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#188508 Installing Big Picture & BGT

Posted by Offkorn on 15 February 2005 - 01:39 PM in Mega Mod Help

Thank you very much Ascension64, that helped that one small problem but I have another and it's even easier to solve.  A couple of these installation guides mention deleting your Weidu.log but I'm not sure what that is.  I looked for a file with that name but have found one.

Any help would be appreciated

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You have to run the patch setup file first. Then cancel out of it. It will create a Weidu log file. That's what you delete.

#187920 Flirting With Disaster

Posted by Offkorn on 12 February 2005 - 02:18 PM in Mega Mod Help

Dunno where this was. There's a thread where people try to provide useful modding advice and develop standards within the community, but that's it. Oh, and then some guy comes and flames the posters, calling them childish and silly stuff like that.

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Sim, your being rude again.

All that topic is is a big "lets bash on Ascension" forum.

#187728 The BGT Tutu discussion

Posted by Offkorn on 11 February 2005 - 12:27 PM in Mega Mod Help

And how far along was he a few days back, when I first started pointing out issues with the solution? :)

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According to him: 4.

#187696 The BGT Tutu discussion

Posted by Offkorn on 11 February 2005 - 08:44 AM in Mega Mod Help

jcompton, you do realize he basicly done right?

#187652 The BGT Tutu discussion

Posted by Offkorn on 11 February 2005 - 03:30 AM in Mega Mod Help

Someone earlier mentioned the size difference, about how Tutu is a MUCH smaller file the BGT. And this is true, but it goes the opposite way as well.

Once you install BGT you can delete BG1, while once you install Tutu, you're still stuck with BG1.

So I believe that BGT comes out ahead in the size argument.

#187433 The BGT Tutu discussion

Posted by Offkorn on 10 February 2005 - 07:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

As I said in the other thread:

I personaly enjoy being able to start a new game of bg1, bg2, or tob at any time I want. I severly dislike the hassle of installing/uninstalling various mods in order to switch between games.

As for the "why don't you just set up numerous installs" solution: I have no desire to take up several GB of space for something that isn't nessisary.

And that is why I find BGT to be superior to Tutu.

#187393 BGT-WeiDU

Posted by Offkorn on 10 February 2005 - 01:41 AM in Mega Mod Help

Sim, now you're just being rude. Just because you believe something is better, doesn't mean it is.

If Ascension wants to weidu BGT that's his choice and one a great many people are happy about. If you don't agree with that, that's fine, but there is no need to go ranting and raving about it.

#187134 BGT-WeiDU

Posted by Offkorn on 08 February 2005 - 12:05 PM in Mega Mod Help

The two games stand better on their own than they do when mashed together with a mediochre-quality transition.

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Somehow I think the whole uninstalling/installing/uninstalling would get incredibly tedious after a short while.

That's the whole reason I deleted it and got the bp-bgt-nej mod, I had no desire to go uninstalling things whenever I felt like playing SOA, or installing them again when I wanted to start from the beggining.

#187118 BGT-WeiDU

Posted by Offkorn on 08 February 2005 - 09:51 AM in Mega Mod Help

If that's all it does, why can't you start a new BG2 game with it installed?

Because the New Game button takes you to BG1. Prior to the fixpack, you could install Tutu and start a new game in ToB. You could also CLUA to SoA and sorta play that, although some things wouldn't work entirely right. The fixpack removed the option to start in ToB.

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Then the new question becomes: Why remove it?

#187098 BGT-WeiDU

Posted by Offkorn on 08 February 2005 - 08:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ah, I apologise if I sounded abrasive: I'd thought you were ignoring me. Thanks for the response.

I don't think it'd do a great deal of harm to take a quick look at Tutu, however. It's... under 1MB, I think, so even the slowest of connections should be able to grab it. To summarise, the basic situation is that Tutu places the BG1 and BG2 resources side-by-side in BG2, with little to no overlap, meaning that all you have to do is literally slap the transition on top. That wouldn't really be any harder exercise in WeiDU than converting BGT, I shouldn't imagine.

