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#245086 Lightsabers

Posted by Cícero on 28 March 2006 - 04:19 AM in KotOR Series

Naaah, The BEST way is using 2 regular lightsabers. 1 more attack, more crystals, etc. You must have skills with 2 weapon fighting, of course. But it still is WAY better than Dueling.

#242660 Canderous Wish

Posted by Cícero on 07 March 2006 - 06:26 AM in KotOR Series

Do you think that eps 1-3 were crap?!? :angry:

I TOTALLLY disagree with you.

About Mandalorians and Sith. As the games and books say, the ORIGINAL sith were a species apart from Humanity, yes. But they died THOUSANDS of years before the Old Republic. The Sith are followers of an ideal. (Sith is a belief, to quote Kreia).

The mandalorians ARE humans. What makes the mandlorians be what they are is their training, living style, code of honor, and such. Much like the Old Spartans in Ancient Greece. So, Jango Fett IS a Mandlorian, even if he was not born one.

About midichlorians: They do NOT give Force Power, or "strenght in the Force". They exist in ALL living beings, but in greater quantity in beings with greater Force sensitivity. So they are used as means for measuring Force potential in a exact scale. (Since most Force users can sense the relative power of each other).

#242559 Canderous Wish

Posted by Cícero on 06 March 2006 - 08:23 AM in KotOR Series

What? In KOTOR 2 he did not said something about the Mandalorian's destiny? A great war and such?

I've never said that he MADE it happen, I said that his wish came true. (altough a bit late for him to see it, tough. :devil: )

#242408 Canderous Wish

Posted by Cícero on 04 March 2006 - 06:51 PM in KotOR Series


I was thinking about the ending of KOTOR2 when Kreia tell that the mandalorians were dying, and would continue dying for thousands of years, until only remains men in metal shell, easily killed by Jedi. :crying:

Canderous, by the other hand, is preparing the Mandalorians for a new great war, that will make all the galaxy tremble. (Altough he does not seem to be motivated by simple conquest anymore). :devil:

Well, he did it. We all know that the last true Mandalorian was Jango Fett (and Boba Fett, his clone-son). As the greatest Mandalorian of his time, I think it is quite obvious that he was as powerful as Canderous himself (lvl 20/25?). The Clone Army is, in truth, a Mandalorian army.(Fett was chosen by his genetic traits, along with his personal skills.) Since every Clone trooper is inferior to Fett himself, I assume that the average clone trooper is equal to the average Mandalorian warrior of the Old Republic. B)

And, as we know, the Clone wars touched and echoed for all over the galaxy. Clone (Mandalorian?) troopers landed on every inhabitted planet, and earned glory and honor possibly beyond Any madalore has ever imagined. Ah, yes, the Clone troopers just anihhilated the Jedi Order. :whistling:

Perhaps Canderous did want the honor and glory going for the Mandalorian name instead, but, as someone once said, "blood is thicker than water". :cheers:

Watcha guys think?

#224884 K-47 is in Star Wars galaxies!!!!!!!!

Posted by Cícero on 09 October 2005 - 04:58 AM in KotOR Series

:D :D

Have you seen it?

Actually, nothing can make metal last 4000 years, without proper (and expensive) maintenance. But, as you said, who cares? :cheers:

Any Ideas HOW Mustafar could have secrets of the Old republic, and How Hk would end up there?

#224728 K-47 is in Star Wars galaxies!!!!!!!!

Posted by Cícero on 07 October 2005 - 04:21 PM in KotOR Series

Yes, it is true!!!!!!

Go to http://starwarsgalax...trialsofobiwan/ and see it!!!

I im not that impressed that they would put Hk-47 (the most popular character in Star Wars, perhaps?) in the last expansion of Star Wars Galaxies (Trials of Obi-Wan), however, I am eager to see HOW they will explain how Revan's masterppiece could be functioning after FOUR thousand years. Men, How I would like to play that game now. (even tough it take months of great effort to become a Jedi, and many MORE months to get your second lightsaber).

