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#174303 Tashia Banter Music

Posted by toughluck on 09 December 2004 - 04:19 PM in Tashia

One more thing: the voiceovers. They are mixed up:
One of the flirts (look at Tashia) results in "What, I got something on my face, is my hair okay, What are you looking at?" dialog, but instead of being voiced over as (tashiax) it is done by (tashiay) (I'm all scrubbed and ready to work, sir), and the opposite:
When clicked on, one of the ("rare") dialogs should be voiced by (tashiay), but is instead voiced as (tashiax).

Furthermore, (tashiaf (selection "what is it?"); tashiaq (it's a beautiful day outside); tashiaz (critical hit)) are all recorded with reverb characteristic of an empty room. If it's supposed to be a beautiful day outside then the reverb should not be there. The other two should be simply left alone. In addition, most people these days have EAX enabled sound cards. Myself included. That means the sfx should really not have any effect to them at all, and should be recorded and edited as clean as possible.

#173561 Alignment Query

Posted by toughluck on 05 December 2004 - 11:10 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Thanks for clarifying, then.

#173391 Alignment Query

Posted by toughluck on 04 December 2004 - 11:33 PM in Delusions of the Mind

fallen - if someone kills because they can, and it strikes them as something natural and/or entertaining, should be considered chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.

#173297 Changing a BGII race's selectable classes

Posted by toughluck on 04 December 2004 - 12:12 PM in IE Help

What's the problem with halflings being fighters? Let's say they are more agile, but weaker than humans. They will deliver less damage, but will deliver it more often and more accurate. That makes them good enough in my book.

I can't remember the formula for calculating how much a character can carry, but I find it dubious that any average person (including humans) could have a strength of 18. That's where RPGs come into the play - it's not about average Joes, it's about the extraordinary that have the spark to shape the world. How many people are able to carry 400 lbs in their backpack??? Not too many, I wager. Why are most RPG fighters able to do it, then? If it's possible with humans, why not with halflings? They would actually need less musculature to be that strong since they are more 'tightly packed.'

Besides, it's not D&D 1E, where a halfling was able to reach level 8M, or something like that, and was able to use daggers and short swords only, and must have been thieves, and so on. Yuck.

#173296 Tashia Banter Music

Posted by toughluck on 04 December 2004 - 12:07 PM in Tashia

Is anyone doing anything with the mod? I doubt it's more than to write some "CancelMusicPlayback," or somesuch, so maybe someone will give it a shot?

#173066 Party suggestions needed

Posted by toughluck on 02 December 2004 - 03:12 PM in Icewind Dale Series

A thief is unnecessary. Where you would need lock picking, knock will do; where you'd need find traps, I find spells work perfectly...

As for the party I've usually played:
- fighter, ranger, or paladin
- battleguard of Tempus
- morninglord of Lathander
- rogue/ranger for archery
- two sorcerers - I find it pointless to have a mage in the party

At different times, I changed the rogue/ranger to bard/ranger (or pure bard). I'll have to try with a bard, I guess.
Typical tactics - I guess you can guess them already - fighter and battleguard at the front, sometimes aided by the morninglord - but usually be aiding spells if a battle is tough, with the archer behind protecting the magi, usually give him a point or two in some melee proficiency - usually faster to dispose of those that break through the lines, and definitely safer. Of course, the sorcerers are self-explanatory.
A bard is sometimes useful, but I couldn't help but wonder if they are not wasting a character slot, doing nothing but singing. Despite the great effects, the bard was usually not put to great use. They can get to be good spellcasters, though, as they get some incredible spells at high levels - I won't spoil the fun for you :-)

#172948 Tashia Banter Music

Posted by toughluck on 01 December 2004 - 10:00 PM in Tashia

Well, yes, maybe I should have split the reply in two parts.

Lord Ernie (thanks!) already explained the bug, so there's no point in me repeating.

