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#514177 Problem with blood :P

Posted by Neane on 29 April 2011 - 05:10 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

I have strange problem with blood in oblivion. Whatever i do, i cant cover my character in blood. I was try edit .ini file, use mods like: "Alt_Blood_For_MMM", "gorier_blood_11", "Bloody_Spray_Pack_v1_5-19331". I was try it with reinstal Oblivion multiple times. All parts of body what can me covered are legs and hends, but no chest and head. That is more strange i blood tekstures work even on this parts of body but only underwater.
Is any mod what can help with it? Or is it somewhere in game settings?

Here is the mod link for covering your character with blood.

Blood Mod Link

#514091 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Neane on 28 April 2011 - 04:32 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Would love to see a BG3 though with today's market they would probably ruin it.

I've always wanted a BG3 since a 'After the end' mod was in the works like 7 years ago but the poor girl who was working on it lost everything during a power surge.

Had a portrait similar to princesspurpleblob actually, lol!

Though ideally with the 4th edition setting it would no longer work, they should just start a new franchise and return to the roots of roleplay, dungeons and dragons and maybe do something with Bhaal or completely remove his essence from the river beneath that bridge :D

Hmmmm.... I agree with you on this statement. And I do not believe that 4th Edition rules would work with a world and setting that uses the 2nd Edition rule set. (<CHARNAME>: I thought that Kobolds were little yapping cat-dogs that bark? Martin: They changed it for the next generation because dinosaurs and lizards rock.)

But the largest problem would be what is game canon and what is not game canon. For example: In Fallout: New Vegas, the people that made F3:NV put into the game that the Chosen One had a child with either Mrs. Bishop or her daughter. But that is not what my Chosen One did. And Baldur's Gate 2 assumes that you had Minsc and Jaheria and that you did not finish the game with Shar-Teel or Brawin. The best sequel product that dealt with game canon was KOTOR2 which had you answer some questions about what Revan was like, and if Revan was a female or male. So if it is a sequel of the children of Bhaal, then the role of Canon is very tricky. And most games assume that you were a good person in the game, that you saved the world and did nothing bad. ( See Fallout and BG2:SOA) And Baldur's Gate TOB had you become a good god even if you were murdering Halflings and wanted to become the new lord of Murder. just because you said something wrong.
And the largest problem would be who got romanced.

Because if you are a male <CHARNAME>, you have the choice of Jaheria, Aerie, or Viconia based only on the Vanilla game. And females: You know, tis the reason Chloe was made. :lol:

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance just has Edwina because he always turns into a girl. :lol: So the biggest problem is the Canon.

But when I finished the Baldur's Gate Bhaal sage, I saw some things and some characters that could go into the third one, but if Baldur's Gate III will only destroy everything: then let it rest in peace and in our computers.

So the only question is what is Game Canon and what is not Game Canon. And KOTOR2:The Sith lords was a good example of a game sequel when it dealt with possible romance canon even if it does not talk about one person that could have be romanceable.

But it would be interesting if the <CHARNAME> in Baldur's Gate III is a child of <CHARNAME>, Imoen, Veikang, Savorak?, or some other Bhaal Child. And Imoen only did not become a god because she gave up her Bhaal Essence, and Veikang could have had a family after being cured of his strange illness that caused him to jump to other parts of the map.

#514023 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Neane on 27 April 2011 - 02:14 PM in Dragon Age Series

Is it me, or does the mage look like Darth Malak combined with Richard of Looking for Group? :blink:

Also, when I did the Business Math Formulas on EA Games' company profile, I came to the conclusion that they only have 4 HPs out of 12. They are making the same mistakes as 96% of Small Businesses. Even Alon Holdings in Israel that is being milked dry by money-sharks and being sued for saying that butter is fake-butter is doing 60% better than EA games. So it's EA Games' fault for everything terrible in Bioware's games because EA needs cash now or else they will die.

#513472 prequel mod

Posted by Neane on 20 April 2011 - 12:00 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Putting it into a dream is a great idea... provided it stars people I've mentioned and our current party.
Alianna is the mother of CHARNAME, btw.

Alianna would be very interesting. I wonder.. If she is a Priestess of Bhaal at the time frame it covers, shoundn't she be able to sense your Bhaal essence?

If it happens in Baldur's Gate 2 SOA, then she would not tell the difference based on your "essence". So the only thing that would help her know who you are is mother's instict.

