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Possible Problem when leaving Spellhold (spoilers!)

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#1 -Smaug-

  • Guest

Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:49 PM

I just had the problem that I got "the letter" when I was leaving spellhold. I had the impression you have a timer there (at least the message and the journal-entry sound like that), so... what to do?
It should be fixed you cannot get this letter when leaving spellhold, since you a) cannot go to athaktla and B) even if you manage that stunt (edwin is a mage and *cough* has access to the teleport-console *cough* you are way to weak to beat the lich-party anyway at this point! (Even my warriors with 130 HP did not survive those two first horrid wilthings).

I also want to add that if you play a caster-concentrated party you have no chance to beat that encounter legally. With only one pure warrior and the rest casters they just whip the floor with the party (those knights are - tripple evil with their resistances and damage-dealt-out), that is no fun at all. No clue, that could be changed as well.

Apart from that: Totally nice romance, I really like it. Good work!