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#601949 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 22 April 2018 - 12:21 PM in Shadows over Soubar

I have committed change requests for the previously reported issues to the github database of the mod.



This needs to go into the SOS folder directly

Attached File  Setup-SOS.tp2   35.14K   299 downloads


This one goes into SOS/lib

Attached File  cheat_var.tph   3.39K   311 downloads


I made a test install with the patches and encountered no issues.

#601939 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 22 April 2018 - 08:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hey, I've go got an error installing SOS (https://github.com/weigo87/SoS-EE/) on EET.




It tries to load sos_links.tbl which doesn't exist.




I think on line 526 in the .tp should be rot_links.tbl




Lemme know if debug file is needed.

There is an ongoing discussion about this (and some other) SoS issues here


It seems this bug was introduced with the latest update of the mod. Since the new mod version is under test and actively maintained at the moment, it is best to see if they post a solution there.

Not something to be solved by BWS.

#601934 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 22 April 2018 - 02:38 AM in Shadows over Soubar

Well, it installed without error, but I got an error on startup in bgee.lua. some string error, I can't remember. There was a problem in an array -- the last item had a comma after it. Also, one of the parameters in that item had double quotation marks at the end of the string. Here's what it looked like:

    {"AR4370", "SOS Lyrar's Hold""},

The array is cheatAreas. The problem is almost certainly in the SoS code, but I haven't gone down that rabbit hole yet :(


Edit: Oops, I guess that comma's supposed to be there.

Just remove the second " after Lyrar's Hold"


That is the issue discussed here http://www.shsforums...4/#entry601922.

Worked for me when I removed the extra symbol with NI in the lua file.

#601925 De'Arnise Hold - nothing to do?

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 01:56 PM in Mega Mod Help

Bone Hill or any other mod using a graphic that looks like DeArnise Hold has nothing to do with it. Those are different areas with different scripts etc, It is just the same graphic file that is used.


What it rather sounds like is a mix of the deArnise before and after the quest, Check the area code CTRL+X and see what it says.

AR1300 is the keep outside where you meet Nalia when it is under siege, ar1304 is the same area after you won the battle.

You can also check it when going near the drawbridge, there will be either slaughtered soldiers or gravestones in the before or after.

If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time just try CluaConsole:MoveToArea("ar1300")

#601922 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 12:14 PM in Shadows over Soubar

All right, I tried to install them again. This time I selected nothing except SoS in the mod selection (and the mandatory ones, of course), and it worked. The installation was a success without any errors. So not sure what's up, I guess I'll try again with my full selection and see what happens.


But perhaps I should wait for an update nevertheless? Is this problem you (Roxanne) mention with the mod hard to fix/too problematic? I have NearInfinity, but I'm no expert with it, perhaps you could give me an indication as to what I can do to fix it?

If you refer to that BGEE.lua issue I detected some days ago, that is easy to fix, just remove one symbol from a file and save.


You can already do this prior installation with a simple text editor.

In your BG2EE directory, - after the mod has been extracted but before you start installation - go to this file

SOS/lib/ cheat_var.tph

Open it with any text editor. Scroll down to the very end and in the second to last line

{"AR4370", "SOS Lyrar's Hold""},  remove the second " after the word Hold, so the entry looks like all the others above. Save and done.

#601916 Another Mega Mod question

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 10:19 AM in Mega Mod Help

To be perfectly clear - BG1UB is already installed at the correct spot long ago. The only components I speak of now is Nim Fuhrlwing encounter, restored elfsong tavern movie, svlast the fallen paladin and mal kalen the ulcaster revenant. I wonder if these are safe to be installed so deep into the install almost at the end of it.



#601915 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 10:17 AM in Shadows over Soubar

D:\Games\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition

I just checked the zip & the file is there...


Steamapps causes all types of errors, write errors like yours included. I would move a game to be modded to a neutral directory to eliminate this source for errors.

#601911 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 09:42 AM in Shadows over Soubar

I'm running into the following error during installation:

ERROR: error loading [SoS/Worldmap/eet/sos_links.tbl]
ERROR: [SOS/Worldmap/eet/eet-links.tbl] -> [SOS/Worldmap/eet] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "SoS/Worldmap/eet/sos_links.tbl"))

I'm using the Big World setup with a bunch of mods, but I've tested it without SoS & I get a working installation. I don't know that I could do as well with a manual installation. I really want to get SoS running. What should I do?




