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#441426 Missing Keys in Adlewerg Keep

Posted by agnar on 24 March 2009 - 03:21 PM in Classic Adventures

Hello again: I am back for a little more assistance, but strangely with a similar request. I am on one of the basement floors of Adlewerg Keep, I have cleared out all the rooms i can, (& searched all bodies & containers) but cannot find keys for the 2x Easterly facing doors on that level, plus they are 'not conventionally locked'.

Is there a possibility that this is a bug, or am I just not thorough enough?

Mrs Cake

As the game is currently configured, you need to open those doors with the sentinel glove, before confronting the gauntlet. i think sir billybob is planning to make it so the sentinel ring left behind will also open the cells. But as it is in .49 and earlier, you need to open those cells before the final confrontation.

I think I gave the glove to some hippy in Piney Bluff.......so I don't have it.....do you think i can recover the situation (Item code for the glove maybe??) as when i step outside the keep, I get roasted by the giants & their fiery balls for not having the princess with me :(

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

Mrs Cake

Hmm you shouldn't be able to clear the whole place out without the sentinel glove, but the sentinel does vanish when you fight the wearer of the gauntlet in one of the cells, ending in something of a big boom.

The item code for the sentinel is TCSENTIN so that should open up all the cells in the keep.

#439631 Crazee's CA Thread

Posted by agnar on 03 March 2009 - 01:05 PM in Classic Adventures

I've really enjoyed playing through CA - the effort you've put into the mod shows. Well done on all the work so far, and good luck for all the work you have left to do. There are just a few things that bug me.

1) This is probably me just being an idiot, but I have never once managed to successfully complete the quest in Saltmarsh where you pick up Aesdale. Whenever I return from the quest, I'm always told that I am a pathetic failure, and that I need to do what I'm told next time. This annoys me for a number of reasons. Firstly, as far as I'm aware, I have done everything I was told to do, and if I didn't then it clearly wasn't obvious enough. Secondly, and perhaps more important, is the fact that the Captain of the Militia, or whatever her name is, is so bloody rude to me each time I fail! From what we see of her character beforehand, it doesn't seem appropriate, and it makes me so angry I almost don't want to continue onwards with the quest. If she said that to me in real-life, I'd tell her to bugger off and do it her bloody self next time. Luckily my character is more patient than I. "It's a shame Charname can't follow simple instructions. Thanks to his utter negligence, we don't have all the information we need." - Well sorry, you arrogant bitch, but I don't see anyone else doing anything for Saltmarsh!" - Why was I not given this option?!

5) Speaking of NPCs, the characters play such a huge part in a mod. At first all the characters seemed pretty talkative, but they seemed to have petered out a little, so that now, they're almost silent. As well, some characters seem to have loads more attention paid to them than others. It would be nice if every now and again, say, Erky, or whatever his name is, interjected into some of the later quests.

i've never gotten that response, but i did see some of the dialogue files so i think that response only happens if you miss one or more of the crucial bits of info on the ship. Did you pick up and bring back all scrolls, books, etc. on the ship? i cant recall offhand if there's 2 or 3, but there's mutliple bits of info, a map, some other stuff so make sure you do a thorough search of each floor of the ship and all the dead.

i think the npc banters thing is in part due to some of the later adventures being newer, so they've expanded the length of the game play but haven't had time yet to add in additional banters/dialogue. The interpersonal stuff must be totally different to write up than the adventures. The adventures/quests come from modules so they have some groundwork in place they just need to figure out how to code it all into the game format. But knowing what blush should say to aesdale or the pc requires putting yourself into blush's head some.

i know i always had an easier time writing up reports/examinations of books, movies, history, whatever, than i do now writing my fiction novel. *grin*

#440833 Silver Princess

Posted by agnar on 16 March 2009 - 01:47 PM in Classic Adventures

Ok, I am fully prepared to admit I'm a total idiot, if I overlooked something, but this is my first time trying this (very interesting looking) mod out and I've spent the first hour trying to figure one thing out, namely - if I wanted to do the Silver Princess bit, rather than the Sunless Village, how do I accomplish that? It says to place the classic B3, but what exactly does that entail? Sorry if I'm just being a moron. Mind you, I'll probably play the Sunless Village first anyway, but little details like this drive me crazy. Thanks :)

Head over toward the druid's cave and the stone steps up, you should run into the lovely Chaarna there. Hear her out for another path.

#440493 Quick question about the ghost tower

Posted by agnar on 12 March 2009 - 11:16 PM in Classic Adventures

the reward for rescuing the giantess, is that supposed to come later on when you get to add in the giants modules?

What reward? Right now you get some XP for doing this. Yes, this will benefit you later in the giants series (though I don't know how yet). I may have her tell the messenger to give you something. Not sure just yet.

The gauntlet and the guards tell you in so many words (but not directly, so this needs fixing) that the keep is yours.

ok, i just meant where she says her father will reward me for rescuing her. i figured it was meant to be built on when the giant modules are added in. i just wanted to make sure i didn't miss something.

