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#115361 Many Meetings

Posted by VigaHrolf on 09 May 2004 - 12:02 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I was just thinking that an RP would be better served by multiple writers - it's just as challenging and everyone is then allowed to develop their own character and get deeply involved in the story instead of it lerching one way or the other.

I enjoyed the RP from FWp, while it lasted.  ;)  
..and, as moderator, you (VH) could (now) delete the stray postings that occurred.


First, love the Zhaan avatar.  

Second, you have an excellent point about the threaded tale, that as a mod I could at least ensure that no one disrupts the flow.  So if there are those who really want to run this, I will be available for shepherding and the like.

Third, glad you liked the FWP roleplay while it lasted.  It was good fun and I think it had a good crew.


#113032 Comments on "Anaria"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 28 April 2004 - 10:20 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


I'm really enjoying the Tale of Anaria.  I'm quite curious as to what is next.  How will Ano react?  Kelsey?  What about Imoen and Jaheira?

And will hear more from Sarevok.  I'm sure he'll have a few nice and kind and comforting things to say. ;)


#168985 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 11 November 2004 - 08:13 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

You know this is one of my favourite stories  (beside the OTHER one *poke poke*) and I'm very happy you decided to continue it.  :D

Well, when you have a tall, powerful, beautiful woman in plate mail weilding a giant sword starts poking you, well, you have to take up the pen again and help her out.  :)

Your paladin is a fascinating character.  The healing sequence and the idea of it is just so very, well...Viga, I guess. ;) 


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Thanks Bey.  I do like her a lot and I find her character to be most interesting to play with.  Plus, I consider it a good challenge to try and write a good holy knight.  And as to the healing, I guess it is a bit in my idiom, eh? ;)  

And I had to heal him.  I didn't need you coming after me with a pitchfork. :D


#168987 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 11 November 2004 - 08:16 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Can't think of much to say so I'll have to stick with this

Very moving and emotional
I'm a sap for averted tradedy

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Well, thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment.  And I'm glad that you enjoyed my piece.


#153675 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 18 September 2004 - 11:09 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

So demanding, you two.

And I'll be working on it soon, just another story got in the way and is demanding to be written. At some point between fits of playing Fallout 2. Sniper rifle rocks.

#128518 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:30 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


I supressed the fact that this was a cliffhanger!  :blink:

Repressed memories are bad. I suggest that you start drinking heavily. Works for me! :D

Please!  Don't make us wait for long!  I want to know where you go from here! 

A few hints. Its not Bermuda. And its not the French Riviera. But it should hopefully be quite interesting.

Like Minds is a wonderful piece of writing. 


:wub: :D Now you're making me blush. Stop that!

PS: Anti-depressants came in quite handy, by the way!  Thanks, MG! ;)

Ahh.. nix the drinking.. you got better stuff! :D

#152493 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 14 September 2004 - 09:01 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


I've neglected a few comments here. My apologies to one and all.


I always enjoy letting people see my madness. Especially without the use of a drill. Unless I get the use the drill. Just not on me.


I know you won't. See, but if you make me, I'll HIDE! Hah!

MG: (or should I say, Naughty MG)

The funny thing is, one of my characters, the lovable fuzzball Viga, is actually a dedicated cartographer. One of the character quirks I gave him to go with his wanderlust. I figured it kinda fit.

And as to that little Aerie number... that is kept in a hermetically sealed vault for the safety of those in the region. Their brains might melt.


Thank you. :) And to answer your question, I do in fact intend to finish it. It kind of fell to the wayside as I worked on another project, but your comment actually brought it roaring back out the cobwebs of my mind. No promise on a release date, but it is coming. And also, thank you for the kind words on my action sequences. I work hard on them and I'm glad that they are appreciated. :D :D :D

Thank you one and all.


#170595 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 20 November 2004 - 03:18 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Pitchfork? dry.gif Ha! Peanuts! Too good for you! tongue.gif

Oh... :P

He's still alive!  So there!

  Pitchfork? (I'll loan you my pointy stick+2 biggrin.gif )

Nice, nice work, VH. But I felt a little sympathy 'twinge' in my hands as I read through the healing ritual.. *ouch*


Thanks MG.  Well, for everything else other than the pitchfork/pointy stick.  That's just mean. :P

Nice work, VigaHrolf. :). Sorry, I only just came back from camp, else I'd have commented earlier. You've done a great job! Just continue it... please? Pretty please? :)

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Thank you very much Shadowhawke.  And no worries.  

As to continuing... it may be.  But I don't know about that right now.  So I guess it's just.. watch this space? :)


#116984 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 17 May 2004 - 07:52 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


Thank you for the compliment again. I'm glad you like the 'etheral' chapter as I refer to it.

As to other material... it may appear. It just may. I've got a little more time, so it just may.

