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#434232 Additional Tweaks?

Posted by Ephyon on 14 January 2009 - 05:53 AM in PS:T Tweaks

I noticed, or rather remembered another thing during my last playthrough that may benefit from some tweaking: Shadows. At some point in the game (I think after seeing your death in the alley), you already are supposed to know Shadows are coming to kill you and that they STILL hunt you... even when you never see any of them again. I actually went through the whole game without ever seeing any more than the ones in Ravel's Maze and the Fortress. Since they are supposed to be hunting for you, wouldn't it make sense for their random spawn rate to be a little higher?

#434231 Deionarra's Truth Mod comments *SPOILERS*

Posted by Ephyon on 14 January 2009 - 05:48 AM in PS:T UB

EDIT BY QWINN: Split this off from the Known Issues thread, to avoid spoiling people posting bug reports.

It was very good, the majority of the dialogue mixed in pretty seamlessly and it worked very well...

BUT there are two things that, while not really bad, kinda irked me for a second. Not too bad, but while reading them, they immediately flashed the "this wasn't originally there" flag I get when I play through mod content that doesn't entirely mix with the game's writing style.

The first one was the two options to end the quest by insisting that Kesai tell you of Nenny's dreams. They both give the same result, which seems far too abrupt in the case of the gentler one (couldn't she just give a more final "no" and ask you to drop the matter and continue with the quest?), while the more violent one is... well, WAY too violent, probably among the most angry responses you can give in the game and over such an irrelevant matter. Even when TNO makes a threat, it usually seems like he does it in some calm, cold manner. One of the very few times he's shown truly angry is when Morte reveals he knew about the Fortress, for example. This is just one really useless bit of irrelevant gossip.

The second would be hard to fix... even though he admits knowing to be manipulated, the way Kesai tricks the Practical Incarnation with cheap flirting just strikes me as very wrong. It's just weird for the man supposed to be a stone-cold asshole to take a detour just to impress a woman when the guy is supposed to be rigid like a Modron... it would take tweaking the dialogue quite a bit to emphasize some more the fact that he?s being magically manipulated, preferably throwing in a reference to it a bit earlier in a ?you intend to dismiss her but are strangely compelled to speak? sort of way. In short, give more emphasis to the "this is a manipulated dream and I can't act or think freely" angle and less to the "whoa, titties!" one.

#434164 Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

Posted by Ephyon on 13 January 2009 - 07:04 PM in PS:T Fixpack

This is EXTREMELY superficial, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway. I just went through the Fortress and finished the game and I noticed that in the scene when Dak'kon gets mobbed by the Shadows, he's wielding the Kinstealer. I actually had the Streaming Blade on it's strongest form, but I think this used to happen in the vanilla game anyway. The blade is back to its correct color on his corpse in the roof.

It's really just a small visual inconsistency.

Also, behold one of the most useless reports ever: There was a typo in one of your added quests, pretty sure it was the Deionarra's Truth quest. Except I don't remember where. I THINK it MIGHT have been while talking to Kesai-Serris, and it could POSSIBLY be a case of two letters being there when there should have been one. PERHAPS it could have been a double "t".

Or not.

#432734 Pendant of Yemeth Quest (SPOILERS)

Posted by Ephyon on 02 January 2009 - 08:42 PM in PS:T UB

While not a bug, there's something odd about the two Abishai that I never encountered before: I can't talk to them with either Annah or Grace in my party. Yes, this happened before as well, but usually just sending them to stand in a corner far away solved this. I can't tell if any change has been made on the two fiends because of the quest, but now the two will still complain about the girls no matter where I put them, I need to get out of the bar and kick them out of the party before they'll talk to me. I though this was odd, especially when I talked to the Githerai engineer in the foundry and noticing that having Grace stand a bit back (far closer than with the two fiends) still served to have her spill everything about the weapon.

#430573 unused items/spell

Posted by Ephyon on 17 December 2008 - 06:13 PM in PS:T UB

In the abscence of everything else, taking the P&P version into consideration is a sensible thing to do

Yes, but this lack of evidence isn't because the information available is lacking, it's all there, it's you who's discussing something you have never seen.

'Stable weapon' is a term that means nothing. Considering it an artifact, due to what Dak'kon and the Practical Incarnation say is valid and well within the parameters of the rules in which PS:T is based. Thinking it's not, possibly depending on its several versions, is also valid.

What you're talking about is a completely new kind of item that doesn't even exist in the game and effects that just don't exist either.

The rules of D&D are overruled by the game's, and the game quite outright flips the book the finger on a good number of occasions. You're talking about what the spell MIGHT do if the game MIGHT have had a completely different set of rules and the Karach blade MIGHT have been a wholly different class of item. It... isn't. The shield just neutralizes spells. I'm not sure why on earth anyone would even think of thinking of this any further than that.

#430563 unused items/spell

Posted by Ephyon on 17 December 2008 - 05:10 PM in PS:T UB

You've... never actually seen the spell, have you? D&D manuals have as much influence on PS:T's magic system as logic has on BG2's timeline, that's kind of obvious if you've played the game at least once. It's useless to get so attached to it in a game that takes it as a list of suggestions rather than rules. The Karach blade can't be dispelled, it's treated as a stable weapon, it's just silly to even consider it.

#430560 unused items/spell

Posted by Ephyon on 17 December 2008 - 04:59 PM in PS:T UB

It's kinda-sorta-maybe useful for Dak'kon since he can use it in fights against enemies like Ravel or TO, although stuff like Zerhimon's Focus and Balance in All Things are way more effective. It does seems completely useless for a Mage TNO, especially coupled with the THACO fix which prevents you from being a fighter-mage. It's only real use for him would be through the Whistle.

It just seems like the kind of thing nobody would miss if it were left out, but nobody would mind if it were thrown in.

#430529 unused items/spell

Posted by Ephyon on 17 December 2008 - 02:45 PM in PS:T UB

I've cheated the Vermin Armor into my inventory before to check it out and it never seemed to be anything truly special other than having a one-point better AC than the other two. Couldn't it be tossed in with the rest of Gonclave's stuff, or maybe someone in Curst like Tainted Barse or Crumplepunch (if only because of the "lower planes" thing)?

As for Anti-Magic shield... really, does one more spell actually make any sort of difference as to the already ungodly firepower a high-level mage can dish out? It's Lv 6, a pretty barren page in the book already, and it is the sort of thing that comes in handy only when using your head as opposed to spamming Lightning Storm, which would probably get rid of whatever you're after a lot more effectively than disabling spellcasting. It just seems like it'd be the kind of thing that would be hardly noticeable one way or the other if you tossed it in with any of the spell-sellers like Quell.

The only spell I could see cause any sort of change would be Rune of Torment, which is mostly useless as it stands but I couldn't imagine any way to reintroduce it that would make any sort of sense.

#428566 Undersigil Glabrezu

Posted by Ephyon on 05 December 2008 - 07:26 AM in PS:T Tweaks

I don't mean to be a bother, but have you given any thought to this?

My biggest incentive for this would be to make it possible for all those magical epic lootzorz items to be actually usable for anything other than slaughtering Hive Thugs in a fit of sadism (even though Dak'kon can already just drop them with a single strike). At least for me, it's hard to muster excessive concern for balance impact when the game allows you to kill just about anything with a couple Bladestorm spells and even provides you with an area that serves very little purpose other than gaining experience ludicrously fast. "Making the game more unbalanced" as things are would be like spitting in the middle of the pacific ocean, and the Greater Glabrezu showing up early would actually be something that kinda resembles a powerful dangerous enemy requiring a modicum of strategy and preparation, which is something the game seriously lacks.