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What I'm wondering is:

If that's all it does, why can't you start a new BG2 game with it installed?

#187063 Bug List

Posted by Offkorn on 08 February 2005 - 06:13 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hehe got some more bugs :D.

Area : AR0602 (Irenicus Donjon)
Where : Prison.
Bug : Imoen has a magical items in her hands, thus she can't equip any weapon.

I think this is because she didn't open my door and that I had to teleport out to talk to her ..

Edit : Hehe .. Ilyich is no problem .. Nice turn out though ! Even though it has pretty much no impact .. it's fun :P.

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No, it shouldn't have anything to do with that. The cutscene doesn't start due to either Minsc of Jaheira being dead, it is fixed in the SBT. I've had to teleport out numerous times before it was fixed, never had the magic weapon issue.

Area : AR0602 (Irenicus Donjon)
Where : Central Sewer Unit
Bug : Creature AI. After a while the of hiding, shooting, casting, from the door (so I don't get hit) the get stuck in the wall. I sent minsk to fight and they didn't do anything except trying to walk through the wall.. which they couldn't do. It's like they're action is not reseted on the get hit trigger. This made the combat to easy :(.

I think this is it .. for now  :devil: .

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Yeah, that will happen at various times throughout the game, some wierd ai issue.

#186732 Multiplayer is F****D

Posted by Offkorn on 06 February 2005 - 05:55 PM in Mega Mod Help

Level 50 spells are NOT part of BP.

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Well, that's not what it says on the compatability page: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=10926

"**Spell-Related Mods**
Spell-50 - I - a version included
Narm's Cloud Mod - ?
King Dutka's Disarm Trap Spell - C
Mana-based Spell System - N "

#186724 What mod should go first?

Posted by Offkorn on 06 February 2005 - 04:33 PM in Mega Mod Help

Um...but it says "each number is equal to its double".

That would imply that double -ab would equal -b^2.

Which makes no sense since if you double a negative number you get a positive, not another negative.

Which is why I said it should be -ab = b^2.

Unless of course this formula uses some completely different system that I'm just not seeing right now.

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Err... ab = a * b, a^2 = a * a and b^2 = b * b, where * is multiplication. And doubling a negative number leaves it negative. BTW, -b^2 = - ( b * b ), not ( - b ) * ( - b ).

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Hmm...It seems I was getting all confused. Ah well, makes sense now.

#186723 Multiplayer is F****D

Posted by Offkorn on 06 February 2005 - 04:30 PM in Mega Mod Help

Added on to that is just the weimer mods - Ease of use, Item Upgrade, level 50 spells, and Underrepresented items mod.

Thats all, beside the 3.13 patch and the S and H patch's....

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Why level 50 spells? It says somewhere that a version of this is already included in the bp-bgt-nej mod.

#186713 What mod should go first?

Posted by Offkorn on 06 February 2005 - 03:08 PM in Mega Mod Help

Quick Question the bigg:

In your quote you have "- ab = - b^2"

Wouldn't it be: - ab = b^2

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No, since I start from ab = b^2, then I multiply both sides of the equation by -1.
The trick isn't there   :whistling:

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Um...but it says "each number is equal to its double".

That would imply that double -ab would equal -b^2.

Which makes no sense since if you double a negative number you get a positive, not another negative.

Which is why I said it should be -ab = b^2.

Unless of course this formula uses some completely different system that I'm just not seeing right now.

#186692 What mod should go first?

Posted by Offkorn on 06 February 2005 - 12:02 PM in Mega Mod Help

Quick Question the bigg:

In your quote you have "- ab = - b^2"

Wouldn't it be: - ab = b^2

#186609 Bug List

Posted by Offkorn on 05 February 2005 - 09:43 PM in Mega Mod Help

Area : 0602 (Ironicus's Donjon)
Where : Prison.
Bug : Sometimes no animation is started. My character is animated as if he is getting a beating from Irenicus, but there is no one to be found. Then my character get's up, and waits for Imoen. I had to ctrl-J myself out of the prison. Once I went to talk to Imoen (who seemed jammed in a corner), everything was ok.