However, <CHARNAME> does not know who his/her mother is.  :huh:

And of course it would matter when in Alianna's life it happens. If the dream is like another world, ( Like the dream with Bhaal and Immy) and if you pop in during her 20s... There might be a Back to the Future 1 problem. And if your evil.....
I am not going to say. :whistling:

And, the dreams in Baldur's Gate are from the Bhaal part of you, so it could be like the BG1 dreams where you do something and like RavenSW said: You would get powers.

( BG1 dreams are affected by choices becuase it is your sub-mind doing it. This dream would be interesting if you are in direct control like the SpellHold Dream with Bhaal and Immy.)

Edit:( A bit sleeply when I made this, going to got to bed now.)

#513463 prequel mod

Posted by Neane on 19 April 2011 - 10:56 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Edit: Or you could build the whole adventure as a map in BG2 where the party goes back in time and either helps or causes the whole series of Baldur's Gate to begin by accident by doing something. Could be the reason why Saverok was found by the Iron Throne. Or something else.

Great idea! And those who are evil could get their chance to kill Gorion(well, they'll fail, but it'll be fun anyway).


That would destory the whole series that Bioware and Black Isle spent millions of dolllars on.
But what kind of <CHARNAME> would do that?

Let's face it:

90% of the Bhaalspawn lived in what we call "Third World" conditions. The life of Candlekeep was heaven compared to Savorak and that Kobold Bhaalspawn that the Orges and Jan Jansen ate for supper. <Kobold NPC runs from Jan> And after <Charname> left Candlekeep, everything became super hard. You have to sleep in Drow Enclaves, Beholder Caves, and you must be ready to fight at all times. And Gorion taught you everything you need to learn. He taught you how to make magic work, gave you weapon training, and you have a chance to steal without some Flaming Fist chop your head off, and you had a warm bed and food, and (According to the Canon ( May Abdel become fish food!)) you could leave with the Caravans for a small adventure. If Gorion did not find you, you would have had to live on your own, and you would have ended up like most of the other ones: poor, unable to fight, wolf-food, and you would not have had a chance to do what you want with your life for 20 years.

So only an insane, murdering,decieving, stupid, a special type of Chaotic Evil, and moron would kill Gorion. But I do believe that it should be an option. ( In other mods, you do some evil or "decieving" and your lover either kills you or dies of a broken heart. And you should have the freedom to make your own choices.)

So, if I made this mod: I would have it as some-sort of dream-like thing. Like when Immy helps you kill Bhaal in your Spellhold Dream. ( The only reason you do not recieve XP is because Bhaal does not die.) Also, I believe that it is possible to lower your stats down a bit so you are not level 40 and chop through every thing in your path. Also, I would make certain that the story does not change because it is nothing but a dream.

#513436 prequel mod

Posted by Neane on 19 April 2011 - 10:57 AM in IE Mod Ideas

So, playing some random Harper/PC's mother with Khalid, Jaheira and Gorion - boring. Even playing young PC with Imoen doesn't sound so hot. Unless you get the entire party of Minsc, Jaheira, Anomen, Xan and so on, and they lose their memories at the end of the prequel, but that's cheap.

That is why no one was interested in the text-adventure prequel game of <CHARNAME> and Imoen when it was released a year ago in beta verison.

Edit: Or you could build the whole adventure as a map in BG2 where the party goes back in time and either helps or causes the whole series of Baldur's Gate to begin by accident by doing something. Could be the reason why Saverok was found by the Iron Throne. Or something else.

#513376 prequel mod

Posted by Neane on 18 April 2011 - 07:03 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Khalid and Jaheira's parents are no no. Both sets are dead, that's why. And none of the four were Harpers. But Gorion, Khalid & Jaheira and Reviana - why not. And Alianna! We mustn't forget about her! And little Sarevok! And Rieltar! ...

Or you could just include Khalid and Jaheria as normal NPCs that do not matter. Just like how most of the NPCs in BG1 became simple NPCs in BG2. ( Someone I heard did did say that Jaheria was about 86 yrs old in the games.)Also, it could include the mother of the <CHARNAME> in the Baldur's Gate Saga. If I do remember, Elminster Aumar  was the lover of one of the gods. So Gorion could have a Romance with <CHARNAME>'s mother. Gorion was Lawful Good and he said in his letter that <CHARNAME>'s mother was his lover. Also, while Jaheria's bio mom and dad were not harpers, she was raised by druids. So the Druids could be Jaheria's parents the same as Gorion was the father of <CHARNAME>.

