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#578972 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 06 July 2015 - 02:08 PM in Mega Mod Help

@Lol: BWS still needs the smoothpack, so it fetches the installpack that "ships with it", Other than that and being some kind of basis for the install-order, the installpack has indeed no further part in the install - if you did not select to go with the batch-install.

#578772 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 01 July 2015 - 12:54 PM in Mega Mod Help

What's frozen on "completely" installed dependencies/conflicts-screen?
You did not install anything/did not view the backup/download options and all that...

Do you try to exit the selection screen and click on a solve dependencies-button? If you do, you likely have selected one of the bad/faulty configurations.
Kagain from BG1NPCSoa, Dynaheir from BG1NPC with drizztsaga and DrizztIsNotStupid are those that likely have issues, Kagain being a reason for crashes for sure.
If you want to solve them automatically, you can solve conflicts and remove mods that don't work as they have open dependencies. Or you solve the issues above and then try to solve by addition.
Remember to use the context-menu on those entries that you want to solve yourself, go back and export your again to save yourself some work/time.

#578737 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 30 June 2015 - 02:11 PM in Mega Mod Help

If it crashes with an Autoit Error window and saying Line XY File bla: Line Error: Array variable has incorrect dimension or something like that, run the BWS with the DebugMode vbs-file.
Let it crash and then let it modify the code to get some more info about used variables. Then try to do the same and let it crash again and post the output.
Also I would not spend to much time to customize if it crashes anyway and try to export after just a few changes. Successful exports should have around 18 KB upwards.

I did not read that carefully here and I'm not as keen to fix errors as I was some years ago, so please don't expect fixes soon if you post them.

If I encountered so many problems with the BWS like you, I'd just threw it away and tried to use the BiG World install batch.
You could tried to install some mod that gives you crashes and try to resume the install though. The BWS would recognize that it's installed and skip that mod.
I also think that it should run on Windows 8.1 as some forum users said that it works, don't have it to confirm it though.

I'm also out of the mods configuration madness, so I won't/can't answer anything related to that and I just won't update the master-branch.
Actually playing some games / watching film is so much more fun than struggling to keep up with the BWP / fixing stuff. Sorry for being honest and not much help here. ;)

#578256 Help with BWS setup

Posted by dabus on 11 June 2015 - 12:17 PM in Mega Mod Help

BWS.vbs starts the AutoIt3-script in an elevated state, so starting as Admin should not be an issue (I see that "do you allow this program to make changes on this computer?" every time I double-click it.).
Concept is to load what you selected (including dependencies you selected to solve by adding them).
You can see the selection in the BiG World Setup\config\user.ini underneath the [Save]-section.
Actions are logged in different logs, so you could try to look at BiG World Download Debug.txt. You can see the checks there...

JA#BGT_Tweak[]= JA_BGT_Tweak-1.71.zip = 9766894
<= JA_BGT_Tweak-1.71.zip = 9766894

This would be mod = filename = Size
Found name = Found size

BWInstallpack[]= BiG World Installpack v11.1.7z = 976974
<= NA

NA means to available, so this will be loaded.

If your PC does not work with wget (the download tool), the sizes will always be "unclear"/wrong and the BWS will try to catch them.

You could export the URLs you selected with the BWS and feed another tool with that data.
You could skip the download and just check missing files / enforce the loading of the files you got.

If those fail, you could try do download with some help of Kerzenburgs linklist and try to use the BiG World Projects batch-files.

#578135 BWP Error Code 43

Posted by dabus on 05 June 2015 - 01:23 PM in Mega Mod Help

Can you tell me your order of referred languages?
I guess English only, but I thought I'd better ask before starting debugging tomorrow...

#578105 BWP Error Code 43

Posted by dabus on 04 June 2015 - 08:16 AM in Mega Mod Help

Sounds like you created something that is not solvable. I can't remind if the number or problems or the number of attempts to solve problems have fixed bounds and you breached them.
I'd suggest to save your selection in advance or better export it via the Options-menu and post the file here. Then I could use the file + your language selection to see what's happening.
And if you save, you can go back to that status without reselecting everything yourself. Of course you could also right-click ever item yourself.
Oh, and solving conflicts first and then and removing items with pending dependencies should also work,

#578093 BWS Debug Mode Vs Set Up Mode

Posted by dabus on 03 June 2015 - 12:00 PM in Mega Mod Help

Debug Mode is for *drumroll* ... debugging. :P
Debugging the BWS itself it is - not the result or install. I wrote that since the BWS sometimes crashed and I'd have to ask to replace code or write it myself to find out which variables had which value and so on.
So that mode creates a modified script that writes the current executed line into a file. Another small script runs and looks for a crash of the main-script. If it recognizes a crash, then it will edit the main script to write those needed variables into a file that gets displayed on the second crash.

The regular one just runs the script.

So you could run either one, it should not affect the result of the install at all.

