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#174941 future versions

Posted by Kain on 13 December 2004 - 06:54 AM in Edwin Romance

i really enjoyed playing this mod, this must be one of the best romances ive played to date, in future version will there be any new epilogues (possibly for more evil players, one thing i cant remeber does charname have any children in the epligoue)

#160044 TOB PROB

Posted by Kain on 05 October 2004 - 03:02 PM in Edwin Romance

Just wondering if its my own instalation is buggy ,has anyone had any trouble with the tob part of the romance, everything works like a charm until i get to the lovetalk where he talks about the furture. then all lovetalks stop i dont even get the saradush sleep talk.

ive taken a look with shadow keeper the romnace timer is set to 1 the romanceactive timer is set to 2 it also says lovetalk 44 but i cant be sure that includes the tob talks. also if it helps the explovetalk locals is 6

#160134 TOB PROB

Posted by Kain on 06 October 2004 - 12:13 AM in Edwin Romance

ive done the second one where u see the evil version of urself after i dont get any more lovetalks even the saradush talk ive tried resting but it dont help.

is there anything else im supoosed to do toget the saradush talk

ive just done the third one where u meet ur innocence and im still not getting any takks from edwin

#200565 Booter the Shadow Thief torture gnome!

Posted by Kain on 16 April 2005 - 04:33 AM in Valen Expansion

will having him in the group cause conflicts with Fade mod as he already has interjection with Fade but is not a joinable npc.

#159613 when does dergarden show up

Posted by Kain on 04 October 2004 - 02:57 AM in Edwin Romance

ive just gone pass the edwina lovetalk where he replies It seems we understand each other well, <CHARNAME>, and that you have at least a modicum of sense. I have to admit it pleases me.

the thing is i cant get passed this lovetalk ive rested gone out of town i assume that dergarden is supposed to show at this time r they any requirments for his spawn like a location or something.

if it helps the lovetalk number is 27

#159689 when does dergarden show up

Posted by Kain on 04 October 2004 - 10:22 AM in Edwin Romance

its the first spawning , ive checked the edwinromance variable with shadowkeeper and its 1, ive also checked the Degardan spawn timer and it 1517310 ive reduced it to 1 , and i reduced the edwinromanceactive variable to 1 but still nothing has happened

#159707 when does dergarden show up

Posted by Kain on 04 October 2004 - 11:33 AM in Edwin Romance

its ok now i reloaded the save and he appeard i dont think he spawns in the temple district, he finally spawnded in the graveyard

#198809 new ending for Viconia

Posted by Kain on 08 April 2005 - 11:02 AM in Edwin Romance


I tried to replicate the bug, but was unable to do so. Please let me know what other mods you have. And also, if you have a save game just before this, please mail it to snag1978@hotmail.com.
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the mods i have installed are

Ease of use
Item upgrades
Underepresented items
Ashes of embers
Dark ritual
Npc flirt pack

i dont have the Soa or Tob part (v3) of Edwins mod installed just the alt ending for Viconia ive also sent you the email with the savegame and my wediu log.

#198934 new ending for Viconia

Posted by Kain on 09 April 2005 - 12:38 AM in Edwin Romance

yep thats right the FWPI is the forgotten wars item pack, so far ive only had that bug with viconia's epilogue it dosent seem to affect any other epilogues.

any you could send me the epilogue coz im dying to know what happens to Vic

#198466 new ending for Viconia

Posted by Kain on 07 April 2005 - 12:02 AM in Edwin Romance

this really weird i dont have Edwin in my party but  i keep getting Edwins ending instead of vicoina i unstalled the Soa and the Tob part of the romance  and just left viccys new ending and i still kept getting Edwin ending, i know his got an ego but i didnt think it be this big  :D

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You mean that Edwin's ending played instead of Viconia's? That's definitely a bug. Which of Edwin's endings was it?

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it seemed to be his normal bioware ending the one where he ruled for a very short time

#197599 new ending for Viconia

Posted by Kain on 03 April 2005 - 12:34 AM in Edwin Romance

is it true theres a new ending for Viconia with this mod, if so do i still get it if i romance Viccy. also does her evil ending from the flirt pack cause problems with the new ending

#198400 new ending for Viconia

Posted by Kain on 06 April 2005 - 01:22 PM in Edwin Romance

this really weird i dont have Edwin in my party but i keep getting Edwins ending instead of vicoina i unstalled the Soa and the Tob part of the romance and just left viccys new ending and i still kept getting Edwin ending, i know his got an ego but i didnt think it be this big :D

#159992 edwing resurection

Posted by Kain on 05 October 2004 - 11:01 AM in Edwin Romance

i think i found out what the problem was whe i placed the body anf=d heart there it said something like the rage has cooled , i think it was because i somehow skipped the slayer dream, i reloaded and it worked fine

#159763 edwing resurection

Posted by Kain on 04 October 2004 - 03:01 PM in Edwin Romance

just wondering when u place edwins body in the altar with bhodis heart r they both ment to disapper also i cant seem to figure out what the extra item i ment to include is ive tried the lock of hair ive got of edwin but theres no reaction

#173595 Progress report

Posted by Kain on 06 December 2004 - 04:45 AM in Return to Windspear

just wondering hows the progress coming along