The last two sentences were about the music I've used in the mod - it is music from IWD2, and I were commenting on how well it fits Tashia's dialogues, unless mixed with area music. I guess that's what my original intent was...

Oh, and perhaps digging into it a bit more, maybe one part is still unclear.
I meant also that the area music is very often triggered by Tashia talking to you. Now this problem is a bit tougher - it may be hardcoded that NPCs who do not have their own music (as per original romanceable NPCs) use area music as 'their own' when talking to you.
I don't know what the case with Kelsey is, and if they found a workaround to that problem, or if they ever stumbled upon it...

#172888 Alignment Query

Posted by toughluck on 01 December 2004 - 04:01 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Evil. I guess that goes beyond question. "Killing tends to be bloody, you know, and all that blood makes *such* a mess on her wardrobe. Besides, why kill someone when you can wheedle your way into their good graces instead?" - Evil is generally described (or even 'defined' in D&D) as "egoistic."

Since she doesn't have too much scruples for breaking law, or obeying it when it benefits her - neutral.

Neutral Evil it is, I guess. If she was Lawful Evil, she would prefer to use the law in her favour, stay away from breaking it, but use it to her gain. In one word - politicians are generally lawful evil, some of them neutral or chaotic evil :-)

#172722 Conquest

Posted by toughluck on 30 November 2004 - 04:03 PM in IE Mod Ideas

A 'weak' avatar? I would be led to believe that it would be at the very least level 50 (which is possible to attain during the course of the game, perhaps a few times), otherwise what's the point of ascension?

#172553 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by toughluck on 29 November 2004 - 10:39 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Yeah, I know Buffy's not a vampire, but what was I supposed to write? 'Angel?' How many would have caught the joke?


#172419 Tashia Banter Music

Posted by toughluck on 29 November 2004 - 09:37 AM in Tashia

Instead of being treated as a music (and thus turn off area music and ambient sfx), it is treated as a vocal of Tashia, meaning that despite music (and ambient effects) should be turned off, it doesn't. In fact, it usually triggers area music, meaning that both effects mix. It perhaps wouldn't be a problem with original music, since they are louder and shorter, but I've decided that two music pieces from IWD2 (namely Kuldahar Valley ('bad' music) and Targos ('good' music)) are very well suited for the task (granted, Tashia does come from the Icewind Dale). It is not a problem sometimes (when music doesn't trigger), since it fits the mood very well, but if music does trigger - well, it's weird...

#172357 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by toughluck on 29 November 2004 - 01:04 AM in IE Mod Ideas

i am going to try to make my first NPC soon and i thought up a caracter not all that diffrent from yours just she is a vampire who has been blessed by helm and has become a padalin undead hunter whop fights other vampires i am even tryin to write a story about her.

Let's guess... You'll name her Buffy, right?

#172142 Really Odd Question

Posted by toughluck on 28 November 2004 - 02:33 AM in Delusions of the Mind

The only rules for mixing dwarf and human races I can think of are Mul of Dark Sun. Larger than humans, much stronger than dwarves, but pregnancy is very often fatal for the female dwarf - to let the baby live, mother has often have to be cut open (caesarean), but in Dark Sun they leave her be (muls are more expensive than any other race), so there is no actual way to determine what has to be done to let her live. In adition, pregnancy lasts for 12 months.
Beyond all that, the child will probably be scorned and cast out - to humans it would prove very dangerous, to dwarves - too large for their abodes.

What will the player do right now? Stay for the twelve months (and/or longer), or will they leave (wham bam thank you ma'am)?

#171870 Bgii Novel series?

Posted by toughluck on 26 November 2004 - 04:01 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Horrible. One page story, five pages of bloodshed, one half a page of story, twelve pages of bloodshed, one line of a story, five chapters of bloody bloodshed. Final battle - bloodshed. That's the general feel of the books... I would go over to the grove that had to be cut down in order to print that crap and personally weep over there. Yeah, and then use either of those books to maul the author to unmake... That's the feeling...

