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#590052 Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

Posted by Himself on 18 September 2016 - 05:07 PM in IE Modding Discussion

That sounds pretty neat doctor, like most other features from your mod. I'll be sure to have a look, thanks!!

#589862 Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

Posted by Himself on 03 September 2016 - 11:53 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Is there any way to make the weapon styles (single weapon, sword&shield, dual wielding and two-handed weapons) grant a half attack per round?

I don't remember this being possible since there isn't an APR modifier column in stylbonu.2da, but then it might have become possible with some new changes from EE or some extra moding functionality that I don't know if it exists or not (hence why I'm asking).

Anyway, thanks for any help and tips! =]

#589955 Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

Posted by Himself on 12 September 2016 - 06:58 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I'm a fan of megamods and gigainstalls, so the engine stalling (or behaving erratically) even in a potent PC is a known factor, there is only so much it can accomplish. Usually I try to do things the simple way, or avoid it completely when things require to overstress the engine via scripts checks or constant effects. That said I'm no expert, if someone tries to do something cool in a way that works, I'm willing to check it out!

#589864 Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

Posted by Himself on 04 September 2016 - 12:37 AM in IE Modding Discussion

But but... please?!?  :crying: 


#590662 Weapon Style proficiency to add extra attacks?

Posted by Himself on 31 October 2016 - 10:33 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Okay and guess I understand now, will try to reproduce for my own ends and come back if something goes odd.


Thanks a lot doc!  :new_thumbs:

#590372 Visual range of creatures. Why are they half-blind?

Posted by Himself on 05 October 2016 - 04:01 PM in IE Help

Err... Now I'm puzzled  :huh:, my splstate.ids doesn't has CHARMED, running un-modded EE latest(2.3), can you experts tell if thats normal?

#590348 Visual range of creatures. Why are they half-blind?

Posted by Himself on 04 October 2016 - 03:40 PM in IE Help

Thats why I hoped your script could use a junction of LastTargetedBy-LastSummonerof-Myself for your invis cre to automatically target the last creature the spellcaster used a spell on, avoiding conditional circunstances like See. Its hard to give advice on scripting when we don't know exactly what u wanna do and we can't see the script in its entirety. Specially me as I'm dumber than most... :DD

#590084 Can a Bard Song go through wall (or corner)?

Posted by Himself on 20 September 2016 - 10:40 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I'd also be interested in knowing whether the Passes Walls flag in the projectile properties works too or not. Or perhaps Himself wants to make the song an area-wide effect, i.e. something that effects everyone on the map? Through Global effects, outside of Spell Abilities? It's not implausible for a song to be heard everywhere in a city block or on a dungeon floor. I'd like to know more about Global effects, if that's what he intends.

I remember (if not mistaken) from vanilla BG2 that "detect evil" spell would show in the text box every creature in the current map that has evil alignment, so its probably a sort of area global effecting everyone outside of party, I faintly remember altering it once to a different purpose. You might wanna start from there if thats close to what you wish.

The Big Picture mod (by Horred) had a series of scripting shouts where monsters would alert their nearby allies, it used a pathfinding check to measure max distance in which creatures would respond (if i'm not mistaken). But anyway, involving scripting is too much engine stress for something that should be simple like the reach of a bard song. Too bad the game doesn't have a proper mechanic to deal with mostly anything relating to sound, altough met with limited use, it would be a good advancement.

#590050 Can a Bard Song go through wall (or corner)?

Posted by Himself on 18 September 2016 - 05:05 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Heya all again! :)

Trying to 'fix' some bard classes as well as making a new kit, anyway, it seems the Bard Songs will not effect allies (or enemies in Jester case) unless they have visual contact with the Bard when he/she is performing.


Does anyone know if theres any selection for the field "projectile animation" (I'm seeing it on DLTCEP) that causes the effects to ignore visual obstruction?


(Affecting enemies through walls is problematic, but for allies it should be no problem. Would be great for enemies as well if there was a "pathfinding check option", to prevent affecting enemies beyond a certain range in foot/moving distance, because its pretty stupid for enemies to be protected from a song effect when they're around a corner, virtually a few feet away from the Bard, just not within visual range.)

#590474 Specialists...

Posted by Himself on 12 October 2016 - 04:32 PM in IE Help

So here we are in Chapter 965484 of trying to mess around with Specialist Mages! (Since everybody and their grandma has already run into issues while modding Specialists.)

This is a screenshot from EE 2.3: https://s18.postimg....4p/Baldr002.jpg

To be frank, I don't even know if what says in the description actually works, didn't find a quick/sure way to verify.

But assuming it does...


I'm trying to mess around with the saving throws scheme, to be more specific, I would need to know that if by changing a spell to use a different save (for example instead of spells, to save death/wand/poly or breath), this change is automatically accounted or completely ignored by the singular bonuses/penalties that Specialist apply to their selected school of magic.

It would also be interesting to know how Specialists accomplish the specific penalty (when casting offensive) and bonus (when resisting) that they apply to their specific school of magic.

I tried casting some spells with a specialist and a regular mage, but the log doesn't show squat. Tried looking at my CHARNAME cre in Near Infinity, again nothing. This means I need people more smart and resourceful than me, which resumes to anybody in this forum LOL :)

So to find clues and investigate this case I summon ye!

Err... help me if you guys(and gals??) can spare some time or are interested in the matter :DD

#590482 Specialists...

