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#574933 Missing files Stratagems v28 fix

Posted by dabus on 21 January 2015 - 12:59 PM in Mega Mod Help

Uhm, you could either just remove the entries for the additional download by editing the Config\BWP\mod.inis [stratagems]-section or use Options>Administration>Manage Mods from the selection menu to do that. Insert the new url/file/size when you're at it or force the BWS to accept the other file by providing it manually through the selection dialogue.
The component that are used were not changed, so everything should be usable as it is.

#576170 BWP with ENhanced Editions

Posted by dabus on 24 March 2015 - 11:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

I think it's more like "the water looks bad" and guys are trying to find a way to make it look normal again.
At least that was the main issue if I remind that correctly.

A guy told me that he was able to play it for testing purposes.

#581443 Can I compress WED files?

Posted by dabus on 11 October 2015 - 04:13 PM in IE Help

Well using tools like 7zip would bring it down from 139.3 mb to around 31 kb. But since it does, I guess there's really something that might be squeezed out by using tools to create/modify wed-files -- another wed-files ratio was about 1/3 of the original size.

#575045 BWS Questions/Problems

Posted by dabus on 27 January 2015 - 11:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS skips the download when the files are there. At least it worked for me testing just some minutes ok.
You can also look into the log why it got the file.
bg2eetp[]= BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar = 11585812
<= BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar = 11585812
BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar has been downloaded before.
WeiDU[]= weidu.exe = 972288
<= WeiDU.exe = 972288
WeiDU.exe has been downloaded before.
First line is the expected outcome.
Second line is the local file that's found with that name.

The expected name and size are always fetched by wget before the download. If wget does not work for you, that may be another reason why it's not working for you. If the byte-size or the files name differ, you'll also be forced to reload.

If things are missing, it will look like this:
WeiDU[]= weidu.exe = 972288
<= NA
Fetching WeiDU.exe
You can also see if the size differed.

If you know that those files are ok, you can just skip the download-process. The things like searching for missing "downloads" will still be done and you can force to use the present files.

Stratagems... because that's the name that was in the config-file while someone made an update and put the file on the server with the same download-url. Happens every few weeks. If guys would (want to) help out, these differences could be minimized.

Dunno what you mean with old installer... If you mean that the BWS produces errors... Yup, may happen. If you got logs/debug-files/changelog weidu than that can be handled, too.

#575049 BWS Questions/Problems

Posted by dabus on 27 January 2015 - 12:58 PM in Mega Mod Help

That's the BiG World Installpack.
The BWS is similar because I wrote it so that it should be more comfortable to use than the BiG World Installpack while doing the install with the same tools in the background.
The installpack does not download files, it ships with a batch that could do the unpacking (does not advertise it though).
The BWS can do both and you've got the option to either use the installpack to install or customize your stuff on component level, which will result in the BWS also handling the install.

By the way; Since every person has other preferences, I also added an option to export the url-list, so you could use other tools to fetch those files.

#581548 So... failure with Big World Tactic build

Posted by dabus on 16 October 2015 - 08:53 AM in Mega Mod Help

Well, if you look at the help-text on the right side, it's more or less the same... (yeah, have to rub it in).
When the extraction of the archives is done, the program should recognize the missing pieces and continue with the installation. If that's not the case, please heed the following:

You can close and restart this test as many times as you like.
The files have to unpacked in that manner, that a setup (a WeiDU-executable) can be found in the BG2-folder. If it is located in a sub-folder, move its content from the sub-folder into the BG2-folder.
There can be archives in an archive. Look if you have to extract another file.

#581545 So... failure with Big World Tactic build

Posted by dabus on 16 October 2015 - 08:29 AM in Mega Mod Help

Just provide / extract the files yourself so the BWS can find them.
In this case, move the files from inside the generalized_biffing-master-folder into the BG2-folder.
So it looks like BG2-folder \ generalized_biffing \ tra + generalized_biffing.tp2.
Restart and resume the install or just push the button p.