#171448 A total conversion mod idea

Posted by toughluck on 24 November 2004 - 03:13 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Like nightmare said... A 3D engine could be the best bet... I do have a question, however - is there any such engine which allows to create a cRPG game with D&D 3E rules, fully moddable, and which sold fairly many copies?
Of course - aside from Aurora, which I find awful - tedious to work with; no power to do any reasonable single player mod (too many constraints); very hard (none) party control. That engine was made for one PC, preferrably multiplayer...

Ech, it would be a lot easier if bioware decided to release some game with a 3D version of the IE - with 3D paperdolls, maybe even 3D environment - a lot easier (as has already been said) to make a good-looking setting reasonably fast.

#171404 A total conversion mod idea

Posted by toughluck on 24 November 2004 - 10:50 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I am perfectly aware of all the problems associated with such a mod. And I know I would never be able to do it alone, that is simply impossible. Granted, many people frequent these fori, so it gives a fair chance of finding people that would help by creating content. Well, one can only hope, but even a very small conversion would be a lot - gaining even a small foothold and a base for much greater mods in the future.

What is basically needed now, is a new set of graphics (a small portion of a city, desert, desert, desert, desert, and a bit more desert...), adapted perhaps from somewhere else, a few paperdolls for indigeneous creatures, and paperdoll modifications for the party - mainly about removing clothes... :)
This, I feel, is more difficult (and requires more people) than simple (yes - lengthy and tedious, I'm perfectly aware of that!) adding/removing a few feats, changing classes, the spell system, weapons (description and look) and monsters. That simple editing could take a few weeks, and would end up a playable "Dark Sun" setting, with the changes, but visuals and aureals are more important here...

This is only an idea, after all, and anything tangible is tides away, but this thread will (hopefully) assess how many people are interested and how many would help in development of it. As small as it would be, a first mod, with new classes, new races, new spells, new items, new areas and new creatures, no matter how short, would definitely provide leverage for future... Or be completely forgotten...

#171371 A total conversion mod idea

Posted by toughluck on 24 November 2004 - 07:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Due to copyright, trademarks, reserved material, and so on...

What can one do, what content can one create/utilise in total conversion mods? What is the limit of using certain notions? And what notions are there?

If I'd be making a total conversion, can I use
- geography of Faerun (I'll stick to it, it has most copyrights of all systems, so everywhere else it'll have more breathing space);
- place names appearing in source books and novels;
- people appearing in source books and novels;
- monsters in source books and novels;
- etc.

I know there have apparently been some releases to general society, but I bet most of the content is tightly copyrighted and/or trademarked. What do people do to receive permissions to release TCMs? Is there a need for such a permission? Etc.

As for the mod... My idea was (and is, I guess) to create a total conversion of IWD2 to Dark Sun setting. I know it's foolhardy to say the least, but is it possible? With DS materials available - high quality, clear and just the right amount - they are not a problem. Neither is a plot, I am already thinking of one, and am open to any suggestions. The problems that face are:
- graphics - a total conversion to Athas means totally new graphics. Easy on one hand, since there are no consistency problems with existing graphics, but hard on the other since there really isn't a point in which to start...
-- a remake of the interface, new character portraits, and a new map are all in order - but these are by far the easiest ones to do;
-- new full screen pictures - between chapters, title screen, load screen, and so on
-- new paper dolls - this is probably the most difficult thing to do, as almost everything will have to be created anew. Even with the entire variety available in BG1/2, IWD1/2, and other total conversions, the lack of monsters indigenous to Athas is probably the most complicated issue...
-- new areas - as said above, there are no problems with consistency, so creating new graphics from scratch is easy when it comes to deserts, but would be difficult (too difficult, perhaps) when cities, or special places were considered.
- music - would BG/IWD/BG2/IWD2's music be ok? Doubtful, so the mod would require some composing, or reusing other music. I know that it would be foolish to even ponder getting a symphony orchestra to perform for free, so scratch that idea
- voicing - that, I believe, is the easiest thing to do - with the number of people with high quality equipment in their homes, and good voice talent, it is the easiest thing to do...