#513312 prequel mod

Posted by Neane on 17 April 2011 - 11:42 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmmm... It would help to explain why the Red Dragon would put so much effort to draw <CHARNAME> into the trap that he set in the Windspear Hills. And what would we base it on? Sure the NPC Baldur gate 1 Project gave us insight intp what happened during this time period, but it is not canon. ( I am using the Baldur's Gate VideoGame as Canon and not the novels on the topic.) We know for sure that the party was only able to cut the Red Dragon's skin and not kill him. So that means that the party would be below Level 19. And Gorion was one of the most powerful Mages in the game, so you are going to include Gorion, you have to options:

1.) Make the game before Gorion became so powerful, so around his early years. But I do not believe it would have Khalid and his wife.
2.) Have Gorion not kill him for some strange reason.

Or you can leave this in the dust and have it be like Baldur's Gate 1 but with a character that can then join the ones you metioned. ( That way, you cannot have the Dragon adventure take place at all.)


1.) In Baldur's Gate 1, Khalid and his wife are only level one. And the harpers that you meet in BG2 are not level one. So that means that the Company made them level one for balence. ( Going through the woods and into the Gnoll Stronghold with level 9 NPCs!)

So you would have to take that into account. Either way, if you want to build it, so be it.

#511731 Romanceable Minsc

Posted by Neane on 26 March 2011 - 06:57 PM in IE Mod Ideas


"The unfinished code also revealed the inner workings of a romance plot between Minsc and the main character." :o

#511687 Haer'Dalis Bird Names

Posted by Neane on 25 March 2011 - 08:34 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Haer'Dalis calls Moongaze's Kari the Half-Kobold a Fennec in Throne of Bhaal.
(Currently Beta Version only.)


And Haer'Dalis calls Kim the Pirate "my phoenix".

"Alas, alas.. so much beauty and so little time..."

And then calls her his nightingale.

And then, when Kim wants to put her foot in Haer'Dalis' butt:

He says "Let's fly away, my swallow, before this nasty crow picks our eyes."

Kim and Haer'Dalis then talk and He says:

"This swallow is hurt. You will have your play, I promise you!" :coolthumb:

#511685 Restarting the Romance

Posted by Neane on 25 March 2011 - 07:00 PM in Tashia

Q: How do I resume a dead romance?
To restart the romance, just set the global NameRomanceActive to 1 or 2 (1 is flirting, 2 is an exclusive relationship).

Mud Master


Did you check to see if the CLUAConsole is:


To get your current number just do either:


Also: Some NPC romance and romance add-ons are made so you have to be romancing before you cheat.

Example:  The Imoen Romance Mod will not allow you to  have

CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("ImoenRomanceActive","Global",1) when you are in the first map of the game. Instead, it happens after the first romance talk in the first map and then changes to 4 until you are in the underdark with will change it to 1 and then if you have the correct number of Kindess Points you will progess to 2.
And if you break-up with Imoen, you get 3 in which she's mad at you.( Kindness Point will matter in the TOB part.)

Romance Numbers:

1   Romance Talks

2    Romance Active

3    Romance Dead

4    Romance on StandBy

#511674 Romanceable Minsc

Posted by Neane on 25 March 2011 - 06:27 PM in IE Mod Ideas

A Minsc romance would be very innocent, for Minsc is the most innocent person in the saga. I wonder if it would build upon his sadness of losing Dynaheir. And thus, I believe that the romance would work best with a Magic User that is a female human.

Male to Male Minsc romance.............I don't see it happening in fifty years.............

But then again.... There is the Love Triangle that happens in Baldur's Gate 2

Minsc' witch


There was some talk on the Imoen Forum about how Minsc would react to several things.....and I think that Boo would make a great Marriage Counselor becuase of how smart Boo is!

But, there how Minsc views the Child of Bhaal. For Minsc thinks that the CharName is a great person who is everything Minsc wants to be. ( Expect when you turn those crazy Halfling Town Criers into Stone so you get extra EXP points!) So the Minsc romance will be the same as the Idea of a Viconia that romances the female Charname. As long as you do not murder the character, it is possible.

For Example: If Minsc solves world hunger to prove to Charname that he loves her, it would not fit into the image of Minsc that has been created since the day you first meet him in BG 1. But if Minsc tells Boo to solve world hunger so that the child fo Bhaal will marry Minsc, then it would fit. For Boo is smart!!

#511634 Modder Taig Dale needs Banters

Posted by Neane on 25 March 2011 - 12:09 AM in IE Modding Discussion

The Current Imoen Romance (That contains "I have to poo!") will work with the TOB part of the Imoen Romance.

Taig will not delete the current version of Imoen Romance Mod, so you will be able to download the old version that contains the "Poo" sentence.