The Cursed,

The idea came from the fact that I've always believed that extremely powerful artifacts, such as a Holy Avenger would be something beyond a simple magical tool. Especially something more divine like a HA. So I thought more about it and came up with the idea of Carsomyr being 'sentient' Carsomyr, at least Aleria's Carsomyr, is not quite the same as the ever amusing Lilarcor, but has a definite pyschological/mental/spiritual aspect that can be addressed.

As to turning it to the game, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. Do you mean turning it into more of a mod type thing or more of a 'will we get to see Carsomyr interact with the rest of the game' kinda thing?


#128516 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:24 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Hi, VH...  :D

Unfortunately, this wonderful third episode was somewhat overshadowed.  Great addition, VH, and your close on Chapter III has all of us yelling in unison with Jaheira...

?Damn you Valygar! Fight!? she screamed, tears carving furrows in the soot that caked her face. Valygar?s eyelids sank shut and his breathing became shallower and slower. Looking behind her to where Aleria crouched, she shouted at the top of her lungs, ?Aleria!! Valygar, he?s dying!! I need your help!!?

I will admit, it is a bit overshadowed, but I needed some sort of exterior cut, and this seemed to be the way to set up the next chapter. It is a bit of a shocker, to switch from the etheral to the real.. but I hope with CH 4 it will all come together.

You're such a snot..  Keeping us hanging like this.  AAARRRRGGGGGG..........  I've already had to give Bey at least a couple of anti-depressants to keep her on her feet until you drag us back from the precipice of this cliff hanger.  A couple of turnips and a couple of raspberries for you, dear lad..  :turnip2:  :turnip:  :P  :P


MMMM.. raspberries. (Hands the turnips to Jan)

And I know I've kept you all hanging, but I promise a resolution in the near future. I just need to finish the chapter of another story of mine that has long been neglected. (A few acquaintances of ours are threatening me with sharpened spoons and rotten turnips, so, you know, I'm kinda stuck)

Thanks for reading!


#114342 Comments on "A Meeting of Like Minds"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 04 May 2004 - 12:43 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


Thanks for the kind words. :) And I'm sure you're happy to see a piece of my work appearing on the FW forum. Since I'm a mod and all. :)


:D Thank you. I know you like the story of my young paladin lassie Aleria, and I figured I should bring her over for a visit.

As to other goodies.. I have NO idea what you could be talking about. ;) ;)

#111680 Comments on "Rest in Pieces"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 08:43 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


Kelsey getting chunked after his invention worked! Bwahahahaha!

I loved this story before and I love it even more again. A great and wonderful piece of madness. So many are not immune to the power that is UU. Many have fallen under his dark sway. :D

Its great, isn't it?

#128519 Comments on "Back To His Senses"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:34 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Ahhh.. another piece of the story about my favorite ranger and Ladies' Man, one Valygar Corthala.

And its quite a piece, and quite a rework.  A most impressive improvement.  Which is a lot of I words, but hey, I like em.  They're... interesting! :D ;)

I like the Mazzy Valygar scene very much.. it really adds a lot of flavor to the dilemmas and makes it seem all that more real.

And the Tolgerias battle.  Verrrrry nice.  Very.  A nice calculating villain and hey, something from his sidekick!  Always a fine and fun thing.

Kudos and glad to see it back!


#112102 Comments on "Back To His Senses"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 23 April 2004 - 08:31 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


Yay!  Back to his Senses.  A truly wonderful piece of writing, if I say so myself.  I remember the first time I read it and I was pleasantly surprised.  And it got better from there.  

And I will also echo Theo in that your portrayal of Valygar brought that character to life for me in a most amazing way.  He went from just the tactiturn guy with the past to a vibrant, interesting and exciting character.  Thanks again!


#111580 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 10:49 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


Hehee.. nice pic.  I think the box was better though. :D :D

And as to druidess and snugglage.. I may be Anti EATCO, but that doesn't mean I don't like elves.  I just don't think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. ;)

#111492 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 07:16 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


As the duly appointed representative of Anti EATCO, I welcome you here, you crazy elf lover. ;)

And its good to see the ol Rush rushing about.  :D

Course... I do wonder a bit about the box thing going on.... but I'll just leave it at that. :D

#127737 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 12:49 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

A few random things:

TCPH's "People to Hate" - where can I find a copy? Not that I really need more help with this, but its always fun to have more sources.

Random historical fact:

"Everyone's Gospel is different--even in the New Testament, there are four recountings of similar events, as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. (I think--not familiar with the New Testament.)" - you are right on the official Testaments, but there are believed to be a number of others that didn't make the final editorial cut for the "New Testament." Some were too strange, too goofy, or impossible to verify. Others.. well, others just didn't josh or were redundant. Just an interesting little fun fact.

"And thank you, VH, for your comments. Very much appreciated. And I haven't seen userunfriendly yet. ;)" - you are welcome. And for the safety of all involved, lets make sure UU doesn't see that little bit of inspiration you could possibly have handed him.