PS This is my first time playing BGEE in years, so my memory of the mods & installation process is pretty foggy.

What is the location of your BG2EE game directory? Is this UAC protected?

Did you check that the file is there SOS/Worldmap/eet/eet-links.tbl ? Maybe your download was incomplete?

#601909 Another Mega Mod question

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 09:32 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm installing manually by hand and I just discovered a little mistake I've made.

I avoided to install (in the beginning) some components from the BG1UB mod because they are added also by jarls bgt adventure pack. Like the restored elfsong tavern and svlast the fallen paladin and Mal kalen.

The problem is that now I was just installing jarls pack and I just then saw that it needs infinity animations which I don't use. So now I can't install it. So my question is would it be safe to install the components from BG1UB that I skipped now? It seems very risky but who knows maybe somebody knows it's safe. Otherwise I will just skip them.

You can install BG1ub components later, however two of them require 1pp as well

@19=Minor Dialogue Restorations
@21=Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations

Depending on other mods, especially BG1NPCs there may be overlap, so the mod may automatically skip a component if is already installed by a previous one. You need not to worry, the checks are included in the mod setup.

#601903 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 07:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks jastey for confirming. Yes I saw that changelog entry but I thought the BGT hotfix was so that Gavin would disappear at the end of BG1, not because of some crash? There is no misunderstanding there?


And Roxanne, relax because there is no mixup. Updated BWS still lists the hotfix as well.

Updated BWS says that the BGT selection is outdated, which you just have proven with an example.

#601901 Is there a way to make BWSetup work with 1.3 versions of the Enhanced

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 07:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS is supposed to be a community tool. It supports some standards like current game version with current weidu and updated mods. For EE this means v2.3.67.3 this time with 2.5 coming up next.

To dig into history one needs a shovel.

#601899 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 07:29 AM in Mega Mod Help

Is Gavin bg2 BGT hotfix still needed for the latest Gavin? It's still listed in BWS which makes me ask here. I have not yet dared to install it and there is a thread here http://www.shsforums...-was-not-found/ that says it's not needed anymore but in all honesty I don't see this included in the changelog of Gavin BG2.


What is correct?

I don't know is this helpful or not but I think your best bet is to ask current mod maintainer, here: http://gibberlings3....p?showforum=128.

By the way I would very much like to see your manual installation of BGT once it is over, can you post your Weidu log when you are finished? 

P.S. Just found that newest available guide for BWP v.17 still use it...



Is Gavin bg2 BGT hotfix still needed for the latest Gavin? It's still listed in BWS which makes me ask here. I have not yet dared to install it and there is a thread here http://www.shsforums...-was-not-found/ that says it's not needed anymore but in all honesty I don't see this included in the changelog of Gavin BG2.
What is correct?

No, it's not necessary any more. For Keldorn Romance, either. That's also the reason why it's no longer available from the download section and the thread about the hotfix was no longer pinned.

Changelog Gavin BG2 v20:
-included hotfix for b!aley.are. The area no longer crashes during night

There is a mix-up here.

Those guys are referring to the BWP Fixpack v17 by Leonardo which contains those hotfixes.


They just post this stuff in the BWS thread while BWS + Fixpack are up-to-date.

#601895 Is there a way to make BWSetup work with 1.3 versions of the Enhanced

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 06:58 AM in Mega Mod Help

It is not so much a question of the BWS but more a question of the mods that this tool is supposed to install. Which mods provide a 1.3 compatible EE-version today?

#601892 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 02:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi all!
Pls don't make me read all 270 pages, and pls don't say "bah, why didn't you read page 140?"