But what will be the purpose of HK there?!? It makes sense that he would be leading an droid army, but, if it were so, why he wouldn/t fight in the Clone Wars?!?

#220292 What should the new bad guy be like?

Posted by Cícero on 30 August 2005 - 04:49 AM in KotOR Series

It could be a monster. A natural predator corrupted by Dark Force energies.

#219889 Romances

Posted by Cícero on 26 August 2005 - 04:34 AM in KotOR Series

Indeed. Altough this could be used to a better effect. For example, only after you land on Korriban you realize that you left behind in Nar Shadaa that couple you did'nt use. :P

#219804 Romances

Posted by Cícero on 25 August 2005 - 06:08 AM in KotOR Series

You know something I would like to see?

Npc's romances, akin to Baldur's Gate 2 with Aerie and Haer'Dalis.

I think that would be interesting to watch the evolution of a relationship between 2 non-romanceable characters. :hug:
Of course it should be a way to inlfuence the outcome. :devil:

For example, I think that Atton and Mira would be a VERY interesting pair. :coolthumb:

The possilbilities are many. Hope that something like this comes up in Kotor 3.

#219247 Revan, Exile, Or New Char?

Posted by Cícero on 19 August 2005 - 03:02 PM in KotOR Series

I've never seen Neverwinter Nights...

#219208 Revan, Exile, Or New Char?

Posted by Cícero on 19 August 2005 - 08:38 AM in KotOR Series

One thing that would help solving the "overpower" problem would be make you control ONLY the main character.
This does not mean playing solo. It means that any NPCs that joined your group would be totally under control of the computer, including level up choices. Both Fallout 1 & 2 (Two great RPG's made by Black Isle) make good use of this formula. The result is that ONLY the main character becomes really powerful, as it should be. It also makes easier to make the other characters behave truly according to their personalities. (for example, would Carth, or Handmaiden, let you murder children? And HK-47?)
Having NPCs that are as much in your control as any other real person would (in other words, NOT in your control at all), would certainly make the game more interesting, AND more challenging. (NO, you idiot! Do NOT fire your blasters against that fuel containers! That will destroy everything in one-mile radius! ANSWER: Exactly, Master. :whistling: )

Any comments on this?

#219179 Romances

Posted by Cícero on 18 August 2005 - 03:23 PM in KotOR Series

A female Exile can Romance Visas!?!? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Indeed, Mira is the most... gorgeous... girl in KOTOR 2. Yes, a pity that you cannot romance her (even MORE sinful thoughts aboard! :Tasty: :Tasty: :devil: )

So, You intend to restore some of the cut content of KOTOR 2?!? :new_thumbs: :new_thumbs: :new_thumbs:

WAY TO GO, BABY!!!!!! :cheers:

#219158 Revan, Exile, Or New Char?

Posted by Cícero on 18 August 2005 - 11:27 AM in KotOR Series

In my opinion, the only way to tie up the loose ends of KOTOR 2 is to make 2 storylines for KOTOR 3.

In other words, you would have an option of playing as Revan for one storyline, and the Exile, for another. With each storyline touching the other subtly. (more or less like the campaings in Warcraft 3 & expansion).

Because just creating a new character to "try to find out what happened to Revan and the Exile"or "discover what the True Sith are" is, well, :zzz: <_< .

Of course this means that Kotor 3 would have to be 2 games in 1. Many old characters should be back. (My Revan would never leave Bastila behind, thank you very much!!!). Some new ones would have to be created, however. The possibility of talking with Force-Ghosts would be also welcome, as would be the possibility of whacking Master Vrook again, for dark-siders (and, some light siders, too! :cheers: )

Just my opinion.

#219153 Question about Leviathan

Posted by Cícero on 18 August 2005 - 10:19 AM in KotOR Series

Good Question.

What, after all, should I do to finish the romance. What will kill it?. How do I know that I have been successful or not?

All answers will be appreciated.

