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#274718 tis2bg2

Posted by zefklop on 17 December 2006 - 10:04 AM in BGT Archive

no... AFAIK, tis2bg2 converts textures from bg1 to textures for BG2... it's not a mod, it's a part of the BGT installer !

#274701 tis2bg2

Posted by zefklop on 17 December 2006 - 06:25 AM in BGT Archive

I'm doing a linux installer for BGT-Weidu...

Can I have the source code of tis2bg2 please ?

you are able to say "no", but a linux-compiled version would be very nicer than a "wine ti2bg2.exe blablabla...", especially when you know that some users use cedega/cvscedega/winex instead of wine !

(wine is a kind of windows emulator under linux... )

#274452 SOS on linux...

Posted by zefklop on 15 December 2006 - 10:00 AM in Shadows over Soubar

OK, I wanted to install SOS on linux with wine, and I saw that wine doesn't support bat scripts.... So I "convert" this script into a bash one.

Installation prequel :

Installing software you need:

The installation script uses weidu, oggdec and tisunpack (those can be found here (download the "Linux version")
Extract weidu, oggdec and tisunpack in /usr/bin (you need to be logged as root to do it so) and then do, in a console (as root) :
ln /usr/bin/WeiDU /usr/bin/weidu
BE CAREFUL : respect upper and lower case (the best way to do it is a copy/paste)

Download SOS-weidu and unpack it to your BG2 folder

Upper case to lower case: Attached File  majamin.tar.gz   249bytes   237 downloads
On linux, files named FOO.STG and foo.stg are considered as two different files. And weidu will always look for foo.stg, even if FOO.STG exists. So you need to rename it all in your BG2 folder. Don't panic, programs can do it for you. I made a script for this : download majamin.tar.gz and extract it to the folder just before your BG2 folder (for example, if it's in ~/games/BGII-SoA, extract it to ~/games)
Then, in console type cd ~/games and ./majamin BGII-SoA (I guess your BG2 directory is ~/games/BGII-SoA) and it will do allthe bad work for you !

Download SOS-linux and extract it in your BG2 folder.Attached File  sos_linux.tar.gz   21.49K   223 downloads

It will erase setup-sos.tp2... if your archive program warns you with something like "could not extract setup-sos.tp2 : file already exists", then remove it or rename it and redo the extraction.

Install process :

Go in your BG2 directory in a console and type
weidu sos-setup.tp2
Wait and... wow! no more problems : SOS is installed !


The uninstall script has a problem : it doesn't want to make a backup af the override folder (should work, but it doesn't with me). So before uninstalling, make a backup of the folder BG2/sos/overbak (copy it somewhere else). At the end of the uninstall process, check your override folder. If it's empty, then copy the content of the backuped overbak in it.

The SOS GUI won't install automatically... you have to run "weidu setup-gui.tp2" to install it. Is it normal ?

Note to the modders : Please PM me in case of an update... I will do it  too !

Hope it will help you and that you understood my explanations... english is not my native language  :)

#276918 Maybe a bug in setup-bgt.tp2 ?

Posted by zefklop on 01 January 2007 - 12:13 PM in BGT Archive

OK I tried to uninstall BGT for some reasons, and I thought it had saved my chitin.key...

In fact, it had not, probably because of this line :

COPY ~chitin.key~ ~chitin.key~

which should be
COPY ~chitin.key~ ~BGT/chitin.key~

Am I wrong  (I am actually not a specialist in weidu code !)

Happy New Year : I wish you all that you could wish, and even more !

#276974 Maybe a bug in setup-bgt.tp2 ?

Posted by zefklop on 02 January 2007 - 01:39 AM in BGT Archive

The original line is correct, since WeiDU makes a copy of chitin.key in the BGT\Backup\0 folder. Your chitin.key should be restored automatically during uninstallation.

OK Thanks ! I thought that COPY worked as in windows ! Thanks

#237674 Call dialogF.tlk in a cutscene

Posted by zefklop on 23 January 2006 - 06:54 AM in IE Help

I have searched how to call the dialogF.tlk in a cutscene with an non-english game. (french for those who could be interested)

I explain. at the beginning of the game (BGII), Irenicus says "Es-tu seulement conscient de la puissance qui sommeille en toi?" (Translation of : "Do you even realize your potential ?").
If the PC is a man, there is no problem. But when she's a woman, this should be "es-tu seulement consciente...)

I watched in the DialogF.tlk, and this string have soon been done for the female version.

So is there a possibility for calling DialogF.tlk with "DisplayOverHead(strref)" ?

(I'm french, and I'm sorry for my random English  ;)   :whistling: )

#277322 BG2 and wine

Posted by zefklop on 04 January 2007 - 12:11 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

OK... after a (idiot) mistake, I had to reinstall my system, which is an xubuntu 6.10

I'm using wine to play BG2, but I cannot play with it now ... there a strange bug with the GUI and I don't manage to make it work properly... but it worked before !

So.. can someone send me the baldur.ini file, and a listing of the native libraries you use...

Thanks in advance   :cheers:

#277335 BG2 and wine

Posted by zefklop on 04 January 2007 - 12:45 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Thanks a lot now it works