#577795 Questions About Adjusting My BWS Install

Posted by dabus on 20 May 2015 - 09:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

1) Recommended contains less content.
2) There is no option to only edit the font-size in the selection screen. The size is set per default for all text-items and almost no item has it changed afterwards.
So you could try to open Big World Setup\Includes\11_GUI.au3 and replace the 8 in GUISetFont(8, 400, 0, 'MS Sans Serif') line 11 with something bigger.
No guarantee that it will fit the space that is available since there's no calculation for that in the program.
When creating something like a button, you have some amount of pixels (100x20). Then you have your text that has to fit in that space and we tested if it fits when the texts were translations/available.
If your selected font is to big, it will be "leaving" the buttons assigned space / 100 pixels and be cut.
Maybe it would be easier to use a "magnifier"-program or lower the resolution of your monitor.

#577642 Aran Whitehand Missing Options

Posted by dabus on 16 May 2015 - 06:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

Annotation from the select.txt: For some reason Aran Whitehand should be installed manually...

#574796 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by dabus on 15 January 2015 - 02:33 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hmm, I'd say that the problem is that content may appeal to someone while others plain disagree.
I mean will pictures make a game unplayable -- hell, no. But at the same time, a few guys will be "disgusted" and curse that the game was deleted after a few errants in candlekeep.
But that's the same when going to school or study. There's going to be a lot of stuff that you'll never need again in your life. We had something that's called Kurvendiskussion, namely calculating cos and sin and different angles and all that stuff. Pretty useless if you ask me, but I spend half a year with it in math classes. Others that study physics may disagree since they use it every now and then.

So me for instance would be fine if we describe a pre-selection as something that contains mods that are of better quality based on common consensus but should be reviewed so people remove the type of content (quests, npcs, tweaks) that they dislike. We had a discussion a few years ago when Leomar and White Agnus where more involved about a "Small World" that had bugs/inconsistent behaviour ironed out. But since that's against the concept of the BiG World and we kind of lacked knowledge of playing the mods or didn't have the time, that was kind of left in the dust. At least we had some more discussions about quality mods that trimmed the selection down to recommended mods. Which got kind of big with additional mods. :D

I'm also missing some kind of poll where you could get an idea what's seen as a good or average or below average mod.
Has lots of text/comedy/battles... would also help to sort things out more quickly.

So how you'd describe your selection?
I see moderate fixes/few added content, some ease of use tweaks to avoid micromanagement / make the game smoother, tougher boss-fights, better AI and few mods that change spells, kits and items. Those are said to have the biggest impact in those areas though, but as other mods don't interfere, I guess it should be a consistent game that stays with the games story but adjust the combat system it to be more XYZ -- where I'd guess it's more close to original rules, more levelled/ balanced. Add content (quests/npcs) on your own if you'd like to have them,

#574790 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by dabus on 15 January 2015 - 12:14 PM in Mega Mod Help

From what I kept in mind, Leonardo put everything into expert that's too bugged, encounters/AI enhancements into tactics and standard is the whole load of mods (400 and some /?) without those two mods. That's a lot. And that's why it's advertised / recommended to select your mods yourself if you use the BWS (was the case here).

If you want to, you could create a selection of your mods and put it in a spoiler or something and silent / alien could put it in the BWS, so people could see what you would recommend. Maybe add a short description of your idea of a "BiG World" install (like "I want all quests", "I removed npcs without content", "changed AI to make the game more challenging") and I'd be pretty sure you could see that in the BWS soon.

#577880 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 23 May 2015 - 06:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

If you don't know what to do, a you could just let the BWS skip those errors by selecting another install-logic (not saying that preventing that would hurt).
All log files of the BWS are in the BiG World Setup\logs folder. If you start a new install, the files are moved into a sub-folder with a timestamp.
You also find the slightly stripped install-logs inside the BiG World Debug.7z archive, which can be found in your games folder. Things like shown progress when decoding ogg-files or converting tile-sets are not shown there.