#219151 Romances

Posted by Cícero on 18 August 2005 - 10:11 AM in KotOR Series

Hmmm, I tought that Mira would be a romance option. :devil:

You know, LucasArts really made a BIG mistake (I mean it!!!) when they gave KOTOR 2 to Obsidian instead of Bioware. :wall:

By the other hand, There seems to be so much cut material, scenes, dialogues, isn't it? Anyone here knows if Obsidians has any intention of finish these parts to present then in a patch? (conformed explanation: This may be wishful thinking on my part, Master.)

So I must choose between Visas and Handmaiden? hmmm... (sinful tought :devil: :bi: :Tasty: )

Ah, yes, I forgot that KOTOR romances are cold... :crying: :ROFL: ....

Someone out there could convince the voice actors to help JCompton make a KOTOR flirt pack? B)

#219099 Romances

Posted by Cícero on 17 August 2005 - 05:07 PM in KotOR Series

Who are your romance options in KOTOR2?

For male characters, I know that Handmaiden is one choice. For female Exiles, Disciple.

So, the question is: Who I can romance, and what I should do (just a general guideline) to start and finish the romance succesfully?

In time: Someone said that romances in KOTOR 2 are :wall: :wall: . My doubt is: MORE than Kotor 1? KOTOR 1 romances are just -_- -_- -_- , compared to Baldur's Gate, for instance. (EVEN without mods like JCompton's Flirt pack to improve them).

#218877 Some Kotor 2 fan - comics

Posted by Cícero on 15 August 2005 - 02:21 PM in KotOR Series

I surely hope so!! :naughty:

    and MOST surely hope that her fans   :Poke:  her REAL soon, so she starts drawing KOTOR art again!! :P .

#218847 Some Kotor 2 fan - comics

Posted by Cícero on 15 August 2005 - 06:36 AM in KotOR Series

:woot:   :woot:   :woot: YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

        Thx! THX! Thx! :new_thumbs:

       But Google is surely YOUR friend, because I went for www.google.com.br until the result nş 303 and nothing but a few (VERY FEW) fan arts.  :mellow:

       One thing is certain: I would REALLY like to be able to draw like that. :crying:
       Hope that Aimo continues to make KOTOR fan art at her site. (it has not been updated since 8, march, right?)

       Anyway, Thanks again!!! :D

#218789 Some Kotor 2 fan - comics

Posted by Cícero on 14 August 2005 - 03:26 PM in KotOR Series

First of all: Aimo is NOT   :Bow: .
   She is   :Bow:   :Bow:   :Bow: .

   But... She made a comic called EXILE - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I & II Fan Comic Anthology. AND IT IS NOT BEING SOLD ANYMORE!!!!!!   :angry:   :angry:   :angry: .
  There is any kind soul out there that could tell me where can I aqquire one, or at least, see or download it? (Why Aimo is not willing to sell it any longer, I will never understand...)

   Well, perhaps I got lucky. First, I can read quite fast, and I went only for Male Revan stories. I liked the ones that I've already read. All the rest is still to be seen. But I will probably not see stories about a female Revan. The image of this character being male is too firmly imprinted in my mind.   :ermm: (Freud could explain this... or not) By the way: there is nothing wrong in writing some naughty stories. As someone that I can't remember once said, "Lack of sex may drive you to the Dark Side". Or something to that effect.
   For the Exile, I will play first as Male, but after seeing all that art, comics and skretches at Aimo's, I think that I am now assuming that the Exile was indeed female.

   Just for fun B) , Aimo choose her Male Revan and Exile as being exactly the same avatar that I choose in the game. :lol: . (a pity that there is just 2 skretches featuring a male Revan and 2 more featuring a Male Exile, also a pity that there was no romantic hug/kiss for Revan and Bastila) :glare: .

   So, just to end my ramblings, I must repeat that Question: Anyone here can tell me where or how I can see that comic from Aimo? (EXILE).