The same for the pelja thing, she's fairly obviously someone to have a chat with, i just wanted to mention it, in case she was supposed to approach the pc, and it just wasnt working for me. i'd thought in the first game i played she apporached me, but i've got a babd memory so i was just remembering incorrectly. :)

#440402 Quick question about the ghost tower

Posted by agnar on 11 March 2009 - 08:36 PM in Classic Adventures

Ah, ok. just for kicks i actually did both the U and UK series. i know it's meant to be either or but doing both in one game is fun, and since i couldn't get althon to come along on the lizardmen thing, i was stuck with icar and piney bluff.

Something i'm unclear on with the gauntlet thing, i didn't recall being officially awarded the keep, did i miss some step there? i had the captured guardsmen on my side, destroyed the gauntlets, rescued the princess, talked to the guards after and told them it was over. But i didn't recall anything there about the keep being mine. Also i'd wondered, the reward for rescuing the giantess, is that supposed to come later on when you get to add in the giants modules?

#440323 Quick question about the ghost tower

Posted by agnar on 11 March 2009 - 03:00 AM in Classic Adventures

So, can anyone tell me what actually triggers this quest occuring? i am playing through .48 currently and when i was in mistmoor, i had icar in the party and the reward dialog was broken with him in the party. i got the no valid links or replies error when rilithar offered a knighthood to icar. So i tried dumping icar and doing the reward talk, this time it covered all but the PC (the group then was rihn, aesdale, leigha, shadow and pc). So the pc was never offered the knighthood thing that i saw.

Anyway, i get to the selgaunt bridge and i get roped into the ghost tower quest, which i honestly didnt want to do this go around. So i quit the game, went into shadowkeeper, i was going to see if i could change a variable to avoid it, but i never figured out what triggered the quest. So i figured i was stuck playing through it, i reloaded the auto or quick save, i forget which, from just outside the iron throne's tent, and this time, for some reason, i never got the ghost tower quest.

i didn't change any variables in SK, i loaded the save game, looked around, then exited when i couldn't figure out what triggered the ghost tower/huron thing. So i was wondering if it's random or what.

#439611 truly amazing work on this guys!

Posted by agnar on 03 March 2009 - 09:44 AM in Classic Adventures

I first played D&D in the early 80's with my brother and a few friends. i was in 2nd grade, he was in 8th grade, but we both really got into it. we started out on basic, moved on to advanced, but never went to the newer versions. To be honest we also never played many of the modules, mostly sticking to our own adventures and campaigns. Probably because it cost moeny to buy the modules and we prefered spending that cash on the books to expand the game world itself instead.

The only module i conciously remember us playing was the keep on the borderlands. But even so playing these classic adventures is great, and it's amazing how much you've already accomplished, totally transforming bg2, highly impressive!

I love the npc's you've developed so far and the dialogue so far. If i had any knowledge of modding i'd offer to help with that. But my skills lie more in writing fiction. i suppose if it's needed i can lend a hand with spellchecking/proofreading of dialogue, possibly even helping write some if desired, though i know these are other people's characters and writing for someone else's creation is always a touchy thing.

I posted a long bug post, hopefully some of it is helpful, and if i can be helpful in other ways, let me know. Once again, amazing work by everyone on this mod, thanks for all the hard work!

#439675 truly amazing work on this guys!

Posted by agnar on 04 March 2009 - 01:28 AM in Classic Adventures

Thank you, we really need a coder but I am sure I might add a writer or two if I can find people who are dedicated to write certain NPC's in the near future.

Understandable, i imagine the coding can become incredibly painstaking. i wish i knew how to code this stuff, it might push me to do some modding myself. i really need to sit down and try to teach myself how i suppose. i used to program in a few older pc languages way back and i do a bit of html, so i guess i can learn. Just need to peek around for the tutorial type stuff on coding i suppose and find the time to learn it.

#440923 Something i've been meaning to mention/ask about

Posted by agnar on 17 March 2009 - 11:21 PM in Classic Adventures

but kept forgetting. It seems a bit off that the pc starts as a level 1, with no experience and only a wooden staff. i say this because dirbert is well equiped with 500 xp, and dirbert declares that he and the pc have gone after a thief, and the pc is supposed to have been active in the town militia before this. i understand, due to different character classes that equipping is impossible but it seems like the xp thing should be a bit more generous to start. if dirbert has 500 xp shouldn't the pc have a couple hundred points at least? everyone in the game is a good ways ahead of the pc.

Not a serious issue, but it does seem a bit off considering dirbert's banters about prior experiences with the pc catching a thief and so on.

#440936 Something i've been meaning to mention/ask about

Posted by agnar on 18 March 2009 - 05:02 AM in Classic Adventures


Well, I always give myself a good head start on xp, 1000 at most though... well, I once played the Reaver kit who needed the 60 000 on the mage class to dual to a thief which then turns into the real class, so I just gave him the start xp with the console, and dualed.

oh i know i can console myself extra xp, but i'm speaking more to the totally legit in game experience. With dirbert saying that the pc had lead patrols going after wolves and goblins and killing them, there's no way the pc has no experience when the game starts. Sure, with dirberts wicked bow skill, it's reasonable to assume he'd have more xp than the pc does. But the pc surely would have gotten a couple hundred xp along the way on those patrols.