Now, I'd like to 'submit myself to your opinions' - would such a mod be interesting to you, would you get it if developed, and is anyone interested in creating it?

#171261 Overused Ideas in BG-series

Posted by toughluck on 23 November 2004 - 04:22 PM in IE Mod Ideas

How about NPCs that do not follow the cliche?
- a person with a happy past who, due to wanderlust, found themselves adventuring; It is easy to imagine them meeting family members, doing side quests, and mentioning some pieces of information about the setting, from their own (profession/derivation) perspective. While they are adventuring, they would meet with family members, get a discount in a store, and so on.
- an unusual character. It would be difficult to do it in a game such as BG, in which their profession is known from the start, but how about a character that advances as an adventurer, but at the same time discovers growing talents in sorcery and wishes to pursue them? Any class aside from the adventurer is closed to them, but at some point, something happens, and they start pursuing a sorcerer path, having converted some levels from adventurer to sorcerer. Inplausible? Perhaps, but with (due) explanation, it would be possible.
- a good necromancer. Is it even possible? Can a necromancer be good if he tampers with negative energy? Maybe, but that would require a lot of thinking through... Maybe a person that had looked to necromancy to preserve his family, or recover them? Slowly going crazy, even though their motives were good? Well, sorry, I can't think of a good necromancer - one that wouldn't follow the cliche - 'become too powerful, and you are either destroyed and your power consumed by something else, or continue on the path and become a lich.' Meh...

Anyway, don't these characters start seeming cliche? And not a tad, a lot...

#171250 Most notorious monster/enemy type

Posted by toughluck on 23 November 2004 - 03:19 PM in Delusions of the Mind

I think next to dragons the beholder and their kin is the most formidable foe.

While the intelligence drain of the Illithids is powerful, it requires a successful melee attack, and most of their attacks are mind based so an archer with a high will save or immunity to enchantment will almost always prevail over an Illithid.

A beholder on the other hand, have ranged gazed attacks, and their varying attacks makes them much more dangerous. Not only does their Cause Serious Wounds function as potent ranged attack, they also can exploit different weaknesses of their opponents.
Charm/Sleep/Fear: Will save
Flesh to Stone/Disintegrate: Fortitude save

Thus a spell caster with a high will save will likely succumb to petrification, and a fighter with high fortitude save will be incapacitated.

Some beholder kins even have magic resistance, which makes them even more dangerous. Even without magic resistance, their gaze attacks are made so quickly that they will almost always cause a casting failure.

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Beholders - true, dangerous they are, but they don't have any 'gruesome' attacks (unless cause wounds, or flesh to stone/disintegrate are considered such). This kind of threat is actually (usually) not considered 'dangerous' - true, they cause damage and are potentially fatal, but there are saves; there are hit points. You don't actually feel your characters feel any pain. How could they? Turning to stone means the character doesn't feel anything (same with disintegrate assuming it is instantenous). Cause wounds? Unless accompanied by pain, like that of literally ripping skin apart (I assume that is what happens), it doesn't leave a feeling of being sorry for the character. To think that could be very easily averted by adding a fortitude save against pain unless the character is berserking, or under influence of adrenaline rush. Failed save would mean the character would panic, be stunned, fall, or become unconscious. I know, that spell IS painful, like any other cause wounds spell, but you don't feel the overpowering feeling - that you can do nothing until it is your turn (or, in real time, that it is next to not possible to have a successful fight). That is the feeling that very few computer games can replicate. With me, it happened with X-COM game series (especially the first part and the chryssalid attack), a few other games, and yes, with ad&d crpgs that featured the illithid kin.

As for rust monsters, or those grubs - that kind of creatures definitely adds to empathy with the party. You know that they are endangered and you know you can do little to help them. That is the feeling you don't get - yes, your characters can get killed, but what would you do if you lost that carsomyr with no shop around? Would there be a way to resurrect it?