Is there any contributors to git repository?
Can I become one?
Not that I'm going to fix some reported issues, but I can apply some minor changes I found myself, or at least create some pull requests:
1. update download link/version/size of mods
2. update some mod info:
2.1 wildmage additions first component is not required for the rest, you can choose pansy/ironman. mark pansy red as it's not working now (I've created pull request for the author)
2.2 EEUITweaks rename some component names as they are updated by authors
3. update some dependencies and conflicts:
3.1 EEUITweaks.show all options is incompatible with another mod. EEUITweaks version didn't work for me so I would mark another mod as preferred.
3.2 BG1 NPC project. make components in different sections dependant. So if you deselect main component, report it missing. Now I got error during installation
4. Why spell refreshments are excluded from UI? I found this mod in config, but don't see it in UI mod selection screen. Yes I can install it manually, but why was it excluded? You could include it with grey status: install at your own risk.
5. It seems that component "allow npc goto inn" or smth (don't remember exact name) messes with bg1npc dialogues. As a result some quests are not completed. I would mark this component as grey.
6. I've encountered several errors and warnings: white queen and others. Should mark such components red. Ofc someone else could research this issue and report incompatibilities. I can try to do it myself.

Go here https://bitbucket.or...p/bigworldsetup

Check the *How can I contribute* topic.

Do not be scared, bitbucket works just the same as github and if you use something like smartgit you will not notice any difference. Just you need an extra account (free) to get access.

#601882 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by Roxanne on 20 April 2018 - 12:55 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Well, yes, I had some errors when I installed other modes (like "faiths and powers" with similar problem, so I preferred to uninstall it). Manual setup didn't show any other error. The second option fixed an issue. Thank you very much.

There is nothing wrong with F+P mod, but there have been a number of similar reports like yours. Some early mod creates an error and afterwards F+P hiccups and afterwards Sandrah. We still have not located the source of that first error that starts the cascade.

#601875 Xulaye for EE

Posted by Roxanne on 20 April 2018 - 10:43 AM in Xulaye

I was installing Xulaye and I got a message that it couldn't find lk#x*.tiz while it was installing areas (it seemed to convert tiz to tis?). Is that harmful? Then it completed the installation without error. Two other tiz files were installed without problem.


I can't find that file in the areas folder. It seems to not be included in the mod.

It is an error in the v1.2.1 tp2-file that you can ignore. The mod adds two areas and if you have those installed, you are fine. The failed action is trying to remove tiz files from your game after they are converted. This is just a clean up and should not bother you in game.

#601870 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by Roxanne on 20 April 2018 - 06:56 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hello, Roxanne! I've got one problem with installing EET additions.


I have already tried to re-install manually as one said in forum, but it didn't help. Do you know how to fix this bug? Is it necessary component for Saga?
I attach my weidu.log

This is typically an error that appears if somewhere earlier in your installation something went wrong and it ripples through all the mods until it hits Sandrah. It is a commonly used file that contains an error. now.


Option 1 - Uninstall the complete Sandrah mod with setup-SandrahNPC.exe and install it component by component to see that there is no previous error.

Option 2 - go to the BG2EE/SandrahNPC folder and open setup-SandrahNPC.tp2 with any text editor. Go to the very end of the file and delete the last block of code (last 7 lines) and try again to install the last failed component.

#601861 Dialogue bug with Illasera (new game, BG2 EE)

Posted by Roxanne on 19 April 2018 - 11:59 PM in Dace

Hey all,


I don't know if Kaeloree maintains Dace any more, but I've identified the problem with this bug. When Dace ISN'T in your party entering ToB, she's supposed to show up at the start and join Illasera. However, there's an error in T#DTCUT.bcs where it tries to create creature T#DAC25, when no such creature exists. The cutscene bugs out, and Illasera then attacks as her script is written, but the Enemy flag is never set on anybody.


For players, my suggestion would be to just C:SetGlobal("T#DaceFriendshipActive","GLOBAL",1) and C:SetGlobal("T#DaceJackass","GLOBAL",0) to bypass the cutscene script entirely.


For Kaeloree or whichever modder takes it upon themselves to fix this bug, the solution is somewhat more complicated. T#DTCUT.bcs also tries to move T#Dace after creating T#DAC25, and neither of those CRE files even exist. There aren't any CRE files that utilize T#DAC25.dlg, which would seem to be the correct dialogue to trigger as it has Illasera go hostile at the end. My guess is that T#DACE25.cre should be used, since Dace isn't summonable in ToB anyways so there probably shouldn't be a separate ToB version of her, but it seems to be built incorrectly - namely only being level 10, and using party member BCS/DLG files with no combat scripting (so she'd just stand there and get pummeled to death anyways even if she joined in).

I have found the BG2EE version of the mod not usable due to the defects you mention above and a number of other issues.