#577834 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 22 May 2015 - 05:17 AM in Mega Mod Help

If you want to contribute, that's ok. I'd just note that expert is just meant to say that you need to be a "debugging expert" with NearInfinity and WeiDU-knowledge to solve the problems that will likely come up.
If you want to have more fun, install less.

#577842 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 22 May 2015 - 07:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

The expert selection is for debugging purposes.
If you remove all errors, you might end up with a tactics install.
If you remove tactics content, you likely have something similar to standard.
And if you stick with mods that arguable have a better reputation (and add some more mods) you'll get the idea what recommended was for.

At least those were the ideas of the few out of the box selections that the batches provided that were tailored after the PDF guide.
Since the BiG World idea is "all you can eat", removing them completely was rarely a result of an install failure. They moved to expert.

Since I have no idea of judging mods nor played them (don't know about Quiet or Alien), we stuck with the guide for a long time.

Leonardo changed the number/setting of categories in his installpack-batch but the BWS still has it in there.
Reasons? I'd go with
-adding different 50 icons might not help to make things clean
-we already have a tree that's showing different themes
-it would also be a pain to get it out
-I still like the idea of some rating, but there's nothing like a central rating poll or something and opinions differ.
So I'd like to have something like to replace these Recommended/Standard/Tactics/Expert with a some meaning of ++ + o - rating. But as said, never happened.

Alien/Quiet/me also discussed the option of leaving those options out of the Selection-menu and only put in preselections like Kresos or Mic Baldurs.

So if you want to throw all mods away that possibly produce errors and create a foundation that is solid, I'd guess that reminds me of an idea that was lingering around a few years ago, but it was not implemented because of the lack of manpower/ guys that can fix problems / the BWP idea.
Think of an absurd number of over 500 mods. Ok, a few do only one thing and are not troublesome at all, others are fine when similar mods don't interfere but stacked with others, they go bonkers.

To sum it up:
If you don't want a small install and add some mods to - lets say Kresos preselection - I wish you good luck with debugging and if you get some help and you had enough courage and time to play the game with all those mods under different conditions (weapons/npcs/enemies/AI mods) and think it's stable, I'd applaud you and put another preselection into the BWS.

Seems like you had a slightly different approach about a "playable install"... Gimme back my time. :D

#575201 Okey dokey! Much less confused...

Posted by dabus on 04 February 2015 - 02:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

691/68/TS preferred to NEJ2/TS-BP.

You have to choode between new nej 68/691, new ts or old nej2/ts-bp, which can be installed together. So the preferred "splits" the conflicting parts. So you could also try 691 and ts. There may be other conflicts, and you'll see those graphically/with colors, which may make things clearer.

And this has nothing to do with the BP AI / tactics / encounter mod.

#577869 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 23 May 2015 - 08:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

Seriously: You installed so many times and you did not notice any messages about debug-files nor looked into the BiG World Setup-folder? :(

Also the hood animation is not and error but a skipping-message of the mod and a simple dependency in the BWSs game.ini away.
And Portraits has some errors in the mods REQUIRE_PREDICATE lines. He already received a report about those errors.

#576332 (SOLVED) Not enough storage to process command ?

Posted by dabus on 31 March 2015 - 02:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

There's a small checksum program that detects the change.
You either remove the lines that do that or save the new checksum so BWP gets the new one. You need the script to run from the main batch or you might receive problems since the structure of the batch relies on it. Don't have the files at hand, being sleepy... ;)
So you either help yourself (look for the small checksum-change) or have to wait a bit.

#576328 (SOLVED) Not enough storage to process command ?