Taig's finished TOB will allow you to import your Current Romance into TOB the same as this new verison of the Immy Romance.

#511633 Modder Taig Dale needs Banters

Posted by Neane on 24 March 2011 - 11:54 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Yes, there might be some problems.

#511631 Modder Taig Dale needs Banters

Posted by Neane on 24 March 2011 - 11:44 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Hello Fellow Spellhold members. Neane here for a special Modder Post.

Taig Dale ( The modder for the Thone of Bhall Part of the Imoen Romance Mod ) needs Banters for her v2.0 Imoen Romance Mod.
She is writting and editing it so that there will be no problems between the SOA and the TOB of the Imoen Romance Mod.

Here is more Info on the Topic:  http://imoen.blindmo...c.php?f=3&t=119

And here are her words:

Hello everyone!

I'm writing dialogs, and one thing I realized is that (perhaps obviously) there's some NPCs that I rarely take with me and probably can't write that well.

So, I'm taking volunteers who would like to try their hand at writing some unique NPC dialogs between Imoen and other (Bioware) NPCs.

- You have to be fluent in English.
- Just because you write something doesn't mean I'll include it. If I don't think it's appropriate, doesn't fit well, etc., I reserve the right not to include it.
- You don't get anything in return for it, other than a mention in the ReadMe/Credits if your idea / writing is used. And my gratitude
- You can volunteer for up to three NPCs, but put them in order of first, second, and third choice.
- I'll fill in the list on a first-come, first-serve basis taking into account your preferences.
- I'll want at least two unique interjections per NPC. They don't have to be about anything specific, but keep in mind the important events for the PC (i.e. Cernd's kid, Edwin's sex change) that might be worth commenting on.
- While we're at it, I'm open to interjections for the TOB part as well. I'll store them for later use  So specify if you want to write for TOB or for SOA.

If you're interested... let me know!

The List

Aerie - Complete - no additional dialogs needed
Jaheira - Done! Great stuff from DoomForge!
Lilarcor [the talking sword] - Done! Two dialogs by Abdel
Sarevok [TOB only]


I would prefer to assign certain people to certain characters, for two reasons:

1) It's no secret that some NPCs (*cough*Minsc*cough) are more popular then others (*sneeze*Cernd*sneeze*). I'd like to avoid a situation where I end up with 25 dialogs for Minsc and Jaheira and 0 for Mazzy and Cernd.

2) It helps me see in advance who's working on what, so I know what *I* have to fill in. If I end up with every NPC covered by someone, then I know I don't have to worry about any NPC banters. If everyone avoids Cernd like the plague, I know to add it to the list of things for me to do.

Of course, if no one wants to sign up for a particular character, then my idea is screwed and I'll take what I can get.

Regarding placement of the dialogs -- you're right, that'll vary for the characters depending on where in the game it takes place. I'd hope that the author would tell me approximately where it'd need to go (e.g. "For Anomen, before his test"). If it's pretty generic, then I can stick it in anywhere of course.

End Quote.

And here is why she is making the v2.0 Imoen Romance Mod before finsishing the TOB part:

Good morning everyone,

Lord Mirrabbo has frequently said that, if he had time, he would go back and re-write the SOA part of the mod. He doesn't, of course.... but I might.

1) Do you think the mod would benefit from some re-writing? What parts and why? (For example, I don't like the 'totally random' answers like the famous 'I have to poo!' line.)

2) What *functional* things would you add/remove? (Specifically, I was thinking of some cross-mod banters, perhaps.)

Nothing plot-wise would change. The plot is just fine, according to me and Lord Mirrabbo -- so the dreams, the torture, the lake scene... it all stays. The only possible thing that might effect the plotline would be the inclusion of romance conflicts from other mods. (e.g. Kelsey / Imoen / PC)

Of course, if you can think of something cool to add that doesn't actually change the plot, but still adds something new, feel free to share that, too.


Reading through Thone of Bhaal and hearing the decisions on SOA has made me realize that the very first thing I need to do is re-read all of the SOA things. I need to have a very good feel for Imoen's voice and for the flow of events, etc. Otherwise, I run the risk of making TOB in another voice and another flow that doesn't match what's in SOA at all.

So -- I'm going to start with the re-writing of Imoen: SOA, and after that I should have a good enough grasp on everything to continue TOB.

The good news is, then, you'll get some new SOA stuff. The bad news is, TOB is going to be longer in coming.


That's the goal. The one thing I really *don't* want to do, is either:

1) Create TOB in a completely new voice _or_
2) Create continuity gaps.