Oh, and the feeling of illithid deadly cunning (at least the potential for it) is somewhat lost in BG2. When you enter illithid tunnels, they are normal dungeons. Even though in the darkness of the underdark the illithid wait for their prey patiently, usually levitating, then ambush it and are usually successful. You don't have that feeling in BG2... Heck, Salvatore wasn't able to show that danger (dark elf trilogy), and if you felt the gravity of the situation, it was not through feeling, but through cognitive understanding of it.

#171054 Most notorious monster/enemy type

Posted by toughluck on 22 November 2004 - 03:35 PM in Delusions of the Mind

(I'm not adding a poll, it would call for too many options)

Aside from the custom-tailored enemies (e.g. custom wizards, which would equal hundreds of even the most powerful creatures), which run-of-the-mill (which can have multiple copies) enemy from FR (or any other setting) do you find the most vile/difficult/dangerous/etc.

My vote goes to illithid. Definitely. Based on BG2, they are, in fact, the only kind of monsters that give me trouble even with uber parties. Even though my characters usually make the save versus domination, stun, or psionic blast, I'm still having trouble with mind flayers coming too close to someone and *slurp* sucking their brains out. For comparison, the Shadow Dragon, or Firkraag, didn't even manage to scratch me and *puff* they were gone. Alhoon and his cronies made me reload the game 5 times before finally being able to defeat them, and even the last time was a close call...
As a side note, mind flayers have plagued me ever since EoB2... Since there were no sourcebooks available here in Poland (back in early 1990s), I had no idea what kind of monster is that that is able to kill my party so effortlessly (even after being gamewizarded). Dran Draggore gave me less problems (it seems dragons always do, for some reason), but I had to hexedit a savegame to get past the illithid.
I've developed some sort of illithidophobia due to that, and their dungeons are the only kind that cause me to get a faster heartbeat. I swear, replaying BG2 made me skip a beat when I heard them cackling...
Enough of my musings, then...

So, what are your types?

#170455 NWN Original Portraits

Posted by toughluck on 20 November 2004 - 04:47 AM in NWN Series

What I mean are the portraits that are originally included with NWN, not 'original artwork' of someone else. I've seen a number of interesting ones when I had the chance to play it some time (a year+) ago, and forgot (or didn't think about that at the time) to put the portraits in another location for future reference. And now I need them...

If anyone can point to a site that has the portraits up or anything, I'd be grateful.


#170400 3E vs AD&D

Posted by toughluck on 19 November 2004 - 05:43 PM in Delusions of the Mind

The (non-Edition-specific) trouble with that is that if that's the case, healing spells should always heal a percentage of maximum hit points, not a die roll.  The way it is means healing spells grow less effective on the character as attacks do, and a higher-level character has no reason to be trying to dodge most of the effect of Cure Light Wounds.

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I gave it some thought, and I believe you hit the nail straight on the head here... I've been trying to come up with some ideas why a roll would be better, but all faced a dead-end losing logic, or pointing straight to the percentage.

One thing, though, what about characters that can take a lot of wounds and live (with physiological, not theoretical or notional, hit points), what with that kind of creatures (e.g. dragons, but I doubt they'd have need for any sort of healing, and would still get the best available)? If cure light wounds would be able to cure 10% of damage, how should that be treated? Perhaps a modifier (large/extra large creature)?
And what about physically weak characters - those that may have high HP count, but it is only notional (like frail, but nimble and agile, thieves, I don't know), not physiological? A more serious wound and they're done for, but are able to avoid the more serious ones. What about them? A cure light wounds might heal that 10%, but it would just seal some nick n'scratch here n'ere, not actually heal a wound.

Of course, that might very well be considered a very serious wound for the weak character, so cure light wounds would not help, but come on, a 5 cm long cut, nothing for a dragon, a lot for a human, and both would be treated the same?