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Did you kill Jaheira or Minsc in BG1?

If so, thats what's stopping the cutcene, the SBT fixes this.

#186605 problem with containers

Posted by Offkorn on 05 February 2005 - 08:30 PM in Mega Mod Help

Setting it to bottomless isn't the problem, filling it is.  3000 arrows or gems are going to cause a problem with your game.  The reason why everyone assumes it is the container is because they become pack rats and keep stuffing things into the containers.  Just keep 100 or less items in each container and see if the problem goes away.  Remember that you can stick items into other containers in areas (like chests and drawers) and the item will still be there when you come back.  You don't have to carry everything.

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If it's not bottomless then your right. But when I made the Bag of Holding bottomless, just carring it caused lag.

Not with the normal game mind you, just with the bp-bgt-nej mod.

#186472 What mod should go first?

Posted by Offkorn on 05 February 2005 - 06:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

Use a download accelerator.

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When I can normaly download files at 40-100 kb/s? I severly doubt it will help when its at about 1-5% normal speed.

I got the files, it just took 27ish hours for each one instead of the 2-3 it would have normally taken.

Some people can't leave their cpu's on that long.

#186471 problem with containers

Posted by Offkorn on 05 February 2005 - 05:58 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm having some problems concerning ANY container that I pick-up. As soon as I pick one up, the game starts to lag badly, very badly. This problem doesn't occur when I have only BG2 installed. Also, my containers are completly empty and I only have BP-BGT-NEJ installed (I didn't install the ease-of-use and Item upgrade). This problem was also happening when I had only BP installed. I don't really care if I can't have containers, it's only that I'll have to store my stuff in different chests everywhere.

BTW, thanks to everyone who devoted themselves to accomplishing such a collossal project. Playing this game was fun with the original version, but now, its incredibly better.

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It happens if any bag has been set to bottomless. The more you put in it, the worse it becomes.

#186333 Seeking a bit of install help for a confused noob.

Posted by Offkorn on 04 February 2005 - 02:37 PM in Mega Mod Help

Another thing it could be: did you make sure to run the setup for the 313 patch before installing, quiting out of it, and deleteing your weidu.log file?

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No, hlidskialf's instructions didn't mention that. I'll give it a shot, thanks.

Any other suggestions are still welcome though.

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Check Shadowtech's quide. That's the one I used and it worked on the first try.

#186312 Seeking a bit of install help for a confused noob.

Posted by Offkorn on 04 February 2005 - 01:28 PM in Mega Mod Help

Have you ran and configured BG1 before installing?

Also, have you installed the bp-bgt-nej 313 patch after the main install? And the S and H patch version 6?

Another thing it could be: did you make sure to run the setup for the 313 patch before installing, quiting out of it, and deleteing your weidu.log file?

#185975 Better Transition for BP-BGT-NeJ

Posted by Offkorn on 03 February 2005 - 09:07 AM in Mega Mod Help

*Bangs head against wall repeatedly*

3 mods, any order. BP. Whatever else you want to risk installing.

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I thought it looked odd, the "BP will go first, as always" part was rather confusing.

#185960 Better Transition for BP-BGT-NeJ

Posted by Offkorn on 03 February 2005 - 08:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

BP will go first, as always. The three mods in weidu form---TS ONLY with my new .tp2 file, which IS NOT released--it will be released inside of the BP package.
Then, the new BP.

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The old BP, then TDD, SOS, TS (with your file), then the new BP, then BGT.

I assumed installing BGT over the weidu'd mods would completely wreck them, guess not.

#185928 What mod should go first?

Posted by Offkorn on 03 February 2005 - 06:03 AM in Mega Mod Help

Oh, filesize (packaged) for TDD is 106,885,327 bytes. For SoS: 100,509,091 bytes. WinRar extractors, cased in a zip--aka my standard procedure. Extract to your game folder.

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Horred, why do you dislike Fileplanet so much? Sure it may take a few weeks for the files to get posted, but at least they have resonable downloading speeds.

1.28 kb a second on a cable modem is insane.