Re-reading is a *must* to avoid both of them. If I don't re-read, I won't have a good enough idea of Imoen's voice and personality to continue in the right vein, and I'll forget things which came up in SOA that haven't (yet) been implemented in TOB.

Re-writing is an attempt to address several issues, all based on the fact that when TOB comes out, I expect a LOT of people to be re-installing SOA for a complete playthrough experience.

1) There's grammar and spelling mistakes in SOA, even after several proofreadings.

2) Lord M himself has said that, if he'd had the time/energy, he would have re-written a good majority of SOA's dialog.

3) I agree about some of the complaints about writing style (notably the cursing, the large amount of action text, and the totally-off-the-wall CHARNAME response options that seem to be there just to be there and not have a driving effect on the story).

4) I'd like to add some story improvements, such as more differences in the female/male romance paths, more involved romance conflicts with the canon Bioware romances, and maybe (maybe) some minor cross-mod compatibility.

and lastly:

5) Per Lord M, most of the dialog in TOB will need to be re-written and edited -- the ideas are there, but the text is choppy.

So, if I don't re-write SOA, we'll end up with SOA's dialog being 100% Lord M and TOB being about 50% Lord M, which is going to create voicing issues. If I can make it where both SOA and TOB are about 50% Lord M / 50% me, the entire Imoen Romance experience should have a solid coherency and voice.


I know that people aren't going to be terribly thrilled about it, since it delays TOB longer, but I'm hoping that having new game material and a new playthrough experience will keep people interested and that they'll appreciate having a (hopefully) better quality product at the end.

And, as clarification, Lord M's SOA won't be magically disappearing. It'll remain just as it is, and the new version will be simply completely separate, so that people can decide which one they like better and either have the "original" SOA experience or the "v2" one.

So if you want the Imoen Romance Mod for TOB to come out during 2012, go and write what Bioware NPCs will say about <CharName> and Imoen's love that transcends all bounds of human law. Otherwise, Taig Dale will have to spend a year making Banters for Imoen Romance SOA v2.0, and she might not be able to finish Lord Mirrabo's TOB portion by two years!!
And while you are at it, write some bonus content for Imoen Romnace SOA v2.0
( Your writing can be written in Planescape: Torment Format.)

#511627 Q & A for the Valen Expansion

Posted by Neane on 24 March 2011 - 10:52 PM in Valen Expansion

[quote name='Neane' date='24 March 2011 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1301033679' post='511623']
On a scale of K ( Kid Friendly) to A (For Adults Only) [ The same rating for movies and TV shows]. What will the rating be?

[ The Auren and Sarah Female Romance Mods made by Kat Bella are rated T for Teen. The Imoen Romance mod by Lord Mirrabo is rated M for the possible sibling incest and words such as %$#! and ******* and #@!@!. And Baldur's Gate 2 made by Bioware is rated T for Teen.]

The Imoen romance had to much cursing for many people[Currently being fixed for the v2 of the Imoen Romance Mod by Taig Dale]. Will there be a lot of cursing in this mod?

And in one word, what will be Imoen's reaction to her sibling falling in love with a women who is currently a Vampire and whose "mother" currently has Imoen's soul?

Will the Statues in Spellhold right before you turn into the Slayer keep on shouting "You Support this Fiend!!" all the time and thus have to kick out Valen when the Child of Bhaal is romancing her and maybe ruin the romance all for a bonus of speed before we face Bodhi?

[ Note: Valen suffers from Cleric "Turn Undead" by Viconia and gets vaporized by any Priest Spells that Drow Priests use "Sunray" to kill Vampires and is affected by the "Repulse Undead" spell that throws Vampires across the Map. Valen suffers from any spells that affect undead and Vampires and Shadows. Found Out when last night blasted the Vampires and gave Imoen back her soul from Bodhi and then fought the Shadows and Lichs in the ancient Temple. And then had to Fight all the people of the "City of Coin" because Aerie attacked us in the tent when I went into the tent a second time with Valen. Note: Fighting the Huge Army of Amn is tough but gives you a ton of EXP. ]

Also, will Valen comment when you turn those Halfling (Cough#H$o$b$b$i$t$s#Cough) Town Criers into Stone with that Level One Orb Spell?[I killed everybody that would not turn the people of the map hostile with that spell.]

Could there be a romance track for the Torture Gnome you crtl-q with for my Thief Gnome that has 16 charisma?

Will Valen comment on any of the "Harlots" in the game?[ Some of her friends before she became a vampire were "Harlots".]