I guess nobody had come up with a logical system for that, and nobody ever will (unless somebody has an idea, like basic HP=constitution; dodge, avoid, damage% reduction and damage amount reduction are your only lines of defence; deal with it).

#170390 3E vs AD&D

Posted by toughluck on 19 November 2004 - 05:00 PM in Delusions of the Mind

I've read through the discussion (fascinating stuff), and have come to one conclusion:
How is it that people who prefer 3E (and/or 3.5E) to 2E have used logical and constructed arguments, whilst the majority of votes cast against 3E were derogatory to the point of calling 3E stupid or retarded?

As for HP and AC, it has been well explained, I believe, to the point that if a character has a high HP count, it doesn't mean that some 50 arrows can stick out from his chest like from a pincushion, but it means that the player has learned how to evade them, grew tougher, and so on. Similar with AC - that plate mail has higher means simply that it is easier to avoid being hurt by an attack which the character could not dodge, but was weak or poor enough that it bounced off the tougher armor.

One thing about 3E, though: it didn't manage to rid the Realms (or any other setting, for that matter) of fighter women wearing a full-body thong (or less). One thought about Aribeth in NWN that occured to me was that she would be an extremely easy target for a marksman, or just for a critical hit to her upper torso or neck... And all that to present the wondrous new technique of breast wobbling.

#170189 pnp characters in the IE games

Posted by toughluck on 18 November 2004 - 03:49 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Yah, I know. I played Baldur's Gate before I acquired the books, so as I was roosing over them, I was rather surprised to see some of the names correspond to those in the books.

I believe even Viconia's family is mentioned in some of the underdark books too.

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I believe that in the Legacy tetralogy they get a more proper outlook, whilst in the original Dark Elf trilogy they have only a cameo, being mentioned alongside the fall of the Do'Urdenn family.

#170188 The so-called 'dead campaign settings'

Posted by toughluck on 18 November 2004 - 03:44 PM in Delusions of the Mind

So, I have been released upon the boards, mwahahaha :-)

What do you think about the so-called 'dead' campaign settings? Specifically, these ones:
- Dark Sun - it's tough to come up with a fitting description, suffice to say that I am really fond of it and this comic strip illustrates what happens when Athas collides with Forgotten Realms, and this page is the official page of Dark Sun now.
- Spelljammer - I guess there is little interest in the system, but has anyone played it? What are your feelings about it? For those that hear of it the first time (hardcore gamers, be ashamed), it is about what happens when science fiction collides with just the fiction (ie. when people that still use magic discover space travel), but it is a simplification. This page will have more to say on the topic
- Ravenloft... Have you ever wondered what Nosferatu's or Dracula's stats would be when they were ported to AD&D? Or what would happen if BG2 went on to explore the undead theme a bit more? Ravenloft happens, and it's a great setting for those of you who like to play with the lights turned off... Unfortunately, this system is one of the definitely deceased ones... The Kargatane official webpage is dead for a year, and there are no projects to bring it back to life. Well, too bad. This page is probably just a glimmer of hope...
- Birthright. Now this system is puzzling. References to it are so obscure that it would seem doubtful that the system ever existed... I know it did however, but when searching in google, BR returned irrelevant results, BR AD&D returned the game (BR: The Gorgon's Alliance), BR 3E some more interesting results, but still not really anything of interest... Did anyone here play that settting?
- Dragonlance. A setting so dead that only novels exist... And they are probably the only ones that sell really well (ok, aside from Salvatore's FR, especially the Drizzt ones, even if some people :rolleyes: think Salvatore is a hack...), as bookstores and libraries do seem to actually have them, and they seem to be bought and read, too. Too bad, the setting itself seems interesting, but I guess it isn't that far off the FR setting to actually catch attention.

OK, I guess that is all, what are your thoughts? Guess if there aren't any responses, we can all say that these settings are deader than Bodhi after being left soulless and staked ;-)