    Thanks in advance, and much MORE thanks If some1 manages to tell me what I wish to hear. :devil:   :devil:   :devil:

#218750 Some Kotor 2 fan - comics

Posted by Cícero on 14 August 2005 - 05:34 AM in KotOR Series

Woow. Some writers are VERY skilled. :woot:

    Just one thing, tough, why almost everyone ( 9 in 10, maybe?) assumes that Revan and the Exile are females?
    The information that I saw at the official sites always led me to believe that at least Revan was (most probably) male. Hmmm. I don't know why, but this is a bit unsettling to me.   <_< . Oh, well.

     Oh, by the way. (yes, yes, I should have had asked this before). Where I can find some KOTOR fanart and fan comics, besides Aimo Studios?

#218709 Some Kotor 2 fan - comics

Posted by Cícero on 13 August 2005 - 08:43 AM in KotOR Series

Just one word: INCREDIBLE!!!!! :Bow:

    I am really amazed at Aimo's art. :coolthumb:

    Anyone here knows where a source of KOTOR fanfic can be found?

    Just can't wait for a new picture. :woot:

#216122 Age of the Characters

Posted by Cícero on 22 July 2005 - 07:10 PM in KotOR Series

Official site says that Carth is 38, and Canderous is 40.

Bastila is most probably 22-25.

Revan is probably 25-30. (The Masters in Dantooine say that he was young when he went to the Mandalorian Wars; since is is probably the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, it is reasonable that he was a Knighted early, perhaps at 19, 20).

#210737 Endings.......

Posted by Cícero on 16 June 2005 - 05:10 PM in Longer Road

Thanks for your help. I will send the files you requested as soon as I am able to.

However, I would still like to know what not looting 3th flor in WK means. It is:

A- I cannot loot anything there (Impossible to get outta there, and to complete the Deva quest, then);
B- You can only take the absolutely necessary itens to proceed and to do the deva Quest. You cannot loot the 4th and 5th levels, or battle Demogorgon;
C- As above, but you can loot 4th and 5th floors, and whack Domogorgon.

Thanks in advance.

#210494 Endings.......

Posted by Cícero on 15 June 2005 - 04:20 PM in Longer Road

UHhh, I am also having problems.

First, one doubt. By "not looting 3th level of Watcher's Keep", you mean:
A- I cannot loot anything there (Impossible to get outta there, and to complete the Deva quest, then);
B- You can only take the absolutely necessary itens to proceed and to do the deva Quest. You cannot loot the 4th and 5th levels, or battle Demogorgon;
C- As above, but you can loot 4th and 5th floors, and whack Domogorgon.

I went for option C.
Secondly, I had the dream about Suldanesselar just before going to Amkhetram. Irenicus speaks nothing about my rescue of Marlowe and his daughter. (Marlowe survives, and I give the soul to him) :^^:
I let Jon make his choice about taking a soul or not, however, he takes Sendai's or Abazigal's souls, and Jaheira and Keldorn go hostile, while Aerie goes away. :angry:
I was forced to promise him Balthazar soul, but first taking Jaheira, Keldorn and Aerie out of the party just to get then again soon after. :devil:
Nonetheless, after the first fight at the Throne, no more enemies appear. (solved demogorgon's riddles, killed both Solars and Irenicus's Sister, save Imoen) :blink:

So: 1- Why I could't redeem Irenicus?
2- What the f*** is happening at the Bhaal's throne??

Thank you in advance. ^_^

#206323 The Longer Road

Posted by Cícero on 24 May 2005 - 10:49 PM in Longer Road

First of all I want to say that this is a most impressive Mod indeed!!!

not only the opportunity of having Irenicus in your group, but the cutscenes and the dialogs ate just SUBERB!!!
But I am in need of a hint. :(

The Deva quest is vital to Jon's redemption, right? I have found 2 of 3 itens, the gem and the water of Elysium. Where is the Chalice of Peace? Is it with someone? is it hidden? I would appreciate any light on this matter.

Thank you, ppl :D