#577884 BWP textpack issues

Posted by dabus on 24 May 2015 - 01:07 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'd guess it's not an issue but using the old mod version.
Check if you got the BWS master - if not, that's the reason why you did not get the new mod version of Ascalons Questpack (2 beta) that provides a translations and thus does not need the textpack.

#577880 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 23 May 2015 - 06:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

If you don't know what to do, a you could just let the BWS skip those errors by selecting another install-logic (not saying that preventing that would hurt).
All log files of the BWS are in the BiG World Setup\logs folder. If you start a new install, the files are moved into a sub-folder with a timestamp.
You also find the slightly stripped install-logs inside the BiG World Debug.7z archive, which can be found in your games folder. Things like shown progress when decoding ogg-files or converting tile-sets are not shown there.

#577869 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 23 May 2015 - 08:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

Seriously: You installed so many times and you did not notice any messages about debug-files nor looked into the BiG World Setup-folder? :(

Also the hood animation is not and error but a skipping-message of the mod and a simple dependency in the BWSs game.ini away.
And Portraits has some errors in the mods REQUIRE_PREDICATE lines. He already received a report about those errors.

#577842 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 22 May 2015 - 07:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

The expert selection is for debugging purposes.
If you remove all errors, you might end up with a tactics install.
If you remove tactics content, you likely have something similar to standard.
And if you stick with mods that arguable have a better reputation (and add some more mods) you'll get the idea what recommended was for.

At least those were the ideas of the few out of the box selections that the batches provided that were tailored after the PDF guide.
Since the BiG World idea is "all you can eat", removing them completely was rarely a result of an install failure. They moved to expert.

Since I have no idea of judging mods nor played them (don't know about Quiet or Alien), we stuck with the guide for a long time.

Leonardo changed the number/setting of categories in his installpack-batch but the BWS still has it in there.
Reasons? I'd go with
-adding different 50 icons might not help to make things clean
-we already have a tree that's showing different themes
-it would also be a pain to get it out
-I still like the idea of some rating, but there's nothing like a central rating poll or something and opinions differ.
So I'd like to have something like to replace these Recommended/Standard/Tactics/Expert with a some meaning of ++ + o - rating. But as said, never happened.

Alien/Quiet/me also discussed the option of leaving those options out of the Selection-menu and only put in preselections like Kresos or Mic Baldurs.

So if you want to throw all mods away that possibly produce errors and create a foundation that is solid, I'd guess that reminds me of an idea that was lingering around a few years ago, but it was not implemented because of the lack of manpower/ guys that can fix problems / the BWP idea.
Think of an absurd number of over 500 mods. Ok, a few do only one thing and are not troublesome at all, others are fine when similar mods don't interfere but stacked with others, they go bonkers.

To sum it up:
If you don't want a small install and add some mods to - lets say Kresos preselection - I wish you good luck with debugging and if you get some help and you had enough courage and time to play the game with all those mods under different conditions (weapons/npcs/enemies/AI mods) and think it's stable, I'd applaud you and put another preselection into the BWS.

Seems like you had a slightly different approach about a "playable install"... Gimme back my time. :D

#577834 Help me Bug Test the BWS!

Posted by dabus on 22 May 2015 - 05:17 AM in Mega Mod Help

If you want to contribute, that's ok. I'd just note that expert is just meant to say that you need to be a "debugging expert" with NearInfinity and WeiDU-knowledge to solve the problems that will likely come up.
If you want to have more fun, install less.

#577795 Questions About Adjusting My BWS Install

Posted by dabus on 20 May 2015 - 09:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

1) Recommended contains less content.
2) There is no option to only edit the font-size in the selection screen. The size is set per default for all text-items and almost no item has it changed afterwards.
So you could try to open Big World Setup\Includes\11_GUI.au3 and replace the 8 in GUISetFont(8, 400, 0, 'MS Sans Serif') line 11 with something bigger.
No guarantee that it will fit the space that is available since there's no calculation for that in the program.
When creating something like a button, you have some amount of pixels (100x20). Then you have your text that has to fit in that space and we tested if it fits when the texts were translations/available.
If your selected font is to big, it will be "leaving" the buttons assigned space / 100 pixels and be cut.
Maybe it would be easier to use a "magnifier"-program or lower the resolution of your monitor.

#577793 BWS: Turumbar Fixes and BGT NPC Portrait Setup Problems

Posted by dabus on 20 May 2015 - 08:57 PM in Mega Mod Help

Problem was fixed yesterday.
And it does make sense if you'd have a dependency of a mod that does not fit your language selection since the dependency is not translated (yet).

#577739 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 19 May 2015 - 11:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

It's this from the PDF:

Install Component [Summons/NPCs Set Off Traps]? [ N ]ot Install
19 1] Everyone can set off traps (excluding illusions, etc.)
20 2] Green and blue circles, and enemy summons can set off traps
21 2] Only green-circles and enemy summons can set off traps

This component can cause problems with the "Improved lIyich" component from the Tactics mod, because llych possibly runs over the traps without any action.

