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#484680 Help with the Gaunlet...

Posted by Wrack on 13 April 2010 - 08:23 AM in Classic Adventures

Thanks, for a while I got stuck on the gnoll encounter too, until i found the small bit of area that allowed an exit. D'oh!

#484673 Help with the Gaunlet...

Posted by Wrack on 13 April 2010 - 07:49 AM in Classic Adventures

After finding the Sentinel in the Villa, I seem to have gotten stuck. I've gone back and talked to Kurst and Bergon. If I agree to help Bergon the only choice is to demand to rest first, and then no new dialogue is available if I talk to him again. Both the sentinel and a book I found in the nearby forest point the location of the fortress on the border between sembia and cormyr, but no location has appeared on the map and I can't figure out how to get there...

#484652 Weapon Upgrade Questions

Posted by Wrack on 13 April 2010 - 04:12 AM in Classic Adventures

That makes sense, however typically when an item is upgradable you can ask rurik about it and he tells you what the other items and money you need are. In my case despite the weapons being in the inventory they are not mentionable in the smithy dialogue options. How am I supposed to find out what the items and money required are, or communicate to Rurik that I am interested in upgrading them? Are the options for glowfire, etc, disabled until a particular chapter or something like that?

#484606 Weapon Upgrade Questions

Posted by Wrack on 12 April 2010 - 05:59 PM in Classic Adventures

Playing through V0.52 and taking the path through to Piney Bluff, etc. I noticed that one of Icar's dialogues with Rurik mention fixing a problem with Glowfire, and I believe the sword was mentioned as upgradable somewhere in the forums. However after the dialogue nothing happened, and using the console to try and further things along brought up nothing new along those lines. Even in Rurik's smithy no new options are available.

A similar thing happened regarding the Sword of Spartusia, while I am aware it can be upgraded in Myth Drannor, Rurik mentioned to Aleigha that he could improve it if some special booze is obtained from the temple of Liira. But after the item is gotten, nothing further transpires. Incidentally, I've noticed that the upgraded version appears to be lost if Aleigha is captured by slavers...it returns as usual after resting, but as a +2 sword, not as Squelcher.

Also, is the Shatterspike upgrade based on interparty dialogue too, possibly with Rurik ?

#477569 Too many Sahuagin!

Posted by Wrack on 01 February 2010 - 02:43 AM in Classic Adventures

Have just completed the Sahuagin fortress, cleaned it out but when i return to the surface the area is just swarming with Sahaugin, and I mean every single available space is just crammed with masses and masses of them, sardine packed so that its almost impossible to move. Even with cheating I couldn't clear a path through them before my computer crashed and using ctrl-j to teleport to the exit won't work either, presumably because the ground over there is also too full of Sahaugin.

It seems like I'm trapped, unless there is some way to stop this happening... :S

#477567 Haunted House/Mistmoor Problem

Posted by Wrack on 01 February 2010 - 02:39 AM in Classic Adventures

Thanks, I eventually found the right exit after attempting to leave multiple times :)

#477417 Haunted House/Mistmoor Problem

Posted by Wrack on 30 January 2010 - 08:02 AM in Classic Adventures

Hi, I'm  new here and am going through my 1st playthrough of the mod, which seems fantastic, but registered to ask about a problem I've encountered:

I've just left Saltmarsh to investigate their haunted house problem, but it seems that the only new place I can go from there is Mistmoor. While Mistmoor Manor appears to be haunted, from looking at the walkthrough and the boards it is clear that the house in the saltmarsh quest is a different area. Also, from the encounter in the Mistmoor Store and the npcs you can pick up there its clear that this is a higher level module.

Is there a way I can reach the Saltmarsh haunted house that I may have missed? I leave the town out of the SW gate, but like i said, the only option seems to go to Mistmoor.

Am playing v.0.51, in case Mistmoor has been moved to take place earlier in the campaign and the info I've found is out of date...