I have made an EET version of the mod that has those issues corrected. Due to adapting the mod to the EET continuous NPC feature, the errors will not appear with that version.


However an EET version and a BG2EE version of this mod are technically quite different and require different approaches to those problems, I have decided to make my update EET-only. I have no means to make different versions and test them on different games.


I know of no BG2EE capable version, the one published by Kaeloree for EE 1.3 is outdated. BG2EE compatibility for this mod was just declared on paper (like for many other mods...the devil is often in such detail like the above example).


PS - If you used BWS for install, you should have seen these warnings and the mod should have been marked red.

#601854 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 19 April 2018 - 10:55 AM in Shadows over Soubar

I have made the following discovery



It is related to a problem somebody else recently reported and now I ran into it myself. I fixed it very easily with Near Infinity.

I have no clue what causes it.

Maybe somebody answers my G3 questions and it can be solved in the mod.

Thanks to Ikki, the source of the error is identified. I sent you a Pull Request with the correction.

#601851 Shadows over Souber v1.14

Posted by Roxanne on 19 April 2018 - 09:30 AM in Shadows over Soubar

I have made the following discovery



It is related to a problem somebody else recently reported and now I ran into it myself. I fixed it very easily with Near Infinity.

I have no clue what causes it.

Maybe somebody answers my G3 questions and it can be solved in the mod.

#601843 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 18 April 2018 - 12:05 PM in Mega Mod Help

Ya BGT is very stable. Manually installing mods on it is a perfectly viable strategy.

Just to be precise:

BGT is just one single mod. In a similar way to EET, this mod imports the BG1 resources into BG2 and allows you to play the game as one. It is often used synonymous to a big modded game on the basis of having the games put together by BGT. The resulting installation is often referred to as BiG World (large second G intended)

#601840 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 18 April 2018 - 11:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

I can also report that Back to Brynlaw also has this exact problem. handle_charset is removed by fixpack then the patch fails and the mod no longer installs. I will keep reporting this as I find them.


Actually currently I'm looking into a similar problem with Reunion and it seems to have the same issue as well. Is there a reason though why there are a couple of worldmap files being copied into it from the fixpack? I don't understand what they do. Does anybody know?

Since you are using BWS for BGT, you surely have noticed that this is outdated completely?

Speaking of this (for my own Continuing Education) is it safe to assume that I can still install a BGT game, just doing it manually instead of through BWS?

I'm assuming BGT was at a "final" stage when people started moving over to EET, so it can still be played if installed manually right?

I was not in the loop when BGT was the in thing so I never used it.

And thanks again to everyone for the insights and knowledge.  I might just learn enough to make a mod at some point!

BGT is fully functional since the underlying games have never changed. It works with the classic BG editions.

Individual mods may have been neglected/abandoned etc over time, so maybe not all the several hundred mods there once existed are still usable today - but you could never install ALL mods anyway due to conflicts.

If you are interested in installing a BGT game manually, search for BWP around here.

#601837 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 18 April 2018 - 11:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm not using BWS I'm installing by hand. I don't trust a tool to do this. It's not as much work as I would have imagined just these few messes with the fixpack.


I can also report that the fixpack molests pretty badly the mod iepbanters (latest 5.4 version from lava). I think the fixes there can be removed also.


And if there is information about the worldmap files in the Reunion fixes - someone explain - because if they regard EET then they can be removed as well because that part in the tp2 already fails anyway.

Apologies, I was so foolish to assume you use BWS because you post your reports in the BWS thread.

#601834 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 18 April 2018 - 11:27 AM in Mega Mod Help

I can also report that Back to Brynlaw also has this exact problem. handle_charset is removed by fixpack then the patch fails and the mod no longer installs. I will keep reporting this as I find them.


Actually currently I'm looking into a similar problem with Reunion and it seems to have the same issue as well. Is there a reason though why there are a couple of worldmap files being copied into it from the fixpack? I don't understand what they do. Does anybody know?

Since you are using BWS for BGT, you surely have noticed that this is outdated completely?

#601832 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 18 April 2018 - 10:04 AM in Mega Mod Help

Never mind they actually do seem to be only EET related so I'll just delete it.

Thank you anyway for the information.

We can remove the mod from fixpack and from EET compilations so others have no trouble with it.