Posted by Himself on 13 October 2016 - 09:24 AM in IE Help

So here it goes:

Tested in the following manner: BG2 Irenicus dungeon start, CHARNAME illusionist, Imoen normal mage, Minsc with a weapon that sets all saves to zero.

Results after roughly a 100 casts:
illusionist successfully casted Blindness on Minsc a few times, from memory and from scroll, it also did hit after I changed to Save vs Death.
Imoen didn't hit a single time.

After changing Blindness to Abjuration, the illusionist didn't hit a single time after roughly 50-60 casts, at which point I lost patience :)

Apparently it works flawlessly and automatically reflects changes made to each spell, so long its tagged within the proper school.

Its just a bit sad that its hardcoded and we cant reproduce or create effects with this... for example a HLA giving Specialists further -1/+1 or for Fighters getting extra + save bonus to resist X school(s), or even attaching such effects to items would be awesome!

Edit: subtledoctor has added an extra about bypassing some limitations that is interesting, here: https://forums.beamd...#Comment_818889

#590477 Specialists...

Posted by Himself on 12 October 2016 - 05:36 PM in IE Help

You could try a thousand, or several, more rolls, and try to notice the difference, but this leads to the question of whether the random number generator is fair. I've asked, and... :crazy: There is one authority who ought to know for sure whether the bonuses apply - Beamdog, if Bioware told them. But I doubt you'll get a simple yes or no from them.

Yup that why I gave up LOL. Too much testing, I'm just going to assume it somehow works.


An old thread says the save bonuses and penalties were not implemented in the original engine.
Until someone tests to confirm, the biggest evidence for them having been added in EE is the kit description you posted.  (That text is all new.)
If they did implement them, they probably hardcoded the behaviour in the engine, based on the spell school specified in the .spl file and the specialization of the caster and target.
There's a new EE effect (opcode #346) that could be used in mods to customize these sorts of things.

Hmm I'm going to try and re-post the same thread in the beamdog forum, maybe we get a DEV or somebody with more accurate/inside info to delve in the subject.

Done - https://forums.beamd...d-a-dev-in-here

#590126 Any way to reflect the caster's statistics in an effect?

Posted by Himself on 22 September 2016 - 05:11 AM in IE Help

Try using LastSummonerOf(Myself) for the creature to tag/identify the caster.

For attribute checking use CheckStat based on stats.ids, it has charisma listed, you'll obviously need to break the blocks so that each one does a different effect based on the charisma value.

Anyway, hope it helps... I've a thing for not understanding what ppl are saying ^^

#590093 Interface Mod

Posted by Himself on 20 September 2016 - 01:10 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Oh sorry, didn't paid enough attention where u meant the classic BG. But is there any main reason why you refrain from using the EEs? I was also skeptic at first but as it stands, seems to be the only way for progress.

I dunno if it can be done for classic, since it likely use tools designed for EEs: https://forums.beamd...m-how-to-use-it

Sorry again for not paying attention =]

#590085 Global effects

Posted by Himself on 20 September 2016 - 10:56 AM in IE Help

Global is kind of a largely used term, and easy to make mistakes with, you might have to be more specific.

You could as a last resort have a spell/item that spawns an invisible (null animation) creature for a couple seconds, running scripts that help accomplish what you wish.

#590130 Any way to reflect the caster's statistics in an effect?

Posted by Himself on 22 September 2016 - 02:16 PM in IE Help

Maybe have the invisible creature cast (back upon the caster) a spell (different versions based on the charisma) so the spell will affect whoever the caster is seeing. Is the spell to affect the caster, allies, enemies, neutrals, everyone, etc?

Should it affect only one (any creature) specific target, hmm.. maybe try using LastTargetedBy with LastSummonerOf(Myself). EDIT - That was, assuming the caster will target a creature. If, on another case, the spell can be cast over any ground/area, can the invis cre cast the spell on itself, targeting whichever group it should?

Again, hope it helps ^^

#590090 Interface Mod

Posted by Himself on 20 September 2016 - 12:37 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Try checking this here: https://forums.beamd...od-gui-overhaul

#590129 Disabling off-hand slot via temp effect

Posted by Himself on 22 September 2016 - 02:00 PM in IE Help


So, I've a weapon that needs to fall under single-weapon style category, and can only be used as stand-alone, rendering impossible the equipping of a shield or an off-hand weapon to be used together with it.

Anyone knows of a way to accomplish this?¿ I've checked some stuff but can't find a way to  :crying: 

Tnks for any help!  :hug: 


#590138 Disabling off-hand slot via temp effect

Posted by Himself on 23 September 2016 - 03:18 AM in IE Help

Why ? :D

Trying to do something useful out of the (pretty useless) bastard swords, it was that or removing it ^^

Changed it to slash&pierce damage, and description to mention it counts as a singled-handed weapon but requires both hands.

BASTARD SWORD: The bastard sword is arguably the best single-handed weapon, although the blade is often employed through many movements and techniques that require the use of both hands. Equipping a secondary weapon or a shield while using a Bastard Sword becomes quite a hindrance. Bastard swords are generally double-edged, with a pointy end used for thrusting, it does more damage than a long sword but less than a two-handed sword.
Damage Type: Slash or Pierce  (most damaging is chosen)
Special: While equipped with a Bastard Sword, off-hand THAC0 has a +16 penalty and the Weapon & Shield style becomes zero.
Backstab: -2 Multiplier

This is the best I could do with the limitations, maybe gonna have to change shields to reduce bastard sword proficiency by 1 or 2 points (case by case) to really reflect/disocurage attemps to use both together and still get out on top =]