for the dialogue to begin, Global ("FHFNathConflict2", "GLOBAL",1). But I can't seem to find a variable for it when viewing the Global panel in EE Keeper. Again, not sure what to make of this...

#589785 Latimer Going Nuts in the Graveyard

Posted by Starsurfer93 on 31 August 2016 - 05:53 AM in Nathaniel

Hello all!


So I've been playing with the Nathaniel mod on BG2:EE and have really been enjoying the romance path so far. In my most recent run of the game however, I've come across a bit of an issue. I have reached the point in the romance where you have the "I want to make sure this will last" talk, before Nate's rather unpleasant reunion with Latimer. Upon entering the graveyard district, I noticed something... odd. 


Latimer is there, and he's apparently been scared so badly that he's had a permanent morale break. He is either running in fear or going berserk and nothing I do seems to calm him down. Now in a previous game, I've progressed to the point in the romance where Nathaniel admits that he loves you, so I know what's supposed to happen up to that point and I don't remember this. It's possible that the issue was caused by me not realizing that Latimer was trying to initiate dialogue with Nate during my last visit to the Graveyard and leaving before he could. I doubt it though, since I was completing quests in the area, giving him plenty of time to approach. I also don't think that he was having the morale issue during that time either, since I feel I would have noticed a random character running about the graveyard, even if I didn't realize who it was at the time. What makes me even more concerned is that in my attempt to fix the issue, I went to De'Arniese Keep and rested, triggering the Jaheira hostage event. I don't remember that happening the last time I romanced Nathaniel and I rejected both Jaheira and Aerie's affections in the exact same way during this run. This makes me think that the game randomly decided to re-initiate the Jaheira romance, which doesn't bode well.


So I guess my question boils down to this: Is this a bug? And if so, is there any way I can fix it? I'd rather not invalidate hours of gaming due to this jerk losing his marbles. It's possible that this was intentional and was meant as some sort of hint toward another part of the romance path further down the round (beyond what I've already seen). If it is and Latimer will confront me at a later point, then great. I just need confirmation before I continue playing on a file that will eventually break on me.