Since I stuck with the BWP for a long time, I just didn't add much that had no [ i ]nstall-instuction.
So if we add the conflict, we could add it.

And would you consider adding a post instead of quoting if nobody replied in the meantime or use the edit-button? Would make reading this thread a bit slicker.

#577655 TS 7.04 installation issue on BW 15.02

Posted by dabus on 17 May 2015 - 03:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

Aren't you curious if something (for whatever reason that would be) installed Bag02NeJ.itm?
Although I'd also guess that this is a leftover from an unclean uninstall.

#577651 TS 7.04 installation issue on BW 15.02

Posted by dabus on 17 May 2015 - 01:23 AM in Mega Mod Help

Uhm, how about a changlog?

#577643 BWS: La'Viconia Hood Stoppage

Posted by dabus on 16 May 2015 - 07:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

http://dabus.bplaced.../12_process.au3 (out this one into the BiG World Setup directory)
http://dabus.bplaced...up_proctest.au3 (same folder)

Nothing gets overwritten, so you can delete the files later if you like.
You just get into that screen you're having problems with and have to press c or e to get out.
Remember that you you can just close the AutoIt3.exe if you can't get out of the program/script.

So to start, just drag the BWS_proctest.au3 file onto the AutoIt3.exe and post the output (is shown in a messagebox and gets pasted into clipboard)
Then start the AutoIt3 with right-click and give admin-rights, Open the test-file, see if it differs and post too.

Output should be like this:

1: c == 99

So the allowed keys are shown, the keys in your language (so something like a "yes" as an answer can be [ Y ]es, [ S ]i, [ O ]ui, [ J ]a or something different.
The string shows your pressed button, followed by the splitted read text from the inputbox, represented by 1 character per line, showing number, character and ascii-code.

OS and codepage would be nice to know.
You're not one of those vm/emulator/wine-guys that found that something is bogging when you're not running a native windows or tries Windows 10?
And you're running as Admin in case you use Windows 8 and did not use the vbs to start the AutoIt3?
Unusual keyboards / layouts?

#577642 Aran Whitehand Missing Options

Posted by dabus on 16 May 2015 - 06:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

Annotation from the select.txt: For some reason Aran Whitehand should be installed manually...

#577638 BWS: La'Viconia Hood Stoppage

Posted by dabus on 16 May 2015 - 02:03 PM in Mega Mod Help

1. BWS has a ton of of connections (I'd roughly guess about 600, with lots of them being related to multiple mods/components) but it does not have all in there.
Your selection was to disable the main component and not being a thief, the thief animation does not make sense for Viconia.
The deletion may have been suggested by other conflicts.
2. Read above and I don't own nor can/want to debug that on your computer.

#577634 BWS: La'Viconia Hood Stoppage

Posted by dabus on 16 May 2015 - 10:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

The BWS loops until you type a c or an e into the inputbox that is highlighted and focused and press the button next to it. I don't know what happened there but it was not getting that response.
The translation for descriptions/keys/characters are ok and it works just fine here.
You could have exited and resumed here instead of reinstalling... (either by killing Autoit3.exe or using the TrayIcon to do so).

#577604 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 15 May 2015 - 08:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

ToBEx is a launcher that injects its code directly into the BGMain.exe, so it's not using the override-folder of biffs or anything that would cause trouble if you change it.
So you can edit that ini-file any time if you don't like something or want to have extended logging or something else.

#577600 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 15 May 2015 - 07:30 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS install logic is not made for editing files.
It was made to tell weidu to install x with language y and maybe give an answer when subcomponent z should be selected.

Because there is no weidu-component to edit the tobEx.ini, BWS does not show it or install it thus WeiDU does not edit the file.
Just use --list-components and --list-languages or take a look at Config\Global\%Modname%.ini and look for WeiDU-EN to get the components that can be installed.
If you ran BWS and selected a game, you can also use Config\%GAMENAME%\WeiDU-EN.ini or look at the builtin editor.

#577598 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 15 May 2015 - 07:11 AM in Mega Mod Help

Spellpack is SpekpackB6.
Disable End is not in there because there's no component in the tp2 that would enable that tweak.
Fixpack and timely updates: Look at the history, then you know about release dates.

#577574 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 14 May 2015 - 06:23 PM in Mega Mod Help

I dunno if the BWS should be a hotfix for mods.
If Quit/Alien want to do it, I won't stop them but I usually left that for others maintainers.
Its getting more unclear which package fix what if you need a mod, modders fix, BWP fixpack and the BWS to make mods work. I wasn't good enough to know if I'd make things worse. And some modders are kind of allergic to fixing their stuff if they don't approve or had some intention that did not need a fix.