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pauses and unpauses rapidly and automatically

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#1 --merlock--

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 07:34 AM

I played Planescape Torment about two years ago on my Windows XP machine and it worked fine without any mod except for the official 1.1 patch. I threw up my hands and stopped playing in the maze, I saved and quit the game and didn't play it again it for 2 years.

Now, my XP installation is the same except for different drivers, etc because I have a new motherboard. I tried loading up Planescape Torment to play it again but after my saved game loaded, it kept pausing and unpausing very rapidly and automatically for no apparent reason. During this weird pausing/unpausing state, my characters could run around, but not go in map areas beyond what was on the screen at that moment. I thought at first one of my keyboard's keys must be smashed by something, but I checked and nothing was pressing on my keyboard. Thinking my saved game was glitched out, I started a new game but I experienced the same problem.

Thinking my whole installation was trashed, I figured I would reinstall and check online for any new patches or anything and I came across this site: http://www.bootstrik...ment/files.html and I followed the instructions near the top of the page precisely to install all the patches and mods and loaded the game and played for a little while and it worked just fine with no pause issue. I saved and quit the game and about 8 hours later, started the game again and loaded my saved game and it was doing the same auto pausing thing. I closed the game and started a new game and it worked fine, so then I tried loading my saved game and it worked fine. It seems weird that the problem is intermittent like that. Has anyone heard of something like this happening?

On a side note, I am really amazed and grateful that people such as Quinn put so much effort into improving such a great game. Thank you!

#2 Daulmakan


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Posted 14 June 2009 - 07:39 AM

Something with your keyboard would be my guess (I have that sometimes too). There doesn't need to be anything above it for the issue to occur, they key itself might've gotten stuck all by itself. Press it one or two times and it should solve the issue.

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