We could get a whole series of Jan and his Lady Turnip stories, tales of passion and betrayal, seduction and culinary arts! And frankly, I don't think the world is ready for that.

No, certainly isn't...


#127705 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 11:28 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Why thank you sir. But I do have a question, have you heard Og's "Pretty Mushrooms" story? Why it rivals even Jack Kerowac (sp I know)'s Electric Kool Aid Acid Test!

#127703 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 11:19 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Interesting piece here.

There is one part that I most certainly agree with. In fact someone should go out there in write it in stone. Or what ever the electronic equivalent would be. You never know when your computer is going to go fritzo, or even worse, the forum or the route there. And you can lose a whole day?s worth of work.

I lost a whole story that way. Was writing it in the message field, posted but my session had expired. And the whole thing went kerflooie. Would have been a funny one too. Oh well.

I also agree very strongly with the waiting period. Its kind of like the reason we have a waiting period for firearms purchases in the US. You don?t the passion of the moment overruling good judgment. I?ve been in the fit of writing and just wanted to post, to get it over with. But everything needs a once over. So that oh, such little things as verbs show up. Verbs are very important. I sometimes forget them. Or have half finished sentences.

Some additions/comments:

As to story types:
Instead of the ?big evil?, I?d call it the classic struggle. That particular type has dominated storytelling since Og told Nod a story about the big rock and the cave bear. (If you haven?t heard it, its really great. Especially the bit about the pointy stick)
Nor do I really think that this type is bland and boring. They can in fact be extremely exciting and rewarding. I am quite fond of the classic struggle, from the Odyssey to Lord of the Rings.
The Humorous ? the kind of funny story that isn?t parody or satire. It?s just supposed to be a fun little tale about some event or happening where the main purpose is to make people laugh. Also known as the extended joke.
The Experimental - in online storyboards and in fanfic, you?ll run into these from time to time. Basically, the author wants to test some aspect of his/her writing skills that so far has been untested. It could be writing a romantic scene, a battle scene or it could be a perspective change, writing in the 1st when you write usually 3rd. Luckily, these are usually predicated by a blurb saying that is experimental.

And one humorous note..
?If your story contains a scene with Jan getting amorous with a turnip, make sure your readers know there?ll be some hortosexual situations in your story.? ? and this.. this is just frightening. I mean.. ye gods. If certain people ever see this.. who knows what madness would be unleashed!! For the love of us all, never say such things again!

#127707 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 11:33 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Fear and Loathing in the Cricket Field...

Interesting. So what did the cricket bat symbolize? Power? Repression? or is a cricket bat sometimes just a cricket bat?

#127710 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 11:42 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Tis very true. Og was not exactly a master of symbolism or of higher themes. He was more, your basic storyteller. And he was quite hungry. And not just for mushrooms. ;)

Hey, smooth talkers always do well, ya know what I mean?

#128512 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:08 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Moderators, (Sorry moderators.) are not Gods,

This is actually an untrue statement. Well at least partially untrue. I am, in fact, a god. I am VigaHrolf, God of Paperclips.

(Note: I did not say I was a powerful or important god. Just that I was.)

I have never heard a moderator claim to be perfect. (Although, of course, they are perfect beings.)

This is not entirely true. I am almost perfect. I am only lacking the ability to sleep at work and appear to be productive. Once I acquire this skill, I will, in fact, be perfect.

And for the low low fee of 999 dollars, I will teach anyone else who would be interested in learning this most valuable skill.

Thank you! I'll be here all week! Try the nachos!


#127858 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 07:32 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

We could get a whole series of Jan and his Lady Turnip stories, tales of passion and betrayal, seduction and culinary arts!  And frankly, I don't think the world is ready for that. 

No, certainly isn't...

Thank you, I will be sure to send you the bill for my counseling to rid myself of the nightmares you just bestowed :P

Anything I can do for the service. However, please note that all bills will be sent to Central Processing, which is currently located in the Marianas Trench. Once they are processed, then and only then can payment be remitted.

And as of yet, we have not developed a vehicle that can transfer the bill to Central Processing. But I have top men on it.

And JPS...

I'm glad sanity kicked in. I really really am.


#128514 Comments on "UU's Parodies"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:18 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


After watching my boys blow another game, there isn't anythign quite so soothing to my twisted soul as to read a few UU songs.  (And to sing along.)

(My wife thinks I'm crazy)

(She's right.)

(Course, she knew that and married me, so hey, who's the crazy one!)

As per the usual, MORE.  And oh..

Just in case you need some inspiration.

Jan in a Turnip Named Desire. :D :D

#154165 Comments on "UU's Parodies"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 19 September 2004 - 08:17 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

*comes unblocked and sacks UU for a loss of fifteen*

I knew that duct tape was going to make an appearance, and I figured, knowing your mind, you'd manage to beat me to it. You are truly a madman sir. I can but hope to equal your insanity. B)