Posted by dabus on 31 March 2015 - 12:46 PM in Mega Mod Help

Well, the problem is obvious if you look at the code and the output. ;)
You see this as skiped (because VYND is displayed in your screen) ...
findstr /I /M %SNPC%>nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
	Call %INST% Vynd "0"

Then this starts (bg1re)...
findstr /I /M %SBPC%>nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
	findstr /I /M %SVPC%>nul
	if errorlevel 1 (
		findstr /I /M %SADU%>nul
		if not errorlevel 1 (
			Call %INST% bg1re "0" "TYPE bg1re_adult_input.txt"
		) else (
			Call %INST% bg1re "0" "TYPE bg1re_input.txt"
	Call %INST% bg1re "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40"
findstr /I /M %SSMQ%>nul && findstr /I /M %SEAQ%>nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
	Call %INST% bg1re "14 22 26 29 30"

But it never comes to this output (no BG1 RULES show up in your screen).

So the crash happens in the lines of the second code-block displayed here.
Similar to normal verbal language, you have to have the same number of opened if-statements / brackets as there are close-statements / brackets.
So like you tell someone if bla happens to be then do something... and you're done. So you have the computer to stop at some point of your batch-script.
Now you count these -> ( <- and these -> ) <- and *drumroll* those differ and result in a sweet death of the cmd aka the program that interprets the batch-file and with it the install never gets past that point. This only happens if you choose "[2] Do you want to filter the mods according to various parameters?" or "[4] Do you want to install all you can get? (not recommended)" in the configuration-dialogues. The other selections use different batch-files.

If you look at the alignments, you can guess that there has to be a closing bracket before Call %INST% bg1re "1. So just add a line before, put a ) there and with that, the install should go past that point.

Edit: If you don't want to reinstall everything, remove all lines between %.%1. CORRECTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS | %M% and either stop before that second block to install bg1re or delete that (and the error too) and stop at %.. BG1 RULES AND TWEAKS | %M%.

#575324 Trouble with Big World Installation

Posted by dabus on 09 February 2015 - 03:32 PM in Mega Mod Help

Ok. Another try.

Right-click that 3KB batch-file and select edit.
Window pops up.

Copy/paste the bold line into the second line so your first three lines looks like this:
@echo off
cd /D "C:\BGII - SoA"

Save and try the "right-click as Admin"-action again.

#575673 Trouble with Big World Installation

Posted by dabus on 26 February 2015 - 10:31 AM in Mega Mod Help

I don't know if it's worth discussing or if it'll end with running in circles, but how about renaming / removing stuff from the bigger sections like standard/tactic?
The selection above has a whopping 1050 lines/components... For me, that would be too much.

Is there any consensus what would be a good, better, very good mod? I mean, I often see someone picking standard and the first thing another one says is: Oh my god, that's standard? No way...
I don't know if you need expert/the buggy selection of if you could just throw in something else. You could still select the buggy stuff by going through the stuff yourself if you want to.

Or do you think we should remove those categories and stick with groups that are in the BWS-menu like Adult/Fun/Unsuited and expand those?
Or expand the tree with the BG1 NPC, BG2 quests and other branches with new ones that go more into detail? Like slitting tweaks into something to alter micromanagement, money, npc management, magic, ...

Just asking around for a bit of input from the community, I don't have any clue about quality/content but that topic somehow bothers me.
Any volunteers that want to contribute if you'd like to have something changed to help out Alien and Quiet? I don't want to raise the workload for those guys.

#575366 Trouble with Big World Installation

Posted by dabus on 10 February 2015 - 04:06 PM in Mega Mod Help

Well, if you get the install-log from BiG World Setup\Logs-folder, we could check that.
I remember 2 quirks the last time I checked a config-tool for Alien. So reinstalls might happen in certain conditions. Not saying its still in there, so the compressed log would be fine

#575675 Trouble with Big World Installation

Posted by dabus on 26 February 2015 - 12:26 PM in Mega Mod Help

I thought I wrote that question into the BWS-thread but got that mixed up.
And I didn't try to pick on you or read the thing because I don't know what would be in there by default currently and I just read a few things so I came up with the question.
Well, I read BP + Spellpack are buggy and likely cause issues with spiderwebs -- likely.
I also read the BP + statagems may cause a few enemies to stand around doing nothing.
People may had different experiences, but I guess that shrinking ones selection might help prevent errors (just because of maths / possibility) and a working "smaller" environment may be better to start from than a bigger that has a few issues.

#575322 Trouble with Big World Installation

Posted by dabus on 09 February 2015 - 03:09 PM in Mega Mod Help

no rightclick on batch.
Search cmd, do a rightclick on the found cmd.exe and run that one as admin.
Do a cd /D "BG2-path where things are in"
Then start the batch by typing in "BiG World Install.bat"
Or edit the BiG World Install.bat and insert a line with the cd /D "BG2-path where things are in" at the top.

#576326 Issues with BPv181_4611 and other mods

Posted by dabus on 31 March 2015 - 11:17 AM in Big Picture

If you know how to do checksums, how about them on your side?
If they fit others and they don't have issues, I'd suggest you just use 7zip to unpack those files,

Here are some md5sums:
5FD3840B3343AFBB2F4C4D4033F6452C isra_v2.1.rar
E29FF5C20B295F6FCDBFD14A0E32E64D ninde_v2.2.rar
7E85D424DF1E24C1BC5DAA12F570728A tashia_remix_v1.4.rar
D0852EE29E85D24AD741AB03C61508C3 xulaye_v1.2.rar
AC48BE0582408087499E4D749CEAD786 DSotSC-v217.7z
FDAF4C432565B06BA2A7AF97CA063875 edwinromance-v206.zip
B6802F3F6BD06B17D9486A5FAAE972A0 iepbanters_v4.2.rar
02EF6EF5574248A5BB57F1B646FD678E BPv181_4611.7z
353A7A0984E385F057187DE75A83BBB5 BiG World Fixpack v15.7z
699AE5AEFEA94356BF5D06415F7A6841 BiG World Installpack v15.7z

#576361 Issues with BPv181_4611 and other mods

Posted by dabus on 01 April 2015 - 02:34 PM in Big Picture

SHA1 <> MD5. Those use different options to create checksums...

ninde_v2.2.rar: 6d3615fbe2e49919595e0fa9f3e3dbbabc44b611d0e389cc5c3efb4630db3efd
xulaye_v1.2.rar: e68af199f71bf6c7188fe9ddfd0686e5773d6b778e9770568a2446dcc144ec2d
isra_v2.1.rar: 9cc3460afec49acada9c3eaa7cd36190e1cfd21b5beb46fffcf6be00a1f7a22d
tashia_remix_v1.4.rar: aa22dfa9343249dc8e55c336ac3df52e23ce9116c27a2157728d57fbd238868f
iepbanters_v4.2.rar: 1546d4c3b5c9464a74cf1f2b97a066609727a86c6673bf40a4d3e1137170aabd
DSotSC-v217.7z: 636fefa326c56d0596d191f28e256017b9dac3ef5cac5e886a5c9ea3f9cc9678
BiG World Installpack v15.7z: 2efdbfa3ecdaf36eaa70ab3c0d942067c48ce50fe936b7d7c667ea3e3aaaf17a
BiG World Fixpack v15.7z: 810e84c2262a3a5b18a1a774d1f1e00aa0f4ae3f0d74a4b4f2178ec6c8d3746b
edwinromance-v206.zip: ae55afe4b1bd5c861a2a985cab7ae24df8b5895504f6679f5e978ae6ee01f507
BPv181_4611.7z: 38c660010f7117e80e1f5e63c8990f0697f101dc85562d02755293ce2f8b4126

Also the size differs...
3.711.716 isra_v2.1.rar
2.976.267 ninde_v2.2.rar
3.298.650 tashia_remix_v1.4.rar
2.721.536 xulaye_v1.2.rar
20.617.260 DSotSC-v217.7z
17.180.589 edwinromance-v206.zip
1.007.296 iepbanters_v4.2.rar
28.501.235 BPv181_4611.7z
12.099.572 BiG World Fixpack v15.7z
2.176.191 BiG World Installpack v15.7z

I'd try a different browser or a download-tool. Maybe you use a